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/lit/ - Literature

Search: pleb

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>> No.23413936 [View]

Absolute pleb take. I only consider the Y Gododdin in original medieval welsh as the real source and the only one with literary value.
>Stay mad
>Ur momgay

>> No.23413013 [View]

Nice bait. I liked the part where you outed yourself as a pleb

>> No.23412149 [View]

"You are the pseud"
>Proceeds to go on a pseud rant

I never said it can't be appreciated as the written word. I actually fully agree, it's a great point. I was only giving advice to an anon of a good way to get into Shakespeare who was asking. No where was I anywhere even close to obsessive, sounds like you're projecting pal. You are right however, I am just a lowly pleb basking in your greatness... one day I hope to achieve your level of patrician taste.

*Tips fedora*

>> No.23410665 [View]

Ideally any poetry that was written with the intention of performance would be performed, but that doesn't negate their quality as poetry and the possibility of appreciating them with some inclination of performance in one's imagination. The ancient Greeks commonly appreciated Homer outside of a musical context, Plato's quotations of him and many other poets is testament to that, and we know that Shakespeare's plays were appreciated as poetry in Shakespeare's own lifetime and beyond.

You are the pseud in this situation, for being so stupid you can't appreciate plays when reading them and then obsessively turning this failure into some sort of aesthetic principle spammed everywhere. You and everyone of your ilk, who likes to interrupt threads and disparage people's appreciation of plays, are a blight on the entire discussion of literature. And, as expected, your inferior appreciation of the plays leads you to having no discernment as to the quality of performances, so any performance will do, whereas a true appreciator of the plays knows a performance that does them justice is almost impossible, and one can only hope for the best, and when they're not of the best then there's no point watching them. But you, in your pleb taste, only have 'fun' as the criteria of evaluation. A 'fun' I'm sure far less satisfying than the sublime intoxication of a great tragedian performing a lead part, a 'fun' that will rather lead to a total dissatisfaction with Shakespeare than a love for him.

>> No.23405399 [View]

Learning Greek, Latin and French made me sympathize with translationfags. There’s so much nuance and idiom in each language that you could study a language your whole life and still be stuck at a 13 year old’s level. Studying ALL those will just give you a spread out, surface level pleb knowledge. Better to learn one or two other languages really in depth
I’ve met people who were raised in bilingual households and even they have problems with English idiom despite having learned it their whole life.

>> No.23403469 [View]

They sound like a pleb who doesn't appreciate good fantasy. Do you like your magic? That's what really matters. Maybe there's minor things you can do to spice it up without having to scrap the whole thing. You can do it anon, hang in there.

>> No.23402910 [View]

>Not Jaime for ASOS
Absolute pleb taste

>> No.23400814 [View]

Pleb: Thucydides
Patrician: Herodotus
Ascended: Pseudo-Hippocrates

>> No.23398759 [View]
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to be a pleb anymore. Women, partying, working, family, entertainment, etc, etc, all of the things that capture the attention of the masses has no effect on me. I want to go off on an adventure like Marco Polo, or conquer land like Genghis Khan. I want to board a big, rickety ship and sail to the end of the world. I WANT TO LIVE

>> No.23398717 [View]

What are the best versions of these stories for a pleb like me who can't read anything older than 1850. Give me an accessible modernized retelling

>> No.23396528 [View]

no hard fast rule
But life is too short to waste time on pleb writing
(If it's Faulkner or Joyce I never pick the book up)

>> No.23396349 [View]

Nope, it's impossible to understand philosophy and history and then to read something like de interpretatione and not understand that Aristotle is a transcendent genius. plus cicero said Aristotle's dialogues were better than Plato so you only think plato mogs because you're a pleb who can only detect drama and Ari's dialogues don't survive.

>> No.23391624 [View]

>can appear cultured and knowledgeable on a wide variety of literature to the average pleb
whats the point of that?

>> No.23389431 [View]

Is there anything more pleb than reading books in the original language?
>jealous monoglots can only read books in the original language
>patrician polyglots like myself can read the works of Goethe in French, the masterpieces of Proust in the superior Russian, Chinese and Japanese works in the opposite language, etc., opening up new vistas of interpretation and understanding
I tried reading a book in the original language once, just to see what it's like being a pleb, and it was a suffocating and nauseous experience. I pity those for whom there is no other option.

>> No.23388586 [View]

Too bad the average pleb doesn't give a shit about books. When you begin to express your sophisticated opinions about Call of the Crocodile, they'll just laugh at you and say "What a nerd. Who tf reads books?"

>> No.23388223 [View]
File: 541 KB, 640x640, IMG_1447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>casually browse /lit/ for years
>don’t actually read
>absorb the major plot points and common discussion topics of popular novels and philosophic texts
>can appear cultured and knowledgeable on a wide variety of literature to the average pleb
>claim to hate television and netflix and read books instead like a real intellectual (I only watch streaming slop and old sitcoms)
>don’t have to sit through thousand page tomes wasting my life away
Your move, /lit/.

>> No.23387311 [View]

Yeah, I think the nogs have done a lot of damage too, but I see the decline in quality of literature as linked to the passing of the old European arostocracies and upper bourgeoisie (considering that the upper classes are in general more intelligent and enlightened than the average pleb).
They have been succeeded by an upper class of materialist industrialist billionaires (Bezos, Musk) who don't care about culture, they just want to produce.
There is no going back because the type of humans that produced the culture from 70 years ago has basically gone extinct.
The materialist industrialist species like are Musk and Bezos will soon go extinct too, and after them society is going to get even shittier on the planet.

>> No.23385673 [View]

I grew up in some 'prosperous' Western European state. Went to a school full of shitskins and immigrant filth. I never had any sort of prejudice and it has only brought me misfortune. Now I know better and genuinely think of those people as useless trash. Filthy, disgusting, born to be criminal low class sons of a bitch nigger pleb cattle filth who seem somewhat decent because the state gibs them education and a good job.
Glad I moved away.
Piece of shit apes. I blocked contact with all my former filthy brown 'friends'.
The natural virtue of the white man is tolerance.
Experience made me hate and despise brown people.

>> No.23382951 [View]

A lonely, noble soul frustrated that everyone he comes across is a pleb concerned only with their monotonous day to day lives and reacting with hostility or confusion at suggestions there's more to life than that
He's a very sympathetic character, though admittedly obnoxious at times

Also interesting how his 'girlfriend' Myrna was a jewess fixated on pushing social progressivism, race mixing and other revolutionary ideas
Did Toole know about certain things?

>> No.23382358 [View]

And Kierkegaard filters another pleb. How many are your slain o' beast of Denmark?

>> No.23381534 [View]
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antoher day, another pleb being filtered by Wolfe
I live for this shit

>> No.23381400 [View]

>not reading Justine to your daughter as a bedtime story

>> No.23381392 [View]

The show is a boiled down collection of central themes for the average pleb who doesn’t have the capability of reading a 1,400 page book. I don’t hate the musical but it doesn’t compare with the beauty of the full story.

>> No.23378377 [View]

Jews don't control anything. Their period of vigour and potency dates back to the times of David and Abraham in the Bible. They can only have degenerated ever since, and as we know, degenerates can't mantain power. I relentlessly count them with the pleb cattle masses.

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