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/lit/ - Literature

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13728184 No.13728184 [Reply] [Original]

>still undefeated
damn it feels good to be a gangsta

>> No.13728247

Goddamn it's been so long since we had a good Shakespeare thread. What are everyone's favourite plays? What are the best adaptations you've seen?

>> No.13728252

So far, my favorite thing Shakespeare has written is his poem Venus and Adonis.

>> No.13728295

>What are everyone’s favourite plays?
King Lear
>What are the best adaptations you’ve seen?
The one in my mind
Also, this

>> No.13728307

I want to watch Polanski's Macbeth. Heard it was kino. Branagh's Hamlet had the entire dialogue but too many artistic liberties (Asians at Denmark's court, African guards, implied incest, trains, etc.)

>> No.13728362

>favorite play
The Tempest
I don't believe there are any adaptations, but Id like to see some

>> No.13728407

I never get to post this but, while I generally don't like the Heston version of Caesar, and a lot of shit is abridged (which for me is an instant dealbreaker), everyone should see the Heston version's portrayal of SAUCY CASCA at least one time:
(starting at 16:56)

He's so saucy. Best
>...'twas Greek to me.
I've ever seen even though it's abridged

>> No.13728524

I saw an incredible staging of Corialanus in Stratford, Ontario last year. Menenius was on another level.

>> No.13728537

is it about a magical anus that sings in a chorus?

>> No.13728541

Prospero's Books, my boatswain

>> No.13728548

It's about a chad roman general who fucks ur mum

>> No.13728565

Polanski's is good. The best film adaptation I've seen is King Lear by Peter Brook. It's almost as if Beckett wrote King Lear.

>> No.13728579

It's about a Roman general who is ostracized early on in the Republic because of his haughtiness and comes back to wreck Rome's shit only to stop at the behest of his mother and wife.

>> No.13728583

Is it a good adaptiation?

>> No.13728599

It's pretty out there, but worth the watch. Caliban is the best character

>> No.13730022

Yeah, King Lear is still unsurpassed in its brilliance.

>> No.13730028

I've seen that speech about 200 at the very least and it's just brilliant. Brando did it the best and he truly was the GOAT actor.

>> No.13730227
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Sorry, Anon, but a pseudonym for multiple authors doesn't mean you can count them all as one.

>> No.13730249

I use my Halo 3 action figures to reenact the plays sometimes. I've considered filming the performance and putting it up somewhere. Could Microsoft or Shakespeare's estate get me in any legal trouble for copyright infringement?

>> No.13730259
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Shakespeare is closet drama. You have to read it first to appreciate an actual performance.

>> No.13730268

There was a gif attached of Trump. "Wrong" was written along the bottom as the president mouthed along.

>> No.13730272
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>> No.13730499

How is it wrong? Shakespeare is poetry. Poetry is to be read first, not just listened to.

>> No.13730559

>Shakespeare's estate

>> No.13730582
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Sorry again, Anon, the powers that be have been curating and manufacturing culture for a long time now.

>> No.13730620

imagine being such a great writer that faggots start inventing nonsense theories about you and your army of authors LMAO

>> No.13730785


>> No.13731154

There was a Tempest film a couple of years ago with Helen Mirren as “Prospera”. I love her but it wasn’t as great as I hoped.

>> No.13731168

I like Lear, Tempest and the Henriad best. Orson Welles’ Chimes at Midnight is a must see though it’s hard to find a copy...the Henriad focusing on Falstaff with Welles as the fat man.

>> No.13731184

Tavern scene from Chimes at Midnight

>> No.13731263

>Shakespeare’s estate
Top kek

>> No.13732202

>What are the best adaptations you've seen?

Macbeth with Fassbender and nothing comes close.

>> No.13732216

>Feudal Japan
>1930's Fascist England
>Gangs in New York
Seriously, is there any other author as universally adaptable as Shakespeare? It's such a testament to him that you can transpose his work to any other time or culture, and I can't think of a single other author who remotely compares.

>> No.13732217

test to see if im banned for posting ironic fascism on /tv/

>> No.13732240

>Miles Matthis
>The guy who thinks pi=3
>The guy who thinks all public figures are literal actors
No, you're fucking retard, Matthis.

>> No.13732294


>> No.13732308

What’s so great about shakespeare? So far as I can tell it’s literally just because “everybody says so”, no one ever gives an answer that isn’t either vague shit or “he’s good because he’s good” essentially. I’m willing to read his shit if someone actually gives an understandable answer, though i’ll never read or enjoy Romeo and Juliet because I can never divorce it from the context of retarded highschool thespians and shitty hollywood adaptations.

