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File: 666 KB, 1635x1238, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16031214 No.16031214 [Reply] [Original]

As an atheist what book can I use like The Bible as a guiding principle in my life and something I can come to in times of need.

>> No.16031216

The Bible

>> No.16031236

The Big Book of Reddit

>> No.16031255

You don’t need to be religious at all to fully appreciate the sacred texts. If you want texts that can support you in times of need, I would suggest the Bible and googling “Sophiology” to find some beautiful texts.

>> No.16031262

You could use anything. You don't have to believe in God to use the Bible for it's moral knowledge and guiding principles.
You also could pick something like The Hávamál as a set of wisdom to draw from.
You could use fuckin Diary of a Wimpy Kid if you wanted idk.

>> No.16031270

You don't need to be religious to appreciate and enjoy religious texts. I don't subscribe to Christianity or Buddhism, but I greatly enjoy reading the texts from them.

>> No.16031284

>as a guiding principle in my life
If you're looking for such things than you're not an atheist, you're just a stupid midwit nonbeliever.
Also kys

>> No.16031297

n e bewk ewe whaunt

>> No.16031327
File: 276 KB, 1135x852, fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Wakepill, my friend

>> No.16031332

Good posts
Also try the taoteching

>> No.16031337

Rilke Letters to a Young Poet (if you want to poet)
Alternatively you can read Lord Chesterfirld's letters to his son (if you want the morals of a whore and the manners of a dance master)
Or Cicero's private letters to his family (if you want to be a lawyer and good citizen who can still tell a dirty joke)
Or Emily Post (if you want to be a nervous upper middle class American socialite)
Or Whitman (if you want to be a baller faggot)
It's depend where you're going with this. Though you could read the Upanishads or Zhuang Zhi if you prefer it not to depend on going anywhere.

>> No.16031345

why be an atheist if you are not comfortable with your own moral compass? the answer to that is that you are retarded.

>> No.16031359

Jordan Peterson

>> No.16031403

Low iq

>> No.16031410

What are you talking about

>> No.16031418

Sure but I don't find it very efficient to read something religious since it's gonna take about a bunch of shit that isn't relevant to me.

>> No.16031451


Don't need to use anything as a "guiding principle". But you can take things you think are worthwhile from religious or philosophical texts and try to apply them to your life.

I appreciate many facets of Buddhism and try assimilate some of those facets into my day-to-day, but I don't consider myself a Buddhist.

There are some parts of Christianity that are wonderful to adhere to, but there are some also not-so-great parts. No need to become a Christian to appreciate it.

I think myth is important for the human condition. There is a reason why humans cling to religion. At the end of the day, it's a search for meaning, for truth.

Live your life and find out what your truth is. It may or may not be the Bible. It may or may not be the Tao Te Ching. It may be a fusion of many different things. Go toward what moves you and keeps you moving.

>> No.16031616

You fail to understand what religion is. God is not only the Uberpowerful deity we all know. God is the max ideal, the biggest idealization you can imagine within yourself. A wish, if I must.

Learn to comprehend God not as a deity, but as the version of you that you can only hope to achieve, and you will understand the beauty which the texts hide from you.

>> No.16031629

carlos castaneda

>> No.16031630
File: 17 KB, 313x475, GoodBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'The Good Book' by A. C. Grayling.

>> No.16031633

That's not how it works

>> No.16031649

As depicted in the Bible (OT), 'God' (aka Yahweh) is the uber-asshole. Hard to imagine a more evil deity.

>> No.16031697

Are you looking for a guide to spiritual awakening or a guide to strategies for living? They overlap but are not necessarily found in the same writings.

>> No.16031825

You don't. Atheism is incapable of finding an ethical grounding.

>> No.16031884


Nope, man is the measure. You just find this unsatisfying because it doesn't involved a fixed sky daddy, ergo a fixed morality, and so you mistake the necessity of moral relativism for the absence of any ethic at all, which isn't true, it's just that such an ethic is always shifting and contingent on intersubjectivity which hurts your feelings.

>> No.16031903


>> No.16031910

Read Kant

>> No.16031919

Imagine being an atheist in 2020. Earth is observably flat, motionless and the heavens rotate around us.

