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/lit/ - Literature

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7118962 No.7118962 [Reply] [Original]

Not exactly /lit/ related but i wanted to know what you guys think about this.


>Seventeen universities are to close liberal arts and social science courses

>It follows a letter from education minister Hakuban Shimomura sent to all of Japan’s 86 national universities, which called on them to take “active steps to abolish [social science and humanities] organisations or to convert them to serve areas that better meet society’s needs”.

This sounds like some dystopian 1984-ish scenario. Anti-intellectual pogroms when?

>> No.7118975
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First anime and now this
Japan will save the world

>> No.7118978

They probably did that, because people with such a degree can't find a job. I actually think it's a good thing.

>> No.7118983

>Anti-intellectual pogroms when?
I think it's a bit of a stretch to call the social sciences "intellectual".

>> No.7118988


Japan being based as always.

>> No.7118991

>humanities and social sciences
(select all peanuts)

>> No.7118994

No. They just want to stop wasting money on creating more whinging shitbags with no skills.

>> No.7119003
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This is interesting, but forgiveable if there are elite private universities where these studies could continue. Given their demographic crisis, Japan will need as high a percentage of the populace as possible to possess practical skills or they might be permanently fucked and never even be able to fund such programs again. I wouldn't be surprised if they start pushing for yet more research into automation and high efficiency agriculture around now.

This could also be a temporary (a few decades) budgetary measure to soften the blow from the demographic crisis.

It's also possible that the government sees this as a way to reduce the spread of credible dissent towards social policies it's going to wheel out in the near future to deal with said demographic crisis.

>> No.7119007

It won't happen

>The ministerial decree has been denounced by one university president as “anti-intellectual”, while the universities of Tokyo and Kyoto, regarded as the country’s most prestigious, have said that they will not comply with the request.

>> No.7119013

They were always good at bending over for Capitalism

>> No.7119014

Good. Now can we go back to salons and cafes.

>> No.7119015

tbh i don't believe this.

>> No.7119016

>Including law and economics
Bad idea tbh. I know 4chan loves to shit on econ but econ majors on average make more money than non-engineering STEM majors. And having making it harder to get into law will drive up the already inflated price of paying for a lawyer.

>> No.7119017

> humanities
> intellectual
Thanks for the top-notch trolling.

>> No.7119025
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Well, if they're making money they must be doing something valuable, right?

Do you know what Quantitative Econ majors do? They make trading algorithms that help one investment bank return .02% more than the investment bank next door. These people make a ton of money but they aren't going to help Japan survive into next century.

>> No.7119026

The specific technical degrees that are more successful in leading people to a particular job only do so because of the relative shortage of people with those degrees. If everyone who used to study history or other humanities started studying computer science of whatever, then those degrees would no longer be a guarantee of good employment either.

Not only is there now lack of demand for low-skilled labor, but there is limited demand for high skilled labor too. If the engineering and computer science degree holders expanded by 10x, then you would just have a new phenomenon of lots of unemployed engineers and programmers.

The days of people being able to find jobs are over. The only way to solve the problem of chronic mass unemployment is a minimum income or a government job guarantee.

>> No.7119027


Just like America. Enjoy your Trump dictator.

>> No.7119028

>I know 4chan loves to shit on econ but econ majors on average make more money than non-engineering STEM majors.

This surprised me actually. I'm in my third year of an Applied Math and Econ degree, and I already got jobs offers, on of which starts at $70 000. Which is pretty good money for where I live.

>> No.7119030

>econ majors on average make more money than non-engineering STEM majors
Drug dealers and nigga rap performers make more than both combined.

>> No.7119034


university should be for studying and researching useful things like STEM

if you want to study humanities, there should be private schools where you can apply to take classes alongside your day job or your stem degree.

the research based model for humanities makes no sense. all the research that can be done has been done a thousand times over so we end up with the circlejerk that is academia today with professors wasting their time shitting out useless papers and books no one reads instead of passing on their knowledge via teaching.

