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9693668 No.9693668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I've been masturbating too often and it interfere's with my NEET lifestyle. How do my fellow NEETs prevent themselves from masturbating?

>> No.9693679

>it interfere's with my NEET lifestyle
So you get money from masturbating? Nice.

>> No.9693680

Delete that porn folder, son.

>> No.9693675


You get older.

Once you become older, you no longer fap as much.

>> No.9693685

I meditate.

>> No.9693683

I beat off at least four times a day. I find this helps prevent me from beating off more.

>> No.9693702

Do pushups when you feel like fapping. Or really, when you feel like doing anything you want to avoid. You'll get ripped fast like me. I still fap tho.

>> No.9693758

I finally got around to playing Ar Tonelico. It was very fun, but way too easy.

>> No.9693767

Present it to yourself as a challenge. Appeal to that bit of your brain that has some autismal OCD complex about keeping a clean record.

>> No.9693859

Liquid bandage. Just slather it all over your dick and wait until it dries (don't get any in your urethra or you'll be fucked).

>> No.9693877

Can you teach me?

>> No.9693980

I thought masturbating was part of the NEET lifestyle.

>> No.9694003

I can't even stay hard when I fap unless I wait a few days

>> No.9694006

Masturbation just gets in the way of better things. Things such as Touhou, Learning Japanese, Anime, etc.

>> No.9694012


>> No.9694029

I like the way he says porn.

>> No.9694043

Actually, because of how I grab my dick, I think I damaged a muscle or something in my finger. It hurts whenever I flex it. Do any of you know what to do?

>> No.9694053


>> No.9694071

How long has it been hurting?

>> No.9694105

I want help for the finger, not the fapping.

>> No.9694125

for like, 2 weeks. If I use the other hand to flex the finger, it doesn´t hurt. Whenever I use the finger, it hurts. Also, it is more difficult to move it when I wake up

>> No.9694157

You should get that amputated.

>> No.9694234


I recommend going to hospital. I fucked up one of my fingers years ago, it swoll up to shit and they left it too late to repair it properly. It's still a bit weird but it looks normal enough.

>> No.9694245

Nobody laughed with this post?, that was a joke right?

>> No.9694252
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>> No.9694257

anti-androgens, without any testosterone you don't get the urge to masturbate nearly as often

>> No.9694260
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>> No.9694262
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I went one day without fapping, but today I couldn't control myself and fapped 3 times.

I've been trying to get it under control, but it looks like I'm still going through development cycles judging by my hormone fluctuation.

>> No.9694265

The novelty wears off as you age. After a while, fapping becomes more of a habit than an act of pleasure. At least, that's how it was with me...

>> No.9694279
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How do I get more real deal boners? Like morning wood style.

Mine are usually all halfhearted when fapping.

>> No.9694294

Pretty soon you're going to have a hard time getting hard and staying hard. All that fapping and doujins have left you desensitized.

>> No.9694298

Learn how to draw.

I can't fap to poor anatomy, coloring, linework, or composition anymore. Easily wiped out two thirds of my collection at the time.

>> No.9694311

That's awful. Maybe I need to expand my masturbation skillset.

>> No.9694313

Start reading doujins and wait for it to become fully erect before you start fapping. It usually takes a while, but the boner you get is much more satisfying.

>> No.9694320

Where do I go to learn how to draw? Is there a guide?

>> No.9694326

I can't remember even the last time I did masturbate

>> No.9694330

help /jp/ I'm about to masturbate

>> No.9694339

Why are you going to masturbate to, anon?

>> No.9694338

I used to think I had this problem, until an eroge I'd been anticipating for four months came out.

Fapped three times in a row, couldn't sleep, woke up, fapped again. So the problem for me doesn't seem to be with me, but with the content.

>> No.9694346

ur mum

>> No.9694356

Don't ask such intrusive questions

>> No.9694358

I usually can't resist pumping my meat for more than a week. Helps me sleep.

>> No.9694371


>> No.9694390

thanks dude this doujin is hot as HELL
I'm adding it to my exh bookmarks

>> No.9696549 [SPOILER] 
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/jp/ meetup

>> No.9696686

No, he's right son. That shit works

>> No.9699517

fuck off weeaboo

>> No.9699621

What is wrong with you OP?
Fapping keeps me sane! I am a good citizen, a good son, i recycle and i masturbate. I am proud of doing it and it makes God happy.

>> No.9699629

Do you recycle your sperm too?

>> No.9699726
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