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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 602 KB, 1350x1114, __yuuri_and_chito_shoujo_shuumatsu_ryokou_drawn_by_kensight328__5aab1561f9ba4b1c04d2ad22502ecbc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18357001 No.18357001 [Reply] [Original]

Exploring a Desolate City Edition
Previous Thread:>>18346005

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent.

Never going to be created

>> No.18357027
File: 469 KB, 2518x1024, xianxia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for xianxia

>> No.18357028

>read MookHyang
>Its about a cultivator that was isekai'ed into magitech fantasy.
Future of webfiction right there

>> No.18357031

based op

>> No.18357038
File: 181 KB, 750x1000, Fang Yuan Bai Ning Bing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Reverend Insanity. Turn away from bakker-cuckoldry.

>> No.18357048
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>> No.18357057

is it actually well-written though

>> No.18357094


>> No.18357165

Sex Books

>> No.18357170

insert picture of that one sissy book where the black people have taken over

>> No.18357267
File: 27 KB, 296x500, 514AnZR76tL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fucking drag to read.

>> No.18357317

So how is the new Cradle book? Just saw it's been released.

>> No.18357325

the only drag is the drag of wind and your pp speeds towards my boipussy

>> No.18357326

Bloodline has been out for almost two months. It wasn't good and was about the opposite you would expect to happen.

>> No.18357335

I love that thrill you get when a book dangles the threat of the protagonist being cucked over your face

>> No.18357342

So is Fagborn just a Star Wars ripoff? Does he have a light saber in his belt?

>> No.18357344

The Darkness That Comes Before?

>> No.18357348

Are you just being pessimistic or is it actually worse than its prequels?

>> No.18357349

The lightsabers are in SA

>> No.18357357
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>> No.18357363

I'm a bit out of touch. is bloodline directly after the tournament book, or has there been a book in-between?

>> No.18357373

Why ask if you're going to critique any response? Lindon is still an apologetic sniveling annoyance nine books in and most everybody in Sacred Valley who was a piece of shit got away with it.

Uncrowned -> WIntersteel -> Bloodline

>> No.18357378

wouldn't there be too much punching down if lindon took revenge on people in sacred valley at this point?

>> No.18357384

Given how prone everyone here is toward cynisism, I thought I should ask. Still, that's too bad if the book turned out unsatisfying.

>> No.18357386

what are some good female authors that actually play to their strength as a female writer, as in give more insight to female characters or something like that, not just any decent author that also turns out to be female

>> No.18357389

The vast majority of anyone in Sacred Valley tries to betray/kill the main cast at any given opportunity.
The action Lindon performs the MOST in Sacred Valley is apologizing. To goddamn near every group he sees, or any person in a position of power. The thing is that Mercy finally goes through a character arc of realizing that sometimes she has to use her OVERWHELMING POWER to take care of things, yet Lindon doesn't get it.

>> No.18357397

because lindon is right and mercy is wrong

>> No.18357400

What about male authors that specifically play to their strength of being male?

>> No.18357405

they write about cuckold

>> No.18357407


>> No.18357409


>> No.18357410

then Bakker is the quintessential male writer?

>> No.18357412

of course

>> No.18357418

so you want female authors that write about rape fantasies?

>> No.18357448


>> No.18357460

this thread is a fucking joke

>> No.18357464


>> No.18357471

then why aren't you laughing?

>> No.18357473

This is weebfic and cuckoldry general.

>> No.18357489

I want my fantasy novel to have an analogue for black people so that I can write about how terrible they are but I need it to be subtle enough that most people won't notice what it's supposed to represent. Any ideas?

>> No.18357508

you will fail. if you're so clueless about sociology that your mentality is "blacks bad" then you will also be too clueless to impress that message without readers catching you out.

>> No.18357515

this thread is a sick and stupid joke with no punchline. i mourn for the /sffg/ that once was.

>> No.18357516

You don't have to study sociology to understand basic facts about reality such as this.

>> No.18357521

I mean to be fair, Tolkien's orcs are industrial working mongoloids and nobody ever caught on unless they're some kind of nerds

>> No.18357526

said every wrong person ever

>> No.18357528

have you SEEN the discourse around orcs lately???

