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File: 52 KB, 630x274, 1508296736143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16519604 No.16519604 [Reply] [Original]

they hate each other's guts now btw

>> No.16519623

he took the name of his grandmother

>> No.16519630

Correct. His paternal grandmother's maiden name.

>> No.16519632

He looks like an incel

>> No.16519639
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Thank you for your outstanding contribution.

>> No.16519716

You could probably guess that he had a bad relationship with his mother by reading any single page of his writing

>> No.16519730

>they hate each other's guts now btw

>> No.16519741

is it necessary to have a shit relationship with your parents in order to be a good author?

>> No.16519983

mon dieu
el goblina

>> No.16520022


>> No.16520035
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>> No.16520313


>> No.16520421

Not sure how one could not hate a mother like Ceccaldi to be honest.

>> No.16520431

what do you mean?

>> No.16520507
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Yes if you at one point have not hated your mother and father then you haven't experienced the level of psychological abandonment that one requires to seek the edges of the human experience.

>> No.16520510

Well, she abandoned him immediately after he was born, because she valued hedonistic pleasure more. Thought seeing her son once a year is enough to build a relationship with him. And in any case "enough". Sees herself as the victim in all of this. Shes basically the worst aspects of single mothers in modern society all put into one.

>> No.16520525

you're not wrong but show some fucking respect

>> No.16520533

>those fucking eyes

She can't be older than 60 in that pic but she seems in the verge of death.

>> No.16520554

*on the verge of death

Please forgive me /lit/, I'm only French.

>> No.16520770

he looks cute here, where did it all go so wrong

>> No.16520781

He's Corsican-blooded. The same type of blood as Napoleon himself. And he also has received the Legion of Honor. Holy BASED.

>> No.16520784

It's the Palpatine gaze

>> No.16520822

He's a redhead??

>> No.16521329

And the little blurred face boy is his son. I wonder what he does now. Imagine, beoing the son à Michel Houellebecq!

>> No.16521365
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More happy Houellebecq.

>> No.16521377

He has a kid in that same picture.

>> No.16521388

is that his first wife?

>> No.16521389

Looking ugly is enough to be considered an incel on 4chan.

>> No.16521396

Second wife I think.

>> No.16521408

the term is meaningless then

>> No.16521426

excuse my ignorance but what does he write about?

>> No.16521448
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Mostly the post-modern human condition in France, loneliness and sex (or lack thereof).

>> No.16521450

He writes novels of ideas about science, politics, modern society, France, etc. as well as poetry and essays. He's a one-time film director as well and a multiple times actor.

>> No.16521458

But his second wife is asian?

>> No.16521467

She's the third one, former chinese student who studied his works at university.

>> No.16521472

Oh, ok, my wellbeck lore is a bit rusty.

>> No.16521475
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Not bad at all.

>> No.16521489
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Is he effay?

>> No.16521497
File: 174 KB, 800x1200, personajes-michel-houellebecq-escritor-polemico-frances-xlsemanal-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah ! Bonsoir anon ! On est si contents que tu aies pu te libérer pour dîner avec nous. Regarde, on a même préparé des escargots pour toi. Bon allez je file à la cuisine pour finir tout ça. Passe dans le salon pour l'apéro, je crois que Michel a beaucoup aimé tes derniers poèmes.

>> No.16521505
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>"Plus de champagne, Bernard?"

>> No.16521523
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>> No.16521525

BHL was such a slimy, underhanded kike in their book, holy shit.

>> No.16521526

>ah oui alors en Libye les combats étaient violents mais les plages extra-or-dinaires, sans photographe bien sûr
>*il est sympa mais il le sera plus si je me ressers*

>> No.16521553


>> No.16521570

kek why are burgers so cringe

>> No.16521578

Baszódj meg.

>> No.16521599

You can clearly see he is balding in this picture. The lenght of his hair is a cope. Plus he looks like his mom, a goblin, and has her same skin. So it makes sense he looks like shit.

>> No.16521609
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He had his moments before he got goblin'd.

>> No.16521614

he still looks like a decent human being. I blame the abuse of ciggies.

>> No.16521669

well, there is a typical incel phenotype and Michel does fit it somewhat

>> No.16521701 [DELETED] 


>> No.16521719


>> No.16521741
File: 21 KB, 254x391, Atomised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I read after particulse élémentaires (atomized)?

