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15953736 No.15953736 [Reply] [Original]

Both Nietzsche and Schopenhauer said that marrying and/or getting children means the death of intellect, talent, originality, etc.

This is something I've noticed a long time ago. People who attach themselves to a female in some way become unfunny, unproductive, unoriginal etc.

This is a decent cope to deal with the fact that I'm a 25 year old virgin. Do you agree?

>> No.15953746

Most comedians, businessmen, and artists are virgins, yes.

Just have sex so you can lose the illusion of it being a life defining event.

>> No.15953756

>Most comedians, businessmen, and artists are virgins, yes.
Most comedians, businessmen and artists are unfunny, unoriginal retards, who have nothing of value to offer to the world

>> No.15953758

Gayest quote I've ever read

>> No.15953760

are you talking about yourself

>> No.15953761

This. I am obviously talking about being a great philosopher like the guys mentioned in my OP or being a great innovator like Tesla. Not about being a fucking comedian.

>> No.15953762

What does sex have to do with attachment to a woman?

>> No.15953764

Yeah calling broad hips a bad thing definitely sets off the gaydar

>> No.15953765

Being gay is partially based.

>> No.15953770

>This is a decent cope to deal with the fact that I'm a 25 year old virgin. Do you agree?
Yes, I had arrived at this conclusion on my own and it was nice to see that both Nietzsche and Schopenhauer agreed with me.

>> No.15953772

I said comedians because you specifically used the term unfunny. The point is those traits are not more present in virgins.

>> No.15953785
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Hello there my 25 year old virgin brothers

>> No.15953790

so many homophobes omg

>> No.15953794

That's not what I said either.

>> No.15953796

Dali was not creative enough for you?

>> No.15953805

Imagine being this much of a coping incel. Don't worry little buddy, you might get laid someday when your angst wears off.

>> No.15953824

Weird considering only men who can make a woman laugh are able to reproduce nowadays.

>> No.15953837

There's a fairly high chance that won't happen to me for many more years. I'm gonna need to keep coping.
That's not an impressive feat.

>> No.15953842

True, its gay, but gay in a based and redpilled way

>> No.15953865

the philosopher fears the sex haver

>> No.15953886
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I wonder if there's some level of alchemy involved in making men and women.

In my experience men are more feminine internally and women are more masculine internally. Feels like some kind of universal la-la law.

>> No.15953898

Women are cold as ice. Intimacy with them is impossible and it's worse if they have older brothers.

>> No.15953921

That’s basically Jung’s idea of the anima and animus

>> No.15953999
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The men you admire didn't need women because they had bigger things they cared about and prioritized in their lives. You retards think that if you get rid of women, something interesting will magically fill up that hole in your life. You've got it ass-backwards. The hole is there because you were worthless from the start.

>> No.15954117

I think you're hanging around the wrong people, or maybe the people in your life chose the wrong women. My girlfriend encourages me to work hard and excel, and is perfectly fine with me spending my free time reading inside or at the library. The men you're thinking of probably have women who insist on sucking up their time, energy, and money, and start making threats if they get too involved with the other things in their life. Find yourself a girl who's happy to stay inside, clean, and make food for you while you're off doing whatever, and you'll have a good life.

>> No.15954137

The trips has spoken.

>> No.15954151

Checked and wrecked.

>> No.15954232

I haven't interacted with anyone other than family since 2014 normoid

>> No.15954673

It's easy to find great people who were married or got children.
>This is something I've noticed a long time ago. People who attach themselves to a female in some way become unfunny, unproductive, unoriginal etc.
I have seen that as well and by
>some way
it seemed to me, that it was the case when these guys became betas in their relationship and lost their balls. Usually that involves living a shitty wagecuck life and having to pay a high mortgage or working towards it.

>> No.15954690

That's bullshit.
If women were more masculine inside they would also behave manly because mind defines behaviour. Being cold and unsympathetic are qualities not of a man but of a stone.

>> No.15954718

Yes, you're supposed to produce your great works by the age of 25 then get married at like 26 and have children.

Wait, you didn't think that you could just play video games until 25 years old then become a genius, did you?

>> No.15954794

>tying yourself down to a female

Its pretty pathetic, even worse when you marry, but its vital to settle and care for a family, but make it clear that you're going to fuck 18 year old prime pussy when it suits you. A strong man always get his will, that is what a strong man signifies. Pump your designated babymachine full of white children, give them love and affection wholeheartedly, but dont hang your happiness on the hook of the live, love, laugh female fairy tale fantasy until death do us part purist bullshit larp, your nuts will fall off sooner than your soul will depart your body and life will become a monotone march towards your early grave.

Dont fall for the larp, lads.

>> No.15955344

Good thing that you are here then. You have contributed so much to this point.