>> No.18357529

>*cries in shitalian*

>> No.18357531

>Bro you just have to wear these ideological blinders then you can understand
No thanks

>> No.18357538

the only way to become a good writer is to maintain horse stance

>> No.18357542
File: 868 KB, 1280x720, 0CBFE115-CA2E-4310-9562-F24691AC9960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the battle station of every niggerfaggottranny ITT

>> No.18357541

>understanding statistics
>ideological blinders
you're one of them retards arentcha

>> No.18357545

these kinds of writers are a diamond dozen

>> No.18357549

Of course there is Star Wars art on the wall, and "muh" science backgrounds of space.

>> No.18357551

Sorry but I'm writing from the unique knowledge conferred to me by my lived experience, which trumps any white male academic theories you've crafted. I need you to stop denying my own experiences. Sit down and listen.

>> No.18357552

You're mistaken Sir/Mam/Other, this picture is mine and I'm a Bakkerbuddy

>> No.18357554

wow epic you sure dunked on this imagined strawman that doesn't exist

>> No.18357558

so you're saying they're based

>> No.18357559

I see you still aren't listening. If you're going to deny my life experience then I see you don't care about social justice and equal representation. My voice will be heard.

>> No.18357561

What you don't realize is that my own standpoint as a Person of Color means that you even mentioning "white" puts me in a hostile environment. This reference to academic theories also further proves that you are a person of privilege. You didn't even ask me what I am identifying as before you committed this act of violent retort towards me, thus allowing us to establish a proper relationship of equals, or as I suspect, you as someone with greater power. Sit down. Listen. I exist.

>> No.18357564

/sffag/ - Science fiction, fantasy, & anime general

>> No.18357569

I never said I cared about social justice or equal representation, and people that do believe in that generally don't think someone automatically deserves a voice for being a minority. literally only someone with ideological blinders would think this is a gotcha

>> No.18357575

the anime is implied because it's on 4chan

>> No.18357578

I hate to use this card, but I have a skin disease that renders my skin in the color of a rainbow, which means that I am more of a Person of Color than you. This elevates my voice in the progressive stack and means that I am first to speak. Take a step back.
Shut up racist.

>> No.18357580

you forgot fortnite

>> No.18357584

>he's trying to reason with a /pol/ npc
Do you talk to your computer screen too lmao, this thing is literally going through a series of memes and canned responses

>> No.18357592

I'm very lonely

>> No.18357593

I am sorry for not acknowledging your skin disease when we were establishing our hierarchy of oppression. But you see, dear person of gender I don't know, that you have failed to ask for my age. As such you are assuming I am of equal age of you. This is a big leap, an assumption that I must call out as age oppression. Stop Ageism.

>> No.18357594

>I escaped, Sazed!
>I escaped into Fortnite!

>> No.18357598

kill yourselves tranny reddit animeniggers

>> No.18357606


>> No.18357607

Kneeling Anons encrusted the Thread, all facing the summit, where a savage-looking Shill led them (one of the few yet living, he would later discover), dark face uplifted, hands held to the scalped heavens.
A congregation of those who had refused to forget.
The prayer concluded, and all souls lowered their heads in silence, Anon found himself fending shame for standing so indifferent, so conspicuous. Despite their harrowed and deranged appearance, he knew these once illustrious Anons of the /sffg/. He knew the autist from the metalhead, the Sanderhater from the meme-maker, such was his familiarity. He knew their great shitposts, and the names of their characters, their pronunciations …
“Return him to us!” the anonymous Shill suddenly howled to the heavens. Passion cracked his voice as violently as his face. “Please, God of Gods, send us our King of Authors!”
And suddenly all of them were crying out, wailing to the vacant sky, lamenting, cursing, and appealing, begging most of all …
For R. Scott Bakker.
The Demon.

>> No.18357611


>> No.18357612

I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 Cock of the Infinite.

>> No.18357620

Do you discuss books on any altchans?

>> No.18357621

Do you discuss books on 4chan? No.

>> No.18357628

yeah leftypol

>> No.18357637

I was the one telling anon not to buy Bloodline earlier. Call me a tranny next, newfag.

>> No.18357643

Eureka! Of course. The protracted animetranny raid on /sffg/ comes from the “woke” faggot cesspool of leftypol. It all makes sense now.

>> No.18357648

anon I've been here since the board was created, day 1

>> No.18357655

maybe it’s time to move on with your life then. don’t forget to dilate your leaking wound

>> No.18357656

Any fantasy novels in which the MC is obsessed with own guilt and sinfulness due to deeds he has committed in the past? Would prefer something not from a religious perspective but I'm not too picky.

