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20963235 No.20963235 [Reply] [Original]

With National Socialism set to become institutionalised as a sort of new 'religion' in the coming centuries, it is of vital importance that we prepare physical libraries of National Socialist literature in order to transmit the postulates of the new faith to future generations.

Savitri Devi's works are included, as are Rosenberg's, Goebbels', Feder's, Lincoln Rockwell's, Kai Murros', etc..

>> No.20963256

Richard Wagner's prose works are essentials.

>What phases of development are appointed for the German nation, it is difficult to say; under the alleged dominion of Free-will much appears to be spoilt in it. For instance, whoever attends our present free discussions of Protective Duties will find it hard of comprehension how anything inherently essential to the nation can be the upshot: one free-willed man [Bismarck], at the head of a Chamber of Deputies elected by a free-willed people, will do what he thinks fit, just as a few years back he did the seeming profitable opposite. On the other hand what must be will shew itself when everybody must-s for once; though, to be sure, it then will appear as an outward obligation, whereas the inner Must can only dawn on a very great mind and sympathetically productive heart, such as our world brings forth no longer. Under the spur of this fully conscious inner Must, a man so equipped would gain a power no so-called Free-will—no choice of Free-trade or Protection, let us say—could possibly withstand. This, however, is the wondrous plight into which the German Folk has fallen: whilst the Frenchman and the Englishman know quite by instinct what they will, the German doesn't, and lets himself be managed as "one" wills.

>Beside the polish of these latinised nations of Europe, and suffering under the un-German-ness of all his higher social system (Lebensverfassung), is the German already tottering to his fall; or dwells there in him still a faculty of infinite importance for the redemption of Nature, but therefore only cultivable by endless patience, and ripening toward full consciousness amid most wearisome delays—a faculty whose full development might recompense a new and broader world for the fall of this old world that overshadows us to-day?

>> No.20963268
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>a faculty whose full development might recompense a new and broader world for the fall of this old world that overshadows us to-day?
Excellent. Wagner is most certainly included.
Hitler once said 'only one who understands Wagner can understand National Socialism'

>> No.20963290

I've heard the term Hitlerism before, and he does come off as a religious figure, but who would the disciples who carry the tradition on be?

>> No.20963291

US neckbeards and incels from Bangladesh.

>> No.20963327
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>The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

>> No.20963396
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>who would the disciples who carry the tradition on be?
Hitler's Last Testament (30th April 1945)
"May my faithful ones keep in mind that it is the job of the coming centuries to establish a National Socialist Germany and a united National Socialist Europe. May they preserve always the purity of their blood and resist without weakness the poison which is about to corrupt and kill all nations - the spirit of international Judaism."

His faithful ones will carry the tradition. And they are growing day by day.
Hitler's spirit never died.

Hitler WAS God on Earth

>> No.20963402

for me its serranos esoteric hitlerism

>> No.20963413
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>Hitler WAS God on Earth
Pretty shitty god if he can’t even win a single war. I’ll stay with YHWH

>> No.20963416
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>I’ll stay with YHWH
>believes in a Jewish schizo sky demon
Nah, I'll stick with my martyred Führer

>> No.20963419
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Good luck with that
Remember to bring a warmer jacket

>> No.20963423
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>serranos esoteric hitlerism
From what I've read of him he's an incoherent pettifogger at best. Savitri Devi has introduced a far better and more stable, popular system of remembrance.

>> No.20963428
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>Good luck with that
Thanks. I don't really need luck, because the ideas are circulating as we speak. They just need to enter the minds of the most intelligent of us and bam... you will see new movements arise.

It's natural

>> No.20963532

ah yes the funny animalist nazi obsessed with pain

>> No.20963535
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>They just need to enter the minds of the most intelligent of us
Whew big project there buddy

>> No.20963549
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>Whew big project there buddy
Indeed it is. There are countless millions of living future converts to nationalism. In fact, when the world economy collapses, being nationalist will be a matter of life and death in many countries ;)

>> No.20963582
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Best of luck. Meanwhile, I’ll chill on my own because I don’t care about the people around me more than society necessitates (not being ungrateful here though)

>> No.20963652
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>>The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

>> No.20963802
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>I don’t care about the people around me more than society necessitates
That's your affair. But the world is still changing.

