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15853602 No.15853602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books about Muslims converting to Christianity?

>> No.15853642

iirc it happens to a qt3.14 moorish girl in Don Quixote

>> No.15853720
File: 97 KB, 540x490, 2hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it get a lot of detail

>> No.15853736

>becomes Christian
>immediately indulges in degenerate behavior
like pottery

>> No.15853759

Seeking Allah finding Jesus is a good start

>> No.15853761

it’s called the narrow way for a reason

>> No.15853823

Why is catholic twitter so cringe?

>> No.15854817

That's a really good question. It seems to me it's not just Twitter but any websites with a sizable catholic userbase. Something to do with nu-catholics being faggots and living in an echo chamber. That type of retarded cringe behavior can only sustain itself when all Catholics do is jerk each other off on the internet because they don't have any friends in real life

>> No.15854822

The only reason retards do leave islam is so that they can be degenerates. This world is a paradise for the nonbelievers. Can't wait for that apostate to suffer the consequences of her actions

>> No.15854825

just fucking uh read Don Quixote its pretty good

>> No.15854871

>Can't wait for that apostate to suffer the consequences of her actions
Why is that?

>> No.15854881

Because she constantly decries Islam as misogynist

>> No.15854888

You misunderstand, I'm asking why you can't wait for her to suffer consequences.

>> No.15854892

Not her specifically but all apostates generally. Rules exist for a reason, and when you violate them there will be consequences. Really I'm just waiting for the inevitable moment when apostates realize they're wrong

>> No.15854935

Seems to me they're a lot better than most of the people who post here on /lit/. They seem to actually read, for starters.

>> No.15854958

While that's true, they only read stuff that's within the catholic canon. Nothing major outside their own worldview

>> No.15854963

Fuck off heathen

Burn all mosques and burn all copies of the Koran

>> No.15854976

Not very Christian of you to say that. Whatever happened to love your enemy? How would Jesus feel to hear you act like that

>> No.15854993

>Can't wait for that apostate to suffer the consequences of her actions
"Woe to you who long for the Day of the LORD! What will the Day of the LORD be for you? It will be darkness and not light. It will be like a man who flees from a lion, only to encounter a bear, or who enters his house and rests his hand against the wall, only to be bitten by a snake. Will not the Day of the LORD be darkness and not light, even gloom with no brightness in it?"

>> No.15855006

I'm not longing for that day. Just the day in the near future when apostates realize they were wrong. Maybe it's their death bed, maybe sooner. But it'll come in their earthly lives.

>> No.15855014

Also people face earthly consequences for their earthly actions too. Not everything requires we wait for the end

>> No.15855057

Catholics don’t even read the Bible. What are you talking about lmao

>> No.15855068

Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the Law and judges it. And if you judge the Law, you are not a practitioner of the Law, but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

>> No.15855091

Catholic Twitter reads plenty. Half of them even come here, I'd wager.

>> No.15855185

That's cute. You people hating on her are just bitter cunts.

>> No.15855217

I hope she sees this bro

>> No.15855393


Reminder that resentment, hatred and cruelty is what islam is built upon.

>> No.15855395

Sorry, what part of twitter is not cringe you zoomer retard

>> No.15855411

And baseless slander and appropriation is what christianity is built upon. Along with a false sense of superiority

>> No.15855419

>And baseless slander and appropriation is what christianity is built upon. Along with a false sense of superiority
>A mudslime posting this
Oh the irony.

>> No.15855428

Seethe harder

>> No.15855434

That book truly has it all, doesn't it

>> No.15855435

See >>15855419
Also it's amusing to see muslims complaining about slander while the 3/4 of their "religion" is downright hatred of the entire world.

>> No.15855436

Every preach twitter (atheist and ideologic too) is cringe by nature.

>> No.15855442

It's amazing how little people know about anything

>> No.15855443

You’re doing plenty of seething for both of us.

>> No.15855444

She's clearly LARPing, you retards

>> No.15855450

Cope more retard

>> No.15855451

No she's not lol

>> No.15855452

Don Quijote I has this happening

>> No.15855460

Got any proof?

>> No.15855467

"Christianity" is basically synonymous with degeneracy.

