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23367728 No.23367728 [Reply] [Original]

Formerly /NAG/ - New Aristocracy general

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the Imperium Europae movement. - #3



Today, we begin our journey by learning about the Mediterranean and its cultures as they were in prehistoric times up to the end of the Bronze Age. The first book from the branch of history is:

>The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World, by Cyprian Broodbank

You can find the book on anna's archive here:
Some of the versions have shittier scans of the pictures, maps, and tables, but if you need a 12mb version instead of a 120mb they're there. I personally downloaded the 120mb one and I am using
to open the maps and tables in separate windows so I don't have to go back and forth
I have a pdf version of the book as well, if too many people end up wanting it I'll make a mega (which might be a good idea regardless, so we have a place to pile up materials going forward). The PDF version is 944 pages of extremely large font, so in reality the book is around 500 pages long, so do not be dissuaded by the amount of pages in the assignment below.

There are physical copies available on amazon and ebay but the book is somewhat rare and isn't very cheap.


Chapter 1 & 2 (pages 17 - 109 in the PDF)
>start: 09/05, finish: 12/05

You can start discussing it in this thread or wait for the next one so everyone else has caught up.

Here is a quote from the book which incidentally answers the question why we doing this:
>In line with a number of recent broad-ranging histories, [this book] is written in the belief that if we do not understand the deeper past and its trajectories towards the present, we shall never grasp the conditions of our humanity, nor comprehend our present predicaments and impending futures.

Happy reading!

>> No.23367746

Preemptively, for those who don't open the pastebin but ask about the name:
>The aim [of this movement] is to preserve and expand the world-European spirit (welteuropäischer Geist) by preserving and expanding its substance - the cultural European Empire, hereafter known as Imperium Europae.

>> No.23367867

never forget to post the previous thread OP san.

>> No.23367871

will do from now on, thanks, anon

>> No.23367951

>>The aim [of this movement] is to preserve and expand the world-European spirit (welteuropäischer Geist) by preserving and expanding its substance - the cultural European Empire, hereafter known as Imperium Europae.
Holy fucking cringe.

>> No.23367963

You can ignore that and just take it as an attempt at getting people to read and helping them by making a structured list.

>> No.23367967

The new name is even more alienating than the previous one. Your movement will be doomed to fail if you continue to clinge this sort of this type of presentation.

>> No.23367977

Okay, that follows. Anything that gets people to actually read books is fine by me.

>> No.23367994

Every Europa thread needs a resident Europhobe

>The PDF version is 944 pages of extremely large font, so in reality the book is around 500 pages long,

This will have to do

>> No.23367998 [DELETED] 

There is intent behind the whole thing, and it is centered on European history and culture. It's a system which can (and should) be easily re-skinned by people with other cultural heritages who can make it about the world-Asian spirit.
It is also about the gradual initiation of the person into higher culture in a way that shouldn't pull him away from what he already knows or demand of him that he devote his entire life to this one cultural pursuit.
If you have an idea for a name that conveys this despite any negative historical connotations (and yet carries some historicity), I'd appreciate it if you could help. This goes for all anons who have similar feelings.
Ultimately this whole movement is about structuring things that are otherwise too scattered and offering a chance at forming a community around these interests, so my focus is primarily on figuring out the lists and doing the reading.

>> No.23368003

There is intent behind the whole thing, and it is centered on European history and culture. It's a system which can (and should) be easily re-skinned by people with other cultural heritages who can make it about the world-Asian spirit or the world-American spirit (which would interact in very complex ways with the European one but that's for another time).
It is also about the gradual initiation of the person into higher culture in a way that shouldn't pull him away from what he already knows, or demand of him that he devote his entire life to this one cultural pursuit.
If you have an idea for a name that conveys this despite any negative historical connotations (and yet carries some historicity), I'd appreciate it. This goes for all anons who have similar feelings.
Ultimately, this whole movement is about structuring things that are otherwise too scattered and offering a chance at forming a community around shared interests and a shared culture, so my focus is primarily on figuring out the lists and doing the reading.

>> No.23368092 [DELETED] 

Here's the mega link with the PDF
the file is encrypted, pass is
I'm sure I'm not doing this in the best way possible, do tell if anyone know how I can safely store and share the materials we gather here

>> No.23368100

I smell a lot of 20 year-old american pseud behind this post

>> No.23368102

Here's the mega link with the PDF
the file is encrypted, pass is
I'm sure I'm not doing this in the best way possible, I'd be grateful if anyone shares better ideas about how I can safely store and share the materials we gather here.

>> No.23368233

european imperialism with vague ideas?
yeah i think ill stick with recreating a Catholic Roman empire

>> No.23368254

not American, not 20 (sadly?)

