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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9364143 No.9364143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Could this be the start of a new epik meme?
>btw im a girl
>"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be retarded will eventually be flooded by actual retards who think they're in good company."

Am I the only one that gets really happy when /v/ and the other boards use /jp/ memes?

>> No.9364148


>> No.9364152


>> No.9364153

>btw im a girl started on /fit/, it's been filtered there for months because some retard posted it in every single thread.
I'm actually convinced the same guy came here when he couldn't post it there anymore.

>> No.9364154

I bet one of those posts is from our board police, he sure likes to hang around /v/ a lot.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364160

He sounds handsome and talented, I wish I could be more like him

>> No.9364173
File: 208 KB, 800x1004, Frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ and /m/ now love LoGH.

Thanks /jp/

>> No.9364177

So, does this mean we can get the other boards hooked on little girls?

>> No.9364178


Yeah, I just love the dude, just look at him go.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364181

Them nerds love us.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364182



N-No thank you!!

>> No.9364188

Tell the spic to archive the shit boards then, I can't do anything about it. But he is too busy with /a/ so I doubt he will care.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364197

What are you going to do when you finally get tired of doing that? Are you going to look back on your gimmick shitposts and reminisce?

>> No.9364203

I have already won, NSJ.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364201

Why were you on /v/?

>> No.9364204

Why aren't you on /v/, dude?

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364210

>/jp/ memes?

Please don't tell me you actually think most of our memes are exclusive or original to /jp/. Maybe years ago. Now it's just shit someone picked up somewhere else and spammed on /jp/. I always assume our memes are from other boards now unless the /jp/ origin is obvious.

>> No.9364216

What do you think about please respond?
/jp/ is the only boards with those pictures.

Who are you quoting already spread to all boards.
Which x would you y is another one of those have seen widespread use elsewhere.

>> No.9364226

owned and buttangery = best ruined meme

>> No.9364229

>What do you think about please respond?
I think /v/ started that, and some /jp/ aspernaut gave them images. Soft of like "morning already" ended up being used for"do you even lift"

>> No.9364233

I'm kind of glad, simply because it proves that those people visit /jp/ regularly, vindicating the hypothesis that they're responsible for its decrease in quality.

Also, wait, if any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be retarded will eventually be flooded by actual retards who think they're in good company, then will any community pretending to be girls eventually be flooded by actual girls who think they're in good company?

>> No.9364238

This wouldn't have happened if NSJ and board police just took it easy. Now we can't have that much threads anymore since they don't think it's otaku related, unless it's some r9k crap which is somehow fine.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364240

Yes you are. The fact you even visit /v/ is proof enough you don't belong here.

>> No.9364241

>then will any community pretending to be girls eventually be flooded by actual girls who think they're in good company?
Who do you think are making all the Vocaloid, kigurumi, And cosplay threads?

>> No.9364242

I don't know about /v/, but I always saw "please respond" as an extension of the earlier fad of posting "Bump" in unreplied-to threads that were made mere minutes ago.

>> No.9364243


True otaku culture is shameful and embarrassing. Fumo threads and their ilk kept the ``cool'' people away.

>> No.9364244

>btw, I am a girl.
I am pretty sure you will be tipped off by this.

>> No.9364246

/v/ started "please respond". It was yet another epic video-games related thread where a guy asked for help in chatting with a girl on facebook.

>> No.9364248

When will /jp/ come to terms that they and /v/ have the same userbase?

>> No.9364249

It makes me sad because I realize that many people shit up /jp/ unironically and they probally think it's an epic win so they'll post on their facebook how they owned /jp/

>> No.9364253

But I don't think those are actually girls... Yet.

>> No.9364255

So is this confirmation ironic shitposting isn't ironic at all and that it's perpertrators work as hard as they can in order to force their shitty memes on /jp/ just so they can then use them on their home boards and claim them as official /jp/ "memes" that everyone in the board uses?

>> No.9364258

What a shame. Oh well, no one really knows the subject of this board anymore. Even NSJ doesn't.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364260

But that's not true. Half of /jp/'s userbase is from /a/.

>> No.9364266

Which in turn is nothing but /v/tards.

I was lurking the summer cup thread made on /jp/ the other day. The ammount of buzzwords used was astonishing. Greentexting, "based", "you mad"... Can't these people speak normally anymore?

>> No.9364273

/jp/ doesnt care about the cup though.

>> No.9364288

>Can't these people speak normally anymore?
This bothers me because the rest of the internet has also adopted the type like a retard style.
You cant go anywhere without seeing memes greentexts and idiots in general.

>> No.9364290

I know, I didn't watch it either. I was just checking how they behave without the bother of going to their boards. Also to check how they deal with /jp/'s hostility.

