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/lit/ - Literature

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11019598 No.11019598 [Reply] [Original]

How do I contain my rage when confronted with opinions such as these in real life? There must be a good way. I mostly say simply: "I disagree as much as I could disagree with anything."

>> No.11019613

Relax, don't do it.

>> No.11019624
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>> No.11019633

And why should I not? My cousin is a perpetrator and I can see why it would not be wise when the one in question is family. Still I cant seem to let words as these be said of great literature around me.

>> No.11019645

You ignore peoples opinion when it comes down to subjective thought of taste from lack of intelligence.

>> No.11019653
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Just accept that women usually have dogshit opinions. It isn't their fault, they just don't know any better.

>> No.11019660

other people having different opinions shouldn't make you mad, pseud

>> No.11019666
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>> No.11019671

When the opinions come from a lack of understanding it should be addressed. Uninformed opinions are trash opinions.

>> No.11019740

how you liken passion to being insincere in that passion baffles me. It angers me because I want for those I converse with to be of intellectual quality when it comes to literature. Sadly while my company is most often rather smart, I find their opinions regarding art to be infuriatingly impatient, unable to grasp subtleties. I am not mad because others dont think I have good taste.

>> No.11019753

You're probably a retard yourself

>> No.11019759

its possible

>> No.11019764

so find smarter friends. getting mad at someone you deem your inferior is embarrassing.

>> No.11020049
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>> No.11020057

But corncobber is shit and this thread is just an circlejerking excuse for cretins who have barely read 100 books in their life but already feel the need to assure themselves that there is someone even stupider than them.

>> No.11020063



>> No.11020065

>being unable to handle milk

what a pleb

>> No.11020072

If you make it your life's mission to always correct people when they are wrong you will end up wasting your entire life on idiots. Pick your hills to die on carefully, 95% of them aren't worth the time and effort.

>> No.11020231

t. roastie pleb

>> No.11020258


>why do other people don't like what I like

You are either a teenager or a teenager brain in an adult body. Grow the fuck up and you'll eventually see that people are entitled to opinions different from yours, even when they are blatantly wrong and also - and this may seem like a miracle to you - that they can be articulate, very nice, and worth talk to.

>> No.11020264
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>I need someone to tell me why it's good

>> No.11020267

Getting upset like a babby is the mark of a pseud. A patrician starts asking questions and debunks their argument.

>> No.11020270

Wait how did she read it for class then

>> No.11020295

Probably assigned reading for an English class. It was A Midsummer Night's Dream so it could be read in a day or two.

>> No.11020298

Wouldn't the teacher talk about it then?

>> No.11020304


A pseud who likes faulkner? Well I never!

>> No.11020315

I dunno when i went to a very prestigious community college my English Composition class basically just had us watch movies (seriously) on our own time and then write an essay about it, it was probably something like that but not a total fucking joke.

>> No.11020331

The answer is to become thoroughly knowledgeable on this particular topic so that you can express your opinions of it with exactitude and clarity. Do you know clearly and precisely why you like a work and can you express as much in a conversation? Do you know the context and history behind writer X producing works the way he does?

If you are really secure in your knowledge of any given topic you will be able to graciously explain why you think people are misguided without resorting to fits of rage.

>> No.11020336

don’t argue. Say you disagree and maybe even briefly state why, but don’t push the argument. It has no real purpose to continue arguing other than to divide you from the ones you’re talking to.

If you’re not an expert and if you’re not talking to an expert, there’s no point in arguing. What you’re doing is exchanging opinions, and as soon as opinions from one side (or both) are insufficiently founded, you should stop.

>> No.11020339
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Learn the Way Of Dogbert, Anon.

>> No.11020343

stop being a sperg and ignoring these idiots should do the trick

>> No.11020427
File: 30 KB, 400x400, BD954090-E0BB-4C4E-A350-6081DB204AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should’ve never given these whores the right to vote.

>> No.11020577

I wonder if there are any stats for who would have been US president at each election after women got the vote.

>> No.11020586

I mean who would have won the elections if women hadn't been able to vote.

>> No.11020591


Isn't this one of Ann Coulter's talking points? There would have been no Democrat president after WWII if women couldn't vote?

>> No.11020600

>tee hee what if I remove one part of the equation but keep the results???
is there anything more vile than american political commentators?

>> No.11020605

>very prestigious community college

>> No.11020622


>> No.11020626

We're on /lit/. Judging from recent threads maybe two autists here can even into prose aesthetics. A lot of this place is just memeing the same dozen books and patting ourselves on the back because we're familiar with them.

>> No.11021883

Is there ever a purpose to abridged versions of novels? Is there such a thing as a good abridgement?

>> No.11021897

she's right, reading Mill is completely pointless and a tremendous waste of time. just google the basics of utilitarianism it's babby-tier and easy to understand

>> No.11022024

silence and the fury was a 3/5 at best

>> No.11022057


>all I can say is nyet

Holy fuck, I'm gonna snap.

>> No.11022068

>wtf snobs told me this book was one of the greats and i eat their shit without thinking
>how dare this person have their own differing opinion on this book! did they not see that snobs said its one of the greatest!
>i can't even explain why their opinion sucks so i will go off to /lit/ and have a circlejerk making fun of these opinions i hate!

Classic pseud.

>> No.11022091

I unironically disliked Brothers Karamazov
sure it makes for a good philosophy book but it's just that the story itself wasn't very interesting up until the last couple hundred pages
wish Dostoevsky would've been around long enough to finish his sequel, then it probably would have felt more eventful in that context

>> No.11022581

You're the one going to whatever the fuck this site for morons is and reading their moronic opinions, OP. Stop going there.

>> No.11022608

>reading for the story
>not even the plot, the story

>> No.11022650

Personally I agree with them. The Sound and the Fury would have been a much better novel written in normal prose rather than that stream of consciousness nonsense

>> No.11022734

plot, story, tomato potato

>> No.11022752

I know they make some for people that are learning English.
I remember having a very simplified version of the hound of Baskerville, with audio and pictures to help.

>> No.11022879

You are permitted, of course, to dislike the book - Their for it was that it was confusing. This is what bothers me. They can't appreciate the way in which it was written capturing the thoughts of each character, and how the style progresses throughout the book. To say that it seems to be written in a confusing manner for the sake of being confusing is an unbelievably shallow, impatient view of the book.

>> No.11023928
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>> No.11023933
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