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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9474112 No.9474112 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, why are you raiding us on /v/?
No one cares about your shitty drama between /a/, stop spamming our board.

>> No.9474126

I don't get it either.
Fuck off and go talk about your waifus.

>> No.9474140

Really, you don't see us spamming you and posting thread after thread about some shitty anime you don't like.
Stop annoying us with your shit and take it to /a/ if you've got a problem with them.

>> No.9474146


>> No.9474147

Should i get this game?

>> No.9474150

>implying /jp/ is not too self-absorbed to even worry about raiding other boards

>> No.9474152

See, /v/, this is why everyone hates you. I'm glad you get the taste of your own medicine.

>> No.9474153

Are you a pedo?

>> No.9474154

But you're raiding yourself, /v/.

>> No.9474156

under 10 or so, maybe.

>> No.9474158

Yes, we all know how terrible /v/ is, no need to raid us for it.
Take it to /a/ if you've got a problem with them.

>> No.9474163

Even /v/ knows how bad we are.
You raiding us is not helping.
Fuck off and go back to your waifus.

>> No.9474165
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>> No.9474167

It's /a/ though. They even admitted it a few hours ago.

>> No.9474169

All this raid stuff is making me paranoid. I can't tell who's trolling who.

>> No.9474174


>> No.9474176

That guy was from /v/!

>> No.9474181

You know we have an archive, right? Two of them in fact:

This is the first mention of this ``raid'' today. We have nothing to do with this. Go bother /a/ and delete your thread, ``please''.

>> No.9474184

I'm so confused right now.

>> No.9474185

>All these faggots saging.
The bootyrupture is strong with these autists.

>> No.9474197

Just saw this thread from /v/.

What's going on here?

>> No.9474194



>> No.9474195


I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.9474199

Go back to your waifu faggot.

>> No.9474200

sage is the root of /jp/
please educate yourselves

>> No.9474205

I have a question for you weeabos. Why do you like Japan and their people when they fucking hate you? If you don't have squint eyes then you're nothing but an outsider to them. Why respect something so much when they have more respect for shit than you?

>> No.9474211

Someone on /v/ is trying to cause a board war and he picked /jp/

It's laughable because /jp/ will not do it

>> No.9474207

>So many sages
Damn /jp/, why u so autist?

>> No.9474208
File: 115 KB, 640x427, 1343294134578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a local tradition stemming from a knowledge of that what you're posting isn't worth bumping the thread about.

>> No.9474212
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le copy paste xD

>> No.9474215

Nice 5.Check out mine

>> No.9474220


>> No.9474229


>> No.9474231
File: 21 KB, 600x399, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When /jp/ is ashes....you have my permission to die.

>> No.9474235


>> No.9474237

So really, why are you autists spamming us?
Go the fuck away.

>> No.9474255

And now /v/ is raiding /a/.
Oh god, truly this is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.9474256

That's impressive, but check out my 5

>> No.9474249


>> No.9474261

>ITT: /jp/ raiding itself

>> No.9474268

I don't understand a thing, what's going on? /jp/ doesn't have the power to raid boards, we barely have people here.

>> No.9474284

It's already been admitted in the Steam chat.
Stop trying to hide it.
If you've got a beef with /a/ shitposters on /jp/, take it to them, not to /v/.

>> No.9474292

"We" are not raiding anyone, you retards. You are raiding yourself. And now you're raiding /jp/, too. Thanks for helping, we sure had too many on-topic threads around.

As I said, this is why nobody likes you.

>> No.9474296

No one understands, they just think they do.
Or at least I think they think they do.
I'm from /tg/ and just wanted to talk about video games.
Can some one explain who's raiding who?

>> No.9474298

I don't even have steam. I don't even know what's going on either.

>> No.9474299
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1342371664956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is raiding you though, why are you lying so much? Seriously stop doing this and leave please!

>> No.9474303
File: 87 KB, 404x220, Kraid is sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great..... now we'll have angry posters from two boards.

>> No.9474308

/jp/ is spamming vidya threads with "PEDOSHIT FUCK OF /a/utists" on /v/ because /a/ shitposters are posting on /jp/ and they're trying to use /a/ as a scapegoat.

>> No.9474313

So what's your board like /jp/? Are you guys as angry as /v/?

>> No.9474317

Who killed /v/?

Who made it so furries were okay and we can't even have a loli thread anymore?