>> No.16521832


>> No.16521854

I've already read the wikipedia summary, it seems like a simple book. Will I get more out of it by reading it in its entirety? It just seems like a book with only the goal to notice that muslims are becoming a real (dangerous?) political entity in modern France. Is there more to it?

>> No.16521868

it's not like that. read it or don't ask for recs.

>> No.16521897

>He's a one-time film director
Seriously, don't subject yourself to his movie. It's not worth it even for the meme.

>> No.16521923


>> No.16521931


>> No.16521962

>on 4chan
You mean on twitter and other social med*a?

>> No.16521972

It's not really like that. It has long passages on the pathetic state of academia (who ends up bowing to islam first even before the mainstream) and on the protagonist (and the author according to his interviews) realizing that atheism is a meme. There is some lowbrow heavyhanded political commentary and the usual rants about getting and not getting pussy that are a bit out of place but mandatory in a Houllebecq.
It's his worst book. After Atomized, read Platforme or La Possibilite d'une Ile. La Carte et le Territoire is decent but Franco-French, it might not work if you never got fed up with tourists on your daily office commute. Serotonine is a return to form.

>> No.16521992

Thanks for the rec, my idea was also that soumission was one of his lesser works (out of reading reviews), that's why I wasn't inclined to read it. I've read Atomized and I'll probably read your next two recs and that'll be it for Houellebecq for now.

>> No.16522017

>La Carte et le Territoire is decent but Franco-French
what does that mean?

>> No.16522032

Atomised* but yes.

>> No.16522042

is the english or french better?

>> No.16522053

Foreigners that are self insert plebs might not "relate". Incelism is a widespread phenomenon. Ethico-technical challenges in his other books concerns everyone. The muslim cancer is known all over the world.
The themes of that book are more local flavor. I guess it's a positive if you want a book that wouldn't have been written outside of France.

I'm French. I have no idea about the quality of translations.

>> No.16522175

The protagonist of Whatever smokes like four packs of cigarettes every day. Do Frenchmen really...?

>> No.16522214

Why does French culture feel so Americ*n?

>> No.16522222

>only Americans have scandals
absolute state of burgers

>> No.16522240

France is probably the least Americanized "relevant" country after China and Russia (India if they count as superpooer).

>> No.16522242

It seems to me only Americans and the French enjoy making a spectacle of scandals and trying to give them entertainment value, especially if they deal with the murky line between liberty and libertinism.

>> No.16522244

All Western media loves scandals.

>> No.16522247

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Even Schopenhauer mocked you Frenchmen. I thank God everyday I'm not one of you disgusting clowns.

>> No.16522255

Schopenhauer is dead. France is alive. Vive la France.

>> No.16522260
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>> No.16522278

Your post is just random with no connection to you previous claim of France feeling American.
I see you're not posting your country either before starting an /int/ flame war.

>> No.16522279

>oh no two blacks
Americans have a bigger black population.

>> No.16522297

She seems like a real bitch.

>> No.16522325
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>> No.16522332

Idk, I just don't like the French or Americans. I look up to the Germans and British. Even though Britain has historically done immense damage geopolitically, I do respect their actual culture. Something about the French, however, repulses me. I just don't like your culture. I can sense some kind of strong parallel between the French and Americans, but I can't quite put it into words.

>> No.16522337


>> No.16522342

>Even though Britain has historically done immense damage geopolitically, I do respect their actual culture.
Literally the other way around. The British Empire is to be admired. Modern Britian is to mocked and ridiculed.

>> No.16522355

I'm talking about their culture internally. I make a distinction between international relations and actual culture. I don't like how British Empire handled international relations, it was a mess, but Britain itself had an interesting culture.
Anyways, I don't like the French. No point in derailing this thread.

>> No.16522356

You are completely delusional if you think the US are closer to France than to the UK. But francophobes are usually quite dumb anyway, so nothing really surprising.

>> No.16522374

the French loved the US from its creation until like 1950s

>> No.16522375

>genuinely sucking bong cock
if you don't think they are retarded, you clearly haven't been to England.

>> No.16522378

I've watched a lot of documentaries on various European cultures, and I think Americans are closer to the French than British. The British have a kind of sophistication and artistry that Americans lack.
After all, think about it. America fought hard to be independent from British rule, and the French gave their support for that.
I don't like the feeling of the dark underbelly in French culture. I think the kind of thrill in subversion or transgression probably came from France first, which is very Jewy.