>> No.18357657

Hi I am prince in Nigeria and I can make you very rich ;), pls repsond to email

>> No.18357684

>nooo why do you not recognize me on an anonymous imageboard n-n-newfag
kek and also you don't read

>> No.18357701

kek and also you don't read

>> No.18357704


>> No.18357712

Any good novels that has the Byzantine Empire as the setting?

>> No.18357720

the darkness thst comes before
nansur empire has distinct byzantine features

>> No.18357728

What's the opposite of retro futurism?

>> No.18357731

no, because the byzantine empire is geopolitically significant, but not culturally, don't see how a fantasy story would have much to work with.

>> No.18357737


>> No.18357744

sounds interesting, what are neoclassical literature like?

>> No.18357751
File: 272 KB, 1080x675, Velluto-Mosaico-Bevlacqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but not culturally
Anon, I...

>> No.18357756

>the middle ages but everything is clean lines and industrial designs made of glass, concrete and rebar
>everyone lives in fancy highrises but they're just wheat growing serfs

>> No.18357757


>> No.18357763

sounds almost post apocalyptic?

>> No.18357767


>> No.18357772

cringe retard

>> No.18357805

>greek-roman empire
>potential to explore hellenistic mythology
>also orthodox christianity
>not culturally significant
Authors are missing some big money out of this

>> No.18357819
File: 758 KB, 2284x2183, paris-bnf-fr.-257-f.-192r-alexandre-rend-la-justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, just taking it literally. retrofuturism is stylistically dated but technologically progressed(or alternatively progressed, let's not split hairs), the opposite would have to be stylistically progressed but technologically dated. so basically the most cutting edge style we have right now are those depressing concrete blocks, and medieval ages are a go-to icon of regressed technology.

an alternative opposite of retrofuturism would be like.. retrohistorical. so where retrofuturism is the future imagined by an earlier time, perhaps retrohistorical could be set in the past imagined by an earlier era. an example would be how the medieval generation imagined historical antiquity. pic related is how the medieval artists portrayed ancient greece, which is obviously not quite right, in that sense, retrohistorical

>> No.18357830

So Arthurian Legends
>king of the britons in the 5th century
>plate armor

>> No.18357839

yup. idk how you would exaggerate this enough that it would have enough legs to stand on as its own genre though. at some point it just becomes magitech

>> No.18357852

any books set in a fantasy or science fiction version of the gaza strip?

>> No.18357860

I binged on the Stormlight Archive over the last month. Although it could have used some editing, I still had a good time. Is Mistborn worth getting into?

>> No.18357866
File: 567 KB, 500x775, 1622319735440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story is better than this book.

>> No.18357873

read the novellas, read warbreaker, read mistborn, RoW already had a lot more cosmere stuff in it than previous and I can only assume it's gonna get heavier from here

>> No.18357876

Should i read Mistborn? I'm depressed and would appreciate something fun but I hate cliches

>> No.18357879

this is like the cover of animorphs smut fanfic

>> No.18357880

female protag

>> No.18357885

yeah sure.

>> No.18357888


>> No.18357895


>> No.18357960

Okay which one's good but with a male protagonist?

>> No.18357978


>> No.18358007

Asking again since I didn't get any real answers last time.
Is it worth it to read the Aspect-Emperor series even if you didn't enjoy Prince of Nothing very much? Do the books improve?

>> No.18358023

To other fantasy writers: when writing a rape scene, do you often have to stop and fap? or do you take a more clinical approach?

>> No.18358033

can you sell me on Cradle?

>> No.18358051

The kind of idiot found only in /sffg/. Go read a manga or something.

>> No.18358057

Yes. The Aspect-Emperor are better in my opinion. It’s much more in a high fantasy than the first series, which are more focused on human conflicts among nations and faiths.

>> No.18358059

Fapping is counter-productive to any great literature. The great men of letters turned their masculine holy energy into everlasting tributes to the human experience, not empty tissues in the box next to your desk.

>> No.18358061

cool taoist high fantasy but without the downside of a chinese author

>> No.18358065

>The great men of letters turned their masculine holy energy into everlasting tributes to the human experience, not empty tissues in the box next to your desk.
Joke's on you, I eat all of my semen.

>> No.18358068

Jacking off mid writing is like committing creative suicide
That lust is what drives you, it takes you to places you wouldn't even dream of visiting while satiated.

