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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9930198 No.9930198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you moved to glorious nippon yet?

>> No.9930209

They don't have any of the beers I like.

>> No.9930216

I dont understand their language
I hate snow
I dont have a stable career there

>> No.9930226

Why should I have to? If it matters so much, it should move to me.

>> No.9930233

I would still love to "visit" it someday


Ill try hard as soon as i get in the US Navy

>> No.9930237

Because theres nothing glorious about nippon. I can get the good part (media) without living in that shithole.

>> No.9930241
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>> No.9930247

They don't let gaijin in.

>> No.9930251

Why do you want to rape people?

>> No.9930264

What part of that post said that i wanted to rape?


>> No.9930260
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>> No.9930263

I probably wouldn't be able to find all of my countries food in any other country. I would hate to leave

>> No.9930285

Because I'm black and I don't know if they'll be able to cut my hair properly. It's awkward enough getting it cut here in America without additional problems.

>> No.9930280

The Navy part.

>> No.9930294

I guess that is partially true


>> No.9930312


>> No.9930317

Can't you easily cut your own hair?

>> No.9930346

everyone is a trained hairdresser/barber

>> No.9930342

What the hell would I know about cutting hair? If I had straight hair, I'd never go to the barber at all and just tie it into a tail and cut off the end when it got too long.

>> No.9930350

So this is why there are so many black barbers out there...

>> No.9930373

I can't seriously be the only Japanese speaker here.

>> No.9930380

If you're going to rape in Japan be sure to use protection! They don't need anymore mongoloid half white babies.

>> No.9930389
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>> No.9930427

filthy gaijin like me shouldn't be polluting great japan with my foreign stink

>> No.9930454