Someone must swing for this!

>> No.9474323


When did /jp/ have steam?

Steam doesn't have Touhou.

>> No.9474325

And /a/ is making moeshit game troll threads on /v/, like shitty neptunia threads.

>> No.9474327

I really don't think it's /jp/. They mostly keep to themselves and hate other boards.

>> No.9474330

fuck off pedophile

>> No.9474331

>/a/ is making vidya threads.
What's so bad about that?

>> No.9474342

Or maybe it's all /v/
``GOd this BOARD tried to ATTACK US"

>> No.9474335

You mean someone is making video game threads on /v/?
Fuck off /jp/.

>> No.9474338

/jp/ needs some new blood anyway

drawing from /v/ might be a good thing

>> No.9474340

/v/ won't allow any threads about Japanese games anymore unless it's Dark souls, solatorobo, or Mario. Any Japanese game is met with the following replies and then deleted


>> No.9474341

I just went to /v/ right now just to check on what the fuck is going on. I hadn't gone their for months, you are really delusional and acting like a child. Keep us out of your little board wards.

>> No.9474343

I don't really care for touhou.

Can I come?

It doesn't seem like you really discuss the games anyways.

>> No.9474347


You do know where you are right? You realize this is 4chan yes?

>> No.9474349


They're doing it to piss us off. Besides, most Japanese games nowadays are pretty damn shitty. No offense.

>> No.9474352

No one likes them

I don't come to this shithole normally. We don't want your waifu moeshit shit on /v/

>> No.9474354

Look, /jp/ and/or /a/, all we're saying is stop making neptunia threads on /v/ Go to /vg/, we don't want it on /v/.

>> No.9474357

>No one likes them.
So you spam them?
And you people say /jp/ is autistic.

>> No.9474359

Plenty of people like neptunia and altelier. The threads started because people wanted to discuss it but whenever they tried idiots like you spammed. Eventually trolls who don't like the games realized they could rustle /v/'s jimmies by making threads about neptunia.

And by god did it work.

>> No.9474361

It's not our, that's the point, noone but you gives a fuck about this bullshit, you're a delusional generalizing faggot, fuck off.

>> No.9474363

Yeah, something like an Atelier thread would really give everyone bad ideas. We don't want them thinking /v/ is for anything but pizza deliveries and running memes into the ground.

>> No.9474368

Woah reverse psychology man! Now I am gonna go to your shitty board and make a neptuina thread just because you said that I shouldn't.

>> No.9474374

You can't tell me what to do. I've browsed all 3 boards, /jp/, /a/, and /v/ for several years and I'm not going to stop nor am I not going to make whatever threads I feel like making. Throw your shitfit somewhere else.

>> No.9474370

I want it on /v/ and I want my weeaboo threads back as well. Seriously fuck you. I miss being able to discuss recettear and idolmaster.

>> No.9474377

/jp/ doesn't cross post, nor do they organize raids.

Stop trying to incite a board war you retard it's not going to happen with us.

>> No.9474380


>> No.9474381

Then go to /a/.

It's too much effort for /jp/ to vist another board.

>> No.9474382

/v/ isn't for your pedoshit /jp/edo

>> No.9474384
File: 25 KB, 400x430, 1337368142491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a shit, you are making a big deal out of nothing.

>> No.9474385

It's not pedo. Denmark agreed.

>> No.9474394

>People who don't want vidya on /v/.

>> No.9474387

I just want my old /v/ back.

>> No.9474388

Why can't /v/; the videogames board, talk about videogames?

>> No.9474390

>Plenty of people like neptunia and altelier
Not on /v/. The few fags who did left to /vg/ except one of you, or /a/ who keeps making them to troll.

Because the OP is always the same troll.

>> No.9474405

>I speak for an entire board with 300000+ unique posters!


>> No.9474396

The problem isn't the people making the threads, it's the people spamming them.

>> No.9474398


The fuck?

Old /v/ loved loli and other shit like that.

By kicking anime-like games out you're asking for new /v/ to stay.

Fuck you.

>> No.9474400

>No one on /v/ likes vidya.
Go fuck yourself, this is why your board is shit.

>> No.9474409
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1337509313773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it to your board, no one gives a shit.

>> No.9474412

I don't want loli out.

I want it back.

I want the furries gone. I want my recettear and idol master threads back.

I want old /v/ back.

I hate it now. I've no home. Help.