>> No.18358069

Do they have asian names?
I'm bad with asian names, especially when they're written in english

>> No.18358079

some do but not generally, iirc

>> No.18358081

ok thanks, sounds interesting
will check it out

>> No.18358092

Being intellectually numbed by shit pacing and repetition is surely the sign of a weeb.

>> No.18358093

Anime is truly a heavy drug.

>> No.18358172
File: 15 KB, 200x326, dying earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking sucks.

>> No.18358195

Please respond.

>> No.18358207

there are no books like this, sorry anon

>> No.18358208

Wheel of Time kind of but not really.

>> No.18358212

>The faggots are reeking

>> No.18358223


>> No.18358235

if you want a jesus standin moping for 4k pages read SA

>> No.18358292

Anything not written by a Mormon?

>> No.18358335

Is the Songs of the Dying Earth collection worth a read?

>> No.18358369

>but I hate cliches
Then don't read Sanderson, you fucking moron. The hack's made a career out of writing like dumb robot with formulas.

>> No.18358427

You want to read The Sarantine Mosiac by Guy Gavriel Kay

>> No.18358810

I like to take the Bakker approach and wear a chastity belt while I service other men before they themselves service my wife, this ensures complete dedication to my work and directly influences it.

>> No.18358936
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 1591694804605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts anime
>Mentions cuckoldery

>> No.18359104

I'm actually reading it, and its good. I actually loved the Ensalvement path arc, discovering the different beast and all that is fun as fuck, and his immortal shenaningans are pretty kek worthy too.

>> No.18359171

that ain't anime

>> No.18359175

any books set in a fantasy or science fiction version of the gaza strip?

>> No.18359178

Return of the King

>> No.18359192

You would know.

>> No.18359203

>that ain't anime
We accept your defeat.

>> No.18359210

I remember it being OK, with an insanely stupid final story that tried to explain some shit somehow.

>> No.18359213

I would know, since I'm on an anime website.

>> No.18359217


>> No.18359306

Not /lit/, but i knew a foreign relations major in college who swore that dance in the vampire bund was a perfect allegory for the Israeli Palestine conflict. He wasn't even an anime dude, i have no idea how he discovered it

>> No.18359335


>> No.18359340

This, but unironically. You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.18359342
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, SpongeBob_in_RandomLand_173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when i mfw realize light novels are genre fiction

>> No.18359356


>> No.18359371


>> No.18359383


>> No.18359391

t. doesn't know that sanderson has retroactively made every other author a fucking hack

>> No.18359411

Extremely based. Banish this OFF TOPIC trollscum from the thread.

>> No.18359431

This thread wins the dubious honor of “worst /sffg/ thread of all time.”

The weebtrannies have won. Completely silencing and destroying anything that was ever worthwhile about this once-great thread with their incessant babble. Someday, they will all hang from branches. Until that day comes, we must endure their spineless, obnoxious retardation in grim silence.

>> No.18359438
File: 530 KB, 800x450, 1601764779574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my part to save it.

>> No.18359442
File: 2.45 MB, 740x806, Kelsier_dancing_like_a_dumbass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18359452

How can Wolfe be smiling?

>> No.18359459

He's in Heaven.

>> No.18359467

>Thread started out normally until some faggot couldn't contain his autism and started talking shit about animefags.
God, you're such an easy read sometimes.

>> No.18359468

Nobody wants to read cuckold shit.

>> No.18359471
File: 1.51 MB, 1125x1378, 46B49AC7-A6B5-4CD7-87A6-53501BCB1E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your honourable deeds will not be forgotten. May you lie with virgins and sup with heroes in Challa Hall.

>> No.18359474

I've never read Sanderson, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.18359478

>Reads Bakker.
>Doesn’t know about cuckold
Okay, anon

>> No.18359483
File: 95 KB, 450x405, 1537214198205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh sanderbros? Why don't we just start a Cosmere general? You know, since we're the only community on this board that actually gets new releases from their author and all...

>> No.18359484

Pathetic whiny faggot, go back to the hugbox Discord from whence you crawled and good riddance.

>> No.18359488

Nobody wants to hear about garbage chinkshit and literal anime in the scisnce fiction and fantasy general of a literature board.

If the jannies weren’t weebtrannies like you, this rank stupidity would have been forcibly suppressed ages ago.

>> No.18359489
File: 165 KB, 1080x1351, 1595256370485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Love is lust made meaningful. Hope is hunger made human.”