>> No.23368286

Calling your "movement" "European imperium" isn't even an attempt to disguise that the ideology in question is "white power," it's plainly stated

>> No.23368336 [DELETED] 

I figured many people would think as much, so the question from >>23368003 goes to you as well: what name that conveys a movement focused on European history and culture and carries some historicity will NOT be taken to mean "le white power"?
I am fine with having a couple of wrong names along the way, it is better to get things moving and start accruing material and reading than waiting to figure everything out
what concerns me is that there don't seem to be many good ways in which to declare openly your intent to focus on Europe and its heritage AND convey a desire for knowledge, unity, strength of spirit and an appeal to a common future where what is distinct about the European past is not increasingly forgotten or glimpsed only in pieces, only by a few
I believe the name of the movement should convey intent, history, delineation and strength (because people rarely want to be attache to something which they perceive as weak or inferior)
I am completely open to well-argued suggestions, we're here to build this from the ground up and figure it out as we go along

>> No.23368339

I figured many people would think as much, so the question from >>23368003 (You) goes to you as well: what is a name that conveys a focus on European history and culture and carries some historicity, and will NOT be taken to mean "le white power"?
I am fine with having a couple of wrong names along the way, it is better to get things moving and start accruing material and reading than waiting to figure everything out
what concerns me is that there don't seem to be many good ways in which to declare openly your intent to focus on Europe and its heritage AND convey a desire for knowledge, unity, strength of spirit and an appeal to a common future where what is distinct about the European past is not increasingly forgotten or glimpsed only in pieces, only by a few
I believe the name of the movement should convey intent, history, delineation and strength (because people rarely want to be attache to something which they perceive as weak or inferior)
I am completely open to well-argued suggestions, we're here to build this from the ground up and figure it out as we go along

>> No.23368363

Just to be clear, you want to avoid a name with bad optics for propaganda purposes, not because you disagree with racial supremacy? This is why I assume you are young and American, because you are 1. oblivious to previous attempts that aren't even that old e.g. "alt right" and 2. unaccustomed to self-censorship (it is varying degrees of illegal to be a fascist/nazi in European countries). Calling your movement EUROPEAN EMPIRE is again completely obvious and a comical attempt at using the thesaurus to obfuscate your aims.

>> No.23368417

I am not a young American and I non-memely disagree with racial supremacy if by that you mean what /pol/ and the general American discourse on that take it to mean. How would this even work when we're talking about the combined cultural heritage of Europe centered (in the beginning) around the Greeks as the origin of the current form of western thought? Racial division is inferior to cultural differentiation in so many respects it's stupid to even consider.
>1. oblivious to previous attempts that aren't even that old e.g. "alt right"
right and left and all of their sub-forms are a retarded way of perceiving the political possibilities (if not of describing the political realities) and part of the point of reading through a bunch of history and philosophy is to cure directionbrain in at least some people
>2. unaccustomed to self-censorship (it is varying degrees of illegal to be a fascist/nazi in European countries).
I stand by that no matter how it may sound to people bogged down in the historical layers on some words, I intend to have nothing to do with fascism/nazis (if you were to say I am not against state reform whereby autocratic/aristocratic structures of government are tried, you would be more correct)
going by Colomer's definition of empire (which you can find even in wiki)
>1 Empires were vastly larger than states
>2 Empires lacked fixed or permanent boundaries whereas a state had fixed boundaries
>3 Empires had a "compound of diverse groups and territorial units with asymmetric links with the center" whereas a state had "supreme authority over a territory and population"
>4 Empires had multi-level, overlapping jurisdictions whereas a state sought monopoly and homogenization
these are perfectly fulfilled by the entity that is formed when the entirety of European culture and history is taken into consideration

>> No.23368436

saying all of this I realize that I have some ideas in my head that I haven't written out even as an assay, yet I take it for granted everyone else will see them as I do
I see a parallel between the structure of an empire and the structure of the culture and history of a large enough region considered over a large enough span of time, and since there is no word for it I am using the established one from the parallel - "empire"
I will work on conveying my conception of things more precisely and AHEAD of time

>> No.23368460

>How would this even work when we're talking about the combined cultural heritage of Europe centered (in the beginning) around the Greeks as the origin of the current form of western thought?
This is not an idea unique to your "movement" at all, it is the completely standard reading of European/Western history. Why do you need an anonymous reading group for this with an aggressively political sounding label? Is it because you're a fascist? What is the value add of the EUROPEAN EMPIRE syllabus on top of the enormous body of historical and current scholarship that exists around European history? What is the obstacle to participating in the "mainline" version of it that you feel the need to curate further? Your mission statement is profoundly vague so we are again left with the mere name giving it away in seconds flat.

>> No.23368474
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Interesting. I'll get started.

>> No.23368492

>What is the obstacle to participating in the "mainline" version of it that you feel the need to curate further?
One - lack of structure, and two - lack of specificity in terms of group or movement to belong to
as I've said in previous threads, initiation into higher culture happens at random and in random ways for most people, and the idea is to attempt to provide a structured initiation
these people will go on to do things in their lives regardless, but gaining all of this knowledge (in a structured way which is common to all who participate in it) is going to alter their choices, their experiences, and their views
the name I explained at the end here >>23368417 and >>23368436
the name is also subject to change, but I do have a desire to establish some kind of connection to the higher and mightier (empire, aristocracy, nobility, none seem to fit well enough and for empire at least there's the parallel)
I'm glad you're joining, anon! I'll be seeing you around

>> No.23368713

>desire to establish some kind of connection to the higher and mightier
so you want to do fascist historiography...you are going to have a hard time conveying the opposite with your Aryan Conqueror Curriculum branding

>> No.23368719

>t. read nothing OP said

>> No.23368742

I read the part where he said it was WHITE POWER to start with the Greeks, which is a silly obfuscation and amounts to agreeing and amplifying the caricature alloted to you by purplehairs.