>> No.16522380

just to piss off the brits, not genuinely.

>> No.16522390

I'm talking about the culture as a relative whole. In the present, almost every culture is in deep shit.
I respect British culture, but I do not like the way British empire handled foreign affairs.
I do not like the French.

>> No.16522399

The French also have a sophistication and worldview that burgers lack.

>> No.16522401

No they genuinely liked them. eg. their championing of Poe, and their obsession with Jazz

>> No.16522404


>> No.16522410

I don't like either one tbqhwy
France is too coomer
UK is too vanilla and PC

>> No.16522421

Liking artists doesn't mean you genuinely like an entire nation.

>> No.16522422

Not really. French philosophical tradition is kind of a joke compared to the Germans.

>> No.16522424

UK wasn't always vanilla and PC. Read a history book. Study their cultural and art movements. I'm thinking in a more comprehensive manner. I'm not just focusing on the present.
Are you American btw?

>> No.16522427

wasn't even talking about Germans, though.

>> No.16522437

>UK wasn't always vanilla and PC
Are you autistic? I was talking about the modern UK, not about some long gone era. The UK is a different nation now that whatever the hell you're salivating over.
>Are you American btw?
Thank God, no.

>> No.16522438

Liking things and being the same aren't equivalent.

>I've watched a lot of documentaries on various European cultures
Nice worldbuilding here anon.
>I think Americans are closer to the French than British.
I already mentioned your delusion.
>The British have a kind of sophistication and artistry that Americans lack.
I love Britain, but if there is anything going on there it isn't sophistication and artistry. Their art history is surprisingly very poor compared to the rest of their achievements. Your view is particularly strange since in the five years I've lived in England they precisely tried to insert French words or mannerisms when trying to appear upper class.
>America fought hard to be independent from British rule, and the French gave their support for that.
I don't even know how to respond to such retardation. According to this the British are closer to Russians than to the Irish.
>I think the kind of thrill in subversion or transgression probably came from France first, which is very Jewy.
I seriously hope you don't come from a protestant country, but as I see, you're still not posting yours.

>> No.16522446

Your philosophical traditions just boils down to a silly fixation on freedom and creativity, pushing boundaries, and other simple-minded stuff. It's why Jews infested your philosophical circles.
I don't find your nation's vision appealing. There is not enough emphasis on duty.

>> No.16522476

>worldview is only canon philosophy
>I don't find your nation's vision appealing. There is not enough emphasis on duty.
duty is a meme. angloids are getting raped by immigrants just like any other nation. what duty do they have? sucking the old bag's dusty cunt and praising the immigrants

>> No.16522481
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>The British have a kind of sophistication and artistry that Americans lack.
Not so sure about that one.

>> No.16522491

Well they also literally had a revolution about 10 years after the US and instated a Republic just like the Americans did. That is another similarity between the two and a pretty fundamental one.

>> No.16522492

The thing I'm trying to tell you is France has always been coomer, but the vanilla and PC stuff in Britain is more of a recent phenomena.
My dislike of France is more deeply rooted.
I don't understand why I'm supposed to like every European country?

>> No.16522497



>> No.16522498

one was an actual revolution, the other was an independence war.

>> No.16522500

Why do you keep focusing on the present? The present is not a cogent reflection of the past.
Also, why you are so determined to protect the image of your country, huh? Not everyone likes your culture, which is fine.
Again with the present. I am thinking of history in a more comprehensive manner. I'm not attached to the present.

>> No.16522516

>but the vanilla and PC stuff in Britain is more of a recent phenomena.
It's been there for quite sometime. Churchill was already a Zionist.
>I don't understand why I'm supposed to like every European country?
Who said you're supposed to do that? I dislike modern France and the UK.

>> No.16522539

>There is not enough emphasis on duty.
Meanwhile you are praising England, the historical nation of smugglers, producing half the pirates in the world for centuries, where the laws of the land were drafted with the assumption most people wouldn't follow them. Not that it isn't based.
Duty is also a big meme in Germany, historically. I mean of course the relevant, lively and high culture Germany of the Rhine to Austria. Pr*ssianoids, who seem more your type, need not apply.