>> No.18359493

go back to /lgbt/ and /a/

you will never be a woman
you will never pass as female
you will never be loved.
you will die alone.

>> No.18359494

You know there's a Fortnite thread on >>>/vg/, right?

>> No.18359498


>> No.18359500

But I'm getting a new book from Josiah Bancroft later this year

>> No.18359512

Seeing the word 'Silk' + Wolfe in the same picture made my neurons fire

>> No.18359513

Perhaps you should pick a site that wasn't made by a weeb instead of seething about it all the time

>> No.18359527

But I'm getting a new book from Scott Lynch later this year...

>> No.18359528
File: 239 KB, 1055x1214, 1F514939-E845-4D0C-AD9D-4F76E0763A92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you shitpost about Bakker in /sffg/ every day? And you tell animetrannies to fuck off? That’s kind of hot, Anon...

>> No.18359539

Why are you obsessed with cuckoldry? Did your ex boyfriend do something to you?

>> No.18359541

this but not visual novels

>> No.18359544

Literal autistic meltdown from the resident Bakkerschizo, again.

>> No.18359550

But i get multiple books from Adrian Tchaikovsky and Django Wexler a year...

>> No.18359554
File: 485 KB, 799x1010, 1620966436110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it trouble you?

>> No.18359558

Why are you obsessed with homosexual rape?

>> No.18359565

Who do you think you're replying to?

>> No.18359576

Do those topics trigger you? Did some one rape you?

>> No.18359579
File: 643 KB, 1157x720, 27087142-A439-467B-923F-EE7578D54280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone can be saved...

>> No.18359588

What about next year?

>> No.18359597

Why would i want to live to next year

>> No.18359599

I've just finished the Great Ordeal.

Why does Kellhus ass-fucks Proyas?

I think I understood why he reveled himself to him otherwise, but can someone elaborate a little more on this topic?

>> No.18359600


>> No.18359609

Tchaikovsky is the most prolific writer in SFF. By the end of the year, he'll have released 5 novels. He's got 2 announced ones for 2022 already. He dabs on every other SFF author and still maintains a 4.1/5 average rating on gayreads despite his insane release schedule.

Rothfags will never know this feel.

>> No.18359637

I propose a Bakkerfag + (non-tranny) Weeb alliance.

>> No.18359654

Has he done any Regency stuff that i missed? Guns of the Dawn was spot on

>> No.18359655

Are the Progenitors us? Bakker has hinted as much in his writings on tech, Neuropath, Crash Space, etc, Is Eärwa Earth in the extremely distant future, the Inchoroi having forgotten it was their initial point of origin?

>> No.18359676

>Adrian Tchaikovsky
I've read 2 books from this guy, the one with Spiders, and the one with Squids
They were more about ideas than plot,
Didn't care for the main character. Well, he's not really a character, right? Just a viewpoint for us.

Are his other books like that? Or does he ramp up the characters and actual plot, when the book isn't focused on conveying these scifi concepts?

>> No.18359681

I never thought I would regret Bakkerfags, but there we are

>> No.18359682

His Fantasy is very character driven

>> No.18359684

Proyas himself spends some time contemplating that in the last book, and voices his conclusion

>> No.18359710

>listening to hard boiled wonderland audiobook at work
>regular, raging erection i have to hide
This is the most personally erotic book i have ever picked up

>> No.18359738

Does the "last" book end with a lot of loose ends? Is it really expected that more books are needed to wrap everything up? I don't want to get on a false hype train.

>> No.18359808

>Does the "last" book end with a lot of loose ends?
It resolves some things, but it leaves the reader with more questions than answers. As it should be desu.

>> No.18359811

Why subject yourself to that?

>> No.18359816

But is it the LAST book, or not? In your honest opinion.

>> No.18359819

Not that I'm aware of.

>> No.18359828

It ends the story nicely, if not in a fully satisfying manner. Whethet it’s the last book or not depends on the author’s own motivation. It’s a big maybe.

>> No.18359830

If i listened to it at home I'd end up fapping instead of paying attention

>> No.18359835

Isn't that the whole point?

>> No.18359838

>They were more about ideas than plot,
>not really a character, right? Just a viewpoint for us.
reminds me of siri and blindsight

>> No.18359841

Either way, it's doesn't have the appropriate title for a conclusion.