>> No.7119041

>majors on average make more money than non-engineering STEM majors
Are you stupid? Mathematicians start gaining 300k

>> No.7119042

Not everyone here is American you know. Its about 50/50

>> No.7119043
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the study of how culture and society is managed isn't intellectual?

there are lots of statistics involved but idiots think their opinions on society are the only truth that helps them personally so they're okay. typical 4chan retard.

>> No.7119053

this is why we need more science. correlation =/= causation

people who want to earn more are likely to go into those majors. if you take those majors away, they'll just major in math or statistics. the limiting factor is the drive and the iq of these people, not the fact that cluster around an arbitrary major

>> No.7119054
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Japan was a mistake, they should have listened

>> No.7119060

>idiots think their opinions on society are the only truth

You summarized the whole humanities field here.

>> No.7119061

any intelligent person can pick up a book to understand the workings of a society more. you don't need to fund endless cohorts of liberal arts grads to understand your society.

>> No.7119064

they into wallerstein world system now?

>> No.7119066

>Fuck our repressed overworked society isn't producing enough children
>I know, we will repress and overwork the next generation even more to make up the deficit

>> No.7119069

>but they aren't going to help Japan survive into next century
Only immortality and/or mass immigration will do that tbh

>> No.7119070

he's so yummy

good proportions~

>> No.7119075

Its a bit misleading what is happening. University are becoming irrelevant in the world of the humanities. Its not a subject that you really need formal training for. It doesn't imply there will be a lack of people interested in it

>> No.7119080

their demographic and debt are going to destroy them completely. they are relying on the singularity to happen soon enough to save them tbh

>> No.7119081

a little short but thats probably not as culturally important in Japan

>> No.7119085

Japan is still a profoundly reactionary country. Remember what they did to the student protesters in the 60s? Not as bad as any 1960s iron curtain country but appalling for a democracy. Abe knows resistance to his policies is mainly going to come from the kind of liberal-left intelligentsia that study these subjects. Even if Todai and Kyoto refuse it will still have profound effects. Those two hardly care about the humanities subjects anyway.

>> No.7119088

>not wanting a musclebottom qt you can manhandle

>> No.7119106

nothing will happen. they're practically a one party state so the government does as it wishes.

>> No.7119117

does that mean more qt transfer students??


>> No.7119129
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shinzo abe best president

>> No.7119160

Of course they make the most money. Economists are the corporate equivalent of the court wizard. But economics is still a joke discipline.

>> No.7119164

this is just going to make the japanese more autistic than they already are.

>> No.7119179

>people itt being so cucked out by ideologies of production

You people are society's pets. No need to argue with you, I might as well debate my television.

>> No.7119205

Good God Asia is so fucking joyless its hilarious.

>> No.7119213

i switched out of economics at uni to do computer science. it's intellectual junk. you learn all these models and equations of how the world is supposed to behave and you are no closer to understanding anything about the economy. you speak to an economics student on their opinion of some economic policy and they can give you an answer depending on the models they remember learning. so predictable and lacking any critical reason. newspapers are unreadable, especially liberal market ones.

it was actually reading marx that woke me up.

>> No.7119248

no they don't most make like 2$ a year

>> No.7119268
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When did you realize Nietzsche was right about everything

>> No.7119378

Japan has plenty of option for survival. They're going to need to be the most automated society in history, accept a dip in standard of living (which they're uniquely situated to do because their government is basically one party, next best thing to a dictatorship to get people to suck it up and be poor for the common good) and allowing guest workers to fill in the gaps but not attain permanent residency, which they're doing already by bringing in like a million Flip nurses on two year work visas. All they're missing is getting people to breed a little more, but considering they've managed to get people to exercise through social pressure I'm optimistic about that last part too.

>> No.7119406
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>all this STEM shitposting

If you didn't have a liberal arts education you are the cancer killing /lit/

>> No.7119418

>I'm not a NEET, I'm an autodidact

Kill yourselves. Seriously.

>> No.7119427
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go go second time virgins!

>> No.7119433

you know that you can read while having a job?

