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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9250963 No.9250963[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this light novel character so perfect?

>> No.9250977
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>> No.9250975
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Niku Niku

>> No.9250987

Only if you suck my cock, Niku.

>> No.9250988

How are the light novels? Are they funny or is it more haremesque?

>> No.9250991

Because they needed a way to prove that Yozora was better than perfection.

>> No.9250997
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Stupid sexy Niku.
Only good for putting cock inside

>> No.9251014

dat ass

>> No.9251196 [DELETED] 


( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z"! Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9251204

It's because they're cousins.

>> No.9251201

Is the protagonist as homosexual in the novels as he was in the anime?

>> No.9251230

I don't really like breasts, especially large ones. I would still fuck the shit out of Sena.

>> No.9251464
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>> No.9251497
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>> No.9251510

awww shit nigger, is this for real?

>> No.9251522

Please respond

>> No.9251548
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>> No.9251570

Well, thanks to that I know what I'll be doing for the downtime.

>> No.9251579

Watching/reading haganai?

>> No.9251769

That was the idea, but estimated completion time is in 4 hours. I guess I'll be reading it instead, then.

>> No.9252055
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>> No.9252062

Time to browse the nipple slip tag.

>> No.9252131
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Sena is as cute as she is beautiful.

>> No.9252133
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>> No.9252142
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>> No.9252376
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The light novels are funnier and Kodaka has more character, much better than the anime.

>> No.9252379

>much better than the anime.
That's not saying much.

>> No.9252410
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>*2, *91,267 *91,267 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, Vol. 8

>> No.9252439

They're all horribly annoying 3dlike bitches if the manga is anything to go by.

>> No.9252449
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Meat has a pretty smile but its got nothing on Saten's smile. Saten's smile heals your soul.

>> No.9252492

saten a shit

>> No.9252501
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>> No.9252506

You can judge a person by how he treats his subordinates.
And this girl is a bitch that will not hesitate to treat you like the other guys who admire her once something new catches her fancy.

>> No.9252508

Will she make me lick her feet?

>> No.9252517

It's funny because she looks exactly like a prototype of the typical junior high slut extraordinaire. Doesn't this bother you at all? I'm not saying this to mock anyone's taste, I'm just a little amazed.

>> No.9252520

It seems like everytime I go on /jp/ there's this meat thread up. What kind of faggot do you have to be to be curious about when people and how much like disgusting boring character?

>> No.9252532

>she looks exactly like a prototype of the typical junior high slut extraordinaire.
Why? Because she is physically attractive?

>> No.9252560


It's just like the first panel of this comic. They see all the signs of a typical 3DPD slut (trampling down on others and being vain) but everything is forgiven because she's suddenly into anime/VNs and their dick. The extraordinary transformation here just boggles the mind. It's like harsh reality ended right in ep 1 and someone makes a wish on a genie, and the typical 3DPD slut via anime magic turns into an otaku's tailor-made ideal partner. Yeah, we all know deep down those sluts you see in high school are just misunderstood and they actually love watching chinese cartoons with you.

I want to puke.

>> No.9252568

What a weirdo.

>> No.9252563

No, 2D is almost always very attractive. It must be the hair, the way she carries herself and how she acts. She's realistic in an unpleasant way.

>> No.9252572

Get a load of this nerd

>> No.9252574

Sena is a virgin who has never dated a dude in her life. I don't see how any of this 'looks like a slut' etc applies to her.

>> No.9252585

Watch how she treats the guys who admire her and leads them on.

It is exactly like watching fools in high school chasing after a bimbo.

>> No.9252590
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You need to read past the first few chapters of the manga and LN to understand why people like Sena, she acts mightier-than-thou early on, but really she just wants to be a normal girl with normal friends, but she can't because of her status at the school. She's a really nice person anyway and does nice things for the other characters later on in the story. I like her because of that mostly, the fact she enjoys VNs and games are a bonus.

>> No.9252591

Yeah, and this. I watched only one or two episodes so I couldn't really remember what was going on.

>> No.9252592

Sena enjoying moe indicates fundamental differences between her and a 3D;PD bitch. Also your righteous indignation over people enjoying likeable things that you're too full of yourself to appreciate is the truly sickening thing here.

>> No.9252595

But that is those loser guy's fault not Sena's. And regardless, Sena isn't a real girl nor is she like one, and I am projecting myself onto the protag, not the mob characters.

