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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 154 KB, 600x757, job-leon-joseph-florentin-bonnat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15930654 No.15930654 [Reply] [Original]

>heh, sorry for letting you endure unbearable suffering, Job, but I had to prove a point!

>> No.15930692

>heh, sorry for letting you endure unbearable suffering, Abraham, but I had to prove a point!
>heh, sorry for letting you endure unbearable suffering, Jesus, but I had to prove a point!

>> No.15930791

> but as a reward you will be remembered forever as prophets and good men.

>> No.15931423

Jesus was jealous of job and him having sex and being chad

>> No.15931542
File: 150 KB, 1000x1266, Charles_Le_Brun_-_The_Fall_of_the_Rebel_Angels_-_WGA12546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you imbecilic CUR. You bitch-hearted WRETCH. You addlepated unredressed belch of flippant banality.

I WISH TO GOD that I could suffer even for a second like Job so that the LORD might show His Glory to all the world. I would count myself the luckiest creature to have ever existed if God were to deign use me as His pitiful instrument so that HE might be Glorified. If through my sufferings which GOD HIMSELF the literal ONE who Was and Is and Will Be took such interest in seeing that I suffered I was able to demonstrate His ultimate Nature and the Sovereignty of His Magnificence that baulks all human knowing and puts to shame all celestial accounts of grandeur, I would weep with joy that God had chosen a wretch such as I to demonstrate it. I am nothing and He is All; and if my rationality fails to properly pronounce this, then let my suffering and sorrow be such a testament!

But you. You pitiful little lickspittle meme-ified coomer. You little element of homeostasic consumerism whose highest notion is the seeking for comfort. You can't even conceive the sort of dreadful Majesty that the LORD commands. You can only convert one of the most profound explications of how He Who Is reigns supremely over All into a glib little shitpost in hopes of (you)s. You dust mite glancing off of a demon's shit!

I would consider myself blessed beyond all generations if God were to give me even half the misery he heaped upon Job so that even one mind might look upon it and see God's wrath and glory and tremble to know that He is Lord. And even if I were to languish to the same extremities as Job where I dare to inexcusably attempt to justify myself to He who is Justice itself, still I would ensure some crevice of my detestable heart be continually pouring out praise and counting itself blessed to be crushed by such a Will. For even the Whim of God is superior to man's most noble willing.

>> No.15931580

semi-schizo post and a bit masochistic, but still pretty based

>> No.15931696

Based as fuck

>> No.15931702

couldn't have said it better

>> No.15931711

>christcuck talking like a cultist
you're only proving that religion is literally mental illness

>> No.15931713

dangerously based

>> No.15931716

cringe but redpilled

>> No.15931723

I've seen this dialogue playing resident evil 6

>> No.15931736

Holy... holy...

>> No.15931738

Mental illness

>> No.15931743


>> No.15931766

Not even a good schizo post

>> No.15931780
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>> No.15931796
File: 153 KB, 768x1024, sniffzek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you to say you arrrrrr natheeng?

>> No.15931833


>> No.15931900

god here what's going on son

>> No.15931905
File: 551 KB, 365x400, soy overdrive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seen this dialogue playing resident evil 6

>> No.15931920
File: 53 KB, 420x420, 1574791062857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon once you're dead i'm gonna make sure you are canonized as a saint. your piety and basedness are too much to go unrecognized.

>> No.15931926

/lit/ is a Catholic board.

>> No.15932331

Job is probably one of the greatest works of philosophy man has produced. It’s a shame that most people get filtered and see the message as “God is mean” rather than reflecting on it.

>> No.15932359

what is it about?

>> No.15932366

>bears it
By this he meant what?

>> No.15932391

Book of Job is a sad cope, at least it discredits the Jewish god utterly

>> No.15932393

It’s about being a cuck for God. Cuck is life, cuck is love

>> No.15932455

you can't truly worship God unless you relinquish the notion that you are the most important thing to yourself

>> No.15932461

>suffering is bad
is it though? hardship is the only way to develop character

>> No.15932470

>he wouldn't cuck for an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent entity

t. sad coper

>> No.15932551

Esto es lo que se le llama ser basadisisimo

>> No.15932554

Obviously it wasn't unbearable if he bore it right?

