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5152033 No.5152033 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw not smart enough to be successful in STEM
>tfw not skilled enough socially to be successful in the humanities

what am I supposed to do with my life

>> No.5152036

Study continental philosophy and critical theory

>> No.5152038

just b urself

>> No.5152043

will that get me a job though?

>> No.5152046

>Defining the value of your life by a few academic pursuits in a western university.

>> No.5152051

what else am I supposed to do? I can't keep leeching off my parents for the rest of my life

at this point i'm contemplating suicide. why did previous generations set up such a terrible system for us

>> No.5152052

Criminal Justice

>> No.5152055

STFU, you ingenue

>> No.5152056


free yourself of academic pretension, learn a trade like plumbing and be more useful to society, more satisfied with your work, and more relatable to your friends than, than if you had a career in the humanities

there is no literally no reason you should WANT to be an academic other than that its a relatively well-paying and cushy job, as a matter of appreciating the work, you could do the work anyways, without the job, independently

originally the academic had a DUTY to knowledge and society, but that is no longer the case, now we have too many academics

>> No.5152057

So we could entertainingly criticize it in academics.

>> No.5152063

I am already enrolled in a college due to the pressure of my parents, I have no choice now

I've got very little time to make these important life decisions

>> No.5152065

Why do you want to "get a job"?

Why is it that the majority of the population can only aspire to being a tiny cog in someone elses system? "I know, I'll get a degree and then get a job" you need to abandon this noxious idea and make your own job. Someone else made their own job, and this will end up being the person you run sniveling to saying "please, sir, I need to get a job."

>> No.5152069

STFU, you ingenue

>> No.5152071

Go to bed, Sebastian.

>> No.5152074


Get a job and get good at it. Doesn't matter that your bougie youth prepared you to become a bougie, that time has gone and you will either be a rich or a poor. It's gonna be a poor probably - not because you seem especially inadequate, it's just how the dice rolled. Read Chuang Tzu on finding meaning in meaningless drudge labor. Dehumanize yourself and face to slavery.

>> No.5152075

I need money to eat and keep out of the weather

I don't have the knowledge nor resources required to start my own business if that's what you're suggesting, I don't even have a car

>> No.5152082

Shave head, grow beard, hang out at the steps of the courthouse, groaning about rivers and fire.

>> No.5152089


doesnt really change anything, you were contemplating suicide, now you're worried about wasting a semester's tuition?

in my opinion you should get out of college before you are in debt, learn a trade, maybe do college later in life on your own dime

but in the meantime, since you're already enrolled, dont forget that higher education is not just the pure Humanities and the pure STEM fields like Math, physics, engineering

there are also studies like agriculture, business, art, physical education, and your school might help you get into contact with internships like perhaps in forestry or something

>> No.5152106

>One week I'm the most motivated person alive, the next I'm on the brink of suicide

>Either want the most brain dead job out there so I can successfully day dream all day or the most mentally demanding job out there so my mind doesn't slip over to suicidal thoughts.

It seems that whenever I have lapses in concentration, suicidal thoughts come in. If I have no required focus or total focus then I am happy, anything in the middle will end up killing me,.

>> No.5152113
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I can't bear the shame of wasting a semester's tuition and societal and parental pressures are forcing me to attend college instead of learning a trade anyways

even if I attend university if I happen to choose a major that isn't STEM I will never hear the end of it from my parents until they die and they might not even be willing to pay for it since they're under the impression that any major that doesn't "guarantee a job" (I know STEM doesn't guarantee a job anymore than anything else in this economic climate) is a waste of time and money

this wouldn't be that big of a problem but I really do not have the math skills required to succeed in anything of that nature

I think at this point my only option is death, it seems preferable to living a life of shame

>> No.5152125

The reason you'd want to be an academic is because most simple jobs will likely be automated within the century.

>> No.5152141

The most simple jobs are already outsourced or pay minimum wage, the only people making a carer out of them are aiming for a higher position like manager.

>> No.5152146

Serve your betters their coffee.

You will love it with time.

>> No.5152150


all the more reason, i doubt they will let the uneducated masses starve because they dont need us any more "we got robots"

or is that naive? idk

>> No.5152159

This is the board of jobless losers, you'd best head over to /adv/, OP

>> No.5152161


seppuku is a cool option, if you were japanese

the thing is killing yourself, should, under any rightful reckoning, be infinitely more shameful than abandoning school for a trade job. your parents will be sad yes, but that wont make them any less disappointed in how you turned out as a person, or any less ashamed that the fruit of their bodies was such a failure as a human (how can you fail harder than suicide?)

>> No.5152170

suicide is shameful too yes, but the thing is that I won't have to live with that shame at least

I don't know that I'll be able to bear a life of shame and failure, I'm not a very strong person

>> No.5152175

You are a statistic, not a human being to the government. When you are no longer necessary, you will be treated as such.

>> No.5152214


in which case its probably best to learn subsistence farming, try to form a isolated commune

>> No.5152223

>implying that will even be an option in the future


>> No.5152289



yeah, gotta go organic

>> No.5152332

Help the animals. That's what I'll probably do, if my history degree doesn't lead me anywhere (honestly took it for the pleasure of studying it, with little consideration for job prospects).

>> No.5152333
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Waiter and cashier jobs were automated a century ago.

Futurists are fucking retards.

>> No.5152393

Social skills are something that can be improved, you know?

>> No.5152411

I know what you mean, OP. I was fairly smart in high school and made it into a good university through my test scores, Ended up wasting a ton of time there. Always preferred humanities to sciences (science is interesting to me but not in the sense of wanting to spend my life researching in some specialized section of it). Started out undeclared in the liberal arts and decided to major in philosophy because I really liked my eastern philosophy and metaphysics professor and it seemed like a fun cush job. I proceeded to take classes through the ancients to the medievals to the moderns to the postmodernists to the analytics. What I discovered was an endless world of simulucra and bullshit within much classical and continental theory and an incredibly difficult logico-mathematical language game in analytic theory. Having realized the illusory nature of studying, much less producing, the former it seemed intellectually dishonest to engage in such sophistry. Having learned how terrible I am at logic it seems that I am not nearly smart enough or interested enough to succeed as a professor or practitioner in the other side of the field. Thus have I wasted the last four years of my life. I suppose it was worth it tho for the drugs and the girls and the friends and the freedom and the heady feeling like you might just all change the world. But yeah, if I could do it all over again I would avoid college entirely. College also gave me anxiety my senior year :(

>> No.5152434

>The technology was developed under a cooperative research and development agreement between the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture

Why the fuck would the USDA do that? That is majorly fucked up.

>> No.5152437

Join the military.

You may hate every day of your enlistment but you'll come out of it a stronger person and with training, experience, and a security clearance to get +50k starting.

Also GI Bill so you can study whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.5152448
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>but you'll come out of it

>> No.5152453


There was a big worry about novel traits escaping into wild populations. Superweeds and such.
This was back when GMOs were an actual topic of discussion and not MUH ORGANICZ.

>> No.5152477

You have depression. Get help.

>> No.5152490

If you think that you need to be social to make it humanities, then you obviously belong in a cubicle. All that's really need to excel in humanities is the ability to articulate your thoughts into coherent speech or writing (which is why STEM majors can't handle humanities, having aspergers usually means lessened verbal skills).
If you can't write a decent paper, or give a speech without stuttering OP, then you definitely belong in a cubicle.

>> No.5152494

Most of these GMOs are engineered to be sterile specifically so that doesn't happen.