>> No.9252603

>but she can't because of her status at the school
Of course she could. If I thought like that I would probably be in da club getting my dick wet.

>> No.9252630

The fault lies with her for not rejecting them properly and treating them with respect. That's what bimbos in high school do, they lead the guys on indefinitely. Why they do that is something I do not profess to fathom.


It's amazing how you guys keep trying to overlook the main point: that it is too obvious what kind of real-life archetype this girl is based on, and what the author did here to that archetype. You wouldn't see any girls with a semblance of self-respect lead a bunch of guys fawning over her around, or trample over them. And now we're shown that girl is actually a good girl and compatible with your hobbies. The disparity is jarring and the wish-fulfillment tendencies here challenge the suspension of disbelief. It's like watching a princess telling dirty peasants to eat mud one second and in the next scene she's like crying over the welfare of her people.

>> No.9252637

I think you worry too much about the real world.

>> No.9252647
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>> No.9252652

>The fault lies with her for not rejecting them properly and treating them with respect.
They shouldn't be expecting anything in the first place. And who cares? It's not real. Did you have a bad experience perhaps and now you are projecting?

>> No.9252658

Because you're the one that asked for the reason of the comparison.

>> No.9252662

It's amazing how you keep trying to overlook that IT'S 2D NOT FUCKING REAL-LIFE. Any 2D girl would be shit in 3D because 3D is shit, and lots of shitty 3D things can be made good by 2D. That's the way dimensions work.

Uh oh, next you might even call it "pandering" because god forbid people watch things that are meant to be enjoyed by their demographic.

>> No.9252661

I don't recall asking for anything.

>> No.9252668

Real world is everywhere. With this show, it's being pushed to your face repeatedly with great vigor.
>not real
It's very close. Are you sure that you're not the ones with bad experiences?

>> No.9252676

>It's very close.
Nah, not really. It's an entire dimension apart.
>Are you sure that you're not the ones with bad experiences?
I'm not the one that thinks she 'looks like a slut' simply because dumb guys act like dumb guys around her.

>> No.9252677


See >>9252574

Welp. "We're talking about fiction here, so obviously no logic can apply and you can't complain about anything."

See the analogy I made in >>9252630 . Whether the story is in 2D, 3D or 1D, you can agree that if the princess does that, the story immediately becomes dumb. You can not connect with that princess character.

>> No.9252680

>I don't see how any of this 'looks like a slut' etc applies to her.
If you don't see how that line invites explanation then it's obvious why you can't understand something so simple. You're mentally lacking.

>> No.9252682
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>> No.9252690

I disagree.

>> No.9252694

An open statement that allows for replies is different than me going straight out and asking for the reason behind the comparison. If someone said, "Sena is ugly!" and I said "No, I don't see how she is ugly." people could feel free to reply to that and explain why they think she is. But don't go and pretend like I was asking for you to tell me, when I was doing little more than stating what I think.

And let's try to refrain from insults, we're better than that I would hope.

>> No.9252696

That's a false analogy so no point addressing it, and if you don't realize there are differences between dimensions you're a fucking moron.

>> No.9252698
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Too many bullies.

>> No.9252700
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>> No.9252702

>because dumb guys act like dumb guys around her.
Well, by this same line of reasoning the high school bimbos (who almost always put on an innocent act) become blameless. Nope. There is more than enough blame in the world, and while the guys are at fault, the bimbo in question is also at fault. Self-respecting girls respect the feelings of others, even if they are dumb. Pretending your (in)actions do not hurt others when they do is sociopathic.

Oh, so now you want it to be called "provoking others into elaborating their statements" instead of "asking others to elaborate their statements". Or maybe the social etiquette was to ignore you and that's what you'd prefer?

Actually you're too moronic to understand the point of the analogy: that jarring disparity in a character's behavior challenges the suspension of disbelief, no matter the dimensions.

>> No.9252713

Firstly I'm not the guy you were talking with, but I think you're wrong about this. It wasn't an insult, I meant it honestly. You've shown an obvious tendency of being unable to read a little more deeply into things. Inviting a reply and then answering said reply with what is essentially "I don't care because I like it and my opinion is all that matters why did you reply?" isn't something you should do.

Her being that way is just because the writer had to appeal to his audience.

>> No.9252746

>by this same line of reasoning the high school bimbos (who almost always put on an innocent act) become blameless
Why shouldn't they be blameless? It's not their fault they are attractive. And it's not like Sena has ever actually done anything with a guy, unlike some high school 'bimbos', so they have no reason to expect anything from her.

