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19624252 No.19624252 [Reply] [Original]

A while ago an anon posted a complete guide to make a miniaturized book. Does someone have saved or screenshotted it? Pic is a book I made inspired by that guide, but I lost the instructions

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>> No.19624514

Start talking about Guenon or some other author people like to simp for.
>"Was (author) right?"
>"Disprove this (author)!"
>>destroys all (thing author is against) with one book

>> No.19624515

no one knows how to search these days, grandpa

>> No.19624580

Then it would hit the thread limit too soon, though!
I think this is the thread:
If that's not it, try searching "tiny book" and you should find it.

>> No.19624991

It is! Thank you very much

>> No.19625563

nice hands

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19624249 No.19624249 [Reply] [Original]

Post a picture, get a book

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>> No.19630972


>> No.19631757

These threads never work because no one here reads. Its always just the same reccs over and over, and they never capture the flavor of the image

>> No.19631977
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>> No.19632638

I could have saved her...

>> No.19632651
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19624215 No.19624215 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck am I supposed to enjoy this? Its completely historically inaccurate.

>> No.19624250
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Switch off autism

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19624201 No.19624201 [Reply] [Original]

Did GRRM created ASOIAF to share his fetishes with the world?

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>> No.19624719


>> No.19625163

if so, there'd be more sex in it, like in the show

>> No.19626086

No, the incest is based on the Ptolemaics

>> No.19626087

All authors do that

>> No.19626209


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19624184 No.19624184[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello everyone
I just published my first work of nonfiction in philosophy concerning right wing acceleterionism and I'd be delighted if you guys were to check it out, thank you all and merry Christmas!
Here's the Amazon link

>> No.19624371

Edit for link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NSZHBX6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1640370190&refinements=p_27%3AAnt+Eater&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Ant+Eater

>> No.19624382

Okay link to PDF, or preferably EPUB/MOBI (if you expect anyone to read more than the index)? Ain't no one gonna pay to read a self published literally who. If it's good I might consider it, though.

>> No.19624527

This looks awful. Why would anyone buy this shit?

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19624148 No.19624148 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is the copyright status of Conan The Barbarian? (and generally the rest of Robert Howard's Works, Brak Man Morn, King Kull, etc) pic kind of related but also not really because while this image is from the conan comics published by marvel i'm talking about the original stories as written in weird tales)
more importantly why is American copyright so schizophrenic? it ought to be 50 years like the europoors have or even 75, not the bullshit 95 odd years that it is now

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>> No.19624199

fifty is decent enough.
what the fuck exactly is the copyright status of conan though?
i know the names are trademarked but i'm pretty sure the original stories and the actual characters themselves are public domain
i know they are in europe
i could be talking out of my ass though

>> No.19624206

Around the time Faulkner's big ones start to drop. His first novel will be available in 2022.

>> No.19624216

i'm a retard.
why is it that stuff like HP Lovecraft is public domain but a good chunk of howards works (seemingly) aren't?
what the fuck is this shit?
and is the name conan just trademarked? what is going on with that?

>> No.19624321

re: Lovecraft, The copyright was not renewed following the Copyright Act of 1978 and expired 70 years after HPL's death.

>> No.19624331

*Copyright Act of 1976

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19624107 No.19624107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would Jesus support covid vaccine mandates?
The Vatican has announced that everyone working there as well as all visitors will only be granted entry if they can prove they have been vaccinated. Is Heaven only accessible to the vaccinated? Which theologian wrote about this?

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>> No.19626819

>I care about the few people around me
Yeah but if they fall for the news you will care

>> No.19626828

I don't. I love my family all the same. I dont care if they believe other things

>> No.19627044

I mean if they fall for it and poison themselves

>> No.19627061
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>> No.19627073
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Jesus is not real.

Retards have been killing each other for centuries over the perceived opinions of history's greatest fictional characters

Stop taking Bronze Age mythology seriously

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19624070 No.19624070 [Reply] [Original]

Is Indian Gandalf any good?