>> No.15855472


Muslim's paradise is litterally a brothel with rivers of booze and dozens of virgin whores.

>> No.15855483

>virgin whores
Pick one.

>> No.15855486

She's got all Catholic followers and constantly bashes Islam and talks about the Virgin Mary

>> No.15855495
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>Having a glass of wine is degeneracy
Christ drank wine and encouraged others to do it too. How the fuck do Protestants see alcohol as this great moral evil and still Sola Scriptura their way through the Wedding at Cana? Was it a mistranslation of Tang?

>> No.15855498
File: 179 KB, 1908x1146, 1593454010342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concubines are only degenerate if you share

>> No.15855508


There's no incompatibility.

>> No.15855511

All whores were once virgins, anon.

>> No.15855523


>> No.15855538

Another E-girl seeing virgin land in the right-wing culture appreciating twitter that has grown quite rapidly recently. Paintings for profile pics/headers and eloquent tweeting when there isn't really a point to. Didactic tweets, clean handles, spacing. It's all so tiresome. The archetype is already exhausted.

>> No.15855539


>> No.15855550

Hard to write without a head

>> No.15855552

It's evident drinking was quite the incentive for her, which in any case, means her conversion isn't wholly sincere, and look through her twitter and you'll find confirmation that it's just another niche that needs a woman.

>> No.15855556 [DELETED] 

Is this a thing with catholics? I knew a catholic girl who is a children's minister and she would go "wine tasting" and "take tours of wineries" but she always had a glass of wine in hand of an open bottle on the table in photographs. Yes this bitch is a children's minister. Covered in tattoos, always dressing like a slut and taking selfies, acting flirty. Then just recently her church organized a BLM protest for George Floyd on the corner of some traffic intersection. Is behavior like this normal with catholics or do genuine true catholics not agree with that. (The protesting thing was weird to me considering what protesting did to the Catholic Church's original rule of authority lol) Im just wondering if it's subversion or a loss of their history or becoming careless to vices or what..

>> No.15855565

Is this a thing with catholics? I knew a catholic girl who is a children's minister and she would go "wine tasting" and "take tours of wineries" but she always had a glass of wine in hand of an open bottle on the table in photographs. Yes this bitch is a children's minister. Covered in tattoos, always dressing like a slut and taking selfies, acting flirty. Then just recently her church organized a BLM protest for George Floyd on the corner of some traffic intersection. Is behavior like this normal with catholics or do genuine true catholics not agree with that. (The protesting thing was weird to me considering what protesting did to the Catholic Church's original rule of authority lol) Im just wondering if it's subversion or a loss of their history or becoming careless to vices or what..

>> No.15855573

Oh and I forgot to add to this, she even dressed up as Satan with devils horns and black laced whore dress on Halloween..

>> No.15855589

It sounds like she's just having fun trying a new thing she couldn't before. It's of course very performative, but so is all social media.
I've never heard of this bitch and I'm not going to go hunt for reasons to get upset by combing through all of her posts. Behavior like that is why so many of the people here are so fucking miserable.
>I knew a Catholic girl who DRANK WINE IN PUBLIC
Dressing like a slut is degenerate but again, going to a fucking wine tasting with your friends is not. It's more boring than sinful. The Virgin Mary drank wine in public.

>> No.15855606

That doesn't mean it's not a LARP, anon.

>> No.15855623

We fucking love to drink, and why shouldn't we? We're not Godawful Baptists. We're allowed to do it. I feel sorry for you if you have some kind of complex against someone enjoying drinking. You are probably American. I once had a friend complain to me that Americans have no alcohol culture because we obliterated it with Prohibition, like the idiot Protestant retards that we are.

>> No.15855631

Calm down already.

>> No.15855635

You’re doing enough coping for both of us. Why don’t you go dilate? Or go fuck a goat, that seems to be your kind’s favored method of having sex.

>> No.15855644

Clearly you’ve never been to Saudi Arabia

>> No.15855652

Yes. Mhm. Thank you for modeling christ-like behavior. I see that being a Christian means attacking and insulting others. Your example has shown me much

>> No.15855653
File: 41 KB, 678x381, 532C4B55-C31B-4A19-B89C-BE9093028840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful Muzzie, how would your inbred relatives feel if they knew you were throwing around a word like retard? Shit with all the inbreeding I bet you’ve got a couple extra chromosomes yourself dunecoon

>> No.15855657

>see that being a Christian means attacking and insulting others. Your example has shown me much
Never said I was a Christian retard, and you sperging out before and now trying to take the moral high ground is fucking hilarious. Go fuck a goat.