>> No.13732697

Take the Lear pill and you will understand everything

>> No.13732722


>> No.13732728

>So far as I can tell it’s literally just because “everybody says so”
actually read him and you'll see

>> No.13732930

king lear
richard ii-henry v is good as well imo

>> No.13733114

>wrote fucking theater plays

How can anyone take this hack seriously?

>> No.13733127

Are you fucking stupid just read his shit and decide for yourself

>> No.13733141

See? This is exactly what I mean.

>> No.13733153

Okay so don't literally no one gives a fuck about trying to prove Shakespeare to some nobody. You've deluded yourself into thinking this is some elitist conspiracy when in actuality you're just lazy and want to be spoon fed. Go leech somewhere else

>> No.13733339

Thats why Dilan has a nobel price.

>> No.13733353

I won this debate.

>> No.13733436

There was no debate. You demanded someone prove Shakespeare's worth to you. That was a retarded thing to do because it's all right here: https://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca

Go rub a few brain cells together and form a thought of your own

>> No.13733457

Still winning! Crawl away at any time wee ant. Or keep making arguments for me that crown me rightful king. Ha!

>> No.13733511

Take a look at the link I posted and try to start with an easy one like A Midsummer Night's Dream. Take your time and look up the old words you don't understand. Often a word we use today had a completely different meaning in the 1590s so be sure to check 'archaic' definitions for words or better yet subscribe to the OED (but that's costly for a novice Shakespeare scholar, I know). If you're still struggling check your local library or bookstore for either the latest Folger or Arden editions of the text. I find they have wonderful annotations blended into the text to help keep the flow of the play moving and keep your comprehension up.

Most importantly though, go watch a play live and in person. Get a little drunk and feel like a peasant who paid a penny for entrance. Laugh and cheer. Hiss and cry. React. Join the experience. If you live near upstate NY I'm playing Horatio in Hamlet tonight. I'll give you details if you'd like.

Good luck sir

>> No.13733515

You continue to make me laugh. My triumph brings me such joy. Oh little mouse, continue on and on. I am still hungry for your shame.

>> No.13733518

wat. come see a play dude

>> No.13733519

And support your play pretend pseudointellectual pursuits? Ha! Hahahahahaha! No, boy. A feeble minded faggot like yourself deserves no support. You only exist to fail and bend and humiliate yourself for the likes of me. Now dance! Lose! Cower! I am here to stay.

>> No.13733521

So, what's your favorite Shakespeare play and why? I think I'd actually say Richard III because of just how disgusting and vile, yet incredibly interesting the character of Richard is.

>> No.13733524

>favorite play
Henry V. Or rather, Henry V's character arc over Henry IV-V.
>failure to launch next degenerate
>snaps himself out of it and btfo's France, becoming the man he was always destined to be

Hes an inspiration to all anons who waste their time drinking, fapping and shitposting

>> No.13733535

What dance'll you have m'lord?

>> No.13733548

Two step off a stool, gnat.

>> No.13733556

Poetry is to be heard and memorized by its rhythm. Reading is inferior.

>> No.13733560

For comedy: Twelfth Night for Sir Andrew and Sir Toby and their wonderful shenanigans.

For tragedy: Lear. I'm broken to watch that old king be unmanned bit by bit. And the Edmund v Edgar fight is sick. And the cave madness adventures. And that servant who stands up to Albany at the foule jelly bit. Fuck what a good play

>> No.13733569

And a third into your wife's chambers. A fourth waits for your mother if your lordship desires a new father alongside your cuckolding

>> No.13733630
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Saw Comedy of Errors last night lads. God damn, I love it, but that shit is so fucking repetitive. I think Shakespeare only knew one joke.


>> No.13733646

>tfw can't watch Shakespeare plays in theater
AAAAAAAH, are there any I could watch online or something, like Laurence Olivier ones?

>> No.13733667

>If you live near upstate NY I'm playing Horatio in Hamlet tonight. I'll give you details if you'd like.

>> No.13733790

You'll be long gone before you get the chance little one. Now go run off and get into your tights gayboi.

>> No.13733993


>> No.13734010

The debate is mine sir. Much thanks for thine Crown of threads and patches

>> No.13734042

I won long ago. Your arguments have been as weak as your jawline

>> No.13734044

Sheikh Spear isn't meant to be read.