>> No.15955428

wow, that quote..is....really gay

>> No.15955519

The nines hath spoke

>> No.15955543


You have no idea what you are on about

>> No.15955583


>> No.15955594

>People who attach themselves to a female in some way become unfunny, unproductive, unoriginal etc.
You're ahead of the game then, you didn't even need to get laid for that to happen

>> No.15955596


>> No.15955603

>and it's worse if they have older brothers.

What do you mean by that?

>> No.15955629
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Trips of truth

>> No.15955663

>This is something I've noticed a long time ago. People who attach themselves to a female in some way become unfunny, unproductive, unoriginal etc.
But people who want women dont value those traits. They value women, and those things only have value in reference to getting women (at least in the most extreme of cases). It is quite silly to say they are unproductive, since they are clearly producing to get a women, whether it is productive consumption, productive communication, etc.

>> No.15955780

Nietzsche and Schopenhauer were ugly manlet proto-incels. Both of them had to resort to escortmaxxing and Schopenhauer even tried to betabux some used up single mom. They were simply coping when they said what they said.

>> No.15955941

if you don't like broad hips you're genuinely a fag

>> No.15955958

Based and same

>> No.15956180
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>> No.15956201
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>> No.15956208
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>> No.15956215
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>> No.15956222

Both Nietzsche and Schopenhauer fucked prostitutes. Didn't marry nor had children, but they are not like OP, a sad sad virgin.

>> No.15956224
File: 79 KB, 850x400, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15956226

And the truth came down with three digits.

>> No.15956235

Holy shit imagine being this dumb.

>> No.15956242

The virgin has been offended.

>> No.15956265

There are too many counterexamples for this to be in any way a rule. Socrates had a wife and 3 kids.
Also this.

>> No.15956327

Interacting with a girl, creating a family and raising children simply takes quite a lot of time. Of course if you are a genius, you have some better way to spend it.

>> No.15956352

>fucked prostitutes
>not a sad sad virgin.

>> No.15956364

This quote is pure idiocy. When you have children you are able to watch a human being grow into adulthood. You are responsible for educating them and guiding them through life. Having kids has done nothing but force me to sharpen my mind and hone my skills as the breadwinner. It’s also inspired me to hone in on all of my hobbies and talents as I want to be the best example for my children.

Plus I get to fuck my wife whenever I want.

This quote is straight trash.

Being single and having zero responsibilities in the home will make you a thoughtless pig in this day and age.

>> No.15956381

>Implying women laugh because something is funny

They laugh because you are good looking. There's a scene in the first Avatar: The Last Airbender where the crazy fire bending chick laughs hysterically at a guy she's trying to flirt with. That about sums up women's sense of humor.

>> No.15956399

ITT: Incel energy

>> No.15956473

You're retarded.

>> No.15956485

Incel-tier argument.

>> No.15956496

Not an argument. You don't deserve one when you don't even understand the OP. Just felt like insulting you.

>> No.15956832

If you can’t manage a family and continue to grow intellectually, spiritually, And creatively you have failed as a man.

>> No.15956998

No it’s gay

>> No.15957364

Men talk about having a girlfriend or having a family, they're all liars. Their families have them! Why would a man who cares about leisure and freedom fundamentally subject himself to servitude to lower animals?

>> No.15957643

Because they give you something that is otherwise hard to find. Meaning.

>> No.15957703

>raising a son is "servitude to lower animals"
You are very ill.

>> No.15957743

For you.

>> No.15957814

If you genuinely prioritize "leisure" over "family" to the point that you think the latter is slavery, something is legitimately wrong with you and you're clearly the one coping with that

>> No.15957967

You cope because you have no legitimate reason but muhfeelz to justify your being posses by a family being better than not being possessed. Your feels are what bind you to that servitude. And your triggerdness is evidence of your unconscious attachment to your chains.

>> No.15958468

Jesus Christ anon, please spend a day or two away from the internet and go talk to people

>> No.15958479

They were both coping

>> No.15958866

>This is a decent cope to deal with the fact that I'm a 25 year old virgin. Do you agree?
Yes. Use the power of confirmation bias and ignore all counter examples and you'll go a long way, anon. I believe in you!

>> No.15959051
File: 71 KB, 384x313, 1sduxre049fj5ryuaqyfskexi.384x313x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed since getting into a stable relationship i'm far more productive and constant in my output.

whimsical moments of "inspiration" in the form of flings and passing limerence are a distraction, everything feels pertinent and important but in reality you're just blathering about.

long periods of loneliness were also stable moments of productivity and it is true that at times the intense pain can be channeled into your work, but you can just as easily develop your craft to tap into those feelings without being miserable and alone.

my best work has come from this pleasant period of romantic stability.

t. writer

>> No.15959076

Using Don and getting trips.