>> No.16031942

>sky daddy
And the fedora comes out. Every culture recognizes honesty, no murdering, no stealing, and no cheating as moral axioms. Because these axioms are practical is not enough to justify them. If you can break any of these when it benefits you while not being punished for it, you would be a fool not to do it.

>> No.16032077

That's how the real world is buddy. You are doing nothing but putting some fictional framework as a way to hide the truth that nothing matters.

>> No.16032136

If nothing matters, then there is no point in having ethical principles in the first place. You may call religion a cope, but atheists are deluding themselves more than those people by trying to have their cake and eat it too. Trying to rationalize ethics as an atheist is self-defeating.

>> No.16032151

You can construct a fictional framework the same way religion does. Read some philosophy please

>> No.16032169

begone satanist

>> No.16032228

There is still the problem of the absence of divine retribution. Without it, anyone can just take advantage of the system.
>Read some philosophy please.
No, that's not how it works. You have to explain why I'm wrong. Saying "read philosophy" is the same as telling me to do my own research or gishgalloping, which is a feeble attempt to absolve yourself of responsibility to refute my argument. If you're going to hide behind that, you have nothing to say.

>> No.16032233

just read literature anon

>> No.16032234


>> No.16032236

I'll answer but why do religious people still commit crime?

>> No.16032269

Because they are nominally religious.

>> No.16032299

How do you know

>> No.16032305

They follow the word of the law instead of the spirit of the law.

>> No.16032315

What about people who commit crime then repent

>> No.16032361

It's the same thing.

>> No.16032447


Just use the bible like everyone else does these days.
Antiracism is just christfaggotry with racism standing in for original sin. I assume you're some retarded polfag so you won't want to read white fragility so just read some of the bible and calvin instead. There is literally zero purpose in being an atheist if you aren't going to be a free thinker anyways. Just be a christfag.

>> No.16032451

What's wrong with actual retribution like cutting hands off and jail for life

>> No.16032503

What do you mean by this?

>> No.16032544

Even if he wanted to be a free thinker he could easily do that with the hundred of other approaches to religion not fucking atheism which is retarded in of itself

>> No.16032556

>God is the ideal you
More like God is the ideal of "forces of reality which you have no power over".

>> No.16032600


It's not but there is zero purpose of even going the atheist route in the first place if you aren't going to be doing it because you're thinking for yourself and rejecting submission to any particular worldview (at least as far as possible)

>> No.16032618
File: 66 KB, 850x400, quote-i-am-zarathustra-the-godless-where-shall-i-find-my-equal-all-those-who-give-themselves-friedrich-nietzsche-57-57-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
anything else is cringe

>> No.16032974

If you are actually committed to atheism you shouldnt have one, there should be no basis, nothing you cant deconstruct. Anything else is hypocrisy. Actual atheism is hard work, not just a little midwit badge

>> No.16032998

You've completely missed the point. You are referring to a somewhat-static human subject which behaves in somewhat predictable ways., and out of which the sky daddy came as an abitrary (and regrettably, "agreeable") story.

The point is that as the philosophical subject changes, its morality changes and shifts. History clearly demonstrates this, and we can just as easily imagine a space alien having different morality, having materially come about through different means. Please continue going on about god.

>> No.16033042

>666 kb

>> No.16033046
File: 438 KB, 1377x1600, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16034442
File: 145 KB, 640x640, 42058561a348fd65e0a78798cbf32a32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. pantheism in the cure to atheism

>> No.16035472
File: 84 KB, 480x760, rn98I39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously not an atheist. Stop LARPing and go to a High Anglican church. The only guiding principle that true atheists need is the beauty of the natural world.

>> No.16035679

For me the ultimate strategy for living is in the Stoics. Marcus Aurelius in particular. But it is easy to miss - or misunderstand - what he means by virtue. In a nutshell, virtue means nurturing social harmony.

>> No.16036394

Why would you do this to any book? Nigh unreadable, both the text and the notes written around it

>> No.16036424
File: 355 KB, 426x644, screen-shot-2016-05-19-at-11-30-08-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible and this, unironically.

>> No.16036515

Mein Kampf