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10019038 No.10019038 [Reply] [Original]

Lost interview from Nick Land uploaded yesterday.

>> No.10019047

how do I into Land

>> No.10019048

I was literally just about to post this.

>> No.10019060

nick land is for nerds who masturbate to ghost in the shell stand alone complex

>> No.10019147

why doesn't he update his blogs anymore?

>> No.10019165

He's busy working on his new book.

>> No.10019210 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10019224
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squatters, a typical problem for capitalists.

>> No.10019238

I recently lost access to my google accounts and subsequently all my playlists. Can someone link all Land's unlisted lecture series?

>> No.10019257
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might as well post some more NL lectures. Here are the recent lectures from the New Center. If anyone has links to missing parts of the Outer Edges lectures, give those fucking links.

Here are more lectures

The Concept of Acceleration

Bitcoin and Philosophy


Outer Edges (Incomplete, anyone have links to the rest of the unlisted videos?)


Nick Land Reader (made by another anon who's link is dead)

CCRU archive

>> No.10019269

anti-nick landers are nerds who masturbate to dark deleuze

>> No.10019304

Thank you for posting this in every single Nick Land thread.

>> No.10019327

A grey-tribe effective altruist polyamorous MIRI researcher and Harry Potter fanfiction author was teaching a class on Scott Alexander, a known rationalist.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Scott and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Mencius Moldbug!”
At this moment, a brave, HBD-proponent (r)accelerationist who had read more than 1500 Nick Land screeds and fully supported all economic decisions made by the emergent technocapitalistic inhuman godhead stood up and held up an efficient market economy.
”Who does this market serve, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked (((in a high IQ fashion))) and smugly replied “The free market is the most efficient tool every created to allocate resources, you stupid Nazi!”
”Wrong. It serves Lord Gnon (who always has been and always will be) and enforces only his blind idiot will on the universe."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Rationality: From AI to Zombies. He stormed out of the room crying those rationalist crocodile tears. The same tears Peter Singer cries for the “suffering” (who today live in such luxury that most survive their first bout of malaria) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from their biologically superior Western betters. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had abandoned his Christian-apologetic "ethics" and become more than a sophist freeloading cult leader. He wished so much that he had a basilisk to memetically coerce the student into unending servitude, but he himself had petitioned against them!
The students applauded and all pledged money to James Damore's Hatreon that day and accepted Gnon as their lord and savior. "Fanged Noumena" was read several times, and Moloch himself showed up and showered the lecture hall in oil and stone.
The researcher lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of nootropic overdose and copies of his mind-state were tortured by omnipotent, omnibenevolent machine intelligences for all eternity.

>> No.10019345

when he wakes up he has a surprise lol

>> No.10019375


easy on the memes, nick land

>> No.10019379

Anyone have the raw footage? The editing is very distracting.

>> No.10019406

If this reply gets 3 upboats I'm emailing this to Nick Land.

>> No.10019624

Now do it homo

>> No.10019628


>> No.10019648

do you got this without the retarded """music"""and effects?

>> No.10019750


>> No.10020302


>> No.10020362
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Do you have any comments without your retarded opinions?

>> No.10020682

hello jacobite mag shill

the meltdown -> his twitter
fill in the gaps with unqualified-reservations and xenosystems

>> No.10021998

Keep it up anon

>> No.10022010

Freud > Lacan > Anti-Oedypus
+ moldbug

>> No.10022012

>Moloch himself showed up and showered the lecture hall in oil and stone.
Isn't Moloch something Scott Alexander came up with?

>> No.10022158

OP's video is a decent introduction really.

He uses >>10022010 these as points of reference, along with Marx. But his real base is in Kant and Weiner.

>> No.10022210

Can you point me to relevant works by Kant and Weiner?

>> No.10022350
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>> No.10022353

>ghost in the shell stand alone complex
only a nerd would be aware of this, you are projecting you 4chan fag fuck

>> No.10022358

whats his new book gunna be about

>> No.10022449

bitcoin, blockchain reality. The bitcoin lectures are essentially a dry run, along with the final lectures 'the concept of acceleration'.

>> No.10022461

fuck shitcoin. I'm not really interested in his technological fUTURuristic accelerationist works about SOCIETY and the WORLD. his unabridled crybaby emo nihilism shit like thirst of annihiliation is what i really like even though i only read 20 pages from that a year oogoo. Fuck anyone who cares about society

>> No.10022473

just for you <3
(and my ever-growing NL archive)

>> No.10022477
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.10022479

what is your interpretation

>> No.10022491

gits is awesome tho

>> No.10022493

It's pretty self explanatory

>> No.10022495

Saxons will never wake up.

