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/lit/ - Literature

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19503380 No.19503380 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread for authors being autists/spergs/whatever?

>> No.19503389

thats pretty funny.

>> No.19503394

I don’t know if I should laugh or just be sad on how pathetic Bakker is.

>> No.19503396 [DELETED] 

Bakker's blog is really cringey. There's a post where he randomly starts rabtung about how much he hates his ex-wife's mother. It's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.19503397
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>Spergs out due to a compliment
Do autist really?

>> No.19503407
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>> No.19503409

Bakker's blog is really cringey. There's a post where he randomly starts ranting about how much he hates his ex-wife's mother. It's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.19503410

>Hans Mayer, the great German-Jewish literary critic, writes in his autobiography Ein Deutscher auf Widerruf how he visited Musil at his home in Switzerland during their emigration. It was 1940, and there was a widespread fear that the Nazis might invade also Switzerland. Musil couldn’t get into the USA, and Mayer was suggesting the relative obtainability of Colombian visas as a pis aller.
>'Musil', he wrote, ‘looked at me askance and said: "Stefan Zweig’s in South America." It wasn’t a bon mot. The great ironist wasn’t a witty conversationalist. He meant it… If Zweig was living in South America somewhere, that took care of the continent for Musil.’ (quoted by Michael Hofmann: Vermicular Dither, London Review of Books, 28. January 2010)

>In the third volume of his autobiography, Elias Canetti describes how he after completion of the manuscript of Die Blendung (Auto-da-fe) in 1931 sent it as a parcel with an accompanying letter to Thomas Mann, hoping that Mann would read it (and possibly recommend it to a publisher). Alas, the parcel came back unopened with a polite letter by Mann, telling the unpublished author that he was not able to read the book due to his work schedule (Mann was working on his multi-volume Joseph novel at that time). The disappointed Canetti put the manuscript aside for a long time, until Hermann Broch arranged a few readings for him in Vienna. One of them was also attended by Musil who allegedly said to Broch: “He reads better than myself.” (Not surprisingly, Canetti was an extremely gifted stage performer in the mould of Karl Kraus.)
>Later on, when the novel was finally published in 1935, Canetti wrote again to Mann, who now – four years later! – congratulated Canetti and wrote also very positively about the novel (which in all probability he hadn’t read except for a few pages). With this letter in his pocket and beaming with self-confidence Canetti was running into Musil one day when Musil brought it about himself to also congratulate Canetti. Not knowing about Musil’s strong antipathy regarding Thomas Mann, Canetti blurted out: “Thank you, also Thomas Mann praises my book!” – to which Musil answered with a short “So…”, turning around and ignoring Canetti for the rest of his life.

>> No.19503431

>Brings up an ex-girlfriend’s mother
For what purpose?

>> No.19503461
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>There's a post where he randomly starts ranting about how much he hates his ex-wife's mother.
It was an ex-girlfriend’s mother which makes it even more embarrassing. Dude is carrying grudges that are decades old.

>> No.19503467

Damn, he really was a man without qualities...

>> No.19503472
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>> No.19503514
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>> No.19503520

This is just absolutely based.
Fuck Cioran.

>> No.19503529

James Elroy is so damn based.

>> No.19503599
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Nabokov’s copious annotations taught me much about Austen’s unique handling of temporal and spatial distance. In the margins of his copy and on separate sheets of notepaper, Nabokov draws charts, maps, and diagrams, makes lists of dates and names, and calculates distances, incomes, or ages from the numerical crumbs dropped by Austen. Guided by her descriptions, he maps the grounds at Sotherton Court, sketches a barouche to determine the spatial arrangements of the characters in a carriage, and lays out the rooms of Mansfield with architectural confidence. He also sketches maps of England, including a small one in the top corner of his copy’s opening page, noting the locations of both real and imaginary places mentioned in the text, such as “Portsmouth,” “Huntingdon,” “Hampshire,” “London,” “MP.” He triangulates the presumed location of Mansfield Park from the stated distances to real-world cities: “120 m” between MP and Portsmouth, “50” from Portsmouth to London, and “70 m” from London to MP. He circles her alliterations and underlines important phrases. This is what happens when one great novelist takes another seriously.