>> No.7119435

Seriously, the people on /lit/ who try to shit on university education are so ignorant they don't even realize how silly they sound.

>> No.7119438

>liberal arts and social science
>intellectual programs

kek fam

>> No.7119444

Japan's demographic decline should be very easy to fix. Just give married couples cash payments of having kids, and maybe throw in some good housing subsidies. Heck, pay a modest government wage to housewives. Incentivize family life with lots of children and people will probably engage in it. But Japan is so stuck in a neoliberal, pro-market, anti-spending orthodoxy they can hardly get their inflation rate above zero.

>> No.7119471

he wasnt.
slave morality is liberalism, not religion

>> No.7119473

You know that people don't go to school just to read a lot?

>> No.7119482

liberal arts degree just consists of reading.

>> No.7119530

>Japan's demographic decline should be very easy to fix. Just give married couples cash payments of having kids, and maybe throw in some good housing subsidies.

...don't they do this?

great idea genius, they should hire you

>> No.7119546
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> liberal arts and social science courses
> intellectual

>> No.7119561
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You faggots were told.
The fire rises

>> No.7119580

I call bs source.

>> No.7119679
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The literature you find in uni humanities classes are anti-intellectual. This is probably a good thing but I still hope Japanese students read literature on their free time.

>> No.7119708

This article reeks so much of poor translatiom and sensationalism that it's embarrassing even.

>they'll close COURSES

They'll probably just close a few not so popular classes/courses, not kill careers like this shitty article suggests.

Come on /lit/, you should read better than this.

>> No.7119719

is that movie any good?

>> No.7119755

This is literally the best thing that could happen to academia. Get rid of the bullshit majors, the mickey mouse degrees and the liberal brainwashing courses. Brilliant

I wish we could get away with doing this in America

>> No.7119802

What if you have no education?

>> No.7119803
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Came to same conclusion recently, although I'd use the term progressivism. I'm not so sure Christianity can be complete exculpated, but the case seems to be more damning for progressivism.

>> No.7119808

Get out Scott Walker.

>> No.7119821

I didn't even go to college

>> No.7119822

And discussion, and writing, and feedback, and application of ideas...
Have you even been to high school?

>> No.7119848

University is glorified technical school everywhere anymore anyways, it makes zero difference if we kill humanities and liberal arts departments except we're leaving an otherwise unskilled work force out of jobs, because the department staff isn't qualified to do much else with a literature PhD.

>> No.7119865

I came here just to see /lit/'s opinion on this.

>> No.7119943
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Oh no it's still christianity and nietzsche is right. Christian morality is pity(taking the side of all that is sick/weak/broken), love your neighbor, selflessness and self hatred. Not believing in god or hating gay or creationism.

>In England one must rehabilitate oneself after every little emancipation from theology by showing in a veritably awe-inspiring manner what a moral fanatic one is.

God is dead mean christian morality will destroy the foundation of europe(see pic), not "everything is permitted" like academic are repeating, he never said that.

>> No.7119948

75% outcry, 25% "liberal arts/college is a waste of time anyway"

We should really just gas the latter.

>> No.7120018

I fail to understand how an outright ban of entire field of human knowledge can help declining birthrates improve

>> No.7120028

>humanities outlawed internationally
>every couple months you hear about another book club bust, suspects immediately shot in the street
>The Renaissance is likened to the holocaust

>> No.7120065
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>God is dead mean christian morality will destroy the foundation of europe(see pic), not "everything is permitted" like academic are repeating, he never said that.

>> No.7120071

im having a really hard time understanding exactly what you mean, mostly in your last sentence. your english is a little rough around the edges.

Any chance you could try to clarify? If you speak French you could try that too.

I don't think he means to say that Christianity is going to destroy the foundation of Europe, rather that Christianity is the foundation of Europe, and now that Christianity is going down, much of European civilization will fall with it.

>> No.7120074

This isn't capitalism dick head
In a capitalist society those programs would continue due to demand from the free market

>> No.7120086


>> No.7120088
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When you get rid of christianity and it's god, you do not get rid of it's morality. The opposite happen, christian morality gets stronger.

