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/lit/ - Literature

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10911262 No.10911262 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s opinion on this book? I don't see it talked about too much.

I just read it and it was really cool and stuff, desu I loved every single page of it even though I'm a boy and it was written by some girl.

>> No.10911265

Enjoyed it

>> No.10911266

it's not talked about much cuz it's fucking dogshit.

>> No.10911271

Why is it dogshit?

>> No.10911290

a women wrote it

>> No.10911302
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>female author

>> No.10911310

great book. Heathcliff did literally nothing wrong

>> No.10911321

Love it. Haunting exploration of psychological manipulation, power play, accompanied by the beautiful yorkshire landscape. So many moments I loved like Isabelle wanting to leave the room as Catherine tells about how Isabelle wishes to marry Heathcliffe, Catherine almost digging her claws into Isabelle. I think it explores misanthropy brilliantly too, like ho Heathcliffe hates the Lintons so he also hates their innocent children, even his own with Isabelle. Great book, dunno how Emily wrote it as she was young and introverted as well as not really interested in novels. Observant i guess?

>> No.10911325

probably a man wrote it. women can't think as high thoughts

>> No.10911335

>forgetting about weed smoking hoes

>> No.10911340

Does /Lit/ really hate female authors? This and Mrs Dalloway are my favourite books desu

>> No.10911372

Villette is the best book written by any of the Bronte sisters

>> No.10911384

>plebs ITT don't like Emily Bronte


>> No.10911429

woman shit

>> No.10911431

I don't, anon, but I don't think some anons are kidding around about it unfortunately

>> No.10911451

Siege mentality, some anons take Tge Guardian articles too seriously

>> No.10911495

Thinking about picking it up, how is it?

>> No.10911524

Agreed. It's a horrible, beautifully vivid and poignant nightmare. A world where true love can exist, but everything gets fucked up beyond recognition by the sins of the people who live in it, in a brutal and realistic way. Every chapter was engaging beginning to end, there's no boring parts. I loved all of it, but especially the ending and the events leading up to it. I want to post the last paragraph or some other excerpt but I wouldn't risk spoiling it for someone.
Leave this thread and go read it. I know, reading for plot is for brainlet pseuds and all, but for me going along with it and finding out what happens was exciting and part of the fun, don't let someone ruin it for you.

>> No.10911555

yeh, ill prolly pick it up tomorrow from the library

>> No.10911594

Top book

>> No.10911779 [SPOILER] 
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It's not his fault he happened to come to live in Wuthering Heights but other than that Heathcliff did literally everything wrong, he was the devil child that fucked up everyone's life. If he wasn't there, Catherine would have probably married Edgar without ever being distracted by any doubt from loving him. Everything the two families had destined for them got ruined and it started with the good deed of the Earnshaws' father adopting an abandoned child. Heathcliff was bullied by Hindley but it doesn't excuse his malice, iirc it's described that even as a child he was plotting premeditated revenge. Or was Heathcliff really meant to marry Catherine, and the marriage with Linton was the real wrong, and the only way for true love to happen is to twist and trick fate? I don't know, but in the end fate prevails once Heathcliff dies, and the cousins marry as they were supposed to. Or did everything happen exactly as it was supposed to?

>> No.10911817

Seeing his sidelined position visualized on the family tree was really funny for some reason - puts into perspective just how insane his ability is to just fuck shit up.

>> No.10911822

*wind howling and whooshing contemplatively*

>> No.10911825

would've been better if she wrote a sequel with the male perspective, for balance.

>> No.10911874

It's literally the manliest book written by a woman I've ever read.

>> No.10911882

it's a twilight joke. how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.10911901

I'm sorry I haven't read Twilight anon.
I actually read books.

>> No.10911904

>twilight joke
>how dumb are you

>> No.10911914



>> No.10911925
File: 52 KB, 575x500, katebush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My AP lit teacher had us watch this after we finished WH, pretty funny.

>> No.10912053

it's got such an angelic chorus, great example of a tribute.

>> No.10912108
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>TFW had tickets to see her most recent liveshow but got cancer and couldn't go

>> No.10912113


kate bush is a misunderstood genius.

>> No.10912120

>got cancer
where'd you catch it? just seemed as casual as getting the flu.

>> No.10912126
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Isn't she basically universally loved by music critics? Except The Dreaming but people are finally coming around on that too.
Link related

>> No.10912134

Lymphoma, more of an inconvenience desu.

>> No.10912683

>Does /Lit/ really hate female authors?

The Road Warrior
Star Wars
flat chested Wonder Woman
flat chested Tomb Raider

I think it should be pretty clear by now that feminists resent males and are hostile to the thought of men ever enjoying themselves again. They are starting to make inroads into comic books and video games as well. Their ultimate dream is to parasitically make money by taking over male created art forms while at the same time utterly ruining the childhoods of male consumers.

