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/lit/ - Literature

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11385786 No.11385786 [Reply] [Original]

"Religion is an entirely cultural phenomenon."

Ten years ago, anti-theism and anti-religion books were becoming best sellers (Dawkins, Hitchens et al.) and that obnoxious brand of "internet atheism" become widespread.

Today, because theists (specifically, Christians) are as ostracised as gays were in the 80s, and because people are so tired of reddit-tier atheism, they've actually returned to Christianity as a way to rebel and be unique. Hence the rise in the popularity of Kierkegaard.

There's no theology or reason in religious views - it is simply a cultural standpoint that fluctuates with each generation.

>> No.11385790

Tbqh honest, the christian larp phase is over on /lit/. The fedora is now beginning to rest on the Christian's head.

>> No.11385797

It's only the beginning. We're just reaching a point where kids make fun of you in school for being religious, but not for being a trans-queen-pansexual-furry

>> No.11385815

>Believe in God
>Get mocked for having ridiculous beliefs
>Believe that if a man says they feel more like a woman than they are a woman in every way and if you disagree you're a bigot
>Get applauded for being brave
Modern society is cancerous

>> No.11385818

>both are equally as retarded
Christians are literally WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY

>> No.11385819

Christianity has always been the object of the worlds judgement

>> No.11385820


>> No.11385829

You're right. God is way more plausible than your sex magically changing based on how you feel on any particular day

>> No.11385833

Don't confuse people with actual gender dysphoria with tumblr non-binary retards

>> No.11385841

Transgender people are mentally ill degenerates, Christians are LARPers and actually think they're actively persecuted in countries like America
Both are retarded

>> No.11385843

As someone who lives in an extremely secular country (Sweden) I see this all the time. People are taking up a respect for christianity that didn't exist before, or at the very least younger people are starting to think that the anti-theistic "internet atheism" is tiresome.

Like you say, it's generational thing.

>> No.11385844

If you're not a Christian you MUST believe itransgender people, there is no OTHER possibilities

>> No.11385850

Looking forward to master morality making a comeback to I can go steal my neighbour's barbecue and feel good about it

>> No.11385852

>the virgin BBQ-less neighbor
>please can I have my BBQ back
>the Chad master of BBQ's
> invites neighbour's wife over for a BBQ and sleeps with her

>> No.11385860

Would it be more edgy to be Christian or Jewish? I'm seriously considering converting. I'm British by the way, living in London.

>> No.11385862

If you really want to be edgy just LARP as the ubermensch like the rest of /lit/

>> No.11385863

It's true. Jesus said so

>These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him: If we then become children, shall we enter the kingdom?

>Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female

>> No.11385871
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The cynicism of this board is unbelievable. Why is it so hard to believe that atheists and theists might actually be sincere in their beliefs, and that atheists can sincerely become Christians and vice versa? Why is that so hard to believe? Why does everything seem like posturing to you people?

>> No.11385873

Wow! Because Jesus said it the opposite must be true. Thank you anon, I will now LARP like the other 18 year old proto-nazis being reactionaries to liberalism that find power in going to church
Just ordered Tolstoy and Kierkegaard, should I read guenon also?

>> No.11385875

One does not exclude the other.

>> No.11385881

Christians are usually a bunch of whiners and losers, they have a pretty huge victim complex.

>> No.11385884

>theists (specifically, Christians) are as ostracised as gays were in the 80s,
They are obviously not
They are just upset that they are losing their special place in society as people realise what a crock of shit religion is and are having a hissy fit about it

>> No.11385886
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I was actually agreeing with you by posting a verse that has Jesus telling his disciples they need to become women, but whatever if you want to be a combative cunt for no reason go ahead and chop your dick off already, I don't give a fuck tranny lover

>> No.11385892

Sorry anon I'm drunk and tired from work, I hate trannies so let's make peace

>> No.11385894

I love religion, rituals and myths. Christians in general are just kind of bitchy: "I believe in the bible, k? You need to show me respect" Christians are kinda like sassy black people.

>> No.11385912

Secular society's and anti-theist have taking the thing too far and people are getting tired of literal degenerates being the cultural norm and applauded as heroes.