>> No.15855664

>Spergs out and calls others retards
>Triea to take the moral high ground once he’s been BTFO
So this is the famous Mudslime “virtue”.... woah...

>> No.15855673
File: 1.38 MB, 994x1399, fatima12c-seers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God the seethe in this thread from /lit/'s usual brand of Muslim idiots

We're going to pry the Arab World open to missionaries and we're going to take it for ourselves. That land doesn't even belong to you to begin with. Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, it was all Christian land originally. It belonged to the Church before and it will again. Our Lady of Fatima will go before us. Fulton Sheen predicted that she would play a role in the conversion of Muslims, because she appeared in a town named after one of Muhammad's daughters, and the miracles she presided over are considerable.

>> No.15855676

I mean it was more than just wine tasting and tours of wineries, we used to text eachother over the phone a lot and she would get too drunk to type, and sometimes she would say "I've had too many drinks I can't think of it right now" when trying to remember or think of something. It just seems immoral, maybe it's one of those things where you guys would have to know her to see what I mean. I know the bible doesnt forbid booze but her behavior seemed not even just excessive but degenerate as a whole. She didn't even read any common writings or texts from any saints. It was just all around weird to me that no other catholics called her on it, not even the children's parents.

>> No.15855678

Oh yes. Did the degenerate Christian West infiltrate and subvert Saudi Arabia? If you want to know the answer, ask Osama bin Laden (PBUH).

>> No.15855683

>/lit/'s usual brand of Muslim idiots
Its more the other way around.
Though every Abrahamic religion should be exterminated. You are garbage.

>> No.15855689

You mean Berber Polytheism RIGHT? Varg is right about you Christian scum.

>> No.15855691

>T-the Christians did it!
Absolute cope and Bin Laden is getting pissed on by Satan in hell along with Momo the Homo

>> No.15855700

Christianity has been romanticized, mellowed out, and has lost metaphysical precedence in "Christian" minds due to the material world usurping it via idolatry of Jesus Christ. A man said to be "God"

>> No.15855706
File: 254 KB, 1300x866, 10474723-fresco-showing-jesus-christ-saving-adam-and-eve-from-judgement-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try, and try, and try, and try, and try, and try, and TRY

Over and over

Don't waste your time coming at the King, the King of Kings. All you're doing is embarrassing yourselves. Go build your little dumb altars in the woods with sticks and mud. Go smoke weed and play video games and call yourselves "enlightened." Because all the things you do will fail, in the end. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. But when you tire of such things, we will be here, as we've always been. And we'll help you when you need help, and give you something real to believe in, something that is not built with bricks or stone or mud or sticks, something that isn't even built by human hands.

>> No.15855708

What is the Orthodox view on light buzz drinking, tattoos and promiscuity?

>> No.15855713

Cringe. It'll be you larpers that kill religion.

>> No.15855714

nice LARPing pedofag.

>> No.15855718

>something that isn't built with sticks
can't be christianity then

>> No.15855722

>I conversted from Judaism psyop 3.0 to Judaism psyop 2.0, My head is spining and I can't stop laughing, only half a glass rofl!!
I hate these Retards so much

>> No.15855734

>expecting people to read your post after flagrantly disrespecting Osama bin Laden (PBUH)
weeeeew lad

>> No.15855757


You meant Osama bin Swimmer. I wonder if the fishes have eaten him by now.

>> No.15855758
File: 55 KB, 810x500, Latin_Mass_Old_Rite_Cdl._Burke_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually pretty curious, because I would bet anything that the girl in the OP, who you all are mocking, goes to Mass every single Sunday. I bet she goes to Confession at least once a month.

And I'd bet that a lot of these people that you call "cringe" and accuse of being LARPers, are actually people who are at least attempting to do the outward signs of Catholicism: Mass and Confession, the Eucharist, striving towards Marriage or Holy Orders, trying to live a holy life.