>> No.20963851
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The Naziate was a cult that came and went. Neonazis are members of a carcass. There will be no "nazi religion", only new cults based on the old.

>> No.20963866

I think fascism is more applicable today. Nazism was an ideology for a specific time and place in mid century Germany.

>> No.20963964
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>Neonazis are members of a carcass
>Nazism was an ideology for a specific time and place in mid century Germany.
It is the ideology of Blood and Soil. People and Land. It is an eternal and universal idea, one which will be adopted by the Western nations in order to survive.
'Nazism' never existed, it's a Jewish fantasy, a made-up word. Nazism exists only in Hollywood. National Socialism represents the conscious evolution of the race towards a higher type.

>> No.20963973

I'm sincerely interested to know why you believe a new National Socialism is not only a good outcome but a possibility at all.

>> No.20963989
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Because we're white.

>> No.20964019
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>I'm sincerely interested to know why you believe a new National Socialism is not only a good outcome but a possibility at all.
Because the laws of life are unchanging. The White Race faces extinction, and National Socialism is the only thing which can save us from complete South Africanisation.

Immigrant gangs will start the mass violence when the socio-economic order implodes. Hundreds of thousands of crimes will occur. Our women will be raped, our children beaten, our men demonised. Even more than today.

The White militias which form in the chaos will put the Sturmabteilung to shame.

If you can't see the future, it's your problem, not mine. I'm English, and I know this future is going to happen. You have been warned.

>> No.20964021

we were white*

And therein lies the line of my questioning. America is just over half white, most of these baby boomers, many of them hispanic, arab, or jewish, many of the European whites not even germanic but scot-irish, eastern european, and southern. What role does a Germanic nationalism have to play in a country like that?

>> No.20964027

Do you consider all Europeans white? Birth rates are definitely lower among whites, but birth rates are low in most races and mortality rates higher so what is it that's making you concerned about the extinction of whites in particular?

>> No.20964047
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What is even a "Naz"? It's Nazitism if anything. Anyway, National Socialism (NS) is the social ownership of the people of a nation, i.e. the ideology that people belong to their nation and exist to serve it and nothing else.

>> No.20964051
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>Do you consider all Europeans white?
>what is it that's making you concerned about the extinction of whites in particular?
Because the extinction of my people is the only thing in this world which genuinely frightens me. If I were to wake up tomorrow in a world in which all Whites have vanished, I would have no recourse but to kill myself. My people are my world, I live for them.

I want the European-Aryan race to conquer the universe.

>> No.20964064

The British had the enigma code cracked and knew Hitler did not want to bomb civilian targets.
So the British bombed civilian targets in order to provoke a response.

>> No.20964081

Based thread
My brother

>> No.20964092
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A reminder.

You omit that the only job of a nation is to strengthen the people. As opposed to now wherein we are batteries for profit and worth to be extracted from, or under Communism wherein we are resources to be expunged and consumed in the drive towards an imagined utopia.

National-Socialism is the celebration of the journey and of your own native peoples.

>> No.20964097
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>Based thread
>My brother
Brothers in blood, even though we don't know one another. This bond was granted to us by God.

This Zoomer will fight for his nation

>> No.20964121
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>This bond was granted to us by God

This bond predates judeo-christian theology. By cenutiries. Christian theology made Europe strong, but now it weakens and corrupt, like the political system. New values are needed to replace what we have now in the social arena, like a new world-concept is needed to change the political and economic arena.

>> No.20964126

>like a new world-concept is needed to change the political and economic arena.
The Folk-concept of the world. Introduced, or rather, discovered, by Adolf Hitler.

>> No.20964140

So you've never met a white person you didn't have an affinity for?

>> No.20964145
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>The Folk-concept of the world. Introduced, or rather, discovered, by Adolf Hitler

It predates Hitler by a good 100 years, it was a growing movement combining a back to the soil movement, nationalism, german romanticism. But yes, the Volkisch Movement, how i would love to embrace such a movement in my respective nation.

These are bait questions.

>> No.20964155

They are sincere questions. The first one was not even replied to.