>> No.9474418

Whoops, one shit game isn't every game.

It's the consensus

>> No.9474415

A few of you faggots are nothing. Neptunia is shit, keep it off /v/ spammer.

/v/ never liked loli /b/tard pedo

>> No.9474416


If you're trying to whiteknight for some virtual girls, you're as batty as Sweden. There's no harm in Neptunia apart for being a bad game.

>> No.9474419

It's funny seeing new /v/ claiming /v/ was always LOLSORANDOMWEHATEVIDEOGAMESXD and flavor of the month shit.

>> No.9474420

>/v/ never liked loli
0/10, I don't even go there anymore and I know that's a load of shit.

>> No.9474421
File: 92 KB, 620x350, Toonami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why can't /jp/ talk about Naruto?

Why can't /a/ talk about toonami?

>> No.9474422
File: 62 KB, 189x211, 1335986465433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ board drama is not /jp/'s problem, please leave.

>> No.9474423

And apart from one samefagging flooding /v/ with threads about it.

>> No.9474424

Now /jp/ this is what we'd like you to see.

This is one

He is in every fucking Japanese game thread

he uses the same insults, same post structure, and same images. He is the most autistic man alive. He does not always spam boards but when he does, he prefers /v/.

>> No.9474427

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9474429
File: 12 KB, 251x251, 1299226877080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ get out of /jp/

>> No.9474431


You want loli back? You'd best stay here then.

>> No.9474433

>Why can't /a/ talk about Toonami
Because it would attract the faggots from /v/.
That's why no one wants you.
If people like you did not exist, you can bet your ass /a/ would talk about Toonami nonstop.

>> No.9474437

But I don't play Touhou.

>> No.9474444

Woah man. You showed me the light and now I am saved.

Wait a sec, no one gives a fuck. Back to your own board.

>> No.9474446

Just like we don't want the faggots from /a/ on /v/.

So we don't want moeshit game threads there.

>> No.9474450

>He is in every fucking Japanese game thread

Whoops samefag, 2 games aren't all of them, you have shit taste.

>> No.9474452

No one on /a/ talks about Neptunia.
You are trolling yourself and only killing your board.
And you're too autistic to see it.
Soon you won't be able to talk about any game that's not CoD because it's not "what the board wants".
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9474453

Why are you telling /jp/?

We all left /a/ back when you were in primary school.

>> No.9474447

/jp/ isn't for anime.
I think.
It's for touhou and VN, right?
And /a/ is full of elitist fucks.

>> No.9474448
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We are not responsible for his actions, nor endorse him. You should try reporting him.

>> No.9474456

You should try it, it's actually pretty fun.

>> No.9474459
File: 50 KB, 653x394, 1338099180355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And moe garbage attracts avatarfags and other shitposters from /a/ and /jp/ to /v/

/a/ and /jp/ are as bad as /v/

>> No.9474460


5! 5 threads AH AH AH AH!

>> No.9474461
File: 115 KB, 698x534, 1340660274931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, whoever you are, you aren't going to change things by throwing a fit and posting 20 threads a day. I don't know how you got it into your thick skull that this would actually accomplish anything, but it won't.

And the only person you're trolling is yourself. You get mad when even a small amount of shitposting occurs in your threads. Meanwhile the rest of us are enjoying ourselves watching you go apeshit over someone posting "should I buy it?".

>> No.9474467

I'm not a fan of bullethells and I find the games too confusing to get in on account of having no actual canon besides fan shit strewn across sites I can't read.

>> No.9474463
File: 69 KB, 860x750, mlpcy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accualy was dolan hole tiem.

>> No.9474466


>> No.9474468
File: 1.08 MB, 384x288, 1342166985303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me why i left /a/v/, i just realized how really fucking pleasant it is not seeing the idiotic generalizations, EPIX MEWMEWS, americocentrism, underagedness, normalfaggotry and assorted idiocy.
This is why /jp/ is so fucking great, there may be extreme shitposting, autism, lack of users, and mod neglect, but if this is what keeps all of that shit at bay, i'll gladly bear even more.
Please return to your respective boards and start hating on the guys who don't share your opinion, bragging about your cute gurlfriend/whyfoo and ``greentexting", just leave this place to itself.

>> No.9474472

We're all bad in our own special ways.

>> No.9474474

I don't know anything about this raid, but the fact that you would try to retaliate instead of just ignoring it shows that you're only looking for drama where there is none.