>> No.18359857

I've fapped to enough stories to know that if i do that I'll lose all interest in it afterward and won't finish the reading. Better to finish it first and then use it for fuel

>> No.18359868

>tfw when i left my hardcover copy of the great ordeal in a free bin at my college when moving years ago
>tfw it is now out of print forever
if you own physical copies of bakker’s books you’re in luck. they’re disappearing rapidly and unlikely to be reprinted in the near future.

>> No.18359872

>I've fapped to enough stories to know that if i do that I'll lose all interest in it afterward and won't finish the reading
What? I read fantasy Erotica all the time and I still read it after I fapped.

>> No.18359882

dont forget the one autist on 17thshard buying up 2nd hand copies just to burn them

>> No.18359895


>> No.18359920

Why would anyone want physical evidence of cuck porn in their possession?

>> No.18359928
File: 70 KB, 1125x1125, 1610651757882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She can't get over being cucked

>> No.18359937
File: 2.66 MB, 4032x3024, 1615386310270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being filtered by Bakker

At least I gave an actual use to these after reading them.

>> No.18359941

based. the only proper use for sandersoy’s pages of drivel is the wiping of asses.

>> No.18359949


>> No.18360029
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Sometimes fantasy/scifi makes me feel like a bit of a brainlet.
Like, I just finished Ender's Game today. It's a really great read, but I'm probably not going to get anything out of it beyond just the enjoyment of reading it. Is that even a problem?

>> No.18360036

I felt the same until read Bakker too.

>> No.18360104


>> No.18360112

holy based

>> No.18360147

He could have just PayPal Bakker.

>> No.18360168

Just do what you want to do. Memory is an imperfect storage structure and even if you spend all your time reading textbooks, history books, etc, you'll still forget the vast majority of it - a key component of memory is repetition, and you sure are not going to be encounter obscure facts about Roman history every day to reinforce the knowledge. You could spend 10 years studying a variety of subjects instead of reading for pleasure, and 10 years after that all you'll have to show for it is the random miscellaneous facts that stuck in your memory. Not exactly anything glamorous.

>> No.18360292

I don't think forgetting things like that is normal

>> No.18360323
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If the book itself doesn't have much to offer it's no surprise you don't walk away with much
There's been books that leave me transfixed for weeks afterwards and some that I forget the next day

>> No.18360332 [DELETED] 

>this makes the compfag cum and shit
how tragic

>> No.18360344

The more genre fiction I read, the more I hate said genre. Very rarely do authors transcend their own genre. Fantasy is fucking horrendous at the moment.

>> No.18360365

Books where strong female characters gets raped?

>> No.18360371

Genre fiction has changed me. Now I know that it's not shameful to watch your wife have sex with other men while you squat over a butt plug with a vibrating cock sleeve strapped to your dick.

>> No.18360385

/sffg/ in a nutshell.

But why would you use a cock sleeve instead of a chastity cage?

>> No.18360400

Fantasy and science fiction are genre fiction.

>> No.18360402

Does it trouble you?

>> No.18360412

That you have a cuckold fetish?

Absolutely not.

>> No.18360597

there's the discord for book club reading/discussion

>> No.18360612

It is, memory degradation roughly follows Zipf's Law. 90% of everything in X year, the next 9% in 2x years, something something. There's some variation in this, some people have photographic memories and such, but you should be able to identify this in yourself as well - how much do you really remember from a book you read 10 years ago? It's probably around 1% at best.

>> No.18360749
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Just don't forget things

>> No.18360763

Should I read those books? I finally found a copy of sword and citadel and snagged it. Didn't want to read the first one, get really into it, and then not have the second half. I'm just about to finish Great Expectations, so I think I might want some actiony science fiction fantasy.

>> No.18360778
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It's rushed and half-baked.

>> No.18360835

Yes, absolutely read this. We are not joking about this being among the greatest works of literature.
>I think I might want some actiony science fiction fantasy.
Well, there's some of that
But it's not an "action" book, it's rather an "adventure"(?) book, featuring traveling and exploration, way more heavily than action scenes.(which ARE present, and thrilling)
What they call it, picaresque?
Most of all. It's very, very clever.

Heh. You'll either like it or not.
I've never hear someone say: "I thought Book of the New Sun was OK."
It's always either high praise. Or people that absolutely don't resonate with it.

Just go in with an open mind, and keep going for a short while even if you are not instantly hooked, it may come across as, eh, unique.
I'm so glad I didn't put this down, while still stumbling through the introductory chapters.

