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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 184 KB, 746x599, jbcsjapanesbirdinbios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8783412 No.8783412 [Reply] [Original]

I got a new laptop today, /jp/.

What operating system is the most otaku? Inb4 Windows. There has to be some technology otaku here.

>> No.8783419
File: 59 KB, 399x510, Kyouko - Smug -S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8783417

why not windows

>> No.8783424

Listen, /jp/ is not your blog, nor your search engine. Just because you stick otaku in the OP doesn't make it related to the board.

I am getting tired of all this "I did this today and it's related to the board because I don't leave my room except for school" blog bullshit.
Enough already.

>> No.8783426

Why would he ask /g/ about /jp/ opinions on Otaku operating systems?

>> No.8783421


>> No.8783423


>> No.8783420


>> No.8783432

Yell at the janitor, not me.

Unlike that other shit though technology actually IS otaku. Look up Otaku on wikipedia

>> No.8783439

Because /g/ is full of weeaboos from /a/

>> No.8783440

I use Gentoo GNU/Linux.
Once you visit /g/ you stay as a hipster neckbeard forever.

I even own a Thinkpad

>> No.8783457

Use Windows is you like reading eroge and playing Touhou SHMUPS. Use a GNU/Linux distro if you don't.

Windows users: Primaries that have played the games.

GNU/Linux users: Tertiaries that regurgitate unfunny forced memes.

OSX users: Too busy being normal, sucking each others dicks.

>> No.8783458

>Look up Otaku on wikipedia

Using the Wikipedia definition (lol) of Otaku, everything and anything could be posted in /jp/.

>> No.8783459

GNU/Linux or *BSD.

If you want to be a hardcore go Slackware. Or OpenBSD if you want something easier.

>> No.8783465

/a/ =/= /jp/

weeaboos =/= otakus

>> No.8783464
File: 14 KB, 430x307, slackware-13.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying this before anyone else can: Slackware is the best distribution of Linux.

Slackware is most well known for its use in enterprise environments, where Fortune 500 clients demand the stability, reliability, and support of a corporation that only Slackware provides. Slackware provides an extensive certification program for software and hardware known as "Built for Slack", as well as a Slackware Certified Engineer program. While hobbyist OSes such as Red Hat, SUSE, Solaris, and AIX have made inroads in the enterprise, Slackware is still leading the market by a wide margin - and remains the only OS certified for use with Oracle.

In addition to its use in the enterprise, Slackware is also quite popular among new Linux users. Its popularity among new users due to Slackware's long-standing reputation (rivaled only by Gentoo) as being an easy-to-use operating system for the beginner. Finally, Slackware is also popular among users of the GNOME desktop, due to praise of Slackware's exceptional GNOME desktop, a rarity in a world of distributions such as Ubuntu which feature poor GNOME support.

As well as its normal uses, Slackware has also been known to power:

the space shuttle
the New York Stock Exchange
the Debian Project (Debian never releases, so they have to use Slackware for their servers)
the Gentoo Project (Gentoo never finishes compiling, so they, like Debian, use Slackware for their servers)
the Linux from Scratch Project (Linux from Scratch never runs, thus they use Slackware for their servers)
Microsoft (they're not CRAZY enough to actually run their OWN systems on Windows)
IBM (IBM also recommends Slackware as their preferred Linux distribution to customers)

>> No.8783467

Windows you fucking idiot. How else are you going to play your eroge? That shit doesn't run in WINE.

>> No.8783469


>> No.8783477 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 341x256, E 877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is more weeaboo than /a/

>> No.8783482

eat my dick

>> No.8783483



>> No.8783484

Because /g/ is for technology and operating systems.

>> No.8783485

Stop being so nitpicky.

>> No.8783486

le butthurt yama detected

>> No.8783478

>everything and anything could be posted in /jp/.

That was the intention of the board, you know. 2d/Random, essentially.

>> No.8783488


neo-/jp/ scum go home

>> No.8783489


>> No.8783499

>easy-to-use operating system for the beginner
I wouldn't say so, just because of one thing - package manager doesn't check for dependencies. It can be a pain in the ass for the beginner.

>> No.8783509

He is actually right, idiot.
/jp/ was created for all shit "2D" that isn't anime/manga.
Currently even this is allowed (to some degree).

