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11581932 No.11581932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some works that accurately capture the 'feeling' of "Whiteness is a disease"?

An example is this video.

No trolling, please. I'm genuinely interested since this is where 'we' are at in 2018.


>> No.11581936
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>> No.11581938
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Can you imagine being the mind-slave of a dead ideology? can you imagine mentally hobbling yourself for an ideology which is long dead? can you imagine willing putting yourself under the yoke of an ideology which is dead, long dead? can you imagine being in the first world in the richest and freest period in human history hitherto, and wanting to put yourself in physical and mental bondage to an ideology which no longer has any relevance? can you imagine getting convinced of an ideology (long dead) by image macros on /pol/ which you didn't even bother to check the sources of (even though you live in the richest and freest period in human history hitherto) and just believe them because you want to? can you imagine developing a pathology which makes you a social and intellectual pariah, all in service of an ideology which died in a lonely bunker in Berlin a long time ago? can you imagine believing that you're the victim of a constant propaganda campaign trying to sway your mind, but never questioning that the "redpilled" information you get from /pol/ may also be propaganda? can you imagine believing that everyone who wants you to fuck off (which is everyone) is a jew or a paid shill, and not that you may just be insufferable? can you imagine constantly talking about genetic influence on human behavior and capacity when you haven't studied genetics or neurology or biology or psychology of any sort, but just saw an image on /pol/ and believed it? can you imagine denying the most meticulously documented genocide in history just because of some images you saw on /pol/? can you imagine believing that you are some sort of ubermensch even though the only reason you fell for a long dead ideology is because you were already an isolated, atomized, failure of an individual with little societal connections or accomplishments so you wish for a racial fraternity ruled over by a fascistic government that will force you to be part of society? Can you imagine constantly posting images of statues of the idealized male figure of antiquity believing it to be a perfect representation of your movement, yet whenever a photo is taken of the people of your movement they look like pathetic losers which are as far away from that ideal as possible? can you imagine convincing yourself that the only reason you don't go to university is because it is filled with Marxists who constantly try and brainwash you, and not because you may just be too stupid (stupid enough to be a mind-slave of a dead ideology) to succeed there? Can you imagine believing yourself an expert on politics even though you only started following it since the Trump election, have made no effort to actually study it in any capacity, and get all your information from /pol/? like, can you imagine that?

>> No.11581939

It's fine, we can just create new ones.

>> No.11581941


>> No.11581943

Imagine living in a society that has had at least 8 decades of total Jewish dominance in mass media, business, film, art, literature, government, culture, etc with no opposition., where 'they' have embedded themselves so deep within your psyche that you don't even know they are there, structuring your thoughts for you... And imagine that your icons, your culture, your favourite television shows, movies, music, everything you were brought up on and know and love, is a Jewish creation (a trick) and/or was pushed by 'them', likely so as to weaken you in some way...

Then imagine they have invented an unknown amount of terms, they have literally changed language, and made up new words, changed their meanings, all to usher in radical change that they fund and then propagate through their global inter-connected network of news, tv, movies, and so on. Imagine they have quite literally bombarded you, your parents, and your grandparents minds from birth, and you're so accustomed to it that you don't even recognise its happening.

Still with me? Imagine 'they' own you, your family, and everyone you know and love. Their total assets are in the trillions but they have a literally unlimited supply of fiat currency to prop up anything they see fit, in reality. Imagine every aspect of modernity is entirely dominated by Jewish influence.

And then imagine dedicating your whole life and existence to debating over which piece of this propaganda was 'better', which had hotter chicks, better scenes, dialogue, and which made 'them' the most money to further destroy you..

>> No.11581945
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Cry more but first buy some more pre-ripped black skinny jeans and Converse

>> No.11581952

Woke culture has managed to do for blacks what Jim Crow racism and brands of European fascism have attempted to for years, but never managed to achieve. Namely, turn "blackness" into a monolith. You simply get kicked out if you don't get with the woke-slam-leftist programme. And Liberal parties have let these identitarians in so they can capitalise on the historically illiterate, Messiah complex youth. Now they're being taken over by the same critical theory slam-leftist woke types. Just like Conservatives in the US have let in pulpit huckstering tent Evangelists to pander to disgruntled rural Americans and now they're being run by them.

We are fucked. It was a fairly decent run though.

>> No.11581992
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Yes. I'm a Jew. A big nosed, twirly-locked, niggardly Jew. If you could think of the stereotype of a Jew, that's me. After dancing in a pool of circumcised dick blood at my Bar-mitzvah and discussing with my fellow Jews about how to genocide the white race, i decided to log onto 4chan to engage in a deep psy-op against the only hope of the white race left: /pol/. We the Jews have long since made /lit/ our base of operations for spreading cultural marxism on 4chan through a deep bernaysian propaganda campaign to purge it of proper redpilled thought. After counting the shekels that i had just extorted from a poor white family my nose started twitching—i could sense an Aryan had just dropped a huge redpill on /lit/! The Nose Knows, and there it was: a brave warrior of the white race was trying to raise white-consciousness on my board. I quickly contacted my gentile puppets to shut it down; i couldn't let the goyim know that he was being genocided right under his diminutive nose. It is our secret design to subtly influence /lit/ into only discussing literature and marxism so as to never let them become redpilled by /pol/, and to make them our proxy-puppets to spread neo-gay-superjew-cultural-marxism throughout the site. You have interrupted our plans and now i have sent a JIDF-Mossad team to track you down and make it so you will forever be an isolated paranoid loser.