>> No.23368808

Is this like a new alt right kind of deal? Kinda getting old with the rebranding. Pick a label already fags. Trannies don't even take this long to rename themselves

>> No.23368839

the alt right could at least articulate that it hated conservatives from a right-wing perspective and had a preference for ethnocracy or ethnic nationalism, this person is pretending he doesn't know he is telegraphing fascist ideological concerns

>> No.23368867

How are you this stupid? Are you bots? Did the glowies sniff the thread out and decide it's time to ruin it with ridiculous political debate?

>> No.23368868

>If you have an idea for a name that conveys this despite any negative historical connotations (and yet carries some historicity), I'd appreciate it
'aristocracy' actually sounded noice. My other recs would be 'studio humanitatis' or just 'classical education'

>> No.23368876

>ridiculous political debate
yeah calling for "european imperium" isn't /pol/ at all, just like doing a history book reading group isn't /his/

>> No.23368888

Anyways, other recs would be 'wholistic minded'(translate this to classical greek or latin or some other romance language that may sound cool & edgy). Btw, will this involve reading classical works in classical languages?

>> No.23368904

Why is it being treated as an assignment? Also I this actual history or pseud shit

>> No.23368906

it will, one day
first I want to construct a good history list, then literature and philosophy, and depending on how it's going and how much time has passed we are going to add classical languages into the mix
it's all a work in progress, there will be many things we figure out along the way
"aristocracy" also caused a bunch of seethe so I'll have a think on what to name next thread and the next name will probably be the one that sticks for a while just so we can get down to reading
I am going to write an essay on the parallel between the structure of empire and a large enough body of culture and history taken together, but that's for the future (maybe then we can stop giving away historical concepts to nazis/fascists and right wing fags who ruin them in a way that makes them hard to use again)
thank you for the help, anon, truly

>> No.23368925

>Why is it being treated as an assignment?
because I am trying to keep it going in a way that anons can discuss what they're reading and the best way is to break it down into parts and time slots, people in the last thread suggested it and I think it's a good way to go forward and read through a bunch of books
>Also I this actual history or pseud shit
actual history, I try to do my research when figuring out what book goes on the list and you can check what some other sources say for the current pick, it is one of the few comprehensive histories of the Mediterranean that covers prehistory and the Bronze Age up to classical Greece

>> No.23368928
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>/lit/ when someone proposes a book club

>> No.23368973

kek, maybe if I just call it the "Imperium Europae" book club and get rid of the historico-cultural definitions I'm trying to forge for now it's gonna be easier (we can make it a movement later on)

>> No.23368992

I'll start my own book club. We'll be the Nog Hogs and we're gonna nig all over the Med

>> No.23369021

Just admit you hate white people.

>> No.23369118

His spirit is broken, it's not his fault.

>> No.23369131

he won't admit to loving them, why should i admit to hating them?

>> No.23369306
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map from the book for easier reference

>> No.23369315

This was about the worst thing you could have said.

>> No.23369330

So you read on your computer? Very third-wolrdist of you. Get an e-reader, that's what proud White men do.

>> No.23369477

Make a Telegram groupchat and I'll join. More convenient, and that way we can get rid of the retards on /lit/ who start complaining everytime someone suggests doing something productive.

>> No.23370568

I'm wary of groupchats given the state of the discords I've seen on here, I'll think about it and if a lot of anons want one we'll make one
until then we can just make this thread a good space regardless of the retards that come in here by talking about the work, that usually filters them out once we get deeper into the list/work
I like the fact that the thread can stay open here and people can just pop in and write down their thoughts at once, it seems like a more flexible discussion space than lightspeed shit flinging in chat, which is what usually happens

>> No.23371128

Does anyone have the Esotheric Hitlerism/ Advanced racism book chart?

>> No.23371276

this is not the thread for you

>> No.23371488

>Witness Durrell in purple torrent: ‘The whole Mediterranean – the sculptures, the palms, the gold beads, the bearded heroes, the wine, the ideas, the ships, the moonlight, the winged gorgons, the bronze men, the philosophers – all of it seems to rise in the sour, pungent taste of these black olives between the teeth’;
based, now I want to eat olives

>> No.23371601
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I would read that book but I already finished reading the Bronze Age reading chart so I'm kind of done with that period. Now I'm currently at the end of the Start with the Greeks chart.

>> No.23371605

Nta, but who's this thread for, more specifically? Is it just for White people or a 1/4 hapa like me is welcome?

>> No.23371612 [DELETED] 

I'm impressed you've read through both lists, maybe we'll catch up to you at the Romans as the core list we're putting together is going to be shorter
it's for anyone who wants to participate if they're interested in European culture

>> No.23371615

I'm impressed you've read through both lists, maybe we'll catch up to you at the Romans as the core list we're putting together is going to be shorter
it's for anyone who wants to participate if they're interested in European culture and history

>> No.23371633

A bit less pathos would do your elaborations well if you don't want to attract extremist /pol/ users. There is a reason why so many users misunderstand you

>welteuropäischer Geist
Why wouly you mix random German in? It's very chuuni and sounds ridiculous. Maybe just call it European Culture General and focus on lesser discussed thinkers like those of the George-Kreis, although talking about "European culture" always feels very weird and misleading to me.