>> No.7120092
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>Not STEMfags

>> No.7120098
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about time

>> No.7120111

Here's the skinny as someone with connections to Japan:

Liberal arts students in Japan aren't well equipped. There just aren't good graduate school opportunities for Japanese compared to America. People with liberal arts degrees in Japan can't do like Americans do and go study Law, or get their MBA...hell some Americans with liberal arts degrees go to Medical School.

Japan is also worried about China's industrial advancement. Chinese students are rapidly focusing on engineering. Even go to an American school and look at how many Chinese nationals are in your engineering classes. This leads to Japan feeling threatened that they could lose their technological superiority.

If a country were to sacrifice their humanities programs it would definitely be an East Asian one. It just so happens to be Japan because global tensions with China are rising. This minister of education is very conservative. I think he would have to be to sacrifice his own field (what do you think he majored in, applied physics?).

So in a way this SHOULD be scary, because it might very well be politically/militarily/economically motivated. Imagine if you showed up for English class but the dean said, "Class is cancelled forever. Russia just made a new semiconductor and we need to beat it."

These reasons plus the ones in the article: falling numbers of students, etc.

>> No.7120131
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superior engineering master race

>> No.7120134

It's sort of ridiculous to imply the Western conception of morality is strictly christian, as such morality really just arises from human empathy.

Moral ideas of the sort, or rather the human nature that begets them, predates the religion itself.

>> No.7120142
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>tfw ex-gf's dad is a social sciences professor in Japan

Haha get fucked you dumb bitch. How does it feel to be officially too old to marry in your home country?

>> No.7120143

Oh, well then I agree with your original point, but I don't think it's fair to call it "Christian Morality" once is has been separated from a genuine faith in God. I still hold that Liberalism is a better term, because that's all it is. a Eurocentric values system without any of the substance, backbone, or firm application; just a bunch of people yelling and circlejerking about loving your fellow man.

>> No.7120148

When I was young I wanted to be an engineer, but then I realized it was useless, and that it's better to be a garbage collector or a poet.

>> No.7120157

I don't know what Japan's liberal arts programs are like but if they're anything like the West's they deserve to be axed.

The liberal arts (Plato, Aristotle, etc., not tumblrina shit) have a place AS A COMPONENT of an education which teaches you a real, applicable skill (medicine, computer science, whatever) but liberal arts by itself mainly produces a class of literate layabouts. Most people aren't rich enough to read philosophy as their career (or even find a career doing so) and those who can't really shouldn't even be given an opportunity to do so. For those who really do want to read philosophy all day, a library card is a low cost alternative to an overpriced degree.

t. embittered liberal arts student

>> No.7120159

Why are East Asian countries so artificial and soulless, their ways simply scare me

And what's more these are all countries with immensely rich culture and history, it's such a shame
>Christianity is exclusively about empathy

Do you even have a basic clue in which fashion has Christianity shaped the modern Western world?

>> No.7120161

good luck without modern technology, which is all invented and developed by engineers, faggot

>> No.7120162

American education is at fault here.
Things are different here in Europe.

>> No.7120171

What's the difference between an American and European liberal arts education?

>> No.7120173

>trying to maximize profit
>not capitalism

>> No.7120177

All engineers do is uneeded.
If you keep asking yourself the question "why ?", you'll eventually realize that engineering is a self-sustaining industry based on marketing and economical needs rather than vital ones.

In the year 2015, a man who removes trash or one who creates beauty is infinitely more valuable to society than the one who slaves for the next contingent project of his worthless melanoma city, not realizing the hole he fills were drilled by his very predecessors. And in this meaningless pyramid of trying to keep himself occupied, the engineer think he is reaching for a technological pinnacle when he really is biting his own tail, before dying alone at 55 after crucifying his health and vomiting an offspring that will carry on his sisyphus-like legacy.