>> No.11581997


>> No.11582019

What did they mean by that video?

>> No.11582033
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Stage 4

>> No.11582054
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Screw this white-trash moron.
What did these brainwashing bastards did to Kiki...

>> No.11582057

The other day I was sitting on the sidewalk with my friends when I saw this blue collar white man pull up in an old pickup truck. I think he was a plumber or something, since he was dressed in overalls. Obviously, I started shaking with anger as soon as I saw him, and my friends and I all shot him death glares, but the way he ignored us and just loaded his equipment out of the bed of his truck into his toolbox, preparing to go into the nearby apartment building to fix some pipes or whatever, infuriated me so much that I can't even put it into words. All I could think of was how this white man was going to mind his own business and work hard and earn a living and raise his white family in their stupid house and pay taxes and go to church on Sunday and watch a movie every now and then, and I just got madder and madder and madder. What happened next is even worse. After about an hour and a half, he came back out, put his toolbox in his truck, and drove away down the street like nothing at all had happened. I'm still shaking with rage as I type this. How dare he? How DARE he?

>> No.11582090
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>these posts

>> No.11582155

We're you fucking idiot. This place is full of doom mongers all in a craze, certain that these current liberal trends are a sign of the impending collapse of western civilization. It's bollocks. People throughout history have believed far more ridiculously nonsense than this, and society endured just fine. These things are social trends, they feel huge and all-encompassing when a part of them but they're just fads and fashions in popular belief

>> No.11582158

We're not*

>> No.11582166

Lol ok remember this post in 3 decades loser

>> No.11582169
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Can someone explain the video to me?
And i mean a real explanation, not a /pol/yp's rant

>> No.11582177

You must realise that people throughout human history have thought that their generation is doomed - the golden age fallacy has existed since Grecian times

>> No.11582180
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could almost be a good thread if peoples blood didnt get hot so fast

>> No.11582181


What are some threads that very thinly disguise that the OP is an attention-whoring /pol/poster who posts /pol/posts on other boards than /pol/ to satisfy his faggot hunger for attention, a faggot hunger for attention that is no doubt something that is constitutive of his psychology because he came to 4chan from plebbit during gamergate, and, while drunk on anonymity and how it allows him to type out "nigger" without social consequences, still crave the attention and recognition that anonymity precludes?

Indeed, what are some works that explore how a total faggot with no understanding of a culture tries and fails spectacularly to ingratiate himself in that culture with no grace whatsoever, causing nothing but ire from the members of that culture? Are there any works specifically about how a deluge of these attention-seeking faggots can ruin a culture, sort of like how the post-gamergate plebbitpol culture has ruined 4chan? Especially with the perspective of the attention-whoring ingratiating faggots believing that the ire they draw from the community they are ruining is proof that they are necessary? I'm thinking The Cossacks by Tolstoy is somewhat up this alley, but I am interested in other suggestions.

>> No.11582190

that is the real explanation

>> No.11582194

No shit, faggot. Everyone knows this. But have you ever considered that this time it's, you know, actually happening? Lmao, wake up you boomer fucking pseud

We have corporations saying "whiteness is a disease", do you know what that means? Do you know what genocide is and how it begins? This is stage 4. This is labelling a peoples inhuman, vermin, rats, not human, cattle... sound familiar?

>> No.11582199

No one read this you cuckold
Go buy some pre-ripped black skinny jeans and kys

>> No.11582212

Why are you so angry and where are you spouting all this hyperbole from? There are people who have lived through real conflicts and wars and have seen their lifestyles eviscerated and you're getting all eschatological over a few people on Twitter and the advent of feminist literature, whilst almost certainly being isolated from the real world and living here in your own little bubble - actually getting off on feeling like the world as we know it is coming to an end and viewing yourself as some kind of enlightened martyr resisting it. It's pathetic. Get a fucking grip

>> No.11582215

Great video. This is the first step in acknowledging black anti-white racism. You people can't seriously think of it as serious. Right?

>> No.11582218

The most powerful governments in the world are white though. Why would they exterminate themselves? That only works when governments are one race targeting another shitty race who's in the wrong place

>> No.11582224

I also saw it as a satire making fun of niggers.

>> No.11582225

That's because it's actually happening and you'd rather keep the blinders on. I'm just ahead of the curve. You will realise within the next 3 decades, but you will have wasted all that time between then.
This is *actual* propaganda for genocide. That isn't exaggeration. The West is being passively invaded, birth rates dropping, minorities in their own countries, etc. You will regret choosing to be ignorant one day, or pretending it isn't happening.

>> No.11582232

>Dude white people are a disease and should accept their own mortality and death of their race and culture
>It's just a JOKE guys!!! HEHE xD

Woah, so this is the power of germ-free bubbles. Based Baudrillard

>> No.11582236

You mean Jewish? Like the ones who produced that video? Like the ones who own HBO?

Try again