>> No.23371640

>and focus on lesser discussed thinkers like those of the George-Kreis
You can ignore that part, I misunderstood you as I'm admittedly too lazy to read the pastebin

>> No.23371653

>A bit less pathos
yeah, I came to the same conclusion and I'll be cleaning it up for the next thread, I got carried away and it actually is unnecessary for what I'm trying to do
>Why wouly you mix random German in?
it's not random, it's a legitimate concept I'm developing in my work irl and since I was already throwing it around with some people from university I decided to use it here
>although talking about "European culture" always feels very weird and misleading to me
curious, why?

>> No.23371685

i would be curious to know more about your work, but this would obviously be the wrong place to share personal informations
>curious, why?
it feels too vague for my taste and i don't care much about eastern european culture
when people talk about "european culture" they often primarily mean southern and western european culture
scandinavia gets included in thought, but i don't find them to be too impressive
eastern europe though...

>> No.23371744
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>I was already throwing it around with some people from university
Are you german? That explains the aura of nazi thought that permeates in your writing
You're not german? Then why are speaking it like a pseud?

>> No.23371819

>i would be curious to know more about your work
yes, I really don't want to dox myself here, though maybe one day I'll have to
>it feels too vague for my taste and i don't care much about eastern european culture
ah, I see I have failed to convey what I mean to do here
western thought as it is today is the culmination of millennia of philosophy and history which find their beginning in ancient Greece
the list I'm making is of the history of Europe that is "relevant" to the evolution of that thought insomuch it has shaped the present conditions of life for a large part of humanity
in that sense, I will not be adding Romanian or Swedish or even Roman/Italian works which are peripheral to the developments I speak of - becoming initiated in his personal heritage (family, nation, region) is the task of the individual (a person's heritage is embedded in the broader European culture as the broader European culture is embedded in the totality of culture)
so when I say European culture, I will make my meaning clear with the lists of history, philosophy and novels I curate (there will be overlap with the Western canon and some classical education lists), but you needn't worry about getting bogged down with niche, broadly irrelevant knowledge
there is an unbroken thread that connects the Bronze Age earthenware pieces on Crete to to the Acropolis, to the legions of Rome, to the walls of Constantinople, to Dante, to Newton's Principia, to the Waterloo, to Lenin's midnight arrival on April 16, 1917 at Petrograd, to the panel blocks dotting all of Eastern Europe today, and I want to trace that thread
as for my own work, it is inspired by Josep Colomer's "European Empire" and his "Great Empires, Small Nations", there is a parallel that can be made between a physical empire and a large enough pile of history and culture (for which there is no word, but it is historico-cultural empire, and this does not apply only to Europe)
I want to do something to counteract the increasing distance forming between the people of the younger generations and their common heritage

>> No.23371902

>though maybe one day I'll have to
w-what did he mean with this?

>> No.23371970

i'm very interested in seeing OP's character arc

>> No.23372068

I for one, am much inspired and curious of this work. Being in the Southern regions of Africa, you could say i grew up inoculated with western culture (media, literature, language etc.) and have been meaning to somewhat understand the thread of European thought and history. I could watch a youtube video but i prefer to read and truly understand many thoughts and works that have shaped 'the world' so far also the difference in what i could tell between contemporary and modern politics, literature and culture compared to the ancient world since reading aristotle, plato, plotinus and other works. I am also trying to create a similar template on the culture and history of my region, so thanks OP, ive already started to read the book listed and so far, its intriguing.

>> No.23372078

eww, please excuse my grammar

>> No.23372096

You say that your movement is about allowing individuals to become aware of their present conditions and become free from them. The implication seems to be that understanding the past will give one the means to act and change the future—and to this end you have sought to focus on the world spirit of one's forebears. But by naming your entire movement "Imperium Europae", you're betraying a desire to create a fundamentally race-based movement, which by definition will be reactionary and limited in terms of what its individuals can be. As an individual of Indian descent I feel alienated by this. I understand that the emphasis on heritage may be born out of a desire to counteract the extreme of multiculturalism that would have the world become a cosmopolitan, entropic mush, but a focus on race, the one thing the individual literally can't control, strikes me as a complete contradiction to your overarching motivation to liberate.

>> No.23372122

did none of you read OP?

>> No.23372126

I'm extremely happy I could offer you something, anon! Everyone wishing to join the journey is welcome, and I'm also extremely glad to hear you've started work on doing it for your region, this is the kind of spirit I like to see and that has the capacity to change the course of the world for the better, given time
when I speak of "diversity in differentiation" this is precisely what I mean - the coming together of people of different regional/personal heritages who nonetheless share common cultural threads
the opposite is diversity in homogenization, which is the grey history-less sludge of a population that ends up blending more with their material surroundings and their immediate conditions than being the culmination of traditions that have carried the torch since time immemorial (and many like mine who have allowed the flame to gutter and have been peripheral for most of their existence)
>As an individual of Indian descent I feel alienated by this.
you seem to be confusing race and cultural heritage
I have said in previous threads (but maybe I should outline it in the pastebin) that this movement's focus is on Europe because that's the cultural empire my forebears and I belong to (not by choice, like all people) and this is naturally where my focus is going to be
If you really are of Indian descent and aren't memeing me just to bait a response, if you are interested in the empire to which part of your heritage ALSO belongs due to the immense impact it has had on your region, you are more than welcome to join the journey
alternatively, you can observe me stumbling my way forward until I figure produce some templates and processes that you can use in creating the equivalent thing for your region of the world (a world-Asian spirit or some other regional form is as much a reality as the European one)
In truth, I am figuring most of this out as I go, including the presentation and the naming, so things might change - for now Imperium Europa(e) will probably stay as a name but I will change some of the explanation, I will be thinking on this today and tomorrow

>> No.23372129

I suspect people look at the long paragraphs and think I'm going full schizo/retard and don't bother to read (as is usually the case with long-winded responses here)

>> No.23372151

true, but effortposting is something that will filter out spastic retards and people flinging their proverbial shit. Also encourages quality of thought. This came at a good time as Im just starting to figure this out, 25 years old and feel 'late' to the game.