>> No.18360844

Cugel's Saga is funny as fuck.
I don't know what it did to me, I'm a naturally dour person. But I was giggling when he did some silly prank with a lobster in someone's boot.
It really pulled me in.

>> No.18360850

>female protags

>> No.18360879

Are based.

>> No.18360884

written by men are _______

>> No.18361048
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>> No.18361067

>The pvssy that caused Resumption

>> No.18361069

Just imagine if Esmi truly was this hot. I would be fucking pissed if I was Achamian alright. At least he fucked Mimara

>> No.18361086

Never understood the hate.

>> No.18361095

What does that mean?

>> No.18361101

Never understood why anons here hate female protags

>> No.18361102

Men write female protags who they want to fuck
Women write female protags who they want to be

>> No.18361108

The same can be said with male protags. Don't see why one should be hated.

>> No.18361110

Most sff writers can't write good characters. That's what I hate most of all. It's an absolute disgrace.

>> No.18361140

The difference is the reader; women hate other women that don't behave, believe or respond like them.

>> No.18361149

Do one

>> No.18361166

Pleas respond

>> No.18361401

I hope the Foundation will be a good start to get into Sci-Fi books.

>> No.18361404
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I just finished Way of Choices, it was way better than I expected a webnovel to be. Which chinkshit should I read next?

>> No.18361434

>The study is so deep

>> No.18361534

If you want to read something popular and fun read the first book in Locke Lamora

>> No.18361694
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>> No.18361697


>> No.18361769

Not a chinkshit, but Never Die Twice.

>> No.18361998


>> No.18362062

I know Name of the Wind gets shit on a lot, but I've got to say there's something magical about how the first book so perfectly captures the arrogance of being a pre-burnout gifted kid that you can almost feel it yourself god I wish that were me

>> No.18362113

Immortal Court arc is one of the highlights of the entire series. The mix of powerful external and internal enemies, the threat and opportunity of Immortals, Giant Sun's will, Luck, all of it comes together so well in a thunderous explosion of conflict.

>> No.18362137

isn't he doing an entire karsa trilogy before this book?

>> No.18362218

The only good one


has been Samus. And she's vidya. I don't know what it is about Metroid games that really put me on an isolated planet with deadly creatures. I feel like that's not the game's top theme, really. There are plenty of space horror games but Metroid really does it for me. Must be the music. And the no talking.

>> No.18362291
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I finally gave Mistborn a go and damn I'm having a good ass time. It's pretty easy reading but I see now why people talk about the magic system in this so much.

The world doesn't feel too fleshed though, it's strange. This is the first time I've read something where the magic system is pretty concrete hard magic, but the actually world is sort of a "soft world" like there are locations, but other than those handful of main cities and spots fuck all seems to happening out in the world.

I thought I was going to be annoyed by Vin because I couldn't stand the female character in Way of Kings, but she's always fun to read from her perspective.

I'm only on the first book. I hope the other two books keep up this kind of writing.

>> No.18362303

It gets better, anon, don't worry.

>> No.18362312

That's good to hear :) Have you read those ones after the first trilogy? I was curious if that would be worth a read down the line

>> No.18362323

>Have you read those ones after the first trilogy?
The Wax and Wayne series

>> No.18362389

I hear the author puts too much focus on the magic system. How true is that?

>> No.18362420

>Exploring a Desolate City
Any good books like that?
Like, I like the idea of a hyper advanced city or space station that's been built on top of older layers for so long that now there are these ancient ruins just beneath the surface full of the culture's history. A history that's been forgotten as life goes on and the city keeps getting bigger.
Heck, if I were writing such a story, I'd go with the giant space station, and have ancient systems that have been keeping the place livable for thousands of years finally start to break down, so a group of engineers/historians have to travel down to the center of the station and try to fix it, and deal with all sorts of weird and dangerous shit on the way.
Like various alien animals that have been brought to the station by cargo ships and smugglers over centuries who have now developed an ecosystem in the station's bowels.

>> No.18362483

Wax and Wayne series is better than the first trilogy, though also a lot shorter per book. His writing has improved since he wrote Mistborn. They also have more references to the rest of the Cosmere in them compared to the first three books, so it's more worthwhile to have read his other stuff, though it isn't particularly necessary to do so just to enjoy the books.

>> No.18362505

>Any good books like that?
Yeah, but its mostly post-apocalypse books.

>> No.18362517


Rama & Rendezvous with Rama.

