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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9250779 No.9250779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Its that time again! Post whats on your mind.

>> No.9250781

I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.9250788

I like dicks.

>> No.9250791

I like male 3DPD and hate type-moon (Except Archer and Sakura)

>> No.9250794

I'll learn _____ over the summer.

>> No.9250796

what's on my mind right now :
200 cards awaiting me on anki.
fuck you anki, I thought we were friends.

>> No.9250799

I hate 4chan.

>> No.9250822

I wish I could be in Gensokyo without having to open painful portal.

>> No.9250829
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My friend sitting next to me on his laptop playing dota2.
I really want to put my head in between his legs.

I would do almost anything to get a sniff of his crotch, if all goes to plan i will try to sniff his cock when he falls asleep. I missed my chance last night, it wont happen again

>> No.9250840

his crotch probably smells like yours dude

>> No.9250846

shit just got real

>> No.9250863

Someone just made a thread about dota>>9250817


>> No.9250877

I told my online friend I used to browse CP, but now I'm only into loli.

I think he hates me now.

>> No.9250870

I regularly hang out with black people, and am even considered somewhat of an "uh-oh oreo" (white on outside, black on inside) but I don't even act like a wigger or anything

all you have to do is be knowledgeable to black culture and they will immediately accept you as one of their own, it's easy really

>> No.9250871

I hate 2hu and I don't want to be the little girl and I don't want to suck your dick

Other than that, we cool

>> No.9250880

This downtime is going to be the best thing ever. I love it when I lose internet, because I'm forced to be productive (or at least, as productive as I can be).

Unfortunately I'll probably just sit here refreshing the page like the faggot I am.

>> No.9250888
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Black people scare me.

>> No.9250890

bumping for your friend to see
Fight the homos.

>> No.9250895

If I ever became the little girl I know I'd be a bigger slut than Aya, Sanae and Sakura combined. I am unworthy...

>> No.9250906
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I hate people that are easily offended, and I especially hate people that are constantly crying about sexism and/or racism.

>> No.9250897

i don't give two fucks about 2hu, i came here for VN threads and stayed untill there was nothing but 2hu left. i do play the 2hu games, but i don't care that much and i only can into canon content.
i'm mostly posting here because 4chan is the only place where i feel safe and this is paradoxically probably the sanest board.

>> No.9250918

As someone who fucking adores STG games I wish /jp/ talked about ones other than touhou more often

I know we have STG general but it's mostly just 2hu

>> No.9250912


>> No.9250919
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I hope so. Im still a little worried he may wake up like last night, he is a light sleeper.

But i hope to be able to sneak into a position near the sofa that would let me put my head directly next to his cock without waking him

>> No.9250920

It's three of us now.

>> No.9250923
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I hope the it never comes back.

>> No.9250926

I don't like dicks or boys.

I'm just lonely.

>> No.9250932

I started trolling on Gaia recently and it's not even fun. It's like when you're at the end of a game and you go back to the first level and can kill anything in one hit.

>> No.9250944

I'm a secondary

>> No.9250953

every time I order pizza the same girl Megan delivers it and the first few times she was really flirty like "oh hey, you again!" and she always gives me a smile and stares me in the eyes when she orders it but it makes me feel awkward

>> No.9250969

she wants to fuck

>> No.9250968

You're in good company, don't worry.

>> No.9251065

I am frustrated right now because I have to work in the morning,I have class tomorrow & I should have been studying for a few hours now.4chan is to shut down in 20 so I will get some work done then which makes me little less sad/upset.All the girls on my side of town are cock tease but I guess it doesnt matter since I am pretty much talking to my Chinese friend who's a girl & whom I have a relationship with thats similar to Ties & Soras from Digimon. I hope she doesnt have any huge selfworth issues so she doesn't put me in situation that will make me choose between her or my morals.I want to dig up some indian artifacts but my friends keep pussying out for some reason.
Summer's getting lame due to school which means that it's coming first before weight lifting, which in turn pisses me off.Money is so tight these days.Im trying to do what I love in life & be happy @ the same time.I want to work in Hollywood.I still miss a girl I fell in love with in the past even though I have met & been with other girls.I want to study abroad but money's tight.I will have to choose to either join the military as a ranked officer where I can either choose to move to China or somehow convince the military to send me to Brazilian Embassy to work at the American Base but they want me more at China or to continue pursuing a carrier that is murky in as to where it will lead me.Sometimes I wonder if /jp/ really likes me. Everyone has seemed to like me and talk to me here a lot in the past 3 years here now.
I really love everyone at /jp/ as human beings and enjoy their 4chan friendship, but I wish that one /jp/er would stop asking if he can have sex or suck my cock I'm not gay or by.I just read that >>9250829
wants to seduce his friends crotch and I think he is going end up really sad/lonely if he tries to

>> No.9251070


>> No.9251074

i'm a weakling ;_;

>> No.9251078

I hope you give her exact change

>> No.9251089
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I really wish /jp/ were my friends. I could identify myself but then everyone will hate me and I can't handle that.