>> No.23372161

>as Im just starting to figure this out, 25 years old and feel 'late' to the game
you are definitely not 'late', don't let that thought corrupt your efforts
in fact, I think you're right on time (or even a little bit early), as this journey benefits immensely from some life experience and a more mature gaze
we're here to learn and make sense of it all, so that what comes next is that much richer and with its capacity for meaning more obvious

>> No.23372349

>As an individual of Indian descent
gtfo jeet/jeeta. No one wants your kind here.

>> No.23372420

fair enough, well, i will attend to further reading of the book in the list, by next thread may we all focus on the book rather than spend half the time discussing the title (although if one read OP in 'good' faith, one could figure out the intent behind the whole thing) but yeah.

>> No.23372489

thanks for the vote of confidence, anon, I'll see you around
I already have specific things I want to discuss from the book but I'll wait for the next thread

>> No.23372686

good night, anons, keep the thread going if you can

>> No.23373004

For there is no remembrance of the wise, as with the fool, forever. Since in the days to come, all will be forgotten. Yes, the wise dies like the fool! 17And I hated life, for all that was done under the sun was evil to me, for all is mere breath and herding the wind. 18And I hated all things got from my toil that I had toiled under the sun, that I should leave it to the man who will come after me. 19And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool, and he will have power over all that was got from my toil for which I toiled and grew wise under the sun. This, too, is mere breath.

>> No.23374103


>> No.23374109 [DELETED] 

Lmfao if you're actually a /lit/ anon and not solely a race-obsessed NPC, I would wager that we probably have more in common with each other in terms of how we think and what we value than we would with randomly selected people of our own race. I didn't choose my race and neither did you. I choose to define myself by what I have done in this world with what I've been given. I take pride in aspects of my ancestry, but beyond a certain point I think seeking too much from it results in letting go of the steering wheel of your own life and prostrating yourself before an amorphous ethnic blob- and allowing appearances dictate your worldview in a way that is actually antithetical to the higher values that underpin Western civilization. Shakespeare, Goethe, Bach, Kant are not valued to this day as exceptional because they were white, but because of their radical individuality and universality of thought (which is why I hate the ressentiment-filled phrase 'dead white men'). Why not focus on the fruits of their mind? Yes, the material conditions of Europe allowed for their lives and works to take form, but ultimately it was never this kind of reductive overidentification with being European that allowed them to discover something new.

>> No.23374266

morning, anons, hope you have a good sunny Saturday

>> No.23374467

alright, I have a question regarding tomorrow's thread:
>is the reading pace okay?
as it is, if we read 100 PDF pages every 3 days we'll be done with the book in a month, but I feel like we could be going way faster
I don't know what's a reasonable expectation for people who have other things to do in life and are probably reading other things, too
it's a debate between having more to read in a day, which could motivate people to structure their day better, versus a more lenient pace which would allow more people to join and it would be easier to catch up if you miss some time

>> No.23374598

I think it's safe to go faster, most people on /lit/ don't have much else to do. I think it will be motivating to know a bunch other of people are putting in the effort alongside you.

>> No.23374876

yeah. Also we have alot of content and topics to go through, history, literature, philosophy, science etc. but we will see as time goes on

>> No.23374887

I like the base idea of this project, I think we have reached a point where whe should look more at the past both in terms of knowledge and aesthetics, and redefine a common european identity. I'm on board with this.

>> No.23374898

what part do you agree with, that we should go faster? I'm gonna write down the schedule and see how it fits with the chapter lengths

>> No.23374909

I'm glad, anon, I'll work more on the concepts I'm employing to redefine the totality of European culture irl and I'll upload the work from time to time

>> No.23374994

Does the critique of Technique (and modern technology) has a place in this project?

>> No.23375162

yes, Ellul's "The Technological Society" and Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" will be part of the philosophy branch, as well as some others
I'm going to experiment somewhat in the way the history and philosophy lists interact, but it's too early still

>> No.23375187
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Some people do not think that Americans are capable of carrying on the legacy of European art but the American composer Moondog was a genius of contemporary classical music!

>> No.23375266

I'd never heard of moondog, but it was enlightening learning he inspired Philip Glass and was admired by Charlie Parker
his classical compositions seem really good, Ode to Venus is exquisite

>> No.23375819


>> No.23375932

Will check out thanks anon

>> No.23375944

I want to say yes but..I guess what I really want from all of this is high quality (a bit of banter doesn't hurt) discussion that's also succinct cause there is a alot to get through. I guess we can't determine anything without a schedule and a general overview of what books and topics we will be going through.