>> No.11385918

My point exactly.

>> No.11385926

>implying all morality ought to originate from the Bible
>implying you can't be secular and disprove of trannies

>> No.11385930

>implying you can't be secular and disprove of trannies
I mean, you can be, but most don't. You can be black and not commit crime too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go live in the ghetto

>> No.11385948

>implying you can't disaprove of transsexuals and at the same time not care what other people do

>> No.11385966

Well, write a post disproving the morality of trannies without using Christianity and make it public, let see how do you do.

>> No.11385977

is wittgenstein religious man?
I'll follow the wittgenstein's way

>> No.11385984

One could argue that in order to believe or suggest that a person is transgender is to imply that they understand what it means to "be or feel female" as a male has no ability to understand the qualia of being a female, it is impossible for them to assume from their male perspective that they are female, or even what standard they can judge it to be or feel female. It would be therefore illogical to believe that your subjective experience of feeling female while being male is an objective truth, and to alter your body through chemical and surgical means is to follow something that isn't true. Therefore trannies have no conception of truth and act only on selfish illogical desires, and a societies belief that one must honor this notion is nothing more than granting validity to illogical hedonism.

>> No.11385996
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/Lit/ is now a perennialist Traditionalist board, Guenon is the patron saint of /lit/. Those of us who deeply study the various traditions like daoism, vedanta, sufism, neoplatonism and so on look on Christians as our brothers. When dogmatic Christians blindly insist only Christianity is true we smile in amusement, knowing that in time the more gifted of them will come to understand. The fight between dogmatic Christians and materialist atheists over the last few decades is just a sign of the degeneration of spirituality and intelligence in the modern world.

>> No.11386002

It is silly. If anything trannies push what things that can be seen as "feminine" to their logical conclusion. Such as tits or long hair, make up and speaking in a lighter tone.

>> No.11386007

They can think what they want, I think it's possible to be non-religious and to think trannies are mentally ill
Each is welcome to their own perspective on it

>> No.11386057
File: 5 KB, 220x203, e3bef50c7a6f9c5a30620a75f3f1da9c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you Guenon and Evola fanboys feel about Simone Weil?

>> No.11386106
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>implying boomer evangelicals are the only type of Christians

>> No.11386135
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>Today, because theists (specifically, Christians) are as ostracised as gays were in the 80s

You'd have to be legitimately retarded to think this is in any way true.

>> No.11386154

really good angle mate. well done for this post.

>> No.11386158

Where do you live?

>> No.11386198

I've lived in Texas my whole life, but I spent a few years in Austin so don't give me that "hurr u don't know how hateful libruls are" bullshit. Even in that obnoxious city there's a church every few square miles and the overwhelming majority of people are at worst indifferent to Christianity. Organized religion losing its grasp on American society's balls is not equivalent to "ostracization" and of course it should go without saying that even still it's very much alive and well in many of the other cities I've lived in.

>> No.11386210

>I've lived in Texas my whole life, but I spent a few years in Austin so don't give me that "hurr u don't know how hateful libruls are" bullshit

HAHAHAHAHAHA this guys is serious. he literally thinks that just because he hasn't lived in the same 20 mile radius his whole life he has somehow experienced the world

>> No.11386222

A very bright thinker who unfortunately somewhat stunted herself a bit by staying in a 'limited hangout' to borrow an expression from spycraft. Who knows what she could have accomplished if she had studied all the traditions in depth and applied that knowledge in combination with her intellect to Christianity.

A few of her ideas align with Traditionalism while most others don't. The mainstream and orthodox understandings of eastern traditions generally posit an all-encompassing (encompassing us too) transcendental reality/god as the highest while in the west this is usually found only in esoterism and mystic thinkers (Weil not one of them in this regard). This isn't even strictly incompatible with an immanent god, the eastern concept of it can be immanent from the perspective of regular day-to-day life and in ritual and prayer while becoming transcendent when one teaches high states of metaphysical realization or while experiencing the fruits of spiritual practice etc.