>> No.9251093

I tip her 3 dollars every time

>> No.9251101

I want to get an escort but none of them accept texts and I'm too scared to talk to them on the phone

>> No.9251112

then leave nerd

>> No.9251103

After seeing this thread I realized, I'm not fit for the new /jp/ anymore. Faggots pretending to be ronrey and shit. Removing /jp/ from bookmarks. Bye.

>> No.9251120

My favorite touhou is worst touhou ;-;

>> No.9251126

I'm in love with /jp/ please go out with me

>> No.9251134

I stayed on /a/ after the split and only switched over to /jp/ when /a/ turned into complete shit about 8 month ago, my only regret is not doing so sooner.

>> No.9251132

Do you have an income that you make on your own? Do you at least get out once in a while? Do you have a place to hide all of your Otaku goods?

Just ask her out if all of your answers are yes.
She might be playing the pitty card to you or she's a slut IF she's attractive.
Bitches & Whores
Bitches ain't shit but Hoes and Tricks

Just fuckin go for it

>> No.9251146


I love you, anon. ;_;

>> No.9251148

Why would people pretend to be ronery to fit in?
If anything people would pretend to be not ronery and perfectly content with their neetdom to fit into /jp/

>> No.9251145

You could always bring up the STG you want to talk about.
Or you could take it to /v/ or /vg/, but that might have mixed results.

>> No.9251152

I'm a psychopath who is constantly thinking about murder.

Good thing I've always been sane enough to stop myself. That most likely won't change within the next couple years, unless provoked.

>> No.9251153

I'm in the military and I feel like a N3RDL0RD trying to hit on the goddamn pizza girl

she is cute though, not sexy

>> No.9251157

I went on /a/ a couple times for a few hours at a time in the past two or three months, and it's a LOT better than I remember it being all those years ago.

It's still too fast for my tastes and I have to hide 90% of the threads because I don't give a fuck about them, but it's not bad at all.

Better than current /jp/ at the very least.

>> No.9251173

I am actually a very normal person.
I have two facebook accounts. One is my real facebook account with hundreds of friends and the other is my weeaboo one with an japan username.
I am not even close to being a NEET.
I study accounting at a world class university.
Not just study, I am one of my university organization's active staff.
Go ahead /jp/, tell me to get out.
I will never leave anyway.

>> No.9251166

Lately, it seems a lot of people are pretending, and telling lies on an anonymous image board. These are the sort of people I can't stand.

>> No.9251172
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I wish I were a cute little girl, or a muscular beautiful woman.

>> No.9251188

Me too
I'm lying

>> No.9251176

Looking at figurines I own make me happy...
Buying manga makes me happy...
Touhou makes me happy...
I am not alone...
Cirno and Konata are tied for Waifu status....

>> No.9251186

Do you mean your real name or Trip name?
Plenty of us have trip names.
I feel like no one from /jp/ would try to hack you or anything, but somehow an outsider would get your info and fuck with you


We all really want to meet up with each other in our hearts, but we all are scared to; that's really why we post >/jp/ meet up
We think we'll get raped or murdered or kidnapped or hacked or even worse make contact with others outside our circle (Not all of us, but most.)

>> No.9251202

You forgot that you're a raging faggot, but it's ok there are enough cocks to go around.

>> No.9251216

I beg to difer.
/a/ right now is filled with discussion of the show who aren't currently airing, general threads, waifu bullshite about lifting weigh. That and horrible thread brought by /v/ who have nothing to do with anime or manga.
Not even 10% of the threads are actual discussion on currently airing anime.

Maybe /jp/ appeals more to me because it still have that novelty flavor that is long gone, but even that aside, the general atmosphere and posting behavious is of much better quality than /a/'s.

>> No.9251220


>> No.9251364

Maybe that's because currently airing anime is shit and they'd rather discuss the good stuff.