Nabokov calculates from specifics in the story that the year of the “main action” is “1808,” explaining in his lecture how he arrived at this date: “The ball at Mansfield Park is held on Thursday the twenty-second of December, and if we look through our old calendars, we will see that only in 1808 could 22 December fall on Thursday.” The fact that Nabokov bothers to locate Austen’s “Thursday” in real time implies trust. He believes her words worthy of attention and assumes she is in complete control of all aspects of her story—even details that others might brush off like the colorful confetti of a casual realism. In fact, Nabokov warns against any lazy comparisons to “what book reviewers, poor hacks, call ‘real life’ ” and insists that his students read Mansfield Park on Austen’s terms: “There is no such thing as real life for an author of genius: he must create it himself and then create the consequences. The charm of Mansfield Park can be fully enjoyed only when we adopt its conventions, its rules, its enchanting make-believe.”


>> No.19503605

This is literally autistic. Who the fuck would do that while reading a novel?

>> No.19503614

He is using a Humorous anecdote to illustrate his point, No malice for his girlfriend's mother is expressed in the post. Also, contra OP, there is nothing autistic about getting annoyed that you're edgelord novels filled with rape and murder get mistaken for children's literature.

>> No.19503636

How about you get off /lit/ and finish your series, Richard.

>> No.19503790

The guy is such a beta male.

>> No.19503810

a man with a very high IQ like nabokov

>> No.19503829

Christ, what is Musil's problem

>> No.19504173

He was unironically bitter for the last like 10 years of his life that his book he spent years working on never really got that much attention. I can’t blame him really, but it’s an irony he for sure did not appreciate when the person who praised his work the most was actually Mann funnily enough, but I guess he wanted his book to be known for its own merits rather than become some offhand recommendation from a Nobel laureate

>> No.19504194
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> In 1932, the Robert Musil Society was founded in Berlin on the initiative of Mann. In the same year, Mann was asked to name outstanding contemporary novels, and he cited only one, The Man Without Qualities.
>In 1936, Musil suffered his first stroke.
>Musil seethed so hard about his arch enemy recommending his book that he stroked out IRL

>> No.19504253

I don’t know a lot of these words. I feel intellectually inferior to this cuck. What should I do?

>> No.19504263

The dumb cuck never read Bandura. Discard his dumbass opinion.

>> No.19504299

It's really, really easy to appear smart regardless of whether or not you actually are. Obviously smart people exist, but just because someone has a grasp of grammar and rhetoric doesn't mean they are smarter than you.

>> No.19504311

That's a retarded argument. Literally just the same old "there is no truth" paradox and the same old weaselly cope.

>> No.19504360

Nabokov was an obsessive when it came to details

>> No.19504480

This is what atheism does to a mf.

>> No.19504515

Eliminative materialism is basically the dumbest shit that a person could believe. I would rather talk to a young earth creationist than to someone who takes this shit seriously.

>> No.19504518
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>"randomly starts ranting about how much he hates his ex-wife's mother"
>actually just mentioned her in a single sentence, and not even in a negative way
Imagine hating some random author so much you basically make up incidents to try to make them look bad. Profoundly jewish

>> No.19504552

Rent free

>> No.19504569

>just mentioned her in a single sentence, and not even in a negative way
Nah he's definitely a salty bitch.

>> No.19504571

I wish Trump was 1/10th as powerful and intimidating as libs thought he was.

>> No.19504590

Maybe you should start by not calling people who you feel inferior to, cucks.

>> No.19504604

That does actually make them smart.

>> No.19504619

He was the President of the United States. If that isn't power, I don't know what is.

>> No.19504697

Politicians are often good at rhetoric and most of them are dumb.