>> No.16522555

They both replaced monarchy with a republic, with similar ideological justifications, if somewhat diverging causes.

>> No.16522561

the causes were very different

>> No.16522577

They weren't that different, they were both a result of sub-noble class gaining power and overthrowing the royals.

>> No.16522599

That's how many independences and revolutions are, though.

>> No.16522644

>result of sub-noble class gaining power and overthrowing the royals.
>literally had a revolution about 10 years after the US and instated a Republic just like the Americans did. That is another similarity between the two and a pretty fundamental one.
You mean the same as in England a century before. Or does the fact that they kept a ceremonial cuck on a throne change everything?
Besides that vision is entirely false for the American revolution. There was little question of nobility involved there. Many of the founding fathers were royalists and opposition to the monarch became a late propaganda piece. It was a region becoming independent from an empire.
Even in France this view is ridiculous when looking at the actual events of the revolution. It also forgets that monarchy was still active for almost a century after those events. In 1870 the majority of the French congress was still monarchist, but a string of contingent events led to the king never being introduced. Overwhelming support for the republic would only come after the turn of the 20th century.

>> No.16522663

I didn't say they were exactly the same I said they were similar, and the French Revolutionaries themselves clearly admired the US. Idk why you are trying to pretend there are no parallels between two countries having republican uprisings against monarchies in the space of a couple decades.

>> No.16522664

Let's be honest here, as Houellebecq shows, the French think about fucking a little too much:

"The French are renowned for their sexual peccadilloes and are credited with inventing sadism (the Marquis de Sade), brothels ( bordellos), French letters (Condom is a French town), masturbation and adultery. In France, c’est normal for a woman to seek lovers and for a man to have mistresses. If a married man is a philanderer it’s a source of pride, a mark of respect and nothing to be ashamed of (a real vote-catcher for politicians!). A mistress is a status symbol, the absence of which casts grave doubts on a man’s virility and sexual predilections. As a by-product of this rampant free love, the French have record numbers of illegitimate children, whom they have been forced to legalise (along with their concubines). They even have the gall to call homosexuality ‘the English vice’ ( le vice anglais), although everyone knows why Paris, which is famous for its transvestites, is called gay Paris (France is the only country where the men wear more perfume than the women!)."

>> No.16522671

But then again every independence/revolution is similar.

>> No.16522688

an early 19th century Frenchman wrote a book titled Les Cocus: ou Hiérarchie du cocuage, which in English is "Cuckolds: or a Hierarchy of cuckoldry'.

>> No.16522689

I seriously don't know why they're like this. Is it the social pressure? The Jewification? Reading Houellebecq I thought it was mostly a thing of his but later I found lots of other examples.

>> No.16522720

I think it has to do with their obsession with liberty. When you fixate on liberty too much, it can lead to libertinism.
That's not to say freedom is bad, but it needs to be tempered by others virtue like a sense of duty.
Anyways, I could be wrong. I've never visited an European country and can only go on what I've read into literature or watched on Youtube.

>> No.16523030

I'm curious as to what nationality you are. Usually, when someone dislikes France but likes England and Germany, they tend to be American.

>> No.16523064

I hate America more than France, honestly.
I don't consider America to be a proper country with an ethos or culture.

>> No.16523070

As an English guy I look at France and the French with disgust. They only care about sex, men try to achieve wealth and success so they can have more sex, the women spend a fortune on furs and beauty products to have more sex. Children are a sad by-product of lust, they are rarely planned or wanted. It's almost impossible to connect emotionally to a French man because their minds simply aren't made for deep thought and they are incapable of viewing themselves though the eyes of others. Every aspect of life is subservient to sexuality for them. A whole nation of perverts and sodomites.

>> No.16523098

Yeah, that kind of what I sense from the French too. They have decent transgressive literature but not much else. It's a culture that looks negatively upon innocence and joy. France couldn't produce someone like Beatrix Potter or Tove Jansson.

>> No.16523107

based Englishman BTFOs the degenerates

>> No.16523143

Your culture is the same but you just added sexual frustration, self-denial, and surrogate activities to the mix

>> No.16523180

Complete misconception, English sexuality is fuelled by alcohol. The average person works, keeps their head down, carries on even though there is no point to any of this. We accept what is given and we do not complain. However, when it comes to get drunk we get drunk and do the things we truly want to do, be that random sex in pub bathrooms or fighting people just because we feel like it. The difference between us and the French is that we do have character apart from our primal instincts, and that we feel shame for the things we do. You can call that frustration, but it is how we are.