So who really is "cringe" in this case? What do you people actually think isn't a "cringe" example of Catholicism? Is it some puttering old man who calls himself Catholic, but who supports abortion and birth control and gay marriage, but who loves statues and old music and cathedrals? Is it some faggoty family, a pale shadow of Flytes from Brideshead Revisited, who call themselves Catholic for cultural reasons but are all functionally atheists?

Maybe you all are just jealous that these sorts of people can do the things of which you, yourselves, are not capable. They may be cringe, but cringe is a sign of trying, and at least they are trying, while you all are not.

>> No.15855760 [DELETED] 

>muh Yeshua
>muh yhw- uh I mean Allah
dumb niggers

>> No.15855771



>> No.15855772

Hey retard, answer this, where in the messianic prophecies does it say that the messiah is supposed to be God in the flesh? please present a clear verse, to support the christian retardation. if you can't then fuck off, Jews have been laughing at you and muzzies for centuries.

>> No.15855784

>They may be cringe, but cringe is a sign of trying
So you are trying to be a cringy faggot?

>> No.15855791


Yeah because believing in burning bushes giving laws or angels revealing self-abrogating nonsensical verses to camel-drivers is so much more rational.

>> No.15855807 [DELETED] 

thats besides the point, I dont belive in Jewish tales, its just christians and muzzies base their entire belief and life around Jewish retardation, they perform jewish traditions, name their kids after jews. even though the theology doesn't check out.

>> No.15855837

I’m religious fag. I’m calling you larpy because of your obsession with the aesthetic of Christianity. You’re putting the cart before the horse, and that hints to either a recent conversion, or piety purely because it’s what the contrarians are doing. “Restoring Christianity in Morocco” is the least of your problems, your job is to actually believe in Christianity, not wield it. Next comes fixing Christianity in your own country.

>> No.15855843

Comparing a burning bush to literal idolatry is your rebuttal?

>> No.15855871
File: 1.60 MB, 1276x1920, 5b0116ad-a507-490f-b9d2-88fbf7c30109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hope that I would have my throat cut, my wrists cut, that I would go to prison, that I would be beaten up and whipped, before I would ever deny Jesus Christ. Maybe I am not strong enough for that, but I want to believe I would be.

But there is room for great ambition in Catholicism, if it is ambition totally and fully sublimated to God and to God's Will. What about the saints, the great saints? What about Saint Dominic, Saint Francis, Saint Ignatius of Loyola? What about Saint Catherine of Siena, or Saint Teresa of Avila? What about the men and women who built up the Church Itself, brick by brick, over the centuries?

We should not lack for ambition in the Kingdom of God. We should not be afraid to direct our ambitions outward, to the righting of wrongs, to the reform of the Church itself, to the conversion of sinners, and to the spreading of Christendom. The idea that to be a faithful Christian is to be withdrawn and reserved belies the great legacy of the saints who were not like that. And EVERYONE in Catholicism is called to be a saint. Some saints were small and meek, but some were not.

>> No.15855895

So this is the power of cult indoctrination

>> No.15855899
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> to the conversion of sinners, and to the spreading of Christendom
Based, Galatians 3:28, KJV: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

>> No.15855912

Blatantly romanticised, you’re only proving my point, who types like this unless they’re autistic or overcompensating. You’re dismissed, I’d rather you be withdrawn until the gratification of attention no longer intoxicates you.

>> No.15855935

Pardes: An etude in Cabbala by Israel Shamir is an interesting look at conversion from Judaism to Christianity that, though it is not necessarily in line with OP's request, is an interesting piece of work in a similar vein.

>> No.15855944


If the burning bush wasn't YHWH's but Osiris' you'd all agree this is simply mythology not to be taken seriously.

>> No.15855948

>mythology shouldn’t be taken seriously
You really think this?

>> No.15855950
File: 354 KB, 1284x1200, 1284px-Jan_Wijnants_-_Parable_of_the_Good_Samaritan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to repeat what I said in >>15855758 : what kind of Christianity would satisfy you? Because it seems like you want a kind of ashamed, embarrassed Christianity, a Christianity that doesn't have any kind of outward boast in the Gospels or Christ Crucified.