>> No.19504715

The President doesn't have that much power, you are still beholden to what the Senate, House and Supreme Court want, not to mention the massive influence banks and media organizations have in the U.S. Look at Trump's fruitless attempts to build a border wall, or Obama's fruitless attempts to pass gun control bills.

>> No.19504785

Sure it's cringe because of the reference to the ex-girlfriends mother, but it is much, much more cringe in that the manner he has misunderstood the counterargument against eliminativism reveals an IQ that is 110 at most, which isn't a problem in itself, but when coupled with his belligerence and aggression becomes the most tiresome thing in the world.

His analogy completely misses the point. Sure, he could die on the hill that the argument concerning self-refutation of eliminativism begs the question, but he'd have to develop an entirely new non-truth conditional semantic to do so, and he would have to develop this non-truth conditional semantic using non-truth conditional semantic.

Good luck faggotron, your work is cut out for you!

>> No.19504793


>> No.19504806

Women never compliment.

>> No.19504825

rather glad I never bothered reading his books

>> No.19504842
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>Marx's seething rant about Stirner in The German Ideology took up more pages that the entirety of Stirner's literary output combined
Yeah, he mad.

>> No.19504848

His books are good imo (if you don't mind edge) but he's definitely an autist.

>> No.19504849

>His books are good
No, they aren't.

>> No.19504887

Have you read them?

>> No.19504890


>> No.19504901

Why did you read them, if you didn't like them?

>> No.19504903

Because people told me they were good. They weren't.

>> No.19504918

No, I mean, there are multiple books, why didn't you stop?

>> No.19504995
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>Brings up Trump
>Brings up a mother of an ex-girlfriend
>Believes in the stupidest shit ever.
And you say he’s an author? I can’t even begin to imagine the type of schlock he writes.

>> No.19505073

Celine sperging about Sartre is so funny it becomes based and redpilled instead

In my asshole where he can be found we can’t ask of J.B.S. too see clearly or to explain himself simply. J.B.S. it seems has nevertheless foreseen the solitude and obscurity of my anus...J.B.S. obviously is talking about himself when he writes on page 451: “This man fears every kind of solitude, that of the genius as well as that of the assassin.” Let’s understand what this means...Based on the weeklies J.B.S. only sees himself in the skin of a genius. For my part and based on his texts, I am forced to see J.B.S. only in the skin of an assassin, and even more, of a fucking police informant, cursed, hideous, a pain in the ass, rumor monger, a donkey in glasses. Here I am getting carried away! It’s not appropriate for my age or condition!... I was going to close here...disgusted, that’s all...I think it over...Assassin and brilliant? We’ve seen this before...After all...Maybe that’s the case with Sartre. An assassin he is, he wants to be one, that’s understood, but brilliant? Brilliant tiny turd of my ass ? Hmmm?...That remains to be seen...yes, to be sure, that could blossom...make itself known...but J.B.S.? His embryo eyes? His mean and petty shoulders? That fat little gut... and philosopher!...that add up to a lot of things...It seems he freed Paris on bicycle. He played around... at the Theater, the City [1], with the horrors of the era, the war, torture, irons, fire. But times change, and there he is growing, swelling up enormously, J.B.S.! He can’t control himself anymore...he no longer knows himself...from the embryo he is he’s becoming a creature...the cycle...he’s had enough of toys, cheating...he’s running after ordeals, real ordeals...prison...expiation... the stick, and the biggest of all sticks, the stake... J.B.S. becomes destiny.... the Furies! No more bagatelles... He wants to become a true monster! Now he’s yelling at De Gaulle.


>> No.19505105

this is how an entitled bitch sound. IM JAMES ELLROY. what a sad shit he is.

>> No.19505121

Oh boy are you in for a treat

>> No.19505134

He wrote some power fantasy series with some godlike-figure as his self-insert.

>> No.19505206

Don't mistake malice for incompetence

>> No.19505353

Is he holding up an NFT?