>> No.9364291

/a/ can't speak normally either, half their posts are


>> No.9364297

/v/ - buzzwords

I like the "0 replies" variants. I think the pictures themselves are really cute with the text on them.

I don't like how they sort of perpetuate that
thing people like to do with threads all across the internet.

>> No.9364299

I heard the guys in charge are actually making money off it, so they have become even more despicable in my eyes.

>> No.9364311


Board police dude is so cool.

There he goes again.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364320 [DELETED] 

No, it's the other way round.
They see the meme mentioned in 1 or 2 threads on some board and then force it on /jp/ because....
Well some people just want to watch thttp://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_VuudE45wrB65JeO5JvoaYVQ-XQvgTKKjTue5kLm0ccyLZGxmL
tNPHTZ19Xwq_d2q0DyHf5ZOaHNicD4he world burn

>> No.9364327


( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364324

No it's the other way round.
They see the meme posted in 1 or 2 threads on some board and then spam it here because....Well some people just want to watch the world burn I guess

>> No.9364331

Why is /jp/ so hostile towards the other boards? I know it's a refugee for VN and Touhou enthusiasts that neither /a/ nor /v/ wanted, and /jp/ has a right to be angry that /v/ loves VNs and /jp/ memes now, but why is /jp/ so against any form of "fun" thing? Note I used "fun" because I don't like or care about the cup, but it seems harmless, it's not even like the cross board 4chan islands imaginary what do shitposts, but an actual thing.

>> No.9364337

Shut the fuck up and get out.

>> No.9364343

delete your post, or u will be banned. moot is my uncle and i already texted him, ur fucked.

>> No.9364346

Anyone who comes here from other boards should get out

>> No.9364347

It's just an act put up by a small number of people who think they're protecting the board.

Pretty deluded.

>> No.9364348

You dont see /jp/ going to other board making ______ asking them to have fun with /jp/
-mahjong thread
-touhou fightan

Everyone else is the like the hyper excited kid telling /jp/ about the newest cool trend in town.
It is like they want /jp/ acceptance.

>> No.9364351
File: 9 KB, 128x133, Saturn_tree.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called "trying to fit in"

>> No.9364355

But /jp/ wasn't formed in 2003.
They'd have to have come from another board.

>> No.9364356

It was harmless when it started some years ago (I forget when it was). Now it's only a vehichle to boost the popularity of undesirables like the wannabe voicewhores who latched onto it.

Take a look at what >>9364299 said. They're even making money off of it. In the end it is harmless in the sense that promotes the kind of behaviour no-one wants in the board as well as it contributes to fill some people's pockets at our expense. Something that is illegal in 4chan, but I'm guessing this is allowed because /v/ mods are all over it.

>> No.9364361

In the end it is harmful* in the sense

>> No.9364366
File: 349 KB, 1280x720, lil b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based is not a buzzword it's a lifestyle

>> No.9364367

No, some come from Youtube after seeing a cool bad apple video. Those are the guys anon wants.

>> No.9364368


Where are you fucking faggot, I have deciphered your posting style. I know you are watching this thread too, you better fucking hope that I don't contact moot because my god I will fucking kill you. You think you can actually police this board when you don't even come here often, and when you do, you just post in those crybaby neet threads. You are the reason why /jp/ is so shit.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364384

Oh god. What the fuck is this?

Thread over.

>> No.9364388



( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364389

>They're even making money off of it.
At the risk of getting 500+ replies, what's wrong with making money? If I could make money off my shitposts, I would. It's not like you're actually giving them money.

>> No.9364393

Advertising on 4chan is not allowed. If they are making money off their stream, it is against the rules to advertise it.

>> No.9364402

>Neptunia, Atelier, etc. ARE video games, and subsequently, they belong on the VIDEO GAME 4chan board.
>As they are not related to Otaku Culture, they do not belong on /jp/.

There you have it. Fucking faggot pig.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364407
File: 89 KB, 720x720, 1335375314406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no one cares about the cup here?
But i was rooting /jp/ on in that match....

>> No.9364413

>/jp/ is for general Otaku culture, the only games they discuss are Touhou and VN's.
>the only games they discuss are Touhou and VN's.
>the only games they discuss are Touhou and VN's.
>the only games they discuss are Touhou and VN's.
>the only games they discuss are Touhou and VN's.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364410

Does this guy just discuss meta shit on every board all day? Jesus christ.

>> No.9364415

Who is he trying to reveal? The janitor or zunbar?

>> No.9364426

LUElinks started it.

How fucking can /jp/ be- oh wait it's midday and summer, nevermind.