>> No.8783517

Windows to play 'otaku' games.

However, if you don't play games then use Windows ME or OpenBSD; nothing says 'otaku' like old-school OS. see: sparky

>> No.8783525

Windows ME is the most otaku.

Just look at sparky.

>> No.8783545


sup sparky

>> No.8783546


>> No.8783547

install gentoo

>> No.8783555 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 326x494, benis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8783552

you know wat

ur just being rude in my thread sir. please leave

>> No.8783558

I-I-It was a c-c-c-coincidence, i swear!

>> No.8783563 [DELETED] 


>> No.8783590


Because a good majority of /g/-goers also go to /a/ and /jp/

>> No.8783594

Then how is /g/'s userbase so much larger than ours?

>> No.8783601

Thank you janitor for caring about /jp/. Really.

>> No.8783602 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 522x474, 1 (1252).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other boards looking for tech support

>> No.8783599

plan9front. They have Cirno as their mascot https://code.google.com/p/plan9front/wiki/Mascot

>> No.8783600

Vice versa, actually. /g/ itself is largely populated of people who just left /b/ within the last year.

>> No.8783606


Not all of them come to /jp/, probably a minority do. But quite a few go to /a/ as well.



>> No.8783604


95% of /g/ is tech support or rate my build threads.

>> No.8783605

>Vice versa
Pardon me, but I believe you used that phrase incorrectly.

>> No.8783608

I think it'd be good if technology were as accepted on /jp/ as video games and anime are.

Admit it: /g/ is shit, and it's unfixable at this point. Desktop thread circlejerks, Gentoo and RMS trolling, and tech support threads everywhere.

>> No.8783609

That a lot of /a/ and /jp/ goers also go to /g/?

>> No.8783614

I just went to /g/, and the first trip I came across was "LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A".

>> No.8783617

I know, right. I got banned for posting porn here and the mod refused to link me to the post in question. LIKE I'M SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER EVERY SHITPOST I MAKE EVER.

>> No.8783623


He's one of the better tripfags there, surprisingly. And that's one hell of a conclusion for you to jump to anyway, that everybody on /g/ is fresh from /b/ just because of one guy with a trip.


Have you actually browsed /g/ for more than 5 minutes?

>> No.8783620

Just FYI, a lot of their userbase using 'anime' themed wallpapers doesn't mean they go to /a/ or /jp/ or even watch anime. It's really /b/ with technology these days.

>> No.8783624
File: 100 KB, 828x708, cant be helped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely watch anime anymore but I use anime wallpaper because I like the visual style.

>> No.8783626

>that everybody on /g/ is fresh from /b/
I wasn't the one that said that.

>> No.8783628

Get out, /a/.

>> No.8783644

>Have you actually browsed /g/ for more than 5 minutes?

I've been going there on and off for about 4 years, some guys posting anime-related images every so often has nothing to do whether or not they go to /a/ or /jp/. And yes, the board is pretty bad now because of how '/b/-lite' it has become. I'm going to guess you're all defensive because /g/ is your home board or some shit and you don't want it associated with /b/.

>> No.8783666

Is the bird placing online orders for some spaghetti to cook?

>> No.8783675

It looks like he's configuring his BIOS, Satan anon.

>> No.8783684


Actually reading or paying attention to tripcodes is bad enough in itself but believing tripcode users are representative of any board the post on is naive beyond comparison.

>> No.8783734

ur mom was naive but the ni fukd her in ass LOL

>> No.8785792

This has the original, lovely 90s graphics right?

>> No.8785835


I really don't care, but that picture made me laugh; Got any more?

>> No.8785840

Why did this thread not begin with "Japanese bird"

>> No.8785929

Just dualboot Windows 7 and a Linux distro. I use Ubuntu for things you can't really do with Windows like lossless conversions and upsampling of videos and audio or cracking WEP/WPA networks.

>> No.8785950

Every PC based arcade game like Melty uses XP.

>> No.8786125

I am very, very disappointed in you.

>> No.8786223

During sex, women are more likely to orgasm if they are wearing socks.

>> No.8786502

linux back|track

>> No.8786548

>one of the better tripfags