You seem like you would call most of the early writers of Christianity "overcompensating" too, guys like Origen or Justin Martyr or Tertullian. I genuinely think you don't understand what sincere piety and outward expression of Christian faith should look like, especially not in our current culture which is so drenched in irony and performance.

>> No.15855999

Good post. Thanks, Anon, I'll check into it. Thanks for the on-topic post.

>> No.15856003


If you prefer you wouldn't take it as a real description of actual events anymore than you do with Egyptian myths. Which is the default position of all three religions, at least before they resort to the allegoric memery, so that they may stay relevant in spite of their factual claims debunked one by one.

Now it's still mythology and it has symbols, and literary materials and so on, but for this abrahamic mythology is not even the best matter, as compared to how enduring is graeco-roman mythology for example, in spite of 2000 years of demonization of paganism.

>> No.15856008

Sorry it’s just that you don’t seem sincere, I may be mistaken and if this is how you normally are I take back what I said. But with this surge of new converts devaluing religion as this final bulwark against the collapse (which it will be) but seeing it purely from such a superficial angle buries the introspection and torment that usually comes with piety. You seem beatific if these are your real feelings and I wish you nothing but the best on your journey. I see nothing wrong of expressing your beatitude, and I’m skeptical purely because I hate irony and cynicism, excuse me.

>> No.15857072 [DELETED] 

Hi, Catholic here who used to be a big name on twitter but since downgraded to a priv.
Catholics can be weird. Most of the people you’ll find in church, especially grad onces but even most NO, are usually mostly normal people. But a lot of "Catholics" aren’t truly religious and only identify with the church cuz ‘muh aesthetics’ or ‘’Muh based crusading’. It’s pretty annoying not gonna lie.
Of those that do Convert truthfully, many can be overzealous and get into fights over dumb things because they’re usually teenagers who might be doing everything right but are still a bit immature, idiots who are incredibly uppity and and just argue about theology and dumb shit all day, and then a select group of people who are honest converts and basically tard wrangle the other three groups.
There is also the "left-caths" and cradle Catholics who pretend to be Catholics but fuck them, avoid at all costs.
If you want a few good accounts, try @B03THIUS @mythic_ethos (granted he’s super /x/pilled) @namesearch_ and @partylike1399
The smaller the account the less Cringe they are is what I generally find, and if you look through the comments of these bigger accounts you’ll probably find more normal, semi-Normie Catholics. They can be kinda dumb sometimes but they’re quite intellectual and good people.

>> No.15857514

American Catholics are degenerate, like most americans

>> No.15858304

The Long Ships

>> No.15858361

It's just grape juice like cider is apple juice :^)

>> No.15858369

>which in any case, means her conversion isn't wholly sincere
This doesn't follow reason, it's a non-sequitur. Drinking wine and being able to drink alcohol in general is very much a part of Catholicism dude.

>> No.15858394

If anything they do it more, look at any Orthodox country. Alcohol is the holiest of holies my man, it's how you accept Christ into your life.

If you were to try to ban alcohol in any Catholic or Orthodox country there'd be rioting in the streets. The fact is pretty much all Protestant Christians are basically Muslims, no difference.

>> No.15858408

>literal idolatry
Having a God made flesh is not idolatry my man.

>> No.15858418


>> No.15858424

inb4 "NOOOOOO Paul didn't really mean that!!!"

>> No.15858952
File: 226 KB, 268x342, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5:72 "They do blaspheme who say: “Allah is Christ the son of Mary.” But said Christ: “O Children of Israel! worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.” Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode."


>> No.15858992

>there'd be rioting in the streets
I can imagine that, a bunch of dudes who don't know anything about their religion, wearing a cross and being angry they want to take away their beer, I mean the blood of christ.

>> No.15859032

>drinking is degenerate behavior
>but cumming on little girls so much they spend most of their day cleaning your jizz stains out of your robes isnt
It must be a cultural difference.

>> No.15859126

>putting 21st century social norms on a 7th century society and getting mad when it doesn't line up
you must be retarded

>> No.15859135

>like pottery
Based Retard

>> No.15859174

Not really. If I ever visited America I would probably go to a shooting range, doesnt mean that would be my motivation for visiting though.