>> No.23376043

>I guess we can't determine anything without a schedule and a general overview of what books and topics we will be going through
I'll post the schedule for the whole book tomorrow
as for the books and topics - I'll share that piece by piece, I'm still assembling the history list which is the first thing we'll go through
I wanted to have anons suggest books they think should be on the list and argue for/against, but I don't think that is going to happen in any meaningful way

>> No.23376351

General: Biblioteca, Homer.
History: Thucydides, Herodotus, Xenophon.
Poetry: Hesiod, Pindar.
Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, the Presocratics.

>> No.23376725
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your thoughts????

>> No.23376727
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>your thoughts????

>> No.23377421

>The PURPOSE is to mold individuals capable of thinking - and above all - acting in ways that are not the blind result of present conditions.

And yet you base the "movement" solely on the SELF. Goes to prove that you're most ideological when you think you're escaping ideology.

For a movement to have any force, it needs to be based on something bigger than the individual. It is through the atomisation of society that we have been disempowered, and culture has been enervated.

>> No.23377705

OP is obviously trying to start a movement of individuals with him at the forefront. I.e a cult

>> No.23377720

Absolute soul-niggers who didn't bother to engage with OP or the thread.

>> No.23377735

Nice counterargument. Oh boy you guys really are la crème de la crème of society

>> No.23377750


>> No.23377766

it's genuinely astonishing how so far I've been called a literal nazi, a neo-nazi, alt-right, a communist, a tradlarper, an American, a German, a pseud, and now a cult leader
makes one kek heartily
I appreciate anons who manage to encapsulate a complex situation and its constituent interactions into a pithy response
I'll be whipping up the next thread in a couple of hours, I'll post the link to it here
I've got some new tool suggestions coming your way, a more expansive schedule for the book, a revised pastebin, and some other things
one minor thing, I'll keep the name of the thread but remove the last 'e' so it reads "Imperium Europa" as it sits better and reads better, and it makes grammatical sense even though it's not the most correct form from what I gather
in the meantime, any additional comments are welcome

>> No.23377791

>>it's genuinely astonishing how so far I've been called a literal nazi, a neo-nazi, alt-right, a communist, a tradlarper, an American, a German, a pseud, and now a cult leader
Maybe its because your scope is too wide and you have no clear defined goals beyond a vague notion of "preserving and expanding the world-European spirit", which means nothing on its own

>> No.23378041

will these kinds of book discussions involve discussion about the author, references used nd shiet?

>> No.23378056

great question!
wherever it's relevant, yes
for example, to my knowledge there is not a lot be said about Cyprian Broodbank (the author of the current book), whereas for the next book we will have to discuss Burckhardt and his specific type of historiography
as for sources, again, if there is anything that massively impacts the reading of the book or it's necessary to counter-balance the take we're going through, we will
but overall we are going to focus on the works we are reading themselves, at least for the core list that I'm assembling (it's a very slow, labor-intensive process and sometimes I end up filling a slot in the list that I didn't intend to, for example I have not decided what comes after Burckhardt's Greek lectures but I know we'll go through Bloch's "Feudal Society" and Hobsbawm's "Long 19th century" trilogy)
the expanded list is going to add quite a bit of extra literature, but that will be years down the line

>> No.23378198

Holy based

>> No.23378204

Are you stupid? US propaganda puréed your brain?

>> No.23378631

You have never put together a thought about anything in your life. Pure fucking evil.

>> No.23378782

what's the objection here, you don't like the term white supremacy and thought "european kultur-imperatorium" was more classy?

>> No.23378805

I like the Greeks and the French and everything, but as an Eastern European I’m not getting behind such a chuddy “movement”. Half the posters in this thread probably think I’m an asiatic subhuman and that general plan ost wasn’t real (chudlets really hold both of those beliefs simultaneously, it’s weird).
>inb4 I don’t care
I don’t care that you don’t care

>> No.23378868

/clg/ has gone off the rails with more Chinese discussion than Latin and Greek. I'm glad this exists. Perhaps at some point we branch off and found a western-only /clg/ to return it to its roots? Or better still take over /clg/ to keep the non-classical stuff out

>> No.23378965

You don't read or think. You don't know how. What you're doing is mindlessly playing out conditioning you don't understand like the dog drooling when a bell rings.
Pretending this is comparable to thinking or dialogue is how propagandists sell retards like you things like untested gene therapy and open borders.

>> No.23378983
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>>You don't read or think. You don't know how. What you're doing is mindlessly playing out conditioning you don't understand like the dog drooling when a bell rings.
Even I, a mental retard, know this is projection

>> No.23378984

Can you explain how you are distinct from a white supremacist doing sanitized and euphemistic propagandizing without becoming outraged and attacking me? Because it sounds like I have hit the nail on the head if you're going to respond like this.

>> No.23378990

Hitler was a dark Austrian. Nietzsche was a Hun. R1a is "aryan" and thats distributed more to the east. The bong leadership made the same kinds of declarations about wiping out every German etc but you read those words charitably while always assuming the worst about the targets of the dominant war propaganda you're exposed to.

>> No.23379007

You're the one making up these stories about people you know nothing about based on keywords that trigger you while refusing to read anything they wrote. Justify your braindead claims you absolutely mindless piece of shit. What the fuck are you talking about if not conditioned associations? You know nothing about me so build on what's actually said instead of your deranged fantasies. You simply can't, you don't know how.