>> No.7120188

fine, go back to the fucking stone age you pretentious plebeian, and learn some fucking math instead of that liberal arts shit

>> No.7120191

I studied in america for a year. Not trying to be an asshole here, but basically college kids are morons who get scammed and the whole major culture is a vast joke.

Here in europe liberal arts is free to access, at any age, and there are a vast arrays of national exams that give you a lifetime job at the end of it in most countries, despite them being extremely difficult (law, philosophy, literature, english, linguistic, etc).

basically american education is dumbed down and you can't do shit with it while european countries still value them and you can actually do shit with them

>> No.7120197

>confronted to the vacuity of the task he devoted the entirety of his life to, the stemlord resorts to namecalling people on the internet

>> No.7120199

Or they're just doing work someone else finds useful to make money to do other stuff.

>> No.7120202

>Most people aren't rich enough to read philosophy as their career (or even find a career doing so)

It's all circumstantial.

>those who can't really shouldn't even be given an opportunity to do so

I disagree. Everyone should be given the opportunity to fall flat on their face aspiring to their lofty dreams.

>> No.7120203

Ive honestly never understood poetry, its all just a bunch or retarded metaphors. I can't believe people defend the humanities over what is actually practical

>> No.7120209

that's either prostitution or slavery

>> No.7120210

How is knowledge, self-understanding, and cultural identity impractical?

>> No.7120214

keep that fedora on tight and your head filled with useless philosophy instead of the real facts, which can only be found in science

>> No.7120217

How is preventing universities from scamming people with mickey mouse degrees capitalism?

>> No.7120219

Poetry is a form of extreme communication, that's why it's useful and why it's innate in everyone.

>> No.7120228

I'm actually a logic TA.
Take note that I duely note the puerility of your reaction and how you are left completely dumbfounded by what is nothing but the pure, naked truth, cementing even further my opinion and completely failing at defending yourself.

>> No.7120233

Isn't universal college education not a thing in Europe? It's become that way in America with the consequence that things need to be dumbed down because otherwise students would drop out which would mean less shekels for the bloated administrative class which controls high education here.

>there are a vast arrays of national exams that give you a lifetime job at the end of it in most countries
Aren't many of these bureaucrat/civil service jobs? I get the impression that such jobs are a hindrance more than a help to a country.

America used to have a civil service exam but it was abolished (due to racism or something I forget), which has been replaced by the defective point system for federal level government jobs.

>> No.7120248

you pretentious cocksucker
go think meaningless thoughts about the nature of the universe, none of which can ever be empirically verifed

>> No.7120256

It's very different. I hope you get the opportunity to travel overseas once to check it out by yourself, things have many differences. It's sad that what happened to the american education system will probably be there for a long time.

Yes, some of these jobs are as such, but not all of them. Teachers are often mandated by the state, for example, wich gives them a life career if they manage to get it. Research is also mandated by the state (be it cultural or scientific)

>> No.7120260

I seems false to imply progressive morality is based on anything at all other than emotion and thus empathy.

>> No.7120266
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Are you going to cry ?

>> No.7120269

empathy is also a rational process

>> No.7120289

I have traveled fairly extensively but you don't need to in order to see how broken the American educational system is. I'm really only familiar with the Russian system though (capping the amount of people in a major and using a competitive entrance exam system like they do would be a huge help here).

Unfortunately Americans really don't know anything about foreign (even European) educational systems - which it kinda weird since European universities/colleges have been around for centuries.

>> No.7120292

That's an extremely childish way of thinking
So the laws that institute morality into community are also written because of emotion?

Also emotions are everywhere and in everything, you have to be more specific about that

>> No.7120301
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Or the hatred of everything privileged.... Oh how things have not changed. Christian morality still killing civilization one by one.

>> No.7120313

this is just bullshit
he's an edgelord fedora tipper

>> No.7120316
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>> No.7120331

Until right now I've always thought that was Teddy Roosevelt.

>> No.7120346

We aren't talking about laws, we are talking about progressives.