>> No.19505529

pop open a dictionary

>> No.19505674

very nice

>> No.19505846


>> No.19505928

This is terrible writing

>> No.19506053


>> No.19506172

Good lord, he’s a retard.

>> No.19506190

>Good lord
Ha, you believe in Christ.

>> No.19506206
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>> No.19506227
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I love him so much bros

>> No.19506262

>power fantasy series with some godlike-figure as his self-insert.
Of course, he did. Why wouldn't he?

>> No.19506294

German Ideology was a masssive spergfest by marx because he was too autistic to understand stirner's sarcasm.

>> No.19506312

He really misses the point hard. A more analogous statement would be “God doesn’t exist because God said so”

>> No.19506351

Perhaps the greatest schizo post ever written.

>> No.19506372

What was his problem?

>> No.19506379

Good night, man. You want a little more circumstance with that pomp?

>> No.19506512
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And you say people actually listen to this retard?

>> No.19506612

His series is some edgy power fantasy for beta males. Ain’t that hard to gain followers

>> No.19506675

He’s a pseud. What did you expect?

>> No.19507032
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>Bakker is a metoo believer.
Shouldn't be shocked because of his leftist beliefs, but God damn, do I find him more and more retarded.

>> No.19507074
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>My money is on Ford, not simply because I found her testimony compelling, but because her story implicates someone doomed to corroborate Kavanaugh-not the kind of detail you would expect to find in a partisan hit job.
>Victim Blaming
>Muh republicans evil

>> No.19507124

There's a story of Donna Tartt getting very upset when someone didn't recognize her at a library

>> No.19507181

I get that he is pretty cringe, but really when was the last time a serious piece of literature was embraced by the masses? Infinite Jest?

>> No.19507222

If the USA were the McDonald's corporation, the president would be the actor who plays Ronald McDonald.

>> No.19507224

>feminists wants women trrated equally
>sperg when anyone treats them like adults

>> No.19507231

>if you don't mind edge

>> No.19507246

When she climaxed for the final time, she felt as though she’d been pitched from a precipice, and she heard her own husky shrikes as though from afar, shrill against the thunder and his dragon roar.

Then he withdrew and she felt ransacked, her limbs trembling, her skin numb and cold with sweat. Two of the candles were gutted, but the room was illuminated in grey light. How long?

The golden coin fluttered in his hand, bewitching her with its glitter. He held it above her and let it slip between his fingers. It plopped onto the sticky pools across her belly. She glanced down and gasped in horror.

His seed was black.

“Shush,” he said, gathering his finery. “Say a word of this to no one. Do you understand, whore?”

She stared at the coin and the Emperor’s profile across it, remote and golden against downy public hair and slopes of bare skin–skin threaded and smeared by glistening pitch.

>> No.19507266

So, has it become the standard for fantasy writers to add sex into their stories just to be mature?

>> No.19507277

Actually really good prose

>> No.19507292

Prose is shit. And not to mentioned writing a sex scene is cringe.

>> No.19507833

And ignored.

>> No.19507906


Public hair. Yeah since she is a whore. Bravo Bakker

>> No.19508015
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2cute, but feels like a fake story. I was always under the impression she stays away from social media and most spotlights

>> No.19508108

It’s surprising how much of a moron he reveals himself as while trying to be intelligent and intellectually astute.

>> No.19508189

a girl told me I had nice eyebrows in 2018

>> No.19508213

It's surprising how you can say that when you can't even write a proper sentence.

>> No.19508231

I doubt Kellhus is a self-insert. He is godlike, but he's a pretty terrible person and he inadvertently makes everything in the setting worse. Also he is abruptly killed at the end of the most recent book and I seriously doubt he's coming back.

>> No.19508237

Kellhus is not human. Of course he's coming back. In case you weren't paying attention, he wasn't killed. He planned his death.

>> No.19508243

Back in like 2016 a woman told me I looked like Chris Pratt. It is unironically the nicest thing anyone who isn't my mom has said about me.

>> No.19508254

>He planned his death.
What gave you that impression? That's certainly not what I got from the book.