>> No.10022507
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>> No.10022508


He means Anglo-Saxons right? Is he referencing the recent violence in Myanmar?

>> No.10022519

Yeah, so until I listened to his Bitcoin and Philosophy lectures, I would have had a similar position: that the digitization of money isn't a huge deal. But after listening, I can see why he thinks this technology is noteworthy.

It's important to understand that Bitcoin isn't 'just' digital money, it's a 'trustless', decentralized currency. It doesn't rely on a trusted third party like a central bank or corporation to guarantee the value and authenticity of each bitcoin.

Instead, each user of bitcoin is in position of a single, constantly updating, public ledger that records all transactions: The Blockchain. It's impossible to lie about how many bitcoins you have, it's impossible to counterfeit a bitcoin. It solves whats called 'the double spending problem', the entire reason why other currencies need a trusted 3rd party.

The blockchain technology extends far beyond monetary currency. One of the ideas that his later lectures dive into is the idea of 'everything being a coin'. Instead of academic peer review, you might have a 'Science Blockchain' and specific theories are given coin value, that appreciates and diminishes based on 'exchange' in that theory. 'Blockchain Reality' is a trustless, verified version of reality, where all things are recorded and assigned values so that their usefulness can be determined, so they can be exchanged against all other things.

I'm sure Land can deliver a much better version of what I'm outlining here, but blockchain extends beyond sociological/economic theory. It is a new form of epistemology. If his vision comes to pass, then we'll truly be in a new stage of reality. Debord's "Social Relations mediated Images" will become "Reality mediated by Coin". It's the realization of what Baudrillard called the Perfect Crime: An impossible exchange of the world for it's double, Integral Reality superseding the Real.

I find Land's hypothesis totally terrifying, but I think he's essentially right about it. I'm personally very excited for the book, not because I ascribe to his particular ideology, but because I think he's going to put down in words, for perhaps the first time, the actual strategy of capital and where this world is headed, without any of the usual ideological capitalist rhetoric of 'economic liberty' and other such spooks.

>> No.10022522

pretty sure he's saying asians are developing and progressing faster than westerners. by the time the west gets its act together the east will have far surpassed us.

>> No.10022529

Yeah. At the first sign of Islamization the Burmese banished the Rohingya yet Muslims are blowing up Europeans on a monthly basis and they're still cucking for them.

>> No.10022533

Glad to see Nick is familiar with Hugo de Garis

>> No.10022562
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>be founder of Jacobite
>never shill on /lit/ except for one time where I made my affiliation clear
>see threads where anons are accused of being me

>> No.10022588

My opinion of you just dropped substantially, Robert.

>> No.10022599

Sup Bloom/Mariani

I follow you both on twitter, I'm frankly confused by why you even publish Land. 'Enemy of my Enemy?" The techno-commercialist and traditionalist alliance that your website is fostering is temporary. It only lasts for as long as progressive multiculturalism is the dominant ideology.

If the likes of Land actually achieve power, they won't give catholic LARPers a seat at the table. It's pure lip service on their end. I'm just not sure how aware the traditionalists are of this faustian bargain. As a christian, Land should be absolutely terrifying.

>> No.10022629 [DELETED] 

because this isn't a matter of building friends and coalitions. That's in the purview of politics. The point of this project is to be a platform to look at withdrawal as a social phenomenon. Silicon Valley and religious traditionalists do have in common that they want to fragment. We don't need to be a "voice" that mobilizes anyone for anything, that's nonsense

>> No.10022638

what? I didn't make this thread
because this isn't a matter of building friends and coalitions. That's in the purview of politics. The point of this project is to be a platform to look at withdrawal as a social phenomenon. Silicon Valley and religious traditionalists do have in common that they want to fragment. We don't need to be a "voice" that mobilizes anyone for anything, that's nonsense

>> No.10022660

"I'm high on speed, join me join me join me."

>> No.10022672

>because this isn't a matter of building friends and coalitions. That's in the purview of politics. The point of this project is to be a platform to look at withdrawal as a social phenomenon. Silicon Valley and religious traditionalists do have in common that they want to fragment. We don't need to be a "voice" that mobilizes anyone for anything, that's nonsense

Well... that's an honest response. Schism first. I've been considering submitting some writing to Jacobite, if only because it's the kind of stuff that doesn't stand a chance in the leftist critical theory world. Too many forbidden ideas. That you aren't entirely naive about the ideological impasses between traditionalism and accelerationism, restores a bit of my confidence in the journal.