>> No.9364419

Some random anon who polices the board.

>> No.9364429

Board police. Guy who hangs around in GUST threads and fumo threads.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364445


Dude tries to police every freaking board. And NSJ lets him post all he wants.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364456



>> No.9364459

It saddens me that a fumo-loving gentleman would be this stupid.

>> No.9364480

No, he complains about them. He seriously believes that VN and touhou are the only topics /jp/ covers and anything else is off-topic.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364502

Oh. In that case fuck him. Keep up the good work, by the way.

>> No.9364505

I'll make a list of every post that fag has made on /v/, I will expose that fag for what he is. Later /jp/, I got work to do.

( ^ω^) Support Mystery Man "Z" Put this in your signature if you want to rename /jp/ to "2D/Random" (^ω^ )

>> No.9364518

The guy who suddenly decided to spam the signature stuff is some german manchild, the same guy who maintained the GUST thread, and the very same guy who gets pissed whenever somebody disrespects ZUN!bar.

Just so you know what this shit is all about.

>> No.9364519

Godspeed, you handsome avenger!

>> No.9364522




>> No.9364526

I didn't know that but, frankly, it doesn't matter to me if his reasons are petty. He is exposing a petty individual.

>> No.9364537

He is a spammer and a ban evader. This kind of perma buttdevasted scum will not get any respect from me.

>> No.9364559
File: 102 KB, 1140x741, delayclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the one thing that keeps me coming to /jp/ is the fact that there is still some semblance of the 2chan inspired humor that was around during 4chan's early years. The type of humor is different particularly on this board but with every passing day it becomes harder to discern who is ironically shitposting and who is just shitposting. Man, I miss the good old days; the site became for too big for its own good.

>> No.9364580

Shitposts are just posts you don't like anyway.
Spam is spam and should be called spam.

>> No.9364590

Shitposts are posts that don't fit in with the board, or are just full of shit.

Typically, people don't like off topic. That's why /vg/ was created, so there could be a place to discuss video games and a place to discuss shiposts by making shitposts under the facade of being video games.

>> No.9364591

Each time I return after months away from /jp/ I feel like it's even less like the home that I used to love. Don't get me wrong, /jp/ has always been shitty to some degree. But now it's overrun by retarded shitposting. Please tell me it's just the harshness of Summer at the moment.

>> No.9364594

I'm afraid this is the new trend.

I blame the Finns.

>> No.9364600

Summer is a phantom.

>> No.9364604

There is not even a single thing that /jp/ considers on topic except meta threads about how everything is shit.

>> No.9364619
File: 44 KB, 251x231, 1331370412061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/'s initial inception was probably the worst. Every hour of every day was rp threads and 2hu vs. 2ype m00n. After rp got b&'d there was a small lull and then the humor equilibrated to something that was a weird love child of old and new. As time goes on, however, just like any other board, the humor goes down the shitter. How can we fix something like this for the boards (not just /jp/)? I really don't know how you can fix this. Maybe more public bans? Gets mean nothing anymore so it's not like we can count on those to bring new "memes" (as forced as they are).

>> No.9364615

Yeah, like recently /jp/ all of a sudden feels like it's oversaturated with trying-too-hard irony. Doesn't help there was a thread about SA and FYAD yesterday.

>> No.9364616

But anon, /vg/ is as bad as /v/! It's just a different flavor of bad!

>> No.9364625

>Gets mean nothing anymore so it's not like we can count on those to bring new "memes"

Kill yourself.

>> No.9364631

why were you on /v/ faggot

>> No.9364635

Maybe, JUST maybe, we can stop giving a shit about memes.

>> No.9364636


at first i thought this signature shit was a joke to make people laugh

now i realize you're just butthurt that you aren't a mod


>> No.9364665

It was a joke at first. It wasn't even a signature.

But then some butthurt dude decided to counter-troll !bar by spamming this shit all over the board to prove his point.

Same thing happened with the "please respond" spam. It was fresh and fun at first, but then an autist decided to abuse it.

>> No.9364671

A joke that was still spam and deleted by the mods. So fun!

>> No.9364773

It was harmless and was never spammed. It would have died in a month or so like every other flavour of the moneth pseudo-meme.

Just because people make fun of your boyfriend for only coming to /jp/ to promote off-topic threads doesn't mean you should go on a spam crusade.

>> No.9364780


> deleted by the mods

It only started getting deleted after the german gustscum started spamming it.

>> No.9364849

>I really don't know how you can fix this
I just do what I can. Reporting any spam I come across and avoiding any shitposting even of the ironic sort. If I see a good thread, I'll at least try to contribute to it.
It's not much, but I feel it's a step in the right direction.