>> No.19508267

Did you pay attention to his speech before the sodium explosion? The true war is to be fought on the Outside. The material world is no longer of consequence. He needs the No-God to weaken the Ciphrang as well. It's folly to pretend he would be caught off-guard.

>> No.19508285

His book sounds cringe as fuck. How can you read that kiddie shit?

>> No.19508287

Musil deserved it.

>> No.19508292

Someone already said it was a power fantasy. Not hard to get readers from that.

>> No.19508322

Personally I enjoyed it for the fantasy crusader aesthetic, but I understand why many people dislike the series.

>> No.19508357

Do you really think that Kellhus was unaware of the White-Luck Warrior and Yatwer when he had a full fucking pact with one of the most infamous and Treacherous Gods guarding his back? Ajokli, The God of Deceit himself!

It was all a ruse from the beginning. He played everyone, Ajokli and Kelmomas included and now he's coming for their asses in the Outside.

>> No.19508362

Sartre BTFO

>> No.19508379

Based professor putting the pretentious upstart in his place.

>> No.19508384

She sounds jealous desu.

>> No.19508421

>Sounds jealous
>Compliments him and tell him her son likes his books
Whatever you say Bakker. Go back to writing your children's fiction.

>> No.19508428

This desu. She's either dumb or jealous to call fantasy "children's" literature. Maybe she can't cope with the fact that he's more successful than her.

>> No.19508439
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Maybe she was triggered by the female characters in the book.

>> No.19508444

I don't see an issue with this.

>> No.19508452


Financial success has no positive relationship with the competency of the author, but you already know this

>> No.19508464

I know that you will never be published.

>> No.19508473
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>> No.19508500

He's right though, Ready Player One sold nearly 2 million copies and got a big-budget movie adaptation and that book is garbage.

>> No.19508503

I'm sure it's still better than whatever you're trying to publish.
You will never be a writer.


>> No.19508515

Anon, it's obvious they're just coping that their kiddie fantasy will never be taken seriously by academics.

>> No.19508516

>Ready Player One sold nearly 2 million
That was a great book, though.

>> No.19508526
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 1634005727594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You see, the best books don't sell. Only the shit ones are best sellers. People are to stupid to enjoy superior literature such as the one that I have written, but they are too retarded to publish me because they're stupid"

LMAO, do pseuds really?

>> No.19508529

Do you need other people to tell you that a book is good to enjoy it?
Sorry, but that sounds incredibly pathetic.

>> No.19508535

>You see, the best books don't sell. Only the shit ones are best sellers.
I never said that.
>People are to stupid to enjoy superior literature such as the one that I have written, but they are too retarded to publish me because they're stupid
I've never written anything. You don't have to be a chef to know when food tastes like shit.

>> No.19508538

A Penguin marketer wrote this post.

>> No.19508539

>I've never written anything. You don't have to be a chef to know when food tastes like shit.
Brainlet take.

>> No.19508540


>> No.19508547

It was alright. But I enjoyed the movie more.

>> No.19508548

Lmao that was funny

>> No.19508559
File: 262 KB, 600x600, b02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait bait bait bait. This is all bait. Stop falling for it you autists.

>NB4 "It's not bait"
Yes it is.

>NB4 "You have autism"

>> No.19508563

I had the feeling while reading the book that it was written expressly for me. It was basically my childhood captured. And since it was an insular and introverted childhood, it felt unique. It wasn't connected with Facebook. I had no idea that I was legion. And so I imagine many other readers felt the same sensation of having a book speak directly to their most private memories and moments. And what could be more cherished than that? It was like having a videogame written for you. Or being able to be cast in your favorite film, playing the part of the star.

A book I'll likely read every three or four years, which I only do for two other works: Ender's Game and Battlefield Earth.

>> No.19508575

Nice copypasta lol.

>> No.19508580

>Wants to be taken seriously
>Whines like a little bitch in his blog
He lacks self-awareness.

