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File: 1.87 MB, 1510x661, overforamerisharts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19743738 No.19743738 [Reply] [Original]

Describe this image in your finest prose.

>> No.19743951

>gray and gay and hard and retard' - my thought when I saw the amerisharts paradise. He built it with concrete not able to procreate and compensating for lack of companionship. Lame lanes and rancid roads greeted my superieuro eye. I carried sadness in my gaze and smugness on my tongue.

>> No.19743968


>> No.19743976

the absolute state of the kwa

>> No.19743987


> The fufilment of all desire

>> No.19744022

>The Grande Mall, a somewhat scattered gathering of brewhouses and shoppes, found itself surrounded by a miserable blanket of grey concrete - a place otherwise known as a parking lot. Overhead, the Arizona sun bombarded the scene with a cataclysmic quantity of sunshine. In the few places where there was not a simmering layer of concrete, there was instead a vehicle made of metal and rubber, and whose exterior was slowly boiling into a frenzy. Whichever architect planned out this Hell surely must have been convinced by a politician or three that the mall was going to bring untold profits and expenditure to the city. As it turned out, all it brought in were the mosquitoes and flies - but even I had my doubts those flying devils had anywhere to land without burning themselves to death.

>> No.19744090
File: 201 KB, 764x720, morpheusinadeathbasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Standing in the middle of it, you couldn't see the edges of the parking lot. A lake of melting concrete, criss-crossed by sickly yellow lines separating parking spots, half of them permanently empty, nearby shops and malls not willing nor able accommodate an amount of people it would take to fill this layer of hell with sinners to the brim.

>> No.19744865

The modern day warrior with his mean stride, takes the day as if he were the living embodiment of Tom Sawyer, with the meanest pride one could, in the most unfortunate of fashions, be endowed. You of course will not find him renting his mind to lesser men, but you would be a fool to take this as arrogance.

>> No.19744943

>Parking lots are bad because… THEY JUST ARE OK?!?!

>> No.19745001

>Une galette de gris dégueulasse, un aplat d’anthracite où cuisent les gens qui se perdent à chercher de l’ombre. Comme une flaque de vomi avec quelques grumeaux qui cherche à s’étendre de toutes ses forces, occuper le plus de surface possible pour ne surtout pas s’élever de la boue qu’elle recouvre. Il ne faudrait pas trahir sa nature de cloporte et s’approcher trop près des cieux. Telle est la place de la limace et de la fourmi : un espace de vide hideux.

>> No.19745013

The best prose can only be constructed using the best language, try again.

>> No.19745049

>The Russians are invading, defend burger town Ramirez.

>> No.19745097

There was a large tar-colored parking lot, baking in the heat and mostly empty, cut through by a four lane road and lined by businesses shaped like cracker boxes.

>> No.19745106

A headless snake swallows the land. Its compact body is rigid and severe, sprawling, lazy, and ugly. The direction does not matter. It eats to eat, to grow, and to bury the grass and the seeds. There is nothing that it hates or loves. Its purpose is to feed.

>> No.19745112

Parking lot is.......LE BAD

>> No.19745113

Park! Park park park! Drive then park! Drive and park, park and drive. Drive - Turn! Park. Park park.

>> No.19745138

>built it with concrete
>miserable blanket of grey concrete
>melting concrete
it's asphalt you dumb niggers

>> No.19745227

>I arrived at the swamp of asphalt and steel. Noxious odors hung in the air and vessels blazed through the lanes dangerously. It was an inhospitable place and a testament to the short-sightedness of Americans. Yet, by extraordinary means, the "fittest" manage to survive, perhaps only by virtue of its liminality.

>> No.19745276

don't get it, isn't it just a carpark?

>> No.19745304

>from bird's eyes view it can be seen. The smugness of man inventing desert so that himself shall be nestled. Hard and grey, such is the habitat of man. Cramped, functional, with only a scant need for greenery, such is man's most comfortable sphere.

>> No.19745331

If this picture doesn’t make you ill and want to gag, you have no soul.

>> No.19745349

>A very large parking lot stands mostly empty now. The civic engineers who designed the strip mall twenty-five years ago were careful to account for their projections of retail growth well into the 2050s. Large abandoned spaces like this now attract a few teenagers. There's been a heroine epidemic in this town for almost a decade. At least some of it comes through here. A fourteen year old was shot in front of the Payless and it took twenty minutes for the police to arrive. The only business not affected by all this is the Chinese buffet, which was closed for a few months following an inspection for the borough's health department. But it's open again now.