I find it hard to believe that /jp/ would or even could raid /v/. we don't go near other boards, and we don't have nearly as many posters as /v/ does.

>> No.9474483

We can't even be happy being neckbeards on /v/ anymore. You get seriously chewed out if you say you have a waifu or you don't go out on friday.

>> No.9474478

/v/ doesn't have janitors or mods

>> No.9474480
File: 41 KB, 281x432, 1336389326132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good old /a/b/v/. Even if things get bad, just remember, you aren't like these autists. They are throwing a fit over I don't even know what the fuck and they are arguing about their own problems on this board. I am gonna go to sleep, hopefully this will be gone by tomorrow.

>> No.9474482

It's about cute girls dodging hella bullets, nerd. You don't need a deep and intricate story.

>> No.9474485

/a/ shit

When does anyone report those?

3 shit games are nothing.

>> No.9474491

All the time.

>> No.9474489
File: 178 KB, 1239x795, 1326278190374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hadn't started this thread nobody on /jp/ would know shit about what was on /v/.

Follow the instructions on the picture to solve your problem.

>> No.9474493
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 1342371665037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight..

People from /v/ came here to complain because people from /a/ are posting video games on their board meant for video games?

>> No.9474494

>dat butthurt

>> No.9474498

Thanks for reminding me why I feel like leaving /jp/. This is why /jp/ is so fucking bad, because people like you post here thinking you're better than everyone from /a/v/ when you're really no different.

>> No.9474509

No, people from /v/ came here to complain because people from "/jp/" are spamming vidya threads with insults like "PEDOSHIT, WEABOO, and /a/UTIST" and someone said /jp/ is using /a/ as a scapegoat.

>> No.9474502

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9474505
File: 759 KB, 530x798, Make it Reyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't really practice what you preach, do you /jp/? Delusions of grandeur, the same thing all other boards suffer from.

>> No.9474508

You are complaining about things that are completely on topic while your board is constantly full of "Insert epic new meme" here and "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"
Seriously do you even think about what you are posting? This is just like the general shitfests all over again.

>> No.9474510

No, they came to complain because of one of the following depending which camp you come from.

1. They think /a/ is posting video games on /v/ and they want them gone
2. They think /jp/ is shitting up their weeaboo game threads and are using /a/ to scapegoat.

>> No.9474513


What's stopping you?

>> No.9474515

Actually from what I understand, someone from /jp/ or who knows where is spamming threads on /v/, and claiming it's /a/.
I think.

>> No.9474518

Two wrongs don't make a right faggot.

>> No.9474529

But it does.

>> No.9474520
File: 29 KB, 283x357, 1337096184595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being an avatarfag


>> No.9474521

I'm not quite sure.

>> No.9474522

That has nothing to do with what I said at all.

>> No.9474524


An eye for an eye.

>> No.9474527


That guy was lying.

/jp/ doesn't have steam chat.

The age of the /jp/ userbase is such that irc will be used over steam.

>> No.9474532
File: 142 KB, 413x470, 1333509023811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ here

>> No.9474533

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9474534


We get K-On threads, anime threads, etc. as well now. We get them every day several times a day. They're not vidya related and never have been, but people seem to struggle with such a basic concept.

>> No.9474535

So posting video games on /v/ is wrong?
Welp, good thing I don't visit that shit board.

>> No.9474547

Did it ever come across them that it might be just some bored dude from the board itself? I don't know why other boards are being used as scapegoat, but I gotta hand it to him, he sure managed to make a lot of underaged/college kiddies mad enough that they are going in other boards bring drama with them.

>> No.9474540


>> No.9474541 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 802x1024, e79d0a8df907797e041e80e6ec2d8bd0-802x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't convince a moderator to ban or remove them for spamming, then that's a problem between yourselves and the board janitors and moderators, isn't it?

>> No.9474543


Oh hell no. I wouldn't wish /b/ on my worst enemy. They're just so damn unoriginal nowadays.

>> No.9474544

That's not all of /a/'s shitposting

>> No.9474545

Fuck it. I don't play touhou but I'm staying here. I am not going back to that hellhole.

>> No.9474548

You are complaining about something arbitrary while your board is constantly full of things that are actually against the rules. How the fuck do any of those games, even assuming they will definitely attract avatafags and whatever else, have any notable impact on the board's quality? Do you even realize what /v/ is?