>> No.20964157
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>So you've never met a white person you didn't have an affinity for?
I've met many I have no affinity for. But they are still my people, my extended genetic family. Their interests are my interests ultimately.
>It predates Hitler by a good 100 years
Nobody was able to give it the impetus nor the direction that Hitler did. Hitler gained the loyalty of almost all Germans, which is an astronomical achievement. I only wish he was able to succeed in his pan-European ambitions..

>> No.20964162

But if you're English you're white and Hungarians are also white. In what possible way are you and said Hungarian extended family?

>> No.20964166

>But if you're English you're white and Hungarians are also white. In what possible way are you and said Hungarian extended family?
We are extended family because the English and the Hungarians are both members of the European race...
What about this do you not understand?

>> No.20964168
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>Nobody was able to give it the impetus nor the direction that Hitler did

Of course, but the racialist movement was already present and had some support across all parts of society. He was a figurehead with a passion for public speaking. Read Mein Kampf, if you have not already, it outlines exactly what he did and what he will do. Without frequent public speaking nothing at all would of happened.

I question your sincerity.

>> No.20964171

European is not a race. Europe is a continent. The Hungarian language is not even an Indo-European language.

>> No.20964172

Then stop replying to me.

>> No.20964175
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>Read Mein Kampf, if you have not already, it outlines exactly what he did and what he will do
I read it when I was 17.
>I question your sincerity.
He's attempting to talk us out of our beliefs, by suggesting that identities are nebulous. They are all the same. Rootless bastards

>> No.20964180

>He's attempting to talk us out of our beliefs
>European is not a race. Europe is a continent.
He's attempting to talk us out of our beliefs...

Europe is a race. Always was, always will be.
Finnish is neither an Indo-European language, but does that make the Finnish any less White or European?

>> No.20964183

If you won't reply sincerely to basic and sincere lines of questioning then your movement has no hope at all.

>> No.20964192

>If you won't reply sincerely to basic and sincere lines of questioning then your movement has no hope at all.
I am replying sincerely, and you proceed to suggest that biological identities don't exist.
You are engaging in good old fashioned chutzpah.
It doesn't work on me. The White Race exists.

>> No.20964194

>your movement has no hope at all
My movement is growing all the time, as all revolutions do... in silence...

>> No.20964201

Let's be clear then. You are not really a National Socialist. The Nazis never believed in either a white race or a European race. There no affinity for whiteness or Europeanness when Hitler invaded Poland or attacked the Soviet Union. It was a specifically Germanic movement, not European, not white, but Germanic. What you want is something different entirely. But it's still not even clear to me what constitutes this race. By your logic, no American, North or South, is European. And Russians? Are they European or are they Asian? Who can tell? Your conception of race is basically that you live in Europe. So if Arabs invaded and settled in Bavaria, those Arabs would not correspond to the European race.

The line of questioning was sincere, but you're just failing to answer well.

>> No.20964212

Europe is a continent. It is a geographical concept and not a biological one. If you mean to refer to Indo-Europeans, then that does not include all Europeans.

>> No.20964217

>The line of questioning was sincere, but you're just failing to answer well.
I'm sure I've debated you in past years.
The natives of Europe are a distinct race. White Caucasian people.
>Your conception of race is basically that you live in Europe
I never said that. I said that all Europeans are a distinct race. Arabs aren't European, as no European living in the Middle East is an Arab.

I refuse to engage any further with your extreme autism.

>> No.20964236

You have not.
Finns aren't Indo-European either, but somehow they are European in your mind. You've not addressed Russians or Americans either. You keep saying "European" when I think what you really mean is "white", but white is an anthropological term that implies a skin color, not even necessarily a common culture, religion, or ancestry. There are white Jews, white Muslims, and white non-Europeans in general. So this all goes back to my original question about why you believe in Nazism (really white nationalism) when the white demography is really not even that big, and maybe even a minority relative to non-white. I'm trying to draw out an answer why you believe in this, because you really never answered. You just said you have an affinity for white people, but there are many white people you don't have anything in common with besides skin color.

>> No.20964252

We use 'white' as a racial marker for Europeans.
Of course White Russians and White Americans are White people. There are white-skinned Arabs and Jews, but we do not call them 'White' as we regard 'White' as a distinguishing term for racial Europeans.