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>> No.19624496

>Wittgenstein was invited to a meeting of the Vienna circle: When he finally came, instead of answering their questions about his book, he sat facing away from them reading Tagore, the Indian poet, for over an hour and then got up and silently left the room. Afterward Carnap remarked to Schlick, “I guess he is not one of us.”
>Ludwig Wittgenstein, we are told by Ray Monk, shared Tagore's belief that reason and knowledge were irrelevant to ineffable religious experience.

>> No.19624912


>> No.19624929

Any recs for translations of his poems?

>> No.19626160

He translated his own poems to English.
But it's not really a translation, more like a whole rewriting.
You won't find Bengali versions translated by someone else (I think)

>> No.19627665


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19624052 No.19624052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is that so many great authors were also fervent misogynist?

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>> No.19627298
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no you can still hate women while having sex with them

>> No.19627308

Because they were highly intelligent, well read, sensitive and more often than not - despite what many of the pathetic simps in this thread desperately want us to believe - had plenty of experience with women.

>> No.19627320


Low functioning autism with some degree of mental retardation

>> No.19627331

But you have to really hate them and fail to score to have time enough to write about it.

>> No.19627344

Hating women is for retards. The difference between bitter incels and philosophers is that the latter fully acknowledge the unique flaws of women without disparaging them on account of it. Unfortunately, due to the way modern society works, even acknowledging that people are born differently according to regular natural laws is considered "hating" these same people, which explains the vitriol which is directed against philosophers, when it should only really be directed against the legitimate incels.

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19624046 No.19624046 [Reply] [Original]

I want to create a great novel, only to have something which I can deny the world.

>> No.19624051

I believe you will do it.<span class="fortune" style="color:#532dfc">

Your fortune: Blessed Yule![/spoiler]

>> No.19624055

Honestly desu I just want to write entertaining genre fiction, especially fantasy.

>> No.19624080

But what if you die accidentially and someone finds it?

>> No.19624083

There are safeguards in place

<span class="fortune" style="color:#aa01d0">

Your fortune: Happy Festivus!

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19624016 No.19624016 [Reply] [Original]

What does your favorite writer say about suicide?

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>> No.19626129

He was just wondering if it would be better than coffee

>> No.19626143

“They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice; that only a madman could be guilty of it; and other insipidities of the same kind; or else they make the nonsensical remark that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.”
-A Schopenhauer

>> No.19627003

Heaven is just God's Uber.

>> No.19627028

>duuuuh jesus im christarded

>> No.19627106

As a slavophile, I can tell that Dosto was right about most . This one among others.

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19623968 No.19623968 [Reply] [Original]

What an absolute journey this book was! Perfect way to end the last days of 2021. Engaging revenge story, theatrical but down to earth characters, masterful writing, perfectly balancing between realistic descriptions without exaggerated purple prose. /lit/bros, are Dumas' other famous works on a similar level as Monte Cristo and should I read them? What other books have similar levels of engagement in respect to plot and characters?
Happy New Year!

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>> No.19625211

is this because of the overall journey of the book or simply because it's also a tome

>> No.19625233

It's a story that spans like a decade and it has the same feel as Monte Cristo in the way of storytelling. It's not a revenge story, but it's bunch of characters that get put though the wringer

>> No.19625246

thanks W&P is on my list of reads for next year. I loved Anna Karenina which was objectively one of the best books i've ever read

>> No.19625540

Macquet made the outline of the plot and the Dumas did all the dialog and descriptions and all that. Basically Macquet did the storyboard and Dumas made it into a book
>muh meds
God, grow up you fucking pussy

>> No.19625576

>Macquet spent all his life writing blockbuster plays and novels, but was not in the limelight though he deserved to be. It is over 150 years now, but the genius is just a footnote in the history of literature. He is said to be the brain, especially behind 'The Three Musketeers' and ' The Count Of Monte Cristo'.
>Many scholars are of the opinion that Maquet's efforts were as significant as Dumas's and in fact, the duo required each other. When Maquet split from Dumas, neither of them could come up with something that was extraordinary. Dumas wrote very less after they split, but Maquet continued writing and once he had sufficient money, bought a marvelous chateau in the countryside. He is also known to have a copy of the famous work 'The Three Musketeers' re-titled 'By A Dumas and A Maquet'.
>Despite an apparently equal partnership in their work, you would be astonished to know that at the publisher's insistence, Maquet's name was taken off of each novel before press.
>Even though Dumas admitted that he was helped by Maquet, he insisted that he was the actual creator.
Wasn't Dumas also Jewish, by any chance?