>> No.9474549


What janitors?

>> No.9474550

Since when is posting games from Japan not vidya related.
We're not even talking about the anime threads, just the vidya ones like Neptunia.
If you're too autistic to talk about vidya just because it's from a different region your board deserves it's "worst board on 4chan" mark.

>> No.9474557
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1335877029006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ur mom in bed last nite fagt

get reked


>> No.9474558

I think he might be the autist spamming the threads. Which is the main problem. Which means the people saying /v/ is raiding itself are correct.
I think.
This is too confusing.

>> No.9474552

Getting into Touhou is easy.

>> No.9474554

Flooding the board with the same threads and opening with shitposts is.

>> No.9474555

This thread sure is moving fast. I wonder how many of these posters are actually from /jp/.

>> No.9474560


>implying /v/ has any sort of moderation.

There are so many reason this board is shit and this is just the icing on the cake.

>> No.9474562

Stop encouraging these people who have no interest in Japanese media to stay here. What the fuck.

>> No.9474563


How easy? Save for playing the games I haven't a clue why people have an affinity for these characters when they hardly ever say anything.

>> No.9474565

Teach me, sir.

I can't stand /v/ anymore....If I must stay there a day more I will fucking kill myself.

>> No.9474566

The only person shitposting the threads is the faggot spamming, probably you.

>> No.9474567

It's the shitposts that attracts your minions here, then introduce it to your low quality shitposting friends.

>> No.9474570

>+ 157 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Go away, this has nothing to do with /jp/. Why are you people here?

>> No.9474572
File: 380 KB, 220x220, 1336518020164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset.

>> No.9474574

>the faggot spamming
Yeah, the faggot making neptunia threads.

>> No.9474576

/v/ has the same janitors as every other board. It's just the size of it that makes it look like they don't have any.

>> No.9474577

You can't make me leave! I WILL NOT GO BACK!

You cannot put me back into that hell!

>> No.9474578

Fuck off, your kind is not wanted here.

>> No.9474579

>u mad!?
>proving his point

What are you doing?

>> No.9474581

In terms of playing the game just download it and use the english patch if you want.

No prior knowledge is needed to play the games. Only secondaries don't play the games first.

>> No.9474582


Most of those threads didn't have one video game mentioned in them. Sorry but it doesn't count just because you happen to mention that a game of it exists. You need to actually talk about it in order for it to be vidya related.

Think about it like this, if I made an Ainsley reaction image thread, is it really okay just because some random faggot just so happened to make a fanmade game of it at some point? If you can't grasp something so simple, then I don't know what to say. Maybe you're just playing dumb.

>> No.9474583

So because someone is making more than one thread about VIDEO GAMES it's bad?
Holy shit, /v/ really is the worst board.

>> No.9474585

No. Fuck you, I won't go.

>> No.9474587

He makes them to troll.

>> No.9474590

HAHAHAHAHA, are you fucking kidding me? I'm being 10/10 trolled right now right? Right?
Holy fucking shit, did a massive drop in board quality like literally occur in this thread?
Did I just witness a new age of shit posting?
You've got to be fucking kidding me if you call those fucking points, I haven't even watched the fucking show and I know you're full of fucking shit, holy jesus fuck me Christ, I'm tempted to link this thread the 4chan IRC so they laugh at you and your assbuddy.

>> No.9474591


>> No.9474592

What are you doing? Why are you encouraging /v/ posters to stay?

>> No.9474593

Except whenever someone makes a thread they always talk about the game unless some autistic faggot starts spamming.
It doesn't matter what they start the thread with, as long as it's about the game, it is vidya-related.

>> No.9474596

Could this be the birth of an epic new meme.

>> No.9474600

They'll give up on stage one of easy modo

>> No.9474601

It is :)

>> No.9474602

I want /v/ to stay. VNs and 2hu are video games, make yourself at home.

>> No.9474603

It's funny. You shitpost on /v/ now and then and then get pissed when some of /v/ comes here and stays.

And I'm not even accusing you of the spam. But I've seen your 2am Flan threads on /v/ recently as well as the whatafuck spam and "who are you quoting".

>> No.9474604


They never talk about the game. It ends up being the typical anime image dump that always ensues.

>> No.9474606

He makes them to talk about the game.
You faggots just troll in them because you're too autistic to ignore threads about games you don't like.