>> No.15932555


>> No.15932568

Dilate your fucking hole, tht is the only thing considered sacred by wrteches like you

>> No.15932572


>> No.15932579


>> No.15932597
File: 61 KB, 576x1024, 1594611323025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15932601

the story of Job proves Christianity isn't just transactional, which is why it pisses off 21st century American Christians. Your priests and pastors and televangelists all converted you based on the idea: "If you're good, God will reward you." Hell, the most extreme example of this is prosperity theology.
If you're being pious and virtuous for the sake of rewards, then you aren't really good. You're just a well-trained dog. Job was actually good.

>> No.15932740

theres literally no difference between a mentally ill tranny and a mentally ill religious faggot

>> No.15932772

Wew lad

>> No.15932836

Dilate your hole you fucking tranny

>> No.15932839

Based. Enjoy trying to reclaim the thread from this, redditors.

>> No.15932970

I actually have an uncle who is so obsessed with christianity that he gets this self-unaware. It's really embarrassing. Now if you just keep LARPing like this, someone might drop you a throw-away email address and before you know it you might get an opportunity to audition.

>> No.15933088

This Sunday I will be attending church for the first time in years now, anon.

>> No.15933096
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1560497207293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not have said it better myself.

>> No.15933112

God didn't punish Jesus.

>> No.15933130

This isn't really any of my business, but isn't that something that you should be doing?

>> No.15933143

t. muslim

>> No.15933182

"The box. You opened it. We came." -- Yahweh

>> No.15933219


And this is a textbook case of schizophrenia.

>> No.15933228


>> No.15933255

Very based.

>> No.15933274

it actually is

>> No.15933279

Nobody on /lit/ is an actual Christian.

>> No.15933317

Based and redpilled.

>> No.15933324

I'm a psychiatrist. I wouldn't diagnose him with it based on that post.

>> No.15933329
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, Cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly based dear friend.

>> No.15933370

Yes, like no one on /lit/ actually reads

>> No.15933407
File: 78 KB, 703x554, c22bb584c0dec94b92397fc136a2f54fbf9eb3ffc2f89ee42ff4ba41657e01ad_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gimp.

>> No.15933447

Based but slavepilled

>> No.15933566
File: 75 KB, 618x741, 10BDEA4636E34A078CA4C6BA3D87992C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and breadpilled

This guy gets it.
>Proverbs 9:10
To fear God is to love God. Suffering for the Almighty is the noblest thing a person can do.

>> No.15933609
File: 103 KB, 743x532, 1580504454760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933644
File: 17 KB, 194x497, 134895697497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933728

I'm not even a christian anymore but fuck.
Based good sir, Based.

>> No.15933807


>> No.15934677

atheists indisputably, indefinitely, and incomprehensibly BTFO

>> No.15934761

Holy based

>> No.15934782

put me in the screenshot

>> No.15934789

GOOD point

>> No.15934791
File: 48 KB, 720x717, very_nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living proof the cringe-horizon can be surpassed with pure earnestness

>> No.15934796

Sounds like Peregrinus Proteus (aka Saint Ignatius).

>> No.15934849

God bless you anon

>> No.15934925
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You dust might glancing off a demon's shit
Divinely inspired

>> No.15934936


>> No.15935055

Lit is blessed. The people that sat in darkness, hath seen great light: and to them that sat in the region of the shadow of death, light is sprung up. (Mat 4:16)

>> No.15935104
File: 491 KB, 1536x2048, Cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this based? he brought out the thesaurus for 3-4 words but i've seen way better flow and way better irony in copypastas before. aim higher /lit/

>> No.15935107

Seething gaytheist

>> No.15935111

Dangerously Based

>> No.15935112
File: 308 KB, 495x371, BONESTORM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world would be a much bee a much better and far more interesting place if more people were capable of channeling this kind of righteous anger.