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19623966 No.19623966 [Reply] [Original]

Which religious mystic writers didn't hate the body?

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>> No.19629455

Merry Christmas, Frater!

>> No.19629541

Merry Christmas!

>> No.19629590

"The Sufis" is too broad do you have any specific figures who held this view?

>> No.19629761

I think he's referring to Awḥad al-Dīn Kirmānī and the practie of shahed bazi. Basically, staring at boys.

>> No.19629839


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19623908 No.19623908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Is there a point for intellectual pursuit anymore?

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>> No.19628890

If you scream "retard" into a room whoever gets offended are the retards, and they know it. which is why they got offended

>> No.19628958
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>it's all in your mind goy
Yah ...no. fuck off retard

>> No.19628977
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strangely enough half a world away, in an isolated culture they are having the exact same "problems" we are (and 109 other cultures had throughout the last 300 years). What an astronomical coincidence right? It seems there is always the same common denominator when these "problems" pop up in a civilization

>> No.19628982
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>> No.19628990
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*3000 years

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19623899 No.19623899 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my boss's poem.

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>> No.19628744

ya it's like do u suppose they're trying to avoid a situation like this?


and if they didn't and someone died then op would be shrieking about unsafe working conditions killing the noble picker/packer class

>> No.19628915

as a SKILLED laborer, but that distinction will probably not be relevant for long

>> No.19628998
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It actually represents the foreskin
Americans have to pass a penis inspection and if they are uncut they get fired look it up

>> No.19629278

Satan speaks!

>> No.19630790

Holy based.

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19623803 No.19623803 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this Waldun poem from one of his latest videos?

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>> No.19630884

lmao someone send this to walden

>> No.19631969


>> No.19631997


>> No.19632012

Couldn't have said it better myself!

>> No.19632025

Wu's problem is that he exists.
I read L'Académie the other day, and it was bad on the level that I got worried about my neurons.
If you people are masochists, I uploaded it onto Z-Library in ePub form. I bought it so you won't have to.
The manlet is and idiot who's obsessed with himself. Being a 'reader' does not make one a writer.

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19623800 No.19623800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19623820

>When someone points out how much money you use on books
no one does this. books are a dirt cheap hobby compared to what people normally spend money on; video games, streaming subscriptions, etc

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19623786 No.19623786 [Reply] [Original]

I already finished it, before doing so I read Mussolini's essay on fascism, Giovanni Gentile's work about the origins and the doctrine of fascism, Mosley's book called "100 questions about fascism" and looked up a bit about Freder's works. Maybe I should dig more into those, but also wanna read H.R. Morgan's codex, even if it seems to be super long, or just keep reading Mosley's works. I'm just lost and hungry right now so a guide would be perfect.

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>> No.19624007
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Ah, each day I see the sun rise more weimarian than the last. Basedjaks appreciating the constant reduction of their collective freedoms as they associate it with motherly care. The /pol/ side of the spectrum seems to still be stubbornly looking for a father instead (try Evola?). How anyone could enjoy Mein Kampf unironically is way beyond me, I'm not sure about the English translation, but the german version is pathetic prose, I hope for your sake that it was a "struggle" to get through, OP. I've seen a thread mention that the current editions are full of annotations which I imagine are also annoying in their own right. I would definitely read through some of the philosophical concepts Adolf kindly misappropriated to give context to his ramblings, so on that front, read Zarathustra, or the homo science.

ah yes the book in which Adolf sucks England's perceived germanic cock for uncomfortably long periods (though it is admittedly more readable than MK). Good recommendation.

I'd also advise reading Das Kapital, since it can't hurt to know your enemy, or whatever. Same reason I'm ordering CCRU drivel as soon as my paycheck arrives. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.19624009
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You are now ready

>> No.19624154

Marxism has failed as a science and a political system.<span class="fortune" style="color:#2dfc53">

Your fortune: Your heart grew three sizes![/spoiler]

>> No.19624680

Yes it has, and I'm happy I'm no marxist. It's just as easy to dismiss fascism as a mistake of nature, as it has failed just as spectacularly. If one reads to be a better ideologue, sure, he can of course ignore literature that does not correspond with his predetermined path. I despise the left, especially the self-proclaimed marxist kind, who only fetishize revolution. I despise the basement-dwelling resentful fascists who only fetishize conquest. I despise liberals even more than those. But we are talking about books.