>> No.9474609

The last thing we need is more 16 year olds who got into 2D through Touhou roaming around here.

>> No.9474612

Actually I've played one of the games. It wasn't hard.

Doesn't have shit on Super Ghouls n Ghosts or Castlevania 3. Also you act like you guys ever discuss touhou games. I've lurked /jp/ before. 90% of the boards are "which touhou do you think has the smelliest armpits?" whic doesn't really require knowledge of the games.

>> No.9474613

>They never talk about the game.
Stopped reading there, you clearly weren't around more than 3 months ago.
Kill yourself.

>> No.9474614


Well then how are they supposed to get into the 2d? What's considered proper?

>> No.9474615

>thinks my 2d folders don't already fill up my Harddrive

Oh you.

>> No.9474617

>But I've seen your 2am Flan threads on /v/ recently as well as the whatafuck spam and "who are you quoting".
You do realize those are very likely made by /v/ posters who decided /jp/ was cool and wanted to introduce epic /jp/ memes to /v/, right? Nobody wants you here. Please leave.

>> No.9474618

No, he remakes them when the mods delete his shitposts, remakes them in an hour if he doesn't, and usually starts off with blatant trolling. He admits to trolling in all of this threads.

>> No.9474619

Portal to Gensokyo

>> No.9474623


I'm not kidding.
I'm staying.

And you will never know.

>> No.9474625

>Implying I would want to browse reddit.
It's not even worth differentiating between /b/ and reddit.

>> No.9474626

I am legitimately curious.
How does he troll?

>> No.9474627


They always end up as mere image dumps. That's just the way it is.

>> No.9474630

I think you're just trying to figure out what makes /jp/ tick for future trolling purposes. How lame.

>> No.9474631

Why are people from other board coming here to talk about their board? This is the fastest thread here right now, please, just go away.

>> No.9474633


/v/ and reddit are the same thing.

>> No.9474635

Still nothing to say.
Good to know, I can stop replying.

>> No.9474638
File: 241 KB, 539x358, 1336930567954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hey janitor-kun why do you keep deleting this thread?
>Which one would you cuddle with?

No, shit like this has been used as OPs and are clearly not about the game

>> No.9474639

Whatever, one shitposter more, one shitposter less, who cares, he'll get bored and leave, it's a process of natural selection, only those who can take it easy surive.

┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

>> No.9474640
File: 87 KB, 600x450, 1276389631535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm miffed about it too, in that case.

>> No.9474641

I'm failing to see how image dumps are notably worse than any of the "EPICMEME" threads /v/ is plagued with.

>> No.9474642

What the board was like 3 months ago is moot to what it is now. 3 months ago /v/ loved loli. But this isn't 3 months ago.

These days /jp/ just image dumps and makes shitposting threads.

>> No.9474645

They've been here all along, just mostly lurking since they had nothing to do except make stupid off-topic posts.

>> No.9474646

They aren't.
But /v/ would never want a vidya image thread over an EPICMEME thread nowadays.

>> No.9474647


Samefagging, but barely any talk about gameplay if at all. The threads always start off with posts that are about a minute or so a part. If he gets no responses in 5 or 10 minutes, he posts something else over and over again for what can sometimes amount to hours.

Hell I even heard him say one time that he has no life and will continue to post these threads. He called himself "the hero /v/ deserves". This is one strange, sad little man.

>> No.9474648

hivemind, etc

>> No.9474651

Super Ghost and Ghouls is casual shit go play the real arcade originals you plebian.

>> No.9474652

I'm really not.

>> No.9474653

wow a thread on /b/ brought and it is fucking stupid how this shit happens here and never on /b/ go ahead say what you want but why the fuck are threads having drama that is fucking stupid

>> No.9474662

Says the guy playing the most casual bullethell series to ever be made.

Even Gradius is harder than this babbies first bullet hell

>> No.9474655

/  || ̄ ̄|| ∧_∧ 
 |  ||__|)(    ) < This shit is fine and dandy, but can you take your cross board wars in another place? Noone gives a fuck
 | ̄ ̄\三⊂/ ̄ ̄ ̄/   
 |    | ( ./     /

>> No.9474658


plus see

>> No.9474659


When did I say those were okay? I report them as well.

>> No.9474661

OP here, I can see someone from /v/ has alerted /b/.
I won't shit up your board anymore, time to delete the thread.