>> No.19508582

I Loved it as well! I know many people also loved it, but I am not, nor ever have been 'a gamer' so I wasn't sure that I would love it. I did, but why I did had nothing to do with gaming.
It had to do with the dystopian world laid out in the story.
' Standing there, under the bleak fluorescents of my tiny one-room apartment, there was no escaping the truth. In real life, I was nothing but an antisocial hermit. A recluse. A pale-skinned pop culture–obsessed geek. An agoraphobic shut-in, with no real friends, family, or genuine human contact. I was just another sad, lost, lonely soul, wasting his life on a glorified videogame.'

>> No.19508590

Feels good to know more people enjoyed Ready Player One. It was truly one of a kind book. The sequel wasn't as good, sadly.

>> No.19508600

I see this shit posted so often that you fuckers have unironically forced me to purchase his fucking book in order to see what the fuss is all about.

>> No.19508611

>IP doesn't change
Why you falseflagging?

>> No.19508623

How am I false flagging, retard?
Are you not allowed to post twice in the same thread?

>> No.19508628

Can /lit/ explain how a grown ass man like that can act so petulant?

>> No.19508635
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>all these posts and no henry james
>My friend, to put it to you in two words, the lady and I have recently doo doo’d in our diapers, that is to say, to be more strictly accurate, we have just shit our pants, having actually transitioned from fart to shid, the result of which being the reason for our pants fillings; and the stench has overtaken us, we should be much obliged if you could tell us where we are now in relation, say, to the potty, that is, the latrines, or the toilet, which, as you know, leads to the sewers...

>> No.19508644

They cannot cope with Bakker's increasing popularity. Joke's on them for making these threads. There are very few books that are as ambitious as R. Scott Bakker's "The Darkness That Comes Before". Most authors would never attempt to create such a vast world with a deeply encompassing and vital intellectual history, and disparate races that have varying philosophical viewpoints and ways of perceiving the world. This novel, while a putative fantasy, is so remarkably well-conceived and executed that it feels more like a historical recollection of a lost world. In fact, Bakker liberally uses real Western civilization history and philosophy (with some aspects of Middle Eastern thought) and reshapes it especially for his world. The result is an absolutely brilliant fantasy novel that elevates the entire genre to a new level. I think you'll like it.

>> No.19508660

>Henry James
Literal WHO

>> No.19508665

The poo variant is not funny. The actual thing itself is hilarious

>> No.19508690

At least there’s that one Henry James poster who can appreciate his work.

>> No.19508704
File: 163 KB, 821x1024, 1637022113942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>' Standing there, under the bleak fluorescents of my tiny one-room apartment, there was no escaping the truth. In real life, I was nothing but an antisocial hermit. A recluse. A pale-skinned pop culture–obsessed geek. An agoraphobic shut-in, with no real friends, family, or genuine human contact. I was just another sad, lost, lonely soul, wasting his life on a glorified videogame.'
my dairy desu. Is the book actually a non stop pop culture reference like that one awful page makes it seem, or is at least trying to be an american Welcome to the NHK but failing?

>> No.19508760

>Is the book actually a non stop pop culture reference like that one awful page makes it seem?

There's some edgy atheism stuff and a few soliloquies about femal gamers and racism too.

>> No.19508778


>> No.19508790

Is this a comedy sketch?
If not, what has this guy written that's worthwhile? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.19508808

in the movie or the book?

>> No.19508813

I genuinely want to know who gives a fuck about the opinion of academics.

>> No.19508829

He's a crime writer, LA Confidential is what he's most known for.
His mother was raped and murdered in front of him when he was a boy so... maybe that explains his personality.

>> No.19508831

Insecure people.

>> No.19508885

Read the OP’s pic. Guy made a blog post about not being taken seriously by academics.

>> No.19508909

The book. The movie is generic Hollywood fare.

>> No.19508937

No, not really.