>> No.15860101

Wtf and here I was thinking the earlier christians like catholics and orthodox abstained from drinking unless it was sacramental. That seems like such a copout to me
Fuck then why did Dostoevsky make it such a point in the bro Karamazov that alyosha was about to drink wine when he left the orthodox church? (And yes I know it's just a book but still lol) The bible says drunkeness is a sin. And yes it also says drink a little wine for the health which makes sense since wine is good for your heart but how tf are you supposed to get closer to God and morality if you're getting buzzed on weekends? I wanted to possibly convert after I learned more but I didn't know both catholics and orthodox were drinkers like that. It doesn't seem right to me. And I would never ever ever become protestant but it seems like protestants got this one right. I guess orthodox and catholics have more in common than they would like to fully admit.

>> No.15860488

Teetotaling is generally Protestant behavior, due to their autistic Anglo-Germanic inability to grasp nuance of any kind.
>The bible says drunkeness is a sin. And yes it also says drink a little wine for the health which makes sense since wine is good for your heart but how tf are you supposed to get closer to God and morality if you're getting buzzed on weekends?
Every member of the Holy Family and every Apostle drank wine all the time. It was a complete non-issue. Christ's first public miracle was the Wedding at Cana, where he produced wine for everyone and they drank it to celebrate at a party. There are occasional lines you can pull telling Christians not to get shitfaced drunk, but nobody in the ancient world would have understood the modern Protestant view that alcohol is inherently steeped in sin. It's Puritanical nonsense.

>> No.15860755

>being a pedophile coomer was alright a millennium ago
>but after the 7th century, morality became eternally unchanging
What a cucked theology. Seriously.

>> No.15860859

Because it's twitter. Even the

Mohammed couldn't even understand the idea of the Trinity properly and said it was Jesus, Mary and God when Mary in any denomination is a creature that should be highly respected since she brought Jesus' Incarnation into the world, but still not God, and they completely don't understand the idea of the Holy Spirit. Why the fuck would you that retard seriously seeing he was too dumb to even attack the non-Gnostic brands of Christianity and used them as a basis for his understanding of Christianity? Not to mention he lived 600 years after Christ, and wasn't an eyewitness like St. Peter, St, John and all the other Apostles, so it's clear he's not basing this on first hand knowledge.

>> No.15860875

*Even the Truth is going to be spouted by obnoxious retards on there.

Even the ancients put a limit on how young you could fuck a girl. Basically, 13 and up (the age of puberty in girls) was the age they usually got married.

>> No.15860902

Slut is daughter of a powerful Moorish bloke who keeps Christian slaves. qt3.14 sees the chad Christian slaves and craves the BCC so converts and frees them all, condemning her father to death by shame and a broken heart through her treachery. Typical fucking woman hjahahahaha

>> No.15860919

>Mohammed couldn't even understand the idea of the Trinity properly
Nobody can. It's literally nonsensical.

>> No.15860939

Everyone knows that the Holy Spirit = Mary = the Queen of Heaven = Asherah. Stop splitting hairs like an autist.

>> No.15860971

Talk to a priest and they'll say otherwise. Or better yet, read St. Augustine's book On the Trinity or St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica.


>> No.15861050

>Talk to a priest
HAHAHAHA. It's literally self-contradictory nonsense.

>> No.15861058

I'm not the one who started a thread about religion, nutjob.

>> No.15861078

Well there's another option that I listed, but I know you're a fedora-tipping retard that's doing this just for (You)s, so you won't actually bother to read it and engage with someone else's thoughts on the matter, even if you don't end up believing it.

Shut up, schizo. Sane people are talking.

>> No.15861120

>sane people
>religious nutjobs
Pick one, schizo.

>> No.15861166

>Believing in religion makes you a nutjob
*Tips fedora*

>> No.15861174

raised evangelical and later turned atheist detected

thou doth protest too much

>> No.15861211
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1560497207293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.

Christianity isn't the problem here. The problem is, that she is not a Christian.

>> No.15861273

If drinking a glass of wine makes you a drunkard, every Apostle is in hell.

>> No.15861294

The vast majority of fedora wearers are Christian.

>> No.15861320

Are you trying to imply I'm some sort of redneck? Fuck no. Religion is inherently retarded. Everyone sane knows that.