>> No.7120365

>fighting a spook with spooks

>> No.7120380

>philosophy is dead
>proposes a radically constructivist ontology in model-dependent realism

>> No.7120430

>that sweater under her BDUs


>> No.7120437

in english?

>> No.7120454

can a weeb here tell me the word for a type of cultural anthropology that focuses on japan?

>> No.7120469

This guy is right.

>> No.7120470

Why do stemfags and artfags fight each other? Both compliment each other. Art couldn't exist without technology. Books exist because someone invented paper. Your unprecedented access to knowledge and literature in the modern age is due to computers and the internet.

And the arts bring some meaning to what would otherwise be a dreary existence. As an autist, I appreciate those artists whom can put into words the feelings that I cannot. But without technology I would never had access to this art.

>> No.7120482

lel stemfags everyone

>> No.7120495

>minimum income or a government job guarantee

And were are we going to materialize the resources for such a thing. We haven't attained the degree of automation to sustain such a system yet.

>> No.7120498

mysticism, relativism, dialectics, unmerited elitism, obscurantism, ect

>> No.7120511

Or we could simply let people die and call them weak and spit on them.

>> No.7120513
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>tfw cyberpunk dystopia is coming

>> No.7120515

Because STEMfags are self-centered assholes who think that world revolves around them and their degree

>> No.7120518

Do you have the slighest idea about the world's wealth repartition ?

>muh we can't do that we have no monies

>> No.7120528

>This sounds like some dystopian 1984-ish scenario. Anti-intellectual pogroms when?

HAHAHAHAHA Your tears are DELICIOUS faggot, it's the exact fucking opposite of 'anti-intellectual', sorry no one values your worthless joke degree, keep working on that doctorate, my latte won't brew itself.

>> No.7120529

>proposes a radically constructivist ontology in model-dependent realism
how is a realism radical?

>> No.7120533

So, between this and Japan's creeping acquisition of offensive military equipment, is it safe to say they're quietly preparing to rapidly go on a war footing and sack Asia again like they did in the 30s?

>> No.7120543
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lmao stemfags

>> No.7120549

>Because ARTfags are self-centered assholes who think that world revolves around them and their vision

>> No.7120553

>muh dichotomy
>muh fanatism

>> No.7120557

It's not a contradiction to believe philosophy is played out while endorsing age old philosophical opinions, nonsense implication.

>> No.7120559

>muh homs
>Muh construal

>> No.7120563

Explain then.

>> No.7120565

bruh we should embrace each other and you know it

pass the bong

>> No.7120573

The oversized gloves are a liability tbh, should just cut the fingers off.

>> No.7120584


Great news, now the West needs to follow suit.

>> No.7120588

They probably plan on getting into some dick measuring contest with China.
>sack Asia again like they did in the 30s?
lmao no. They couldn't if they wanted to.

>> No.7120589

>not using glommets
Do you even operate?

>> No.7120592

japanology ;)

>> No.7120593

ehm the west is controlled by the jews who have created liberals arts and philosophy, idiot

>> No.7120598


Yes, exactly, so now we ought to follow suit, idiot.

>> No.7120600

>idiots think their opinions on society are the only truth
>Doesn't get the joke
You've wasted your life faggot, you might as well have studied ancient Belgian mythology or cheese appreciation.

>> No.7120604

we can't because the bolshevik-marxist-judaic feminists are in control and own everything. it won't happen because they won't allow it because they want to genocide whites, and liberalism is a tool to that

>> No.7120605


>> No.7120612 [DELETED] 
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None of you know the culture or understand the history of this homogenous country, so shut the fuck up and stop giving your uneducated and idiotic opinions, you tremendous faggots.

>> No.7120615

in japan, there are far too many universities, the train is full of ads for open campuses for bullshit universities in the suburbs
they are attempting to have the smaller national unis to focus on vocational training and leave the social studies to those who will truly benefit from thinking (those who get in to big unis, that is). basically it is an elitist idea. the problem is that the (current but also others to an extent) japanese government is notoriously bad at marketing their ideas (see: constitutional revision). the idea is that the bullshit private unis may follow the small national uni lead. i don't know how that will happen.