>> No.19508968

>Die Blendung (Auto-da-fe)
I found this book incredibly fascinating and yet I was totally unable to finish it. I tried three times. I only speak up because this is the only time I have ever seen it mentioned anywhere. I am glad to read of any misfortune that Elias Canetti had suffered as a result of writing it.

>> No.19508969

Which is pathetic, but what else did you expect from fantasy "authors"

>> No.19509063
File: 381 KB, 639x941, Bakker seething at Trump's victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him seething at Trump's victory and lamenting the failure of the progressive was funny.

>> No.19509068

/lit/cel pseuds.

>> No.19509136

>Blog War with the alt-right
Dude’s salty that Trump won.

>> No.19509148

Trump didn't win, chud.

>> No.19509161
File: 54 KB, 674x370, 1625951932941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still claiming that Trump won 1 year later
The absolute state of trumplets.

>> No.19509226

>thread about sperg authors
>brief mention of a woman irreversibly derails thread

>> No.19509244

He won against Hillary, then lost against Biden. Do you comprehend the concept of multiple matches?

>> No.19509571

What a faggot progressive.

>> No.19509892

Why do foreigners care who we elect?

>> No.19510043

>I told you so
You sure as fuck he ain’t some trannie?

>> No.19510133

Because we're an evil empire now, you idiot. We're THE evil empire. The rest of the world is required to pay attention to us because we possess the firepower and the unpredictable temper necessary to wipe human life off the face of the earth

>> No.19510156

reddit comment
consider the rope

>> No.19510177
File: 559 KB, 865x1284, 1573981384078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can we have a thread for authors being autists/spergs/whatever?

>> No.19510182
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>> No.19510187
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>> No.19510299

>naked women with very large breasts and cat ears
>"the ethos our age"
Holy shit, he's predicted the golden age of Hentai

>> No.19510376

Thank god I don't know who this is

>> No.19510459

If you value worldbuilding, history, philosophy and realism, why even bother with fantasy.

>> No.19510533

Can someone post Alain botom wishing a lifetime of misery on that reviewer?

>> No.19511353

>why even bother with fantasy.
I don't, I stopped reading fantasy after Bakker.

>> No.19511430

Fuck off trannie.

>> No.19511441

Lmao based Céline btfo'd the shorty

>> No.19511463

>I stopped reading fantasy after Bakker
Anyone would as well given how horrible his fantasy series is.

>> No.19511477

No, not really. Quite the opposite actually. Almost everything else felt like shit in comparison. Aside from a couple of authors.

>> No.19511483

Then read more books.

>> No.19511486

I'm pretty sure I've read more fantasy and fiction than you.

>> No.19511507

It’s the same line of reasoning about women reading Harry Potter.

>> No.19511519
File: 78 KB, 490x350, 1556623224222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Bakker, you enjoying yourself?

>> No.19511577
File: 214 KB, 1948x1885, 1618985570643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too bad.

>> No.19511596

Imagine the smell

>> No.19511619

>wow /lit/ loves bakker that makes it based!!!

>> No.19511630

Does it trouble you?

>> No.19511634

Of course it does. I wish that I was as successful as Bakker is. My books are way better but I can't get published for some reason.

>> No.19511650


>> No.19511685

I might unironically give Bakker a try if this is true.

>> No.19511698

>Votes are over a 100
Kek, what a lie. Sffg can barely get past 70 IP

>> No.19511701


I was there for this. So yeah, it's legit. This was posted on multiple discords and reddit posts too. Hence the large number of votes.

>> No.19511710

>/sffg/'s favorite author
>Post it on multiple discords and reddit
So, the results are false then?

>> No.19511713

Are you saying that people's opinions are false?

>> No.19511717

God Damn. Didn't know that Bakker was this popular.

>> No.19511727

I'm saying that result can't be /sffg/'s favorite author if multiple discords and reddit voted on it.

>> No.19511744

Yes, actually. Some retards (low EQ troglodytes, regardless of IQ) take offense if you like their shit outside of their intended context.

>> No.19511759

Then why do you get angry when girls laugh at your penis' size?