Beware the non-male author anon. Her hostility and treachery know no bounds.

>> No.10912712

Literally this, so underrated

Rereading Jane Eyre right now, I don't remember it being so spooky. Villette is definitely better though. I also really enjoyed Wuthering Heights and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall when I read them, but I can't really remember anything else about them now, too bad.

>> No.10912767

He was a master ruseman

>> No.10912774

>Isn't she basically universally loved by music critics?
Yes, but for the wrong reasons.

>> No.10912777

>comic books and video games
Sounds like they aren't even going after men, anon.

>> No.10912788

Really nice writing. Some chick goes crazy over brown gypsy cock. Would recommend.

>> No.10913365
File: 61 KB, 500x667, Heathcliff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to find some art to post and it seems that very artist's depiction of the characters is shit, it's always somehow sappy and overly romantic, some of them even draw Heathcliff like he was supposed to be effeminate. I found this photo though and it resembles pretty closely what I imagined him to look like

>> No.10913466
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i was reluctant to click because tributes tend to be trash but that's nice
i've heard the song before but i never knew what it was about
>Heathcliff, it's me, Cathy, I've come home i'm so cold
>let me in your window
makes me feel things now that i know what it means

>> No.10914155

fucking love Kate Bush, 1980s Kate Bush was hot

>> No.10914248

t plen

>> No.10914348

I enjoyed it more in retrospect than I did while reading it (read it for high school lit class). The final few pages are unquestionably beautiful though.

>> No.10914400

I liked it better when it was called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 1

>> No.10914407

Don’t forget non males making journalism, academia and office jobs that dont require autism in general toxic for males as well

>> No.10914446
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Being a brainlet I completely forgot that Heathcliff running around with Catherine and being mischevious kids was what led to them meeting the Lintons in the first place, if he wasn't there to influence her Cathy and Edgar probably would have never became friends. So in the end he really was an instrument of fate, even if the overwrought suffering he caused was the doing of his own will and unnecessary. Or maybe it was all necessary for things to end like they did, I don't know.

Fragments from the second to last chapter:
‘It is a poor conclusion, is it not?’ he observed, having brooded awhile on the scene he had just witnessed: ‘an absurd termination to my violent exertions? I get levers and mattocks to demolish the two houses, and train myself to be capable of working like Hercules, and when everything is ready and in my power, I find the will to lift a slate off either roof has vanished! My old enemies have not beaten me; now would be the precise time to revenge myself on their representatives: I could do it; and none could hinder me. But where is the use? I don’t care for striking: I can’t take the trouble to raise my hand! That sounds as if I had been labouring the whole time only to exhibit a fine trait of magnanimity. It is far from being the case: I have lost the faculty of enjoying their destruction, and I am too idle to destroy for nothing.


‘Then you are not afraid of death?’ I pursued.

‘Afraid? No!’ he replied. ‘I have neither a fear, nor a presentiment, nor a hope of death. Why should I? With my hard constitution and temperate mode of living, and unperilous occupations, I ought to, and probably shall, remain above ground till there is scarcely a black hair on my head. And yet I cannot continue in this condition! I have to remind myself to breathe—almost to remind my heart to beat! And it is like bending back a stiff spring: it is by compulsion that I do the slightest act not prompted by one thought; and by compulsion that I notice anything alive or dead, which is not associated with one universal idea. I have a single wish, and my whole being and faculties are yearning to attain it. They have yearned towards it so long, and so unwaveringly, that I’m convinced it will be reached—and soon—because it has devoured my existence: I am swallowed up in the anticipation of its fulfilment. My confessions have not relieved me; but they may account for some otherwise unaccountable phases of humour which I show. O God! It is a long fight; I wish it were over!’

>> No.10914497

>names a bunch of Hollywood movies
Why are brainlets so predictable?

>> No.10914529

>missing a Kate Bush concert because you're sick
Poor decision desu

>> No.10914599

You better hot be that dweeb that works at the cigarette counter OP

>> No.10914623

i'm not, did a friend of yours read the book recently or what? is this some meme i'm not aware of?

>> No.10915787


>> No.10915900

My girlfriend at the time asked me to read it so I did. It was shockingly good.

I think I liked it because it's honest about gender roles, and in our time that's hard to come by. The men have faults that make sense for men. Heathcliff is a troublemaker, and vengeful. Edgar is a man, but he's effeminate. The women have faults that make sense for women. Isabelle is caught up in a desire for a man who isn't good for her. Catherine is catty, bitchy, and doesn't care about the man she's actually married to.