>> No.15935114

lol replies from catholics are so uniform and predictable

>> No.15935133

Isn't the whole point of this story that by proving he would trust God even if he didn't understand why it was all happening to him, Job was eventually rewarded with a far better life than the one he lost?

>> No.15935139

I'm not Catholic.

>> No.15935142

>zealotry bad, therefore, open borders and let 6 year old boys transition by punching holes into the flesh where their dicks should be

>> No.15935211

absolutely slave and bluepilled

>> No.15935272

God is not responsible for suffering

>> No.15935281


>replies "cringe" and "cope" to anything he has no response for

Pretty ironic considering you replied to a well-written quality post with an ifunny meme image.

>> No.15935305

From personal experience, the times of greatest suffering have been the times at which I feel closest to God. Without occasional suffering, we - or at least I - typically get complacent not only in my worship of God but in my personal development.

Also, you missed the entire point of the book of Job if you come away holding the temporal suffering of an individual in great importance with the backdrop of not only the entire world but the entirety of history.

>> No.15935645

Imagine being such a little bitch that you welter in servitude to some god that is willing to wipe your entire family out in an instant to prove a moral point.

>> No.15936492


>> No.15936499

He beared it.


>> No.15936558
File: 412 KB, 863x1370, gnostic-pleroma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The God who causes material suffering in this flawed material world, and his Law of Causality is the Demiurge, Yaldaboath.

Seek the Fullness, Pleroma, through Sophia Wisdom.

>> No.15937088

Here’s your (you).

>> No.15937183


lol you got your feelings hurt snowflake

>> No.15937189


pretty based you mean

>> No.15937521

pot calling the kettle black

>> No.15937546

Imagine caring about not looking like a little bitch to crusty anons on /lit/ instead of serving your God and reaping ultimate rewards

Better than being a slave to your opinions, or some unworthy end

That image can't be real

>> No.15937714

Absolutely judaic and sheep-like

>> No.15938259

The man in your pic would have been a Christ-denier.

>> No.15938274

You probably could argue the contrary with Matthew 17:3, but then again, Moses was just a human.

>> No.15938283

He would recognize Christ, he's not a Pharisee. Unless you have an explanation

>> No.15938301

He's a monotheist.

>> No.15938312

So this is another one of those "trinity is polytheism" arguments. Not so

>> No.15938336

It is. Christianity is a schizophrenic, irrational religion - it, while being morally advanced, birthed conundrums not present in Judaism or, later, Islam.

>> No.15938361

I am not convinced that any figure of the Tanakh would recognize something in flesh as more than an 'aspect' or reflection of God (like angelic beings). Jesus being God is built on premises totally divergent from the Old Testament. If anything, Christians should have redacted the writings even more so, to have some sort of integrity between the two Testaments.

>> No.15938369

Do you really think the point of the trinity is to be "rational" and easily understood? Kierkegaard wrote a book about this u know. Rationality is actually a whore btw

>> No.15938382

Why are you so full of anger? Don't tell me these are "arguments," they're just unsubstantiated name-calling, when the same could be said of your camp.

>> No.15938383

p gud

>> No.15938400

>God glories in my suffering and wretchedness
Do Demiurge sheep really do this?

>> No.15938426

Apparently not

>> No.15938453

>Why are you so full of anger?
I am not.
>Don't tell me these are "arguments," they're just unsubstantiated name-calling, when the same could be said of your camp.
I have not disclosed my ''camp''. I think my post here >>15938361 elucidates the argument a bit better.
In this case - Christianity is protected against any and all opposition. A powerful strategy.

>> No.15939316

The Ultimate Redpill.

>> No.15939536

This based thread is still up?
based as fuck

>> No.15939714


Based and Gnostic pilled. I can't fathom that people actually thing the God of divine perfection is the same one who calls for child sacrifice in Judges or tortures Job.

That's Secculus/Yaldaboath, the fucking demiurge you dolts.