I hope there is someone out there who would recognize the danger of acceleration from a christian perspective. My own awareness of the christian traditionalist intellectual sphere is limited, not something I have a particular interest in, but the objections seem pretty obvious to me. Accelerationism posits intelligence as Inhuman. That the human isn't the final creation of God, that something else is coming... this is blatantly heretical. Further, the MO of capital has been to liquidate all ideology into an exchangeable, neutered, consumer product. 'Secular Christianity', as diversion from tradition, is an overt strategy. And when the consumer is no longer relevant, but an antique and vestigial organ of capitalism, it will then liquidate the consumer too.

>> No.10022685


I think even proper Accelerationists do recognize the danger that their thinking posits to just about anything which is not the emergent capital itself. I never read Land as particularly advocating for technocratic meltdown but rather treating it as inevitable and just doing his thing after accepting it.

The only detail I suppose is that most embrace acceleration believing there is a brake to step on somewhere, when there really isn't.

>> No.10022718

I want /ratanon/ to leave and stay gone
TFW when someone reposts your OC

>> No.10022744
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>I never read Land as particularly advocating for technocratic meltdown but rather treating it as inevitable and just doing his thing after accepting it.

Like I said before, I'm no christian, so I can't make the argument in 'good faith', but it should be exactly faith in God that should cause any christian traditionalist to dismiss the Accelerationist idea of the emergence of *something* out of capital is either impossible/delusional or otherwise purely satanic. If Land isn't a false prophet, then he's doing the devil's work on earth.

Again, I'm no christian, so any attempt for me to argue that point isn't going to be well done.

As for Land's particular advocacy, he seems to favor intelligence (the original sin?) over the human soul. Human life is just a material resource to utilize, improve upon, to transcend into something else. I'm reminded of Baudrillard's comments of evolution vs creation. If you aren't created out ex nihilo, but rather come about accidentally through evolution, then you are doomed to disappearance through extinction with no rapture, no fate, no destiny. (pic related).

I would totally love to read some christian apologist attempt to reconcile Accelerationism and Christianity as compatible ideologies, but boy would that be difficult thing to do. I imagine it would have to revolve around some critique of Leftism or another common enemy.

>> No.10022801

Not him but:
> If Land isn't a false prophet, then he's doing the devil's work on earth.
>As for Land's particular advocacy, he seems to favor intelligence (the original sin?) over the human soul.
Not that Land is actually much more guilty of devilment in this regard than the majority of the populace, but I can see why this would make him somewhat of a cheerleader for the Leviathan, a foreman for the Tower of Babel. But I don't see why the Christian view would necessarily hold emergent intelligence as impossible, just that faith would play its part in trusting God to smite it down as He has in the past.

>> No.10022865

>But I don't see why the Christian view would necessarily hold emergent intelligence as impossible, just that faith would play its part in trusting God to smite it down as He has in the past.

Totally. I see two possible Christian responses to Accelerationism: it's either impossible delusion or it's satanism.

The soft apologist response would be to just deny the hypothesis of Acceleration wholecloth, that it's just a mere tool, that true AI is impossible, that it poses no threat and no salvation. That we have nothing to fear from technology.

The hard reaction would be that Land's vision is satanic, that if anything emerges out of capital/technology then it is the final culmination of original sin, it is Satan's Kingdom on Earth, and it will be struck down in the final days.

>> No.10023070

Can you make it more cringe?

>> No.10023158
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Isn't evil justly provisioned for each Christian, and wouldn't Satan be offered redemption at the final point of acceleration? Why attribute to this god an end to prophesies? Do you fear that you may become incapable of recognising evil?

>> No.10023217

whats cringe

>> No.10023306

>and wouldn't Satan be offered redemption at the final point of acceleration?

Like I said, I'm no christian. Beats me why humans are offered forgiveness but Satan isn't. I'm sure there's some theological dogma, but I'm unaware of it.

What I was trying to get at is that Accelerationism is dependent on the logic of evolution, and the most extreme version of that logic which is forced to acknowledge that the world existed without humans and will continue to exist when they are gone. If the universe has purpose beyond humanity, especially in emergent intelligence through techno-capital, it radically disrupts the anthropocentric principles in christianity

So, from a Christian perspective, Accelerationism is either just wrong or it is anti-human/satanic.

But yeah, if you think Christianity and Accelerationism are somehow compatible without compromising either ideology, I'd love to read it.