Why do I believe this? Why do I believe the sky is blue? It just IS.

I will not reply to you again. You are painfully autistic, and I think the lurkers here will agree with me.

>> No.20964269

NS was a Germanic movement, but they didn't consider Germans a pure race. They admitted Germans were a mix of various strains, some superior, some inferior. In the same way, not all white people are the same, indeed, and there are superior and inferior peoples. But they can still be grouped as a continental cluster in genetic analysis.

>> No.20964271
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>what is it that's making you concerned about the extinction of whites in particular?
Do you want to live in a non-White country? No you don't, that's why all of the shitskins are flooding our nations. Ask random people on the street which country they would move to if they had to leave, and I guarantee most of them will list a White nation. A handful of weebs will say Japan or Korea, both heavily Westernized, first world nations.

>> No.20964273

Fins are genetically closer to Europeans than to any other genetic grouping. You're retarded.

>> No.20964274

>But they can still be grouped as a continental cluster in genetic analysis.
This is what the turbo-autist is attempting to refute

>> No.20964277

So what does a white Canadians, white Greeks, Romanians, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Finns, or Russians that create some sort of common affinity? Skin color? Christianity? Russia is possibly not in Europe and Canada is decidedly not in Europe so it can't be the geography of Europe.

>> No.20964278
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Call it native Europeans. Native peoples of Europe. Of shared cultural linguistic, historical, geographical and blood.

A better way if framing the position is not whom we want to include but who we demand be excluded. Those being Africans, Arabs, Asians, Hispanics who no longer resemble Spain or Portugal in culture or even basic intelligence. Having raped their way through the New World to be a new peoples. Im sure i am missing a few, but ive been up since 4am pulling up carrot.

They considered most of Centeal and North-Western Europe of Germanic stock, which is correct. But that is a red herring, you can apply the core principles of National-Socialism to individual nations.

>> No.20964282

No, they can't. White is just skin color.

>> No.20964284

If you mean the anon I was answering, I agree. He seems to think differences between Europeans mean they're not real. Next step is "more differences within than between", etc.

>> No.20964286

>So what does a white Canadians, white Greeks, Romanians, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Finns, or Russians that create some sort of common affinity? Skin color? Christianity?
What unites us all? Anthropology. Common ancestry. Common skeletal and skull shapes. Common genetic clusters. Common skin, eye and hair pigmentation. Common culture. Common soul.
We are all the same people, and that is a beautiful thing

>> No.20964294

Closer to which Europeans? Englishmen? Albanians? Greeks? Spaniards?

And you draw the cutoff for native vs. non-native at what year?

>> No.20964296

>But that is a red herring, you can apply the core principles of National-Socialism to individual nations.
I agree though I don't believe NS can be dissociated from the hierarchy *within* Europeans it also posits.
White means "racially European", which corresponds to populational genetic clusters today, you retarded mongrel.

>> No.20964297

>If you mean the anon I was answering, I agree. He seems to think differences between Europeans mean they're not real.
It physically hurts me to know that there are people that stupid out there.

>> No.20964299

What you seem to not understand is this idea that all the people of Europe share a common linguistic, cultural, and blood root is not true.

>> No.20964301
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>White means "racially European", which corresponds to populational genetic clusters today

>> No.20964302

>Closer to which Europeans? Englishmen? Albanians? Greeks? Spaniards?
Closer to Asians than to Blacks, closer to Englishmen than to Asians, closer to Swedes than to Englishmen. Do you understand how genetic distance works? You know you can look this up, right?

>> No.20964305

Exactly which ancestry, culture, and genes do a Hungarian and Spaniard share?

>> No.20964308
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>What you seem to not understand is this idea that all the people of Europe share a common linguistic, cultural, and blood root is not true.

>> No.20964314

So where does the boundary of genetically close enough vs not close enough end?

>> No.20964315

>be god in human form
how jewish

>> No.20964318

If it's true then what is it? Just point it out.

>> No.20964321
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Bad faith question. Criteria are judged by todays standards too. Not exclusively, note that word, by historical evidence

When compared to the external we share sufficient to live better together than apart.