This thread is over. The ultimate truth has been spoken.

>> No.15959089

Look up the list of Nobel prize winners in physics, most of them are married

>> No.15959120

This post gave me hope. Sometimes I feel like this place is filled with manchildren.

>> No.15959132

I agree.

I'm single. Teach me your ways.

>> No.15959143

Off yourself. Seriously.

>> No.15959145

Hella triggered. You ok bbcakes?

>> No.15959181

There is obviously a question of limited resources here though. Having a family is time-consuming

>> No.15959204

>death of intellect, talent, originality
Never had any of those but i'm /fitChad/ so it seems i am doomed to a miserable existance of pussy and reproduction.
What a cruel and unusual fate, please end my miserable existance

>> No.15959249

Nobody who ever had genuine intellect, talent, or originality could lose them because of something as silly as a woman.

>> No.15959357
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>Both Nietzsche and Schopenhauer never experienced the rejuvenating power of a good gf
fixed that for you senpai

>> No.15959370

Yes but the value of that consumed time is actually just as valuable as your time for meditation . A family gives you a constant opportunity to teach. Teaching is one of the greatest ways of learning. Having children allows you to dispense your knowledge and watch as it grows within a younger you. Having this third perspective and shaping the mind of a child is enlightening in ways studying and reading could never be.

Also the management of the whole family requires a man to be a master of a moral structure and forces to him to understand each player in his little enterprise well, lest it falls apart in flames.

No greater joy have I had than talking philosophy, god and politics with the fresh minds of my children. Furthermore never have I had this level of focus and motivation to sharpen my mind and soul.

Being lonesome and depressed is an inferior type of catalyst as far as I’m concerned.

>> No.15959385

based and checked

>> No.15959408

Yup. You should have overleapt women naturally in your ambitions, spiritual, artistic, or otherwise, not philosophize your sour grapes.

>> No.15959409


Based and familypilled.

>> No.15959455

I do find broad hips sexually arousing but they are nonetheless aesthetically unpleasant.

>> No.15959472

you are gay

>> No.15959513

This is why I only fuck and date Trannies. No chance of knocking them up.

>> No.15959957

Men with wives and children hardly have time to self reflect or form complex theories. They have simple lives, mundane in every aspect.

That's cool, I'm glad you can change diapers. But you've reassured us all that you're a pleb brain by equating single people with zero responsibilities. What a stupid simple minded generalization. Honestly, how did you find your way to /lit/, and what do you even read?

>> No.15960001

You're mistaking self-perception for the inner.

Just read Jung.

>> No.15960023

“What a stupid simple minded generalization. How did you even find your way to /lit/ and what do you even read?”

Just before you literally said this:

> >men with wives and children hardly have time to self reflect or form complex theories

Can you be any more dense? Lol

It’s called time management. Just because you’ve never seen a family In which the husband and wife make time for their personal/spiritual/intellectual development doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

Oh what do I read? Is that some mark of intellect? Books that you have read? Can you be any note of a fucking pseud?

I read roughly 1 book a week which consists of a mix between classic lit (lately) and non fic.

Maybe stop believing beta cuck philosophies to make your lonely ass feel better about how pathetic you are. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.15960064

Bros what the fuck I just showed my mom these quotes and she didn't find it funny and just got annoyed.

>> No.15960537

i pity bugmen like you who thinks having a family is the apex of the individual, how embarrassing

>> No.15960633

What the fuck is the "apex of the individual" that you're directing all your energy towards in place of having a family then? Super Mario 64 speedrunning?

>> No.15960641

I remember posting Schoppy quotes to my ex-girlfriend and she just laughed and called him a German incel

>> No.15960659

>What the fuck is the "apex of the individual" that you're directing all your energy towards in place of having a family then?

i don´t expect an anglo to be knowledgeable about having goals larger than himself, the aristocratic soul is something foreign to the anglo bugmen

>> No.15960809

>"You can't comprehend anything larger than yourself," claims man talking about how other people are nothing but burdens holding him back from being like really cool

>> No.15961495

As you continue to masterbate daily to increasingly questionable porn, read books and produce close to nothing of value in society and to those around you.

>> No.15962023
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>> No.15963221

They were social failures. You cant take their advice on social matters seriously.

>> No.15963235

Well, if you do not reproduce your intellect will die with you. Not being able to find a sexual mate is the worst thing you can do to our biological prime directive. But if you need a cope, sure. But your intellect prolly isn't that rare as to necessitat it.

>> No.15963258

If you have ever had creative inspirations you'd agree with them, in the sense all sexual release (even masturbation) sucks away all of your creative drive. You could still be married/in relationship while exercising moderation and abstention, or you could be one of the many people who happily ejaculate their souls away in front of their monitors. The choice is yours.