>> No.23379015

>no u
How did you reach that conclusion retard? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.23379021

fyi you're making a fool of yourself by posting emotional outbursts like this. man up and act properly anon.

>> No.23379074

>as an Eastern European
you are not an asiatic subhuman, this movement/initiative has nothing to do with race, only with culture, and you are as much a cultural heir of Europe as a German or a Brit
you will always be welcome here, just like anyone else who wishes to embark on this journey and learn
do not mind the people who would interact with you on negatively a retarded racial basis which has no bearing on reality, those will be filtered out of the threads due to the nature of the discussions, so do not engage with them at all, I will only answer if it is something specifically pertaining to this thing I'm trying to build
curious, I didn't know /clg/ had moved away from Latin and Greek, I intended to seek them out for help with some things regarding the initiative
I'm making the next thread as we speak, I have things from the book I'd like to discuss with you, anons

>> No.23379081

I don’t care about your haploautism or historical revisionism. I care about ACTIONS. The Germans marched into my homeland (Lithuania), we helped them, and then they repaid us by banning our flag from being flown, banning us from arming ourselves and banning the national anthem from being played over the radio. They were happy to present themselves as liberators, but they were anything but liberators. Obviously we now know this is because the Germans planned to Germanise Eastern Europe. Obviously some people still fought for the Germans as they saw them as a lesser evil compared to the soviets, but they were both evil.
>Muh Anglos
Anglos were fighting for their own interests just as much as the Germans were theirs. I’ve lived in England, I know what Anglos are like towards Eastern Europeans.
>Muh dominant war propaganda
All of the documents and whatnot are there for you to read. General plan ost was real, there were multiple iterations of it. The /pol/ idea that it’s not real is a cope, you can read Erhard Wetzels letter about it.

You see at the core of this supposed pan Europeanism is the idea that eastern euros are backwards. It went from us being subhuman because we’re backwards, to us because trad and based or whatever because we’re backwards compared to the west. We were never equals with the Nazis or the allies. And we’re not equals to neo-Nazis today.

It’s clear that you’re just some stormnigger trying to infect /lit/ like /his/ was.

>> No.23379108

>based on keywords that trigger you
well it sounds like i must be on to something since you are attacking the idea of pattern recognition itself rather than the pattern being pointed out

>> No.23379130

The most recent edition of /clg/ is a long argument between those who want "classical languages" to refer to what it does in academia and publishing, where classics = Greek and Latin pretty much, and those who want to expand it to include Indology, Sinology, and even Arabology. Maybe some of us here could back me up trying to take the logical option.

>> No.23379206

Say something retards. On to what? What even is the fucking hypothesis? That some edgelord or whatever on the internet should be shut down for wrongthink because you found clues that he may be hecking racist? What is wrong with your brains? Why can't you simply fucking think?

>> No.23379221

op here. i'm sorry to say that your coarse language betrays your lack of the required cognitive faculties to be an aristocrat. begone peon

>> No.23379223

>histrionic "help i'm being persecuted" response
i accept your concession mutt hitler

>> No.23379229

When the anglos marched into my homeland the first thing they built were radio propaganda stations and anglicized the country. It's now documented that any real opposition and unions were infiltrated by spies. To keep the population docile they presented the idea that we're free but any actual political opposition was shut down even if it took violence. You're not saying anything, just trying to justify brainwashing.
>it's clear to me
Then you're one of these brainwashed retards completely unable to think. I know who I am and that the point I'm presenting is simply to fucking think retard. That you can't even imagine the possibility that what's actually happening here is happening means you're completely deranged.

>> No.23379232

What is it about your diseased brain that makes it unable to produce anything even approaching a thought? You can't read or write so why keep up the pretence? What's the point?

>> No.23379237

You thought "aristocrat" was too edgy and triggering to retards so you chose "Imperium Europae"?

>> No.23379243

Why can’t Nazis own up to the fact that they hated other Europeans?
>the Germans wanted to Germanise my homeland, the proof I have is documents detailing the plans, and the experiences of my ancestors
Fuck off faggot, I don’t care.

Dude if you would’ve read what I wrote you’d see that I’m not a fan of Anglos either, retard. But because I’m an eastern euro who’s not buying Nazi shit its immediately “urrr but the Anglos hate you too so you have to be on my side”, Anglos and Nazis were two sides of the same coin. The Soviets weren’t better either. The partisans of every country were the most moral people in the war.

>> No.23379249

it's up, anons

>> No.23379250

if you rejects would just read the pastebin we wouldnt have any issues with at all. starting to think none of you can read

>> No.23379265

That means you're applying the standards you're appealing to dishonestly. Again, the point is fucking think retard.
>who’s not buying Nazi shit
Nazi shit like reading The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World, by Cyprian Broodbank?
Your pastebin doesn't address that question. You didn't foresee this happening? Giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not retarded then attracting brainwashed retards getting triggered by the name was the intention.

>> No.23379268

I feel like any time anyone wants to post on these threads, he really needs to take a deep breath before doing so. I've been lurking from the first post, and like OP said, he's been called every flavour of wrongthink you can imagine - commie, nazi, retard, trad larper, chud, etc.
People will call him one of those, he'll defend himself, then the commenter will say "well if you're NOT this thing I mistook you for then obviously your point is retarded!" Everyone claims pattern recognition, and when they're told they're wrong, they get in their feelings about being retarded.
You start to imagine that every single pattern of possible human thought has already been conceived - either OP is a commie, or he isn't saying anything of value, and there is NO room for the possibility that he's trying something all the retards in this thread haven't thought of, namely becoming better to elevate yourselves above the latrines you call your lives. Nothing new under the Sun, everyone that's against me is this thing I dislike, so fuck you and fuck your attempt at self-improvement.
I'll pray for all of you.