>> No.19511761

its 2021, everyone could publish their book online if they wanted.

>> No.19511775
File: 2.26 MB, 973x1979, B79F94B9-C3B2-40C2-B592-08BBE7E76107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related what eventually made me read Bakker.

>> No.19511788
File: 98 KB, 473x240, Rick and Morty in Bakker's blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakker is a fan of Rick and Morty
Just when I thought he couldn't be more cringe.

>> No.19511795

He probably self-insert as Rick.

>> No.19511823

>Yes uh, the attorney here, I'm wanting to fire him

>> No.19511841

Thanking your for keeping 3 Bakker Threads up simultaneously.

>> No.19511844

This. I wouldn’t know how shitty he was otherwise.

>> No.19511850

I'm going to read him and see for myself. Already ordered his first book.

>> No.19511864

You too? I don't like to judge a book by its cover, and considering the amount of poor discourse around this guy, I thought I would at least give him a fair chance. It's not nearly as bad as some posters made say, I'm actually having fun.

>> No.19511875

I also started reading him after seeing he was so controversial here. If people are so willing to either defend or shit on him, there has to be something special about him.

>> No.19511881

Don’t know who this author is, but tell him to hire better shills. They’re obvious.

>> No.19511966

>They’re obvious.
Pretty much this.

>> No.19512001

Still reading him.

>> No.19512014

Yes, we know shill.

>> No.19512020

What shill? Are you this delusionally invested in hating some random ass author? I'm reading him, unironically, just to see why you hate him and others praise him so much.


>> No.19512025

Based. Haters BTFO.

>> No.19512026

Not him, but here’s a little tip: try to make it less obvious.

>> No.19512042

>Not him
>try to make it less obvious.

Good for you, anon. I'm getting sick of seeing these threads daily myself. I've read him a long time ago. I hope you have a good time, the books are very good.

>> No.19512046
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>> No.19512054

Have you guys ever read fat female bloggers? Because if you haven’t, read them, because this guy seriously sounds like those fat bloggers.

>> No.19512075
File: 192 KB, 1280x960, 1621774270163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19512082


>> No.19512771

So how old is this whining faggot?

>> No.19512804

I would assume she is over 60.

>> No.19512862


>> No.19512879

He acts like he’s a teen.

>> No.19512895

this made me want to read him too. Poor lass, with an reaction like that you know he hit a true, sore spot

>> No.19512899

Him being a manchild is well known.

>> No.19512914
File: 179 KB, 1066x799, 1612927878278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is that she admits ending up enjoying the books amidst all of that.

>> No.19512930

What the fuck is a “electronically balkanize society”? Does he mean Cyberbalkanization?

>> No.19512937

>What the fuck is a “electronically balkanize society”?
Something he made up to feel smart.

>Does he mean Cyberbalkanization?
Yes, and it's something that's been going on since 2001 with much better people discussing it.

>> No.19512957

His blog is really insightful. He explains everything in detail. You should definitely have a look.

>> No.19512964

If the excerpts are anything to go by, I really doubt it.

>> No.19512975

I thought the same myself, but I was pleasantly surprised. This is just resentful cherry picking anyway.

>> No.19512976

I doubt that.

>> No.19512982

Yeah, I had the same feeling myself. Where can I read more?

>> No.19512988

Just google 3 pound brain. He has a very decent blog. Sadly he has been absent for over an year now. People in his close circles are baiting that he will say something before the year's end, but who knows.

>> No.19513008

>3 pound brain
>No bells, just whistling in the dark…
Going to have to pass.

>> No.19513062

I want to do this with the Savage Detectives to make fun of Bolaño

>> No.19513375


>> No.19514061

>I don't like to be challenged
Bro just stay at your house, just close the door hahaha

>> No.19514397

>muh autism
Reading is for faggots and nerds.
Forgot that, nigger?

>> No.19515535

Never gonna read his books.

>> No.19515539


>> No.19515540

Low EQ chads*