>> No.16523190

Filthy Anglo doesn't understand that no matter what noble garb he chooses to dress his motivations in he will never escape the reality of the sexual drive.

>> No.16523198

Oh, shut the fuck up. The englishmen invented boarding schools just to molest boys.
And don't ever forget Jimmy Savile.
You're just prudish and hypocritical, but probably the same or even more degenerate than frenchmen.

>> No.16523207

Being prudish is a symbol of high-society imo.

>> No.16523210

>everyone is a degenerate like me
absolute state of frogs

>> No.16523217

No wonder he ended up so messed up. That's the kind of dominating, "wear the pants" kind of gypsy mother. The kind of mom that strikes fear in dads, who roars at their kids for their laziness, who beats her foolish issue for their impudence and who has seen two world wars.

>> No.16523218

Were the French like this before their Revolution though?

>> No.16523219

>You're just prudish
Yeah we are and it's a good thing. Only the lowest on the low discuss sex.

>The englishmen invented boarding schools just to molest boys.
big oof from me

But you can, too bad you can't not think about cooming for more than 3 seconds a day

>> No.16523226

High society? Oh yeah, big time. Peasant classes? Nope.

>> No.16523236

Degeneracy is a luxury.

>> No.16523248

>small dicks
>small brains
>large balls

>small dicks
>large brains
>small balls

>> No.16523274

No, degeneracy is bad.
Brains are all that matter.

>> No.16523277

>No, degeneracy is bad.
Luxury is the avenue to much that is bad. It's an invitation to vice.

>> No.16523283

A sophisticated culture discourages the temptation of vice.

>> No.16523294

>large balls
do you really need a history lesson (again)?

>> No.16523300

Being rich does not equate to sophistication. Maquis de Sade was rich, and got off on eating little boy's poo. Nobility is a measure of one's devotion to virtue, not a correlate of one's assets.

>> No.16523310

>Maquis de Sade was rich, and got off on eating little boy's poo.
But he was also French.

>> No.16523311

Ofc I agree. What makes you think I disagree?

>> No.16523338

The anglo sits as a lap dog, erect and tinkering only to realize life past him by. He split his peas into evenly sized bites and had his steak by the cubic centimeter. His disdain for the extremes and the ledges of living was made aware by his neatly stacked trousers.

>> No.16523342

You don't discuss sex because you have a lot of degeneracy to hide.

>> No.16523343

The literal meaning of the sentences you wrote perhaps?

>> No.16523349

Sounds like something Bataille would write. I mean, I'm all about appreciating writers like that, based on their own merits, but you should be careful not to integrate that stuff into your actual culture.

>> No.16523354

And what's wrong with that? English society today is not Christian by any means but you can see the influence of the past generations on it.

We live lukewarm lives and rarely seek pleasure, we accept our suffering. We know that this life is mist and shadows and that we will be rewarded in heaven, or at least we did.

>> No.16523356

I wasn't saying anything about being rich. I just said a sophisticated culture discourages temptation of vice. Being sophisticated isn't about being rich, and I agreed with your response.

>> No.16523361

But let me clarify, degeneracy is not the sole province of those with the means to indulge it to the fullest. The trope of the cannibalistic, sister-fucking hillbilly exists for a reason. But generally speaking the more remote and superflous you are from society and the more power you have to do what you want, the more apt you are engage in sundry indiscretions.

>> No.16523369

Oh, sorry we misunderstood each other. I take the word "luxury" to mean "rich"

>> No.16523374

It depends on the culture.

>> No.16523375

Rarely, we do not discuss sex as sex is a private matter between a man and a woman. It is removed from everyday life. If some guy manages to hit it off with a girl then good on him, he gets a tap on the back but we don't want to hear the details. Sodomy is actually very uncommon in the UK, everyone has boring vanilla sex and that's a good thing.

>> No.16523387

The franco thinks everything in life is about fucking and cooming. Everything in his life revolves around fucking. Invaders and immigrants? All that the franco sees is a thousand sets of new cocks. "Let's get fucked by them!", the franco says, and believes that solves the issue.

>> No.16523395

Based. Drinking tea in a beautiful garden and listening to the birds is better than sex anyways.