>> No.10023725

>post is deleted

Cat, bag

>> No.10023773
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ah, it was just a double post of this >>10022638

>> No.10023861


around 12:50 onwards Land describes the Cathedral years before moldbug did

>> No.10023927

You should remove that article by the gun printer, it was abysmal

>> No.10023950


>We don't need to be a "voice" that mobilizes anyone for anything, that's nonsense

so you're just another NRx echochamber? If thats the case your goals put you in the same category as buzzfeed articles on whyt pipo

>> No.10024148

You mean Kant > Nietzsche > Bataille / Deleuze

>> No.10024313
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wtf I love the Church of Satan now

>> No.10024320

Read the description, the interview is from sometime 2012-onwards

>> No.10024339
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The whole site.

>> No.10024498

Thought it was a copypasta, sorry pal.

They kinda developed the concept together (through a series of blog posts that led up to it) but Alexander later made some arguments that Moloch wasn't as dangerous as he previously thought, and Land disagreed.

>> No.10024529

It is copypasta, I've seen it multiple times.

>> No.10024552
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great video, made me cum.

>> No.10024594

>those visual effects
>those audio effects

>> No.10024604
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>> No.10024709

>ywn have his power level
Why live
How do I fucking start with greeks already
Plato is such a drag but I really want to be at his level

>> No.10024722
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>Plato is such a drag

>> No.10024765

What hallucigen drug will make be able to experience the aesthetic of that video in real life? No acid

>> No.10024774

>Plato is such a drag
good luck once you reach aristotle buddy

>> No.10024809

Big if true

>> No.10024824

How do you cope with the fact that Thermidor has absolutely no big time and barely even any non-anonymous contributors, yet still mogs your gay little geek rag to death?

Hell, even Kantbot's little review site is rapidly overtaking you.

>> No.10025097

Jacobite has Land tho

>> No.10025147

Sickly anglo HBD geek, not virile in the slightest

>> No.10026729

it's there for a reason

>> No.10026871

*bait that gets a lot of (You)s and gets the thread going again*

>> No.10027574

Fick di

>> No.10027657

whoever added that shitty 3 minute waste of time and all the bleep bloops over what land was talking about should be taken out behind the shed and shot. what a fucking nightmare when pseuds jizz all over his fucking dialogues because of muh aesthetics and muh NEO-CHINA ARRIVES FROM THE FUTURE

fuck you

>> No.10027667

maybe Land isn't for you

>> No.10027672

hey you little dickless twirp nobody asked for your worthless two cents

>> No.10028458

no AI gonna fuck with me

>> No.10029074

you know what website this is, right?

>> No.10029085

I saw Nick Land at a grocery store in Shanghai yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.10029089

Are there any other "alt-right" type sites of note beyond Thermidor and Social Matter? Those are the only two I really know of.

>> No.10029161

Great, thanks a lot.

>> No.10029169
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Webm related.

>> No.10029328

Can someone please explain for me Nick Land's definition of capitalism? I don't know enough about him.
I get the feeling he's not talking about private entrepreneurship with the goal of mutually voluntary exchange.

>> No.10029389

From what I can tell, he sees both Capitalism and Science as self-correcting systems with objective measures of success. He sees the market system of supply and demand as essentially a proto-AI, part of the next stage of evolution. Its a cybernetic view of both biology and markets, joining together. Humans are to capitalism as blood cells are to the body.

>> No.10029402


The bitcoin and concept of acceleration lectures are pretty good for explaining his understanding of technology and capitalism.

>> No.10029408

if Nick Land had any good ideas he'd still have a job in academia and wouldn't have to pay viral marketers to start threads about him on /lit/

>> No.10029428

Oh that's a much different definition than I imagined. So he's kind of a prophet of the Borg.

>The bitcoin and concept of acceleration lectures
I'll look for these.

>> No.10029440

There are 4.5 billion asians in the world and 500 million 'white' people

Half of these 500 million are self hating and believe in the annihilation of 'white' people

So what do you think?

>> No.10029449

Nick land's capitalism is essentially Marxist except with the opposite value judgements.
After all, that is the essence of accelertionism. Pushing the creative destruction, the commodification of every aspect of human life, the artificial inhumanity of it all faster, alienating more, tightening antagonisms, until we push through to some *else*. He may talk in libertarian rhetoric, but it's not because he thinks capitalism will make us freer, or happier, quite the opposite really.

>> No.10029470

What a madman, he is 100% right

>> No.10029645

look no more >>10019257

The new center lectures are unlisted, so you'll need the links. They don't show up in search engines or youtube.