Every time there's a school shooting in our present age, everyone's shocked when the shooter starts getting love letters from teenage girls across the country. In Wuthering Heights, it's taken for granted that every girl secretly loves the troublemaker, the "bad boy," Heathcliff. Catherine first liked Edgar because, as children, his refinement was valued. As teenagers though, his femininity wasn't attractive to her at all; she married him because she felt it was necessary. Probably one of everyone's favorite moments in the novel is when Edgar finally mans the fuck up and punches Heathcliff in the face.

It doesn't make one gender responsible for everything that goes wrong. Heathcliff and Catherine are equally hated. It also makes it clear that in order for this small group, a microcosm of society, to work, everyone needs to play by their associated gender roles. If Edgar had been manlier/sterner, if Catherine had been loyal to her husband, if Heathcliff had honor, if Isabelle had listened to her brother instead of a stranger...things would have gone better. By ignoring these typical roles that each gender has set out for them in favor of "love," they destroy themselves (with a possible exception in Edgar).

It's also interesting to see the reactions people have to it in real time. For instance, when I read it I basically thought everyone got what they deserved. When Catherine died, I thought it was a fitting end. The girl who recommended it to me was more concerned with how tragic everything was rather than how just it was, so Catherine dying made her sad, whereas it made me content.

>> No.10915915

It's great. Problem is, a synopsis reads like an emo bodice ripper. But the execution is much, much better.

>> No.10916093
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desu fampai, i really don't want to be mean, but that's a depressingly modern and shallow reading of the text
those things you said are true but they're not even among the many qualities that make the book so great
it's not amazing that a 150+ year old novel isn't confused about gender roles like the absolutely retarded down syndrome addled society of today is

i agree though, the characters are vivid and perfectly realized, and the events, though tragic, make sense and leave you with a feeling of contentment
i'm not saying you didn't understand or appreciate the text on other and deeper levels, but the fact that you felt the need to mention those things about gender at all just makes me feel gross - it's banal and should be common sense

>Probably one of everyone's favorite moments in the novel is when Edgar finally mans the fuck up and punches Heathcliff in the face.
it wasn't like that, iirc Edgar was sitting down and he took Heathcliff by surprise and hit him in the throat, and ran away like a bitch
it was just something that happened, it shouldn't feel like some triumph or resolution to you, like about the death of Catherine you should have been indifferent about it

>> No.10916675


>> No.10918177


>> No.10918340

My English class at uni was studying this book the other week. The entire, two-hour tutorial was literally a Q&A session on social justice issues which was kickstarted by the professor talking about Heathcliff's "otherness".

>> No.10918352
File: 60 KB, 500x334, tumblr_lnnalzPlNN1qe5f96o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they cast Tom "gangsta" Hardy as Heathcliffe?

>> No.10918358

You only get two kinds of profs in universities these days. Real ass niggas and sjw faggots. It's pretty polarised, honestly.

>> No.10918363

sounds absolutely soul crushing to witness

>> No.10919342


>> No.10919487

The band is better

>> No.10920870


>> No.10922592

Alright lads, time for the questions that matter, what's the he be best Charlotte Brontë novel, and what is the best Brontë novel of them all?
I went full circle at first it was WH, then Villette, then I went very contrarians and preferred The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, before coming back round again and accepting Wuthering Heights and my favourite - though ultimately, Fuck Emily, Marry Charlotte, Kill Anne.

>> No.10922600

>the [...] best
>and my
O god I made a mess of that - well, I hope you get me.

>> No.10922608

It's Villette.

>> No.10922615

4chan in general has a completely irrational hatred of all women, so the fact that we even get threads made on female authors is a blessing

>> No.10922622

I liked the one with the black Heathcliff. The attraction of the female characters to him seemed more natural and less like acting

>> No.10922629

Everyone describes Heathcliff as the devil, so I imagine him being really brown like an Indian but very tall and with heavy sideburns.

>> No.10923542

Go kill yourself fucking loser

>> No.10923679

what? does thread bumping set off your ptsd?

>> No.10924870

. . .

>> No.10924958

read it in highschool, hated it. reading it makes one feel grimy and gross.

>> No.10925255


>> No.10926701

>Kill Anne

Also the correct answer is Villette

>> No.10928033

It is easily the best. The contrast between civility and the passions is made abundantly clear. These are characters who will act out their uglier impulses, and the actors do a great job depicting them as they are in the novel.

>> No.10929028
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I niggerized Nelly because I liked it better that way but doing it to Heathcliff is too much desu.

>> No.10930186

bump desu

>> No.10930190

Its for women. Saged.

>> No.10930448

DFW is worshipped so no, we don't mind feminine authors.

>> No.10931769

. . .