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7067099 No.7067099 [Reply] [Original]

Are tweets literature?

>> No.7067121

is OP a shitposting faggot?

>> No.7067147

No, the pic is shitpost-style, but it's a real question.

I think tweets represent a legitimate literary constraint (like, say, haikus or elegiac couplets) and can be used to make fine literature.

>> No.7068188

Anything that is written is potential literature.

>> No.7068205

Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler de la production des saucissons artisanaux en Alsace.

>> No.7068682

This guy gets it.

You know how they published the letters of writers like Joyce and people study them and shit?
Don't be surprised when the year 2050 rolls by and Penguin releases a series of "Selected Tweets" by various contemporary authors..
Even if you don't like the idea, you have to admit that it's damned likely to happen eventually.

>> No.7068689

just like the rest of the rapid degeneration of society

>> No.7068711

One can always hope for a rebound of some sort.

>> No.7070595

>Partant de l'actualité immédiate - violente, rapide, frénétique, insensée - Jean-Pierre Pernaut accomplissait chaque jour cette tâche messianique consistant à guider le téléspectateur, terrorisé et stressé, vers les régions idylliques d'une campagne préservée, où l'homme vivait en harmonie avec la nature, s'accordait au rythme des saisons. Plus qu'un journal télévisé, le 13 heures de TF1 prenait ainsi l'allure d'une marche à l'étoile, qui s'achevait en psaume.

>> No.7070604

Um, yo, I haven't seen any "Selected Bathroom Door Inscriptions" and those have been around for so much longer. Selected twats can barely compete in quality with those so I don't see them happening.

>> No.7070613

As I like to say, it only takes four characters to write "logos".

>> No.7070622

Bathroom door inscriptions are usually not used as back-and-forth communication between famous people. Twitter is simply public online aphoristic writing, and aphoristic writing has been part of the literary and philosophical canon for millenia. If selected tweets are already being published now, what would you expect in 20 years ?

>> No.7070636

Famous people suck at tweeting. The best tweets are from people whose fame comes from Twitter in the first place

>> No.7070651

>Selected Bathroom Door Inscriptions

Would make a best-seller though

>> No.7070654

Hell, it probably already exists.

>> No.7070658

It doesn't matter as long as they're famous. Do you think the authobiographies of celebs sell well because those are supposed to be good at writing ?

And I don't see how having been famous from Twitter makes you not famous.

>> No.7070671

selected roman graffitis would be awesome
"vote for gaius caiminus"
"lucillius sucks man dick and donkey dick"
"vote for lucil"
"i fell off my ladder"
the walls of rome were /r9k/

>> No.7070673

The ancient graffiti from Pompeii are great


>> No.7070681
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>> No.7070690
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>lesbianus, you defecate and you write "Hello everyone!"

>> No.7070765

Yes, when Norm does it.

>> No.7070777

>II.2.1 (Bar of Astylus and Pardalus); 8408: Lovers are like bees in that they live a honeyed life


>> No.7070781
File: 76 KB, 1417x781, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that story

>> No.7070792

>some sort of jesus allegory

>> No.7070818

Ce genre de propos sont juste effarant,
Oh le grand mechant qui montre la campagne.
Oh ces pauvres enfant terrorisé par l affaire clairstream.
Oh c est l'heure de l endoctrinement
Oh espece gregaire dont par la vitalité de mon esprit je me suis detaché arraché moi le grand esprit libre bien loin de repeter ce discours sans cesse.
Brebis respectez moi je suis perroquet!

>> No.7070882
File: 7 KB, 211x238, 1314194533528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We two dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.

May these two bros be drinking and having a good time in the afterlife
>mfw eternal bros

>> No.7071466

>Two friends were here. While they were, they had bad service in every way from a guy named Epaphroditus. They threw him out and spent 105 and half sestertii most agreeably on whores.

W-why can't I have a bro like this

>> No.7071476
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>> No.7071494

>nice pic

I just checked the value of sestertii (back then), and it's roughly the same value as today's dollars

So they spent $105 on whores? That was gloriously cheap

I want to bugger ancient prostitutes for a good price

>> No.7071959


C'est un passage de Houellebecq, non?

>> No.7072031

>Apelles Mus and his brother Dexter each pleasurably had sex with two girls twice.

based Apelles and Dexter