I recommend Kapital because it is genuinely a much nicer read than Mein Kampf, it is probably outside OP's comfort zone, and despite the author, the propaganda driven undertones of the commie manifesto are not to be found in there. However, I found its critique of the system we inhabit rather insightful.

>> No.19624792

Based fortune

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19623755 No.19623755 [Reply] [Original]

I'd be interested in learning about science, but there is so much material that I don't know where to begin. What books about science would you consider as the equivalent of the Bible for the Christians, the Nikayas for the Buddhists, the Quran for the Muslims, the Bhagavad Gita for the Hindus and so on?

>> No.19623784

If you're really interested in science and not "ThE ScIeNcE", a good calculus book is the place to start. Stewart's is good, at least it was back in the early 2000s, not sure if it's been Jewed since then, anyway it's not like math changes so just get an edition from around that time and you'll be good

>> No.19623959
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There isn't one, just as all of those books that you suggested aren't identical in function within their various traditions.

Broadly speaking "science" is a tool of empiricism ("gathering sensory data to understand things"). Science doesn't flow out of one given study, but is rather a collection of various endeavors at understanding the universe. Biology, chemistry, and physics are closely related, but all three come out of different historical disciplines. Every branch of "science" thus has its own history, its own jargon, and its own systems. This makes cross-disciplinary ventures rewarding, but also hard to pull off. Attempts at trying to unify these branches in some kind of hierarchy or order are pointless and fruitless, and just lead to "my discipline is the best :)". This is a genealogical point, not merely a philosophical one. Chemistry has a different heredity than physics.

Each branch then has sub-branches. Chemistry has inorganic, physical, analytical, organic, and biochemical, but all of these themselves have subdisciplines. Organic chemistry BROADLY speaking can be broken up into the study of plastics, explosives, and drugs, but this is just the end product. An actual scientist is someone who gets very, very good at studying very, very specific things, and uses that to craft broader theories. If you look at historical scientists like Antoine Lavoisier, Hooke, Boyl, Mendeleev, these men all studied very niche things that yielded theories that could be made very broad in scope by later generations. The Periodic Table, for example, was created by Dmitri Mendeleev while he was attempting to create a general table of elemental properties in accordance with various patterns that, up until this point, were listed in a multitude of other tables.

A consequence of this is, as science is about using empiricism to craft theories to explain phenomena, "science" is thus a constant process of self-correction. If you look into the history of any given phenomena, you WILL find many, many, many old, abandoned theories.This is intentional, as the point of science is to craft ever more explanatory theories. This leads to some being confused when they try to pick some figure, such as Darwin, and argue that he's the chief thinker of some discipline that all practitioners of the discipline take their thought from. The confusion arises when they see that this person is usually the one most criticized by practitioners of the discipline. A peculiar thing then happens: in order to advance the discipline and gain fame, you must set yourself on fire and be destroyed by your peers.

Pic related: Mendeleev's original Periodic Table and a simplified one used today.

>> No.19623975

So to tl;dr all of that, you're going to need to be a lot more specific. I'll throw one out there: If you want to learn Organic Chemistry, get Solomons textbook (his name is "T. W. Graham Solomons"). Be sure to get the solutions manual!

If you want to get into Inorganic Chemistry, which is COMPLETELY FUCKING UNRELATED to organic chemistry, I'd recommend Inorganic Chemistry by Meissler and Inorganic Chemistry by Huheey.

And, of course, as always, never pay for a textbook without checking if it's on libgen first.

>> No.19623991

Bacon's Novum Organum and Descartes's Meditations.

>> No.19624341

Yes 16th and 17th natural philosophy books are the way to go.......

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19623750 No.19623750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Can there be man who writes brilliantly but never reads or even wants to read?
>What about someone who reads but does not feel any urge to write?