Her idea of absence is some sense would be considered wrong because it implies a strict separation which doesn't really exist. Her view of creation of containing 'evil' in itself is correct though in that (taking advaita as an example) by the very fact of the temporary and ephemeral manifested universe arising out of the perfect unchanging unmanifest that it necessarily contains/engenders ignorance through the maya that is part of manifestation (all evil and adharma fundamentally stemming from ignorance of the true nature of reality). Her understanding of Metaxu would also to some extent be considered correct in that despite its illusionary nature the phenomenal world allows us the means to learn about and make inferences about the highest reality.

>> No.11386237

Austin is one of the most liberal cities in the country. If you want to claim that Christians are being burned at the stake in Portland then go ahead but you're gonna have a real hard time convincing me that they are in any way being persecuted in this country.

>> No.11386245

You're the retard here who's obviously never been in Austin.

>> No.11386273

Try San Francisco, especially Santa Clara.

Why would I ever travel to Texas LMAO

>> No.11386287

The Atheist writers you mention shit all over Christianity, which was the foundation upon which the Western world you know today was built.

The major failing of the Dawkins, Hitchens types is that they critcize the negative aspects of Christianity specifically while conveniently ignoring the religious groups which are actively involved in genocide today, and making zero attempt to recognize the value that religion offers. No significant attempt has been made to produce social institutions which could perform the societal function of these organizations.

Religion is a fundamental requirement of the human psyche and religions spontaneously occur anywhere you get communities of humans. Failure to embrace and engage with it means that you have zero influence in circles where people hold these ideas sacred.

The biggest issue facing western society today is how a society which considers diversity and tolerence a virtue manage ideologies and groups of people with ethnocentric supremacy as a goal who perceive our tolerance as a weakness to be exploited.

>> No.11386299

>while conveniently ignoring the religious groups which are actively involved in genocide today
Rest of the post is valid but this is straight up lying. Hitchens was one of the most fervent critics of Islam.

>> No.11386304

Read the Book of Romans.

>> No.11386323

The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.

>> No.11386351

>A close family member is sick so you sick comfort in prayer.
Hur durrrr why do you pray Christtard, your dad has a survival rate at 1 year of only 1%, that's all the information you need, why you crying?

>> No.11386837

Yes ofcourse, it's always been Christianity, they've always had to bear the brunt of the world ostracizing them, literally no other religion has ever faced any discrimination or mass genocide, no , it's always the good Christians that are the victims, and they've never done ANYTHING bad, they've never gone on mass murdering crusades and inquisitions , they've never opposed the spread of doctrines of free thought or development of science , no the Christians dindu nuffin.
4chan is literally falling prey to the same victim culture it used to all others out for.

>> No.11386850

4chan has always been hypocritical

it hates the soiboy bugmen which compose it

>> No.11386864

You only get victim hood out of Christianity being the object of the worlds judgement? Do you understand what Christ meant at all?

>> No.11386881
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>You only get victim hood out of Christianity being the object of the worlds judgement? Do you understand what Christ meant at all?

>> No.11386891

Nice meme photo a true rarity
Christ was the victim and is also God, that's the paradox, that's the rub, you halfwit.
>Just as the concept "faith" is an altogether distinctively Christian term, so in turn is "offense" an altogether distinctively Christian term relating to faith. The possibility of offense is the crossroad, or it is like standing at the crossroad. From the possibility of offense, one turns either to offense or to faith, but one never comes to faith except from the possibility of offense.... Offense...relates to the God-man and has two forms. It is either in relation to the loftiness that one is offended, that an individual human being claims to be God, acts or speaks in a manner that manifests God...or the offense is in relation to lowliness, that the one who is God is this lowly human being, suffering as a lowly human being.... The God-man is the paradox, absolutely the paradox. Therefore, it is altogether certain that the understanding must come to a standstill on it

>> No.11386892

>should I read guenon also


>> No.11386898
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>that's the rub, you halfwit.

>> No.11386900
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>> No.11386902

>Fedora tier
Boy, you'll be surprised when all the anime people start praying to God and be saved en masse.