>> No.13734072
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Kurosawa's Macbeth (Throne of Blood) is much better than Polanski's, and the peak iteration of Hamlet is Richard Burton's.
>What’s so great about shakespeare?
Lyricism, and today it is just archaic enough to be both hoarily holy and yet still intelligible.
>i’ll never read or enjoy Romeo and Juliet because I can never divorce it from the context of retarded highschool thespians and shitty hollywood adaptations.
Oh, so you're young. High school leads to associating Shakespeare with a bad taste in one's mouth even in the best of us. Let yourself forget Shakespeare for a few years, and then revisit him, and then you might understand.

>> No.13734128

Based post besides umerited Kurosawa worship. Being better than Polanski isn't saying much.

>> No.13734165
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I only mean to say that it's the best Macbeth I've seen so far—in contrast to Hamlet, I've only seen a handful of Macbeth renditions as opposed to at least a dozen.

>> No.13734384

>Kurosawa's Macbeth (Throne of Blood) is much better than Polanski's
lol no. fucking weebs.

>> No.13734394

holy BASED. philistine annoying faggot BTFO.

>> No.13734399


>> No.13734480

I love the Henriad. Though Henry V is a bit boring compared to Henry IV 1/2, both of which have always been my favorite for characters. It’s probably the most “fun” Shakespeare. Chimes at Midnight by Welles kinda sucks the fun out but it’s also really beautiful.

I’ve never liked the Tempest. Most inventive, maybe, but way too on the nose. Caliban’s soliloquies are grating

>> No.13734512

They've made a film adaptation for Netflix called "The King" (?). Only drawback is they used that faggot Timothee Chamalamadingdong

>> No.13734802

Glad to see all the King Leer love in this thread, what a goddamned masterpiece. Starting Titus Andronicus today

>> No.13734846

I was trying to read King Lear but i couldn't understand the old timey talk. Is there a standard english translation

>> No.13734848

It’s understandable that you think Shakespeare is a gigameme that you’re supposed to like because everybody says so. Why should you like Romeo and Juliet? First of all, it’s hilarious and bawdy, with dick jokes and rape jokes in the very first scene. Don’t get it? Find an edition with good notes. Everything Mercutio or the Nurse says is some kind of double entendre lulz. But wait, it’s a tragedy, right? Shakespeare broke the rules of drama by using all the tropes and stock characters of romantic comedy and turning it into high tragedy, and his tragic heroes aren’t kings or warriors but a couple of kids in love.
Romantic love had been a cliche in European lit for centuries and early on, Romeo is a mopey dope cliche, the Young Man in Love, until the moment he sees Juliet.
Comedy, tragedy, low bawdy humor, erotica, and sublime poetry, plus wild action with the latest martial arts craze, Italian sword fighting...it’s box office gold.
I unironically enjoy the Leo DiCaprio/Claire Danes R & J. Two attractive baby faced teens in love and they don’t step on the text too bad.
So try again, or miss out on the GOAT of English lit.

>> No.13734851
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lmao kys

>> No.13735097

I’m trying to read a math textbook on Partial Differential Equations, but it has this calculus-ey equations. Can I get a version that’s translated to only use algebraic format?

>> No.13735155
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*btfo basedspear*

>> No.13735181

Chalamet is straight and gets more twat than you will ever get.

>> No.13735193 [DELETED] 

t. newfag

>> No.13735201

>Chalamet is straight
t. newfag

>> No.13735207


>> No.13735262

Good responses. I’ll have you know I didn’t a single post in this thread after the one you replying to, that was some other shitposter

>> No.13735277

>people cannot do translations
>what is modern bibles vs medieval bibles

>> No.13735287
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>he's so retarded he can't understand Shakespeare's English

>> No.13735443

>polack rapist

>> No.13735453

excellent filmmaker, though, which is what we're discussing

>> No.13735519

Kurosawa's Shakespeare adaptations are the closest to the original's core themes and ideas when it comes to movies.

>> No.13735526


>> No.13735535

Watch them and find out.

>> No.13735620

>being so retarded you can’t even read Beowulf in old english

>> No.13737260

At least watch Rashomon and Dreams

>> No.13737266

>projecting this hard

>> No.13737276

Based and truthpilled. The faggots will caw their mealy mouthed dissent but be safe in the knowledge of your correctness.

>> No.13737281

>the ultimate argument ender
Why is it always so?

>> No.13737284


>> No.13737302


>> No.13737313


>> No.13737328


>> No.13737338


>> No.13737349

cope cringefully

>> No.13737357


>> No.13737404

>what is modern bibles vs medieval bibles
modern Bibles and medieval Bibles are both separate translations of an ancient text. They're not taking old Bibles and changing the language for brainlets. Even the New King James, which says it's doing that, isn't really. It's also a new translation