>> No.20964323

There are common cultural and linguistic traits as well. Do you know what Familienähnlichkeit is? Chapter 67 of the *Philosophical Investigations*, from Wikipedia: "I can think of no better expression to characterize these similarities than "family resemblances"; for the various resemblances between members of a family: build, features, colour of eyes, gait, temperament, etc. etc. overlap and criss-cross in the same way. – And I shall say: "games" form a family."
There needn't be a single specific trait shared by all for them to be extremely similar, especially in comparison with other populations. You might not understand this, because you're self-brainwashed into being unable to do normal pattern-thinking, but historically, other cultures always saw Europeans as rather similar, immediately noticed these commonalities.

>> No.20964324

Would you rather live in Albania or England? They're both white after all.

>> No.20964331
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>Exactly which ancestry, culture, and genes do a Hungarian and Spaniard share?
Early Neolithic, Western European Hunter-Gatherer and Yamnaya ancestry. These three groups combine to constitute the modern White European race.
I have proved you wrong, you insufferable autist

>> No.20964330

>59% muslim
Fuck off jew

>> No.20964335

I'm not OP, I think the exact boundary depends on political context and ultimate goals. For now Europe is good. In early NS years the main identification of the movement was German identity, by the end of the war it was Europe as a unified project, and I think we're still in that timeframe. I'd say I ultimately want Hajnal line Europe to be predominant, because of its more specific traits, and I won't need further divides after that.

>> No.20964336

He's not an autist, he's a jew. You should know their tactics, it's like you haven't even read Mein Kampf.

>> No.20964339

Not as you like Nazifren. I think the next system will be fake marxism with corporate overlords and your those millions of yours will love it.

>> No.20964342

>it's like you haven't even read Mein Kampf.
I have. I know he's a Jew.

Anything to divert from the main ideas. They are slimy little fuckers, and I hate them more than words can articulate. I would strangle it if ever I met it

>> No.20964343
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>> No.20964347

And what root do those three share?

>> No.20964348
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English Kings have a history of expelling Jews. I pray that based Charles will follow his ancestors.

>> No.20964350
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Nobody else must argue about who is and who is not part of an ethnic group, just White Europeans.

>> No.20964352

>And what root do those three share?
Something far more ancient which we have not yet necessarily discovered, but which were obviously racially compatible.

>> No.20964353

Islam carries on the torch of national socialism

>> No.20964360

So effectively none, and so "compatible" as there to be evidence of conflict and mass killing, which is exactly my point.

The question is not about whether race is real or matters, but how it constitutes a political program. If you can't answer that, you don't have one.

>> No.20964364
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Islam carries the torch because its the peak of their technology.

>> No.20964369

>So effectively none
No, there is a basic shared racial root.

>> No.20964372

But you just admitted it's not been discovered. You are just assuming there is one when there may or may not be.

>> No.20964374
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>but how it constitutes a political program.
The preservation of the race constitutes the National Socialist political programme

>> No.20964384

>But you just admitted it's not been discovered. You are just assuming there is one when there may or may not be.
Has the 'ghost species' African ancestor (which constitutes as much as 19% of Negroid genome) been discovered yet? No. But it doesn't matter, because we know it contributed to the Negroid genome

>> No.20964387

Did the National Socialist program want to preserve white Poles?

>> No.20964388
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>The question is not about whether race is real or matters, but how it constitutes a political program. If you can't answer that, you don't have one.

Do we think look and act sufficiently European?
>Yes? Great, you may stay.
>No? Please leave, this will be your only chance.

You're trying to apply rigorous methods to what is largely abstract and based on that which is felt.

When Whites witness niggers chimping out, that shared look between us speaks a thousand unspoken words.

>> No.20964393

>Did the National Socialist program want to preserve white Poles?

>> No.20964399

Even if true, good
Krauts deserved anything that have happen to them

>> No.20964400

I refer to my previous post

>> No.20964401

No, it doesn't matter because it's ridiculous. See, this is the problem with WN as a political program as I see it. It sends you otherwise smart people down genetic rabbit holes to identify with neolithic hunter-gatherers and extinct cultures. And why stop there? Why don't we find the common caveman blood to save the white race? It's all so stupid, and completely ignores actual commonalities like culture and religion and history.