>> No.11386909
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>implying anime Christianity cringe hasn't already occurred

The ability of christians to embarrass themselves knows no bounds

>> No.11386927
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It's just people growing the fuck up. Most of the edgy atheist were underage b& trying to rebel against their parents. Those people are now 10+ years older than they were on the golden age of /b/ and have matured a lot and gotten a lot smarter, which has allowed them to see how retarded atheist are.

It's hardly a generation thing like some morons I see on here saying. Every generation goes through this process, the boomers went through it with the flower child shit of the 60s and 70s. The only difference is with the internet kids today are able to see the stupidity and evil of atheism at much younger ages so their rebelious periods are correspondingly shorter in length compared to previous generations.

>they've never gone on mass murdering crusades and inquisitions , they've never opposed the spread of doctrines of free thought or development of science

This is all true though you fucking brainlet.

>They are obviously not

You're right, Christians are MORE ostracized if anything. I don't recall multiple landmark SCOTUS cases dealing with freedom of expression of being a faggot back in the 80s, like what we have had with Christians now.

>Jesus telling his disciples they need to become women

This right here is a perfect example of the retardation of atheist that is driving people away. Anyone who is not a brainlet can see that Jesus is telling his disciples not to discriminate based on sex but to see people as individuals rather than labels. The brainlet atheist though with his 2nd grade reading level and double digit IQ equates this with transsexualism as he focuses on spending what meager intellectual capacity he has on selecting his anime reaction image rather than on anything resembling advanced thinking. I can guarantee you that despite wasting decades of his life watching anime he doesn't know Japanese. Truly we are left with no choice but to pity this incel.

>> No.11386931

>implying the christian larp phase wasn't just edgy rebellion

Ah yes anon, because threads filled with "DEEEEYUS VAULT HANG THE NIGGERS AND MUSLIMS" are beacons of maturity.

>> No.11386937

>a fucking /v/edditor talking about maturity

>> No.11386946

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.11386952

Hitchens was one of the first big voices that was criticized for being too harsh on Islam. In spite of that, he didn't pull back, he was fair and still managed to make the distinction between Islamic terrorists and the average Muslim. He outlined the dangers of Islam without conflating its evil with brown people.

Christians wish they had someone with the balls and the intelligence of Hitchens fighting on their side.

>> No.11386991

>Why does everything seem like posturing to you people?
Because it’s 4chan. It safe to just assume the worst about the scum that browse here.

>> No.11386995

This. Most people, myself included, don't actually care for what they argue for and against. Personally I just enjoy a bit of tribal warfare. My shitposts are my spears. My false-flags are part of my Odyssean diadems.

>> No.11386996

You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands.

>> No.11387000

he was agnostic

>> No.11387006

you're a special one aren't you anon

>> No.11387014

that ass

>> No.11387017

Number one: that's terror.

>> No.11387024


>> No.11387032

Imagine posting this.

>> No.11387033

Gain height

>> No.11387039
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>> No.11387040

Are you programmed to invent shitposts?

>> No.11387042

I started reading Either/Or part 1, and I appreciate the beautiful writing and imagery so far but I’ve never seen Don Giovanni or any of the classical operas he’s talking about. I feel so far removed from all that. Do I keep going?

>> No.11387049

Why don't you just watch Don Giovanni

>> No.11387989
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>> No.11388007

please post your boipussi I'm so horny right now

>> No.11388019
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>> No.11388029
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Holy shit summerfags fuck off. Modernity is destitute, but larping as a trad without proper defence of tradition is even dumber.

>> No.11388035
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>> No.11388041

>That picture
Are you the same guy who was talking about "categorization" on /r9k/ a few months back?

>> No.11388055
File: 249 KB, 471x773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I found it on twitter.com a while ago. I haven’t been on r9k since woman hate stopped.

>> No.11388292

I became interested in Kirkegaard for his non-Christian material through YouTube pop-philosophy videos regarding his take on angst and finiteness. It was enough for me to quit my job and start with the Greeks after reading Fear and Trembling which seems to have been the wrong choice and I will regrettably return to either/or and the sickness unto death only after I give Plato his due. That said, I can't deny noticing the presence of counter culture pseudo "Christians", but, isn't that exactly what Kierkegaard argued against becoming, a half believer?