>> No.15963261

>Well, if you do not reproduce your intellect will die with you.
Schopenhauer theorized that intellect is inherited from the mother and recent studies have confirmed him.

>> No.15963304

You can never fill that hole. That was the point of Schopenhauer. According to Kierkegaard if marry or don't marry it doesn't really matter because regret is here to stay.

>> No.15963310

broad-hipped bad? gay as fuck
homosexuals definitely have a skewed up perception of aesthetics, probably why they willingly or wantonly stick their dicks in shit

>> No.15963316

Chrck alchemy texts. Check crowley's writtings

>> No.15963321

Or better yet, read Jung.

>> No.15963328

Kind of a weird thing for a man who hated his mom wholeheartedly to say
also got a link to those studies?

>> No.15963855

I dont disagree, but it is 100% a cope. If i had the opportunity to marry and have children with a woman i didnt fucking despise, i would.

>> No.15963969

Having a decent looking female who will either be your loyal supportive wife, or at least act one in public, is very useful for networking.

>> No.15964043

dangerously based

>> No.15965426

>According to Kierkegaard
>marry or don't marry it doesn't really matter because regret is here to stay
According to one of Kierkegaard's personae, who was (incidentally) BTFO by Judge Wilhelm in Volume 2, who was in turn partially BTFO by the sermonizer at the end of E/O. Your stated position is the exact opposite of Kierkegaard's considered conclusion. I really don't get why illiterate people gravitate towards Kierkegaard. Like, haha the Diapsalmata have funny words and pithy sayings lol #relatable. These not-even-surface-level readings are circulating like wildfire and it's all so tiresome.

>> No.15966184

>Your stated position is the exact opposite of Kierkegaard's considered conclusion.
What was his conclusion?

>> No.15966275

Nietzsche did not believe this himself. CF. he considered Parsifal as Wagner's supreme opera musically, yet Wagner was obviously married and had children at that time. Same with all of his other operas that Nietzsche approved of. Similar with case with Nietzsche and Schumann as well.

>> No.15966298

Schopenhauer hated his mother because his mother hated him and called him a loser all the time.
Thus his philosophy was born.
The end.
Stop taking shit so seriously when in fact he was simply mistreated.

>> No.15966344

Do you know what Nietzsche's final years were like, anon?

>> No.15966681

His conclusion is a life-affirming Christianity, one in which we bear the personal responsibility to fight against despair. Academic atheism (Hegelianism) and Christendom's chosen ideology (in Kierk's case, Lutheranism) both lack the requisite vitality to stand against critical life-experiences, which trigger the now-cliché existential crises. Thus, Christianity should be a private and deeply personal relationship with God, one which upbuilds throughout life. But Kierk also has a few weird life-denying passages (in a Christian ascetic way, not in the faithless hedonistic way described in the Diapsalmata) that he throws in sometimes. In any case, Kierkegaard believed the total opposite of the oft-quoted nihilistic "hang yourself or don't, you'll regret it either way" perspective. That line was spoken by a character, not the author. Kierk fiercely believed in the importance of the will and that one's choices informed their character (not vice-versa).

>> No.15966735

b-but author is dead anon

>> No.15966787

>Thus, Christianity should be a private and deeply personal relationship with God, one which upbuilds throughout life
Can you explain this
How one should approach this?

>> No.15966793

On the other hand many men that might have done something else were entrapped by coomerism. You shouldn't wait for something else to come into your life before considering quitting the woman hunting.
I know several people that would have gone much further in various aspects had they not been ensnared by some vixens.

>> No.15966907

He spent decades of his life trying to answer that question, anon. If you're interested, you can read Fear and Trembling and especially The Sickness unto Death: in the former, he outlines his oft-misunderstood "teleological suspension of the ethical" with regard to Hegelian universalism; in the latter, he explains the stages of despair before equating his despair with Christian sin. Both are relatively short books that benefit from the reader's immersion in the then-current philosophical context (esp. German idealism and British empiricism), but can stand alone with some effort. Finally, he describes how a personal Christianity should be lived in Works of Love, which is a longer but more accessible text.

Kierk has died, Kierk has risen, Kierk will come again.

>> No.15967242

nietzsche actually idealizes having children in the gay science

>> No.15967272

Having a good relationship with your wife and children is pretty whitepilling. So I guess it makes it harder to be an edgy faggot if you're a writer or something. But I'd say for normal people wife and kids teach you more about yourself and life than anything else.

>> No.15967437

where in nietzsche does he say this? it sounds like something he would say (considering his preference for solitude) but hes also talked about why antinatalism is flawed