>Inviting a reply and then answering said reply
"inviting" a discussion and then partaking in said discussion is not the same as me asking for someone to explain something to me. Why you are even taking contention with such a trivial thing, especially considering you admit you are a different person, is beyond me.

>answering said reply with what is essentially "I don't care because I like it and my opinion is all that matters why did you reply?"
I didn't say anything like this, friend. Way to over exaggerate. I said "They shouldn't be expecting anything in the first place." which is my reply on his stance that she is bad for "leading the guys on".

>> No.9252777

You walk into a gay bar and talk with some gay people, and somewhere during the conversation about when people become gay you say "I don't understand where people get the idea that they can be born gay". Clearly you weren't expecting a reply, you were just voicing your opinion. There's no reason why anyone should read that as you partaking in the discussion.

That kind of reasoning is why I say you seem to be unable to read more deeply into things. You can't even understand why your words implied that a reply was expected. That's also likely why you can't understand where anyone would come up with "Sena looks like a slut".

>I didn't say anything like this, friend. Way to over exaggerate.

On the contrary, let's look at what you said. You were replying to someone explaining why people would think she looks like a slut. You said, in order:

>They shouldn't be expecting anything in the first place.
But does this matter when the topic is why people would see her as a slut? You're not even interested in the discussion.

>And who cares? It's not real.
Read: I don't care, I never did/my opinion is all that matters.

>Did you have a bad experience perhaps and now you are projecting?
Read: why did you reply? I never asked for a reply...

>> No.9252816

>You walk into a gay bar and talk with some gay people
Is this supposed to be a joke of an analogy? I didn't realise I was posting in a thread full of people that think Sena is similar to '3D sluts'. In any case...

>Clearly you weren't expecting a reply, you were just voicing your opinion.
Whether I was expecting a reply in the post I made is irrelevant. I could make a post that says, "I dislike Sena", and expect someone will probably reply to it. That doesn't mean I have a commitment to carry on the discussion, nor does it mean I was asking why people like her.

If I, in your example, really wanted to know and have a discussion on why people thought that you can be born gay, why would I not simply ask that? Leaving yourself open for discussion and specifically trying to start one is quite different, in terms of commitment expected from the person that started it.

>But does this matter when the topic is why people would see her as a slut?
It matters when his reasoning behind her being seen as a slut is the fact she supposedly leads guys on.

>Read: I don't care, I never did/my opinion is all that matters.
Read: Why do you care? It's 2D, not 3D.

>Read: why did you reply? I never asked for a reply...
Read: Is this the ultimate cause of your seeing Sena as a slut?

>> No.9252860

>I could make a post that says, "I dislike Sena", and expect someone will probably reply to it. That doesn't mean I have a commitment to carry on the discussion, nor does it mean I was asking why people like her.
You're blind. The analogy is pretty much what happened. You came into a /jp/ thread and replied to someone who said that Sena looked like a slut with "I don't see how...". Now if you had said that in an empty room then certainly you were saying it without expecting a reply. If you said it without replying to anyone then maybe you have a point. But here you have nothing except your intention. All I'm saying is that your words implied you wanted a response. I'm not saying that you wanted a response. Not being able to understand why they implied it shows a limited mind.

>It matters when his reasoning behind her being seen as a slut is the fact she supposedly leads guys on.
But you haven't said anything about her not leading on guys, you just said that the guys were stupid to be led along. The problem was "why would anyone think she looks like a slut". The reason was handed to you and you waved it away with something irrelevant. Then when that's pointed out to you you say you didn't ask for a reason.

>Read: Why do you care? It's 2D, not 3D.
I don't really care. Honestly I'm just trying to show you why you're wrong, so you can better yourself. I did react a bit strongly though, sorry about that.

>> No.9253364
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>> No.9253428
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>> No.9253441
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>> No.9253546

I'm here to save Sena pictures, she's so beautiful and nice, but doesn't have the social skills to make friends. I like her a lot

>> No.9256784
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>> No.9256803

why is lipstick so hot

>> No.9257302
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>> No.9257861
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Describe a perfect night with Sena.

>> No.9257918

She's probably into being dominated like all sluts.

I think the black haired one is prettier.

>> No.9258237
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>> No.9258254
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She is called Meat for a reason.

>> No.9258356
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