>> No.23379271

I literally said in both my posts that I’m not a fan of what the Anglos did either, but for a person who keeps telling people to think, you seem to be very fond of only reading what you want to read.
>im not a Nazi bro
Then why do you keep parroting Nazi shit?

>> No.23379279

the point is that you're terrible at lying

>> No.23379282

Why do you keep parroting anglo shit?
Thinking is partly about exploring the consequences of a set of premises like exploring alternative perspective including those demonized by dominant war propaganda.
You seriously came to what is basically a book club and started ranting about how you don't want to be part of this book club because le hecking nazis.

>> No.23379284

>>23379250 is not me, I am revising the pastebin as we speak precisely because I did foresee this happening, just not to this degree
I am going to pick carefully who I respond to regarding these accusations so that every answer I provide further elaborates my meaning instead of just rehashing things I've already said
thank you, anon, for the support, truly

>> No.23379288

I feel like if someone's told you there's no Nazi intent in his thought and that person has likely thought it through (OP doesn't seem to be a glue eater) then maybe you're reading it with a certain amount of bias on your side?

>> No.23379290
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Most of the posts are just me bantering tho. No-one takes op seriously except for like 1 guy by my estimation. Learn to read behind the lines my man

>> No.23379295

Learn to take things seriously is my bit of advice - if all you do is cope with humour, you never deal with reality in a serious way. Banter is fine, and we all engage in it all the time, but there are some topics which are worth taking seriously.

>> No.23379299

How is saying that I don’t like Anglos parroting Anglo shit? I know my own countries history, faggot, I don’t need some kraut nigger like you to try and justify imprisoning our intellectuals and trying to erase our culture because the Anglos did the same. Where did Hitler get his inspiration? ANGLOS. THE BRITISH EMPIRE. His plan for Eastern Europe was by his own admission similar to what the Anglos were doing in British India.

>> No.23379306

OP isn’t the kraut. That’s pretty clear.
The kraut needs to go back to stormfront.

>> No.23379308
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>Learn to take things seriously is my bit of advice - if all you do is cope with humour, you never deal with reality in a serious way. Banter is fine, and we all engage in it all the time, but there are some topics which are worth taking seriously.
Brother I'm just chilling ripping on midwits after a long day of being serious
Wait... Are you sincerely implying the OP's idea is worth taking seriously? Anon, I'll pray for you to find the right path.

>> No.23379322

>I like the Greeks and the French and everything, but as an Eastern European I’m not getting behind such an anglo “movement”. Half the posters in this thread probably think I’m a Germanic subhuman and that Dresden wasn’t real
wtf is this shit? Why pretend it has anything to do with thinking? An appeal to prejudice is definitely not classical liberalism so what is this? Where does it come from? Commies?

>> No.23379326

Classic cope. You're too braindead to banter.

>> No.23379329
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I know you are but what am I?

>> No.23379335

It comes from not wanting to associate with fascists who hate you. I’ve already stated that I don’t like communism, and I think it’s pretty clear that I don’t like fascism either. Politically speaking I’m nothing because I don’t care for the most part. Modern politics is a joke, but that doesn’t mean that I have to support people who hate me just because they agree with me on that.

>> No.23379337

I will no longer be responding here, new thread is up!

>> No.23379348

But what are you talking about? Why would reading about the history of the med be supporting "fascism"? Even if everyone reading with you are hecking chuds with secret hitler bunkers or whatever there's no actual coherent point behind these posts.
Is the point that you're so close to voting for Mussolini that you're afraid interacting with chuds will push you over the edge?

>> No.23379353

>imperium europa
>european empire
>for a group studying western literature
It’s pretty clear where the association with fascism comes from, dumbass.
> Is the point that you're so close to voting for Mussolini that you're afraid interacting with chuds will push you over the edge?

>> No.23379378

>It’s pretty clear where the association with fascism comes from, dumbass.
Then you're really talking about conditioned associations like I said from the beginning. You don't seem to think beyond that meaning you can be completely manipulated by mass media and advertisements.
How are you supporting le fascisms by reading history with chuds? What is the point of your original post?
>It comes from not wanting to associate with fascists who hate you.
I like Latvians and hate wilful retardation. Working brains actively retarded by willingly imposed horseshit is the saddest thing and you're justifying it.

>> No.23379646

>I didn't know /clg/ had moved away from Latin and Greek
It hasn't, there's just one retard who's going bonkers over the fact that people discuss other languages than those two in the general

>> No.23380142

I don't want to derail this thread (it's great), but how is having Classical Chinese discussion in /clg/ a bad thing? Is it not a classical language, too?

>> No.23381067

it's literally just a single, desperate clown doing this, the thread has been going largely wonderfully precisely when he has his cool off periods and fucks off back to /his/ where he came from, he doesn't even know a single classical language most likely

>> No.23381273

Yeah, I just went and checked since I haven't actually visited that thread in a while, and it doesn't look too good. Looks like you guys attracted a raging /djt/ autist somehow.