>> No.15939852

The point is God is the greatest of all. If you put anything before God then you are only harming yourself. The wisest thing to do is to truly love God and let nothing come between you and Him. Lay the things you love at His feet, because He is the one who gave those things to you to begin with. Anything good in this world is a gift from God, and as the owner of all gifts God is fully righteous in taking his gifts back. It's an act of wisdom and humility to fear and love God. Because a man can be in the pit of despair and still have God with him. You are loved by God, because He made you. You were made in love and you have the gift of free will to choose to love God in return. He loves you so much He gives you that choice. Every hardship you face in life is an opportunity to pivot and move closer to God. He is always there for you.

>> No.15939886

why are Christians such slaves?

>oh God please kill my entire family and make my life a living hell so I can show you my devotion because despite absolutely zero proof or logical reasoning apparently there's a life after this one where things will be better

>> No.15939896

yeah sorry but no, if he wanted me to love him he shouldn't have been so fucking homophobic in his books -- was that really necessary? he seriously hurt my feelings as a child and made my life a living hell of secrecy and lies where my own parents don't even love me anymore

>> No.15939900

Job is not Christian.

>> No.15939963

Redditors BTFO

>> No.15940010

Homosexuality is wrong. Accept it and grow. If you're cursed with being a homosexual, realise you can minimise the damage and try to live the best life you can. Giving into your abnormality is only hurting yourself.

>> No.15940027

Fucking simp

>> No.15940052

this is your brain on Slave Morality

>> No.15940071

He just forsake him?

>> No.15940091

"minimise" what? the damage is already done, my family and "friends" disowned me and don't want anything do with me ever again no matter what I do from now on

I don't want to love the same God they do

>> No.15941438

Um hello?

>> No.15941496

>he hasn’t read Kierkegaard


>> No.15941501

Christ cucks are so sad

>> No.15941563
File: 266 KB, 900x720, quaternary-period-landscape-publiphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your parents are wrong for doing that, a child should always love and be by their child, even if they don't approve of their lifestyle. It just sounds to me like they've cut all ties, while a good parent always waits and prays for you to change.

As that anon said, if you believe in God, minimize the damage (not done to or by others, but done to yourself, sin-wise) and trust in His mercy.

>you can't do what you want with your life because I selectively doubt Christianity and suspend disbelief for my most sacred beliefs

So what? You put your feelings and identity before God, no wonder you won't love Him.

>I am not
Then your accusations of "schizophrenic" and "irrational" hold no weight, because they're just empty disparagements, divorced of emotion.

Allude to the portions of the OT that Jesus being God diverges from.

Why isn't the Monad another, bigger Demiurge?

I'm screencapping >>15931542
It's really riled up the locals

>In this case - Christianity is protected against any and all opposition. A powerful strategy.

>> No.15941576

Nice way of sidestepping the Problem of Evil, bud.

>> No.15941608

>Why isn't the Monad another, bigger Demiurge?
It doesn't feed on the blood of its martyrs. It doesn't even have martyrs.

Quite the contrary, gnostics are the only ones who can even stare it in the face p

>> No.15941627

It's not sidestepping. All things are in balance in the Pleroma, all things meet their antipodes and are whole.

The material world is necessarily out of balance

>> No.15941634

Says who?

>> No.15941676

>It doesn't feed on the blood of its martyrs. It doesn't even have martyrs.
That still doesn't absolve the "Monad." Why is the Monad good because it has no martyrs? Who's to say the Demiurge "feeds" on the blood of its martyrs? Can this Gnostic idea be applied to religions other than Christianity (I have not read on the matter, so answer without scorn)?

Says >>15941627, now dispute his point with something of substance or find something better to do

>> No.15941695

>now dispute his point with something of substance or find something better to do
I don't think the material world is necessarily out of balance. I think balance can be achieved by human action.

>> No.15941727

It is good because it doesn't demand or is validated by sacrifice. Any religion that calls God the prime mover of the world (and therefore the prime mover of nature, death, and predation) worships a lower deity. The Monad stands in opposition to the world, it is alien to it and not a complementary Above from which Being rains down.