>> No.20964408

It did not.

>> No.20964411
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>Most jews were killed in Poland
>Other nations had far less killed, if any
>Now Polands most successful, safest nation in Europe

How did this happen?

>> No.20964414

>completely ignores actual commonalities like culture and religion and history.
These are extremely important. We are fighting to preserve our cultures, customs and traditions on the regional, national, ethnic level. We don't want a bureaucratic pan-European superstate. At least I don't. We just want all of the European ethnicities to preserve themselves and advance even further.

Anyone opposed to this are our enemies

>> No.20964416

It did, NS didn't want to genocide the poles. What have you even been reading? Affirming their inferiority on average to Germans didn't imply they didn't meet the cut-off point for "being allowed to live" lol.

>> No.20964417

Then why respond? You're just giving him more shekels.

>> No.20964422

>It did not.
It did so. I would much rather be a Pole under the Reich than the USSR.

>> No.20964423
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>> No.20964425
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>Then why respond?
To improve my own debating skills. I want to be of service to the National Revolution when the economy collapses

>> No.20964426

But you're not doing anything actually. All you're doing is researching ancestry that in reality, few people care about and can't constitute anything real. So what if Russians and Americans share a common ancestor from 10,000 years ago. No one but a handful of dissidents will ever care about this. What you want is to turn people into a museum specimen and live on display for eternity.

>> No.20964431

Fair enough. Have a nice day.

>> No.20964432

>So what if Russians and Americans share a common ancestor from 10,000 years ago
They share ALL common ancestors from 10,000 years ago

>> No.20964434

You're just reaffirming my point.

>> No.20964435

>Fair enough. Have a nice day.
Thank you.

>> No.20964439

European (NTA, so *I'd* say: Hajnal line) genetics produced the modern world; *you* will make Europe into a sterile museum, by destroying the raw material that allowed us and the world to progress.

>> No.20964441

>You're just reaffirming my point.
My point is that common heredity equates to common identity. White Americans and White Russians should therefore be united through their common ancestry. Wouldn't that be much better than another Cold War?

>> No.20964463

Only a small handful of you seem to believe that. In the real world, virtually nobody cares that white Russians and white Americans shared a very, very, very distant ancestor and they never will care. They wouldn't even care to point out a common Nordic ancestor, even though that would at least imply some more recent cultural commonality. And here's the more essential question: why should they care? It's one thing to say they don't. Another to say they should. Your answer to this so you can petrify the race as a living museum exhibit. Who wants that? So if you really believe in a national socialist program along racial lines on the basis of a common but very distant ancestor, then go ahead, but that sounds to me like a huge waste of time.

>> No.20964467

It's a footnote of history. They're the lapdogs of the oligarchy. Look at you distance yourselves from your Ukrainian brethren and deny the imperialist and capitalist nature of it all. Liars and self delusionary

>> No.20964469

This is an awful example because Russian identity has always been in tension, between identifiying with Western, Latin Europe and with its specifically Slavic/Tartar element. If this talk of "European identity or not?" makes sense to anyone, it's to Russians. You might need to look up the ROA, read up on the splits within the Russian Communist Party, the debates within the orthodox faith, etc.

>> No.20964470

>but that sounds to me like a huge waste of time.
Of course it would to a Jew. But imagine what creative works the Russian and American Whites could create together? What leaps forward in science, technology, spirituality and culture they could achieve together? A lasting peace between historical rivals, a racial union, a new civilisation?

As a Jew, you have no sense of beauty or purpose which I, as a European, possess.

>> No.20964475

I'm pro-Ukrainian for pragmatic geopolitcal reasons, but even if OP isn't, it's a secondary matter that shouldn't divide us, as this is a Jewish war with zog on both sides.

>> No.20964482

Henry Ford should be included, especially Ideals.

>> No.20964489

>Henry Ford should be included, especially Ideals.
Boom. Well said

>> No.20964493

I know it is and that's why I brought it up in the first place, but the same logic here applies to other Europeans.

>> No.20964498
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Anybody read anything by this chap?