>> No.18362521

What are some post-apocalypse book?
also can post apocalypse books be considered sci-fi?

>> No.18362524

>also can post apocalypse books be considered sci-fi?

>> No.18362532

I haven't finished the first book, only about 85% done take that for what it's worth. There is a lot of time dedicated to the magic system however I never felt lost or like the plot was getting distracted in favor of wanking it. Sanderson, for better or worse, is a really barebones writer style-wise. When somethinng happens he often just says it with no flourish, just straight up wheat happened. So whenever a person uses the magic system, it's very quickly and bluntly explained what it does and the scene keeps moving forward.
Example I made up: "She couldn't hear their conversation, so she burned tin, which made the sun blindingly bright but also made their whispers loud as if they were standing next to her."
Then boom the scene just moves forward.
So there is a lot of reexplaining but usually only a single sentence and mercifully he resists doing an info dump, instead the powers are explained as the story progresses.

I tried reading Way of Kings but kind of got bored and dropped off pretty early, should I give it another chance before (potentially) starting W&W? Do you feel it enhanced your reading of it?

>> No.18362540

Different anon here. I'll have to check it out. I like Dumas and he's been described as barebones. He just tells you what's going on and who said what.

>> No.18362675

You definitely should. It's good.

>> No.18362688

I don't think that Way of Kings would be necessary if you didn't like it. It definitely feels cool to recognize the connections, at least to me, but it's not necessary at all. The only thing you'd really notice without having read his other stuff is a character who sticks out as being "strange" who shows up for a scene and then never shows up again with no in-book explanation of who she is.

>> No.18362748

How are the beginning arcs?

>> No.18362784

Anyone know where I can find a pdf or something of the solar labyrinth new sun companion book?

>> No.18362814

The Immortal Court arc is the 3rd arc. And the two arcs before that are arguably even better. These arcs are set within the mortal realism. The stakes of arc 1 and 2 couldn't be higher: one wrong move and death can come in any number of ways. In arc 3 he is actually becoming rather powerful, not just a moral Gu Master that can easily be killed, and thus, to keep the tension and uncertainty going, the enemies keep getting stronger.

Arc 1 is the best arc of the entire book. Hands down. And the 2nd half of arc 2 is probably better than arc 1 overall.

>> No.18362819

Do the later arcs compare to the earlier arcs or no?

>> No.18362824

buying a popsocket for my little kindle
should arrive in a few days along with the sapphire buttplug :3

>> No.18362826

If it's not at the usual websites, you could try your luck at private tracker like MaM

>> No.18362832

The later arcs are bigger than arc 1-3. If you are invested in the story the payoff is indeed great. After the first 3 arcs, there are 3 other highly dramatic moments, each arguably better than the rest.

>> No.18362835

Alright, I'll check it out.

>> No.18362854

are the books on the goodreads emails worth checking out?
or are they just another elaborate form of advertisement

>> No.18362868

elaborate form of advertisement

>> No.18362935

Where do you even read it? Or rather what sites are trustworthy.

>> No.18362953

Eh, it's outdated. Try something a bit m ore modern.

>> No.18362966

>popsocket for my little kindle
wait, that's genuis, I keep accidentally pressing that stupid fucking button on the bottom

>> No.18362968


>> No.18362971

Any books that might make me less freaked out about becoming a father at 28?

>> No.18362980


>> No.18362984

Feersum Endjinn is kind of like that, the author of Blame! cited it as an inspiration.

>> No.18362999

Boxnovel has the best translation. There is another older translation that is not as good.

>> No.18363003

Thanks and nice trips.

>> No.18363013

I let the corner of my kind rest in my palm and use my pinkie to support the bottom of the kindle, which just so happens to land perfectly on that button

>> No.18363017

>I share a general with these type of peoples

>> No.18363019

why are americans like this?

>> No.18363022

I’m Canadian.

>> No.18363023

Mostly genetics

>> No.18363028

>griping about how someone holds a Kindle
>not the normalfag blogger who thinks having a kid in his late 20s is something revolutionary

>> No.18363030

New thread.

>> No.18363041

>>not the normalfag blogger who thinks having a kid in his late 20s is something revolutionary
He is a 4channer. That is pretty revolutionary

>> No.18363217

I wish you were right about any part of that

>> No.18363239

You mean it's good wish fulfillment

>> No.18364060
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>> No.18364418

Good White Scars books from Black Library?