>> No.19745364


The only actual quality here. The rest of y'all need to figure out your pacing and learn to use commas. Each of these reads like something you'd expect 'the smartest neckbeard in English class' to produce.

Here I go, knowing mine will sound exactly the same:

>Sunbeaten and punctuated with ersatz flames of remnant green; a painted, simple maze of white lines sprinkled with the same boring medley of reward-ticklers where the rats could go to open their wallets and feel, just for a second.

>> No.19745365


>> No.19745368

Sir, I thank mine was way better than the one you mentioned.

>> No.19745410


Which one is that, I'll grade you

>> No.19745427

>The only actual quality here
>overwrought metaphor with a string of adjectives
This board has bad taste

>> No.19745430
File: 138 KB, 750x1334, hassler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All faces have blemishes.
Even then, if you flayed the skin from its smile, all you'd find is grotesque.
Further still digging through the awful to muscle and bone and tissue and necessarily brutal infrastructure of life and love.
Lipless smiles behind pursed lips.
Cavernously deep stares beyond sleep or meditation.
Beauty is built upon expressions of ugliness

>> No.19745470

The parking lot was really big and really hot, with sun reflecting off the black concrete.

>> No.19745564

this one >>19744865

>> No.19745577

what's the temperature like in this place?

>> No.19745578

You Europeans are so jealously cramped you cannot imagine having such an abundance of space that 100000 malls and parking lots like this could easily go unnoticed in the vast lands of America, there is so much materials and space nothing matters and everything matters whatever one wants whenever, this is freedom

>> No.19745607



>> No.19745612


>> No.19745743

That’s post industrial human society in general. Nothing special about parking lots

>> No.19745747

Yet the picture is of a parking lot.

>> No.19745784
File: 11 KB, 236x253, 1612485918402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is freedom

>> No.19745834

On the outskirts of the everly expanding city, lay in perfect geometric order, for which the misfits gather. No where can the dreamer be found. Not in the highschool halls, nor here, in between the bright lights of the shopping malls.

>> No.19746079


>> No.19746114


The image of the parking lot, despite having nothing genuinely offensive about it, never failed to infuriate the stupid European. Stupid MFA academic types felt it necessary to try to ingratiate themselves with the Europeans by writing about how "terrible" suburban life is.

>> No.19746151
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19746619

A great and terrible shadow covered the land. And yet it was no shadow: the very land turned hard and black with the smell of hot tar in the air, as muscular machines settle their murdered pasture. The land is then tracked with streaks of bone white marking. The lesser broodlings come and go, resting between their lines; a machine nesting ground

>> No.19746691
File: 201 KB, 1200x876, 163988028989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caminaba sobre un desierto de asfalto, las lineas me guiaban por mi camino mientras sentia el abrazador sol sobre mi cabeza, y no paraba de estar asombrado por la belleza del poder norteamericano de convertir este lugar en mi hogar.

>> No.19746758

Hey man why is it so hard to find housing? lol

>> No.19746767

>The rest of y'all need to figure out your pacing
>in the same post as that run-on sentence

>> No.19746813

There's plenty of housing, just a lot of it is in Detroit and Mississippi and Arkansas and Iowa and trailer parks. It's hard to find housing in NYC, la, Portland etc

>> No.19746843


I prefer my run-ons to everyone else's, just like everyone else here.

Also, revised, because you're right.

>A painted, simple maze of white lines on blacktop, sunbeaten and punctuated by ersatz flames of remnant green. Overrun with the same boring medley of reward-ticklers, where the rats could go to open their wallets and feel, if only for a second.

>> No.19746872

much better

>> No.19746897
File: 931 KB, 4096x1571, Siena v interchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is a giant carpark.

>> No.19746948

a nation of flat roofs with failing drainage systems. the languid remnants of torrents bygone litter the canopy under which a novel deluge permeates long-abandoned caulking efforts.
seeping through the foundations, the elixir emboldens the molds hastening its structual disintegration. its volume takes the shape of the container as its own, but soon thereafter requisitions the container itself. failure to yield shatters the tempered facade once deemed unflinching.
filching of ions, milliequivalents in isolated instances--no need for concern, or so the nephrotic necrocrats remind their hypertonic hyphae.

