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/lit/ - Literature

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14416536 No.14416536 [Reply] [Original]

what is your most elitist patrician lit opinion on literature?
what is your most pleb embarrassing opinion on literature?

>> No.14416544

I love Vonnegut
I love Vonnegut

>> No.14416571

Translation is futile.
Non-fiction sucks.

>> No.14416578

Literacy for the masses was a mistake (though it's self-correcting, thankfully)
Some fanfiction is worthwhile

>> No.14416588

The New Testament is fanfiction

>> No.14416603

Fuck publishers
That one guy who hates milton, you know the one

>> No.14416606

Philosophers are most often bad writers
Fictional work was better at conveying philosophy and history than nonfictional work, somehow it became nearly worthless

>> No.14416618
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If you're not attempting to become polylingual so you can read literature in its original language then you're not really a fan of literature.

I don't actually care about the classics just for the sake of them being classics. I use it as a referral for books to try out, but if I don't like it by the 50th page I just ditch the book and start another.

>> No.14416688

>The only real way to read a book is by rereading it

>The only way to read a book is by first not reading yet not reading a book

>> No.14416712

I only read works from the English canon because I hate other languages and brown people.
Tolkien was a pleb.

>> No.14416732 [DELETED] 

I value honesty
I am a liar

>> No.14416763
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Idk what you'd consider pleb or patrician but here's mine

>Anything that's niche and/or old is better than anything that's popular or new.

>Long sentences are bad.

Choose which one is pleb and which is patrician.

Some fanfiction is worthwhile. What sorta fanfics do you read?

Wrong and theologically illiterate

Completely agree with the second

I try to force myself through every book I start. It's hard but it's better than not having read those books you already started.


>> No.14416770

>Choose which one is pleb and which is patrician.
Niche old writers usually write long sentences, though.

>> No.14416819

I know. Aren't I retarded?