>> No.20964503

Jonathan Bowden was a far better orator than a writer. One of modernity's greatest voices

>> No.20964506

There is no benefit to supporting any side, to support one even slightly is to damage Europe. Drive out the causes and those profiting off the conflict and a reasoned conversation could be had.

>> No.20964508

I would have peace with Russians, but I think, in reality, Russians and Americans have about as much in common as Japanese and Indians. They're entirely different people, and this is manifestly obvious to anyone who hasn't buried their head into the sand of genetic research. It's just a non-starter if all you can do is research genetics and call everyone who points out that in doing so you're more of an impotent nerd than a breeder of thoroughbreds a Jew.

>> No.20964515
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>With National Socialism set to become institutionalised as a sort of new 'religion' in the coming centuries

>> No.20964528
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>They're entirely different people
That's where we disagree. Put them in a room together, and I'd reckon they'd quickly become friends.

I am a Pan-nationalist. I understand that these are tremendous huge questions to ponder, but their realisation would produce astronomically positive results for human civilisation. Simply for the reason that cooperation produces results in every field of endeavour.

I'm very optimistic for the future, and I believe that my race will ultimately go to the stars.

It's our purpose

>> No.20964531
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Russia is an entirely judaised nation and has been since the beginning of Lenin's (Jewish) revolution. I dont think it can be rescued from witnout, only native Russians could do so, otherwise you have a population with a system they do not want or understand. Almost every single business oligarch is Jewish, the richest and most powerful political leaders are Jewish, the newspapers, the tv, the radio, all Jewish. Ukraine is the same, only to a lesser degree.

>> No.20964538

There is no logic to your argument: you were disputing the idea that European identity is an important political matter, implying Russians don't care about it. I'm saying they do. Obviously we don't dispute there is an *argument* around it: some people want to destroy Europe — including by making arguments such that there is no political question around its existence, its potential unity, and the ethno-cultural roots of it, in order to obfuscate and distract until the day it's nothing but niggers crawling around, surviving thanks to technological inertia.

>> No.20964546
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That's just globalism, anon. You can not be pro-nationalist for a nation not of your own. It must be your nation first and only.

Conflict and combat made Europe strong. We need a return to it, not World War levels, but enough to shape men in to fighters and with the understanding that one must live well now for tomorrow we may fight.

>> No.20964555

>You can not be pro-nationalist for a nation not of your own
Wrong. Why should I oppose anyone who wishes to better his nation? I will cooperate with them to the best of my abilities

>> No.20964564

it is not enough for me to win, others must fail
all other pursuits are folly

>> No.20964569

>it is not enough for me to win, others must fail
As long as Globohomo is the one to fail, that's fine

>> No.20964582
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Its pretty blasphemous to call him God. Or to even say God sent him to save us since we are already guaranteed salvation through christ. God isn't concerned with earthly affairs.
But Hitler was the single greatest man to ever live. He loved us and sacrificed everything to destroy an invincible force. He almost defeated the entire planet because he was right and just in his cause. He wouldn't want us to worship him. But he would want us to be the best we can and save all our people.
I miss you Hitler. Damn.
>couldn't defeat literally every country on earth at the same time lol so shit
I bet you play video games on easy mode and think you're good huh?

>> No.20964593

>He wouldn't want us to worship him. But he would want us to be the best we can and save all our people.
I know. I'm currently reading his Table Talk's. Incredibly intelligent man.

>> No.20964612

>Wrong. Why should I oppose anyone who wishes to better his nation? I will cooperate with them to the best of my abilities

Because foreign relations should be based on the betterment of your own nation, giving foreign aid takes it out of the mouth of your own.

Rendering aid is a zero-sum game for the strong nation. You need not oppose at all, but neither should you support. If they need help establishing they will need help supporting. Mutual aid can be supported but it should not at all be the default position.

>> No.20964618
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To add.

The only person you should support to the best of your abilities is your own. You can not have two different goals, you will end up sitting between chairs if you do.

>> No.20964637
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>> No.20965463
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I love how the autistic kike hasn't returned

>> No.20965619
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They never leave. Always remember that. Once they are in they need cut out, with the pain of extraction increasing with the depth they have crawled.

>> No.20965650
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I truly, deeply, fanatically hate them bro. I want they destroyed