>> No.19746954


>> No.19746994
File: 55 KB, 351x354, 1624829372232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is freedom

>> No.19747080

This image only looks bad because of angles. If you could the other perspective, you'd know how gorgeous America truly is.

>> No.19747087

Yes but you bring up rats so then include things about running, or better, racing, around a wheel for instance, or in a maze, maybe allusion to cheese and money, the ability of the rat to tolerate sewage and eat garbage, rabies. The popularity of being scientifically experimented on

>> No.19747104

Seriously that parking lot has greater GDPs than some of your guys nations

>> No.19747109

It's pointless, you will never get it

>> No.19747602

distilled to perfection

>> No.19748159


I was cruising for pussy, I was cruising for ass. But what I was it's just stuck in a parking lot, sadly, no grass. I fucking hate the sun.

>> No.19748181

I could park toy cars on her flat chest.

>> No.19748213
File: 3.05 MB, 5446x3404, nastya-dulhiier-OKOOGO578eo-unsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrice-lobotomized, of an idealized, thought of slaves who never learned to die, made of cultural lies and ties to a currency reprise where the song sounds the same but for those outside this sphere of swirling, mind-hurling, rotting horror.

>> No.19748608

This is a big improvement for many people. I live in a Midwestern college town. There is a large and prosperous mall, prosperous in the face of many mall closures across this country. The people who patronize it are country people, not college kids and professors. I see people from different states and faraway counties coming to this mall. They come because it's the best place to get the things they need. Want to buy a new shirt or shoes? Go to the mall. Such stores don't exist in towns of a couple hundred people. And when building these stores, do you put them in some trendy, expensive, open-air mall that is only profitable with high-end and specialist boutiques? No. You build an American mall. These malls may not be successful in the suburban sprawl, but in a hub of a town like mine, they serve a demand. They serve people who want to get in and out of town quickly so that they can be back in the serene country.

>> No.19748615


>> No.19748686


>> No.19748990

parking lot
parking lot
parking lot
very fuckin hot
my feet hurt
wish i brought socks


sticky black mass, feel the sweat collecting on my back, I'll reek in 5 minutes. this is why I don't go to the mall life's a bitch. let's get this whore taken care of.
good one
I lived in the suburbs until 18, it was hellish. only thing worthwhile was the ocean. I would have an hero'd if it was Dallas instead of California

>> No.19749211


We get it, you wrongfully hate America and are eager to show it off.

>> No.19749339

Hatred of America is extremely fashionable.

>> No.19749351


>> No.19749385

America bad

>> No.19750331

"You can't hide anymore, midge faggot" said McManus, cleaver in hand. The oppresive heat made his tennis shoes stick to the surface, and the little nigger was still nowhere to be seen. The oppresive glare distorted the physical attributes of the land and the very substance of air, now roiling to and fro.

Suddenly, a stunted shape darted from the tire stack and wobbled across the lot, seemingly going for the belt of stores in the distance. McManus picked up the pace.

"I got you now, Asterios," he guffawed. He started shaping the aether, swinging his axe in pendulous movements. "I can smell you, I can see you, I will drip you with my juices!"

The small shape turned, still not halfway through to the relative safety of the shade. McManus heard a sort of keening, a low guttural "e-E-E!" and suddenly a distended, half-melted tire floated near his head like a disc, its corrugated well spinning the melted rubber.

"GHahahR!" - McManus' cheek was running with black ooze. Cursing, he kneeled. Pressing the cleaver gently behind his ear, he started the long healing process. The Sun was his friend, it would dry the wet mess fast and then he will go look for the darkie neath the awnings yonder. Squinting in the blistering hell, he could hear the dwarf setting the first fires of the afternoon.

>> No.19750495

James, it's all just rows and rows of asphalt, paint, pavers, green strips polished by trodden feet, displaced dust, detritus of commerce and RVs which populate this place. It's got nothing to offer than fatigue.

>> No.19750510

American mall

>> No.19750574

this one made me kek

>> No.19750593

Look, the tranny wants to be banned. So they said a bad word, cause this is the only way they think they can escape their addiction.

>> No.19750645

Here I watch a great plane of rats, never moving and absorbing heat. No worm to pick no place to rest, only the giants call this their nest.
An eyesore from the sky, what makes this and doesn't die?

>> No.19750682

And logical.

>> No.19750703

Asphalt and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race