>> No.16523413

I mean everything depends on the culture. In medieval Christendom you would be burned to the stake . In modern Islamic states any such nonsense is punishable by extreme reprimand (unless you are a member of the elite of course).

>> No.16523434

In terms of probability, I agree that those who are upper-class and live in luxury have more chance of being degenerate. It's an example of not using one's power justly. Sophisticated cultures encourage that those with more power have more responsibility to others, more obligations, rather than seeking fulfillment of their carnal desires.

>> No.16523475
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1576384997133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is necessary to know that men have been created for God, and that nature draws them to love him. In this life, the darkness of sin, and the earthly affections which reign in their hearts, stifle their natural tendency and inclination to a union with God, their sovereign good; and therefore the thought of being separated from him does not produce much pain. But when the soul leaves the body, and is freed from the senses, which keeps her in darkness, she then clearly sees that she has been created for God, and that he is the only good which can make her happy.

”But,” says St. Antonine, ”the soul separated from the body understands that God is her sovereign good, and that she has been created for him.” Hence, as soon as she is loosed from the bondage of the body, she rushes forward to embrace her supreme good: but because she is in sin, and his enemy, God will cast her off. Though driven back and chased away, she retains her invincible tendency and inclination to a union with God; and her hell shall consist in seeing herself always drawn to God, and always banished from him.

>> No.16523495

Froggies tried to conquer Europe and almost won. B*ngs may have been able to conquer the pooinloos and some bushmen but they piss themselves in fear whenever some big shake up happens on the continent.

>> No.16523497


>> No.16523530

Bullshit. We never wanted European domination, we honestly look down on you. All that Europeans are good at is fighting each other in pointless bullshit wars. We have maintained the balance of power in Europe for 500 years, if not for us you'd all be speaking French or German. Be happy your shitty meme culture is alive, because it's alive thanks to us and our willingness to die in the rejection of European hegemony.

>> No.16523553

Are you trolling or are you autistic?

>> No.16523555

Typical A*glo responses
>muh 2 world wars and one world cup
Sure, just ignore that your allies actually did most of the fighting while you mostly squatted on your island soaked in piss until it was obvious the tide was turning. (same goes for Napoleonic wars btw)

>> No.16523556


>> No.16523565


>> No.16523676

You got rekt in the Napoleonic wars and then literally didn't even try in ww2. French people think it's still 1750, it's not, your country has utterly fallen to ruin.

>> No.16523693

And bongland isn't in ruins? You can't even make movies without having at least 15 negroes. If the police tries to catch a terrotist, your English women root for the terrotist.

>> No.16523709

I think it would have been better if Hitler won WWII.

>> No.16523747

I'm not French you dumb limey fuck.

>> No.16523771

I didn't intend to make Europeans fight with each other.

>> No.16523783

Before incel spam ruined the internet, the easiest way to tell if someone was a mysoginist was to ask what their relationship was like with their mom. Every man who has a bad relationship with his mom will inevitably become a mysoginist.

>> No.16523784

both are cucks. whether they love sex or tea. both are cucks. lesson of the day, kid.

>> No.16523807

incels are a very specific brand of misogyny, defined by bitterness, anger, and a cartoonishly over-simplified view of female nature that over-emphasizes physical attraction. It is maybe rhetorically convenient to call any misogynist an incel but it is really not hard to tell them apart from other types of misogynist, such as the wounded divorced man, the disrespectful womanizer, the paternalist, etc.

>> No.16523891

Does that apply to Europe prior to 1945?

>> No.16523893

Masters and servants

>> No.16524204

France lost hard in WW2. That means they ar le epic coward!! XD. I think you are the one that needs a history lesson.

>> No.16524267

just banter mate, I know you are the winners of Europe

>> No.16525073


>> No.16525089
File: 78 KB, 750x765, shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16525105

This bored me.

>> No.16525109

The movie was good. I liked it

>> No.16525134

This is actually a pretty measured assessment.

>> No.16525173

watched the German movie adaptation of Atomised recently, is gut
his first novel is my favourite, I'd read that next if I were you; it was also adapted for the screen https://vimeo.com/260391237

>> No.16526197

Is it this one about incels? https://vimeo.com/260391237

>> No.16526219

Yikes... pretty on brand for how he writes her though