>> No.11388322


>In September 1914, Wittgenstein, off duty, visited the town of Tarnow, then in Austrian Galicia, now in southern Poland, where he went into a small shop that seemed to sell nothing but picture postcards. However, as Bertrand Russell later wrote in a letter, Wittgenstein “found that it contained just one book: [of] Tolstoy on the Gospels. He bought it merely because there was no other. He read it and re-read it, and thenceforth had it always with him, under fire and at all times.” No wonder, then, that Wittgenstein became known to his fellow soldiers as ‘the one with the Gospels’. Tolstoy’s book, however, is a single Gospel: hence its name: The Gospel in Brief. It is, as Tolstoy himself says in his Preface, “a fusion of the four Gospels into one.” Tolstoy had distilled the four biblical accounts of Christ’s life and teaching into a compelling story. Wittgenstein was so profoundly moved by it that he doubted whether the actual Gospels could possibly be better than Tolstoy’s synthesis. “If you are not acquainted with it,” he told his friend Ludwig von Ficker, “then you cannot imagine what effect it can have on a person.” It implanted a Christian faith in Wittgenstein. Before going on night-duty at the observation post, he wrote: “Perhaps the nearness of death will bring me the light of life. May God enlighten me. Through God I will become a man. God be with me. Amen.”

>> No.11388715


>> No.11388738

Don’t be ridiculous anon, SF has tons and tons of churches, dozens more than it does LGBT centers and gay bars.

Liberals are tolerant of religious beliefs, up until the point that they start infringing on other people’s personal liberties.

>> No.11388753

>There's no theology or reason in religious views
You're bait is bad and you should feel bad. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.11388793

Is there a good movie adaptation of it? or a recording?

>> No.11390016

You should go straight to Islam my friend.

>> No.11390061

>liked by nazi
Oh anon, you’re retarded boi

>> No.11390069

>starts talking about objective truth
>makes it about hedonism
What’s the objective definition of hedonism anon?

>> No.11390112

I feel you, dood. After that section it gets better, but that's a long ass section.

>> No.11390272

I've started with Fear and Trembling too, why is this not a good idea?

>> No.11390336

The quality is a little low, but still good for watching if you've never seen it.

>> No.11390374 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 794x441, 123wsdaefg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to believe in (christian) God when you have low IQ and a shallow knowledge of science. I wish I did like most of the religious people do. I hate materialism too.

>> No.11390377 [DELETED] 

By the upload time, it is actually going backwards.

>> No.11390395

Delete this.

>> No.11390399

I am a Catholic convert in a majority non-Catholic country. You'd be surprised how much people's attitudes have changed towards me. But I live in the countryside, so that could be the reason why I am ''persecuted''.

>> No.11390404

what's the top right

>> No.11390437

> they've actually returned to Christianity as a way to rebel and be unique
No, they've returned because, faced with the very real evil and degeneracy of the modern world, they sense a truth and a cure in religion.

>> No.11390443
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>No, they've returned because, faced with the very real evil and degeneracy of the modern world, they sense a truth and a cure in religion.

>> No.11390445

You can rephrase it however you want, the point still largely stands that it is illogical to accept and agree with someone's dillusions
The issue was on morality, I'm not saying it's the be all and end all of the discussion simply a way to look at it, I'm certainly not an expert

>> No.11390449

all boils down to some boring semantics at the end of the day

philosophy is only good for the same reason a Shakespeare play is good

>> No.11390450

Absolute fucking LARP
I have had many friends convert to Christianity because of rising politics/degeneracy - most of them being weed smoking retards who think traps aren't gay. Your projection of inferiority and desire to enforce restrictions to enable you to be a normal functional human tells more about your failings then the degeneracy of modern society

>> No.11390452

Exactly right, doesn't particularly bother me realistically but I do enjoy the discussion

>> No.11390458

Harlequin fetus

>> No.11390476

>I'm inteligent that's why im atheist
>believers are dumb
Maybe start from being humble and not calling everyone who disagree with you low IQ.