>> No.7120624

I actually studied fine art sculpture in what is apparently the most prestigious independent art school in Europe (though I never personally saw any justification for such a boast) and I am 100% on board with this. Further education outside of STEM has become a creche for incompetents and it should be burned down to its roots if it's to have any point.

>> No.7120627

I've got two katanas though.

>> No.7120628


Look at this pussy wimp, you're the right wing equivalent of a dirty hippy - all you do is sit and complain about how shit sucks and don't do anything about it, or even thinks of a way to do anything about it. If it's already completely useless, why don't you just end yourself? Calling people who want to see liberal arts and sociology terminated for idiots is a great way to make things better, yeah right.

>> No.7120629

>I actually studied fine art sculpture
fag. bet u saw a lot of dicks haha, little preening fag

>> No.7120631

t. ken-sama

>> No.7120633

Any one can pick it up and read it, but who the fuck study it and writte it? not a STEM major without time and knowledge to do it.

>> No.7120641

>muh society

>> No.7120642

there is more diversity on 4chan than you think
we're not all amerifats

>> No.7120645

>le one dimensional men

>> No.7120650

What movie?

>> No.7120694

How or why did so many people who see STEM as the only thing worth studying and hate Humanities end up in /lit/? Why would they be here in the first place?

I'm fairly new to this board, is that just the way to be an EPIC troll in here?

>> No.7120708

you can read books outside of a humanities course you know

>> No.7120711

Yes. Moral nihilism also serves as good bait.

>> No.7120729

I know, but when I see the word "literature" I think of Literature as in art, not scientific literature, and I'm fairly certain that the majority of people think the same.

If someone tells you he's taking a Literature course you don't think about fucking peer reviewed scientific journals, do you?

And before anyone puts words in my mouth, I'm not even remotely implying STEM is not important, I'm just curious as to why someone who thinks it's the only important thing ends up in fucking 4chan of all places, and specifically on /lit/

>> No.7120730

I always pretend to be a STEM-retard

>> No.7120754

>mfw positivists in my /lit/

>> No.7120779

>he isn't NEETking

>> No.7120787
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fuckin kek

>> No.7120882

Huh, I figured japan was doing poorly given the increasingly escapist themes in anime but i didnt realize it was this this bad.

Up next, banning 2d porn and implementing government run matchmaking to fix the birthrates?
Or immigration but that wont end well

>> No.7120907

>Anti-intellectual pogroms when?
Since just before WWII

>> No.7120920


Engineers make the new iphone which is a cuck capitalist and useless none inventive churned out consumerist product.

This is why engineers are so fucking delusional.
Some actually smart person invented all the things nessesary for a perfectly good phone and we have been using them forever.

Yes of course at some point people have to invent things and its important and some engineers are important, but 99% of engineers sit around producing different bullshit like different co lour pylons which use -3% plastic or some bullshit.

just saying "im an engineer" is about as bullshit as saying "im a writer" when you wrote some mediocre novel that sold a pittance.

aka nobody really cares or is impressed.

chances are your entire life will amount to about nothing, you might make more money though, so if you care about that good job.
Otherwise LOL.

>> No.7120929
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[Satori intensifies]

>> No.7120956

>liberal brainwashing

Look, nignog, it's not brainwashing simply because courses which emphasize critical thinking and empathy cause similar politics.

>> No.7121011
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trashmen should be respected, though engineering infrastructure is vital and highly complex.

I think you fail to understand how much work and knowledge it takes to improve and refine current technology or even deploy industrial technology.

Out current technology is only starting to get good enough for a good phone at mass scale. Phones will likely be commoditized in a couple of years when lithography hits a wall and screens max out discernible specs. Though in a lot of other areas current technology is not even close to being good enough or cheap enough (energy storage, energy transmission, transport, medicine, sewage, ect).

>> No.7121057
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>emphasize critical thinking
explain this shit to me

>> No.7121141

end times are upon us.

>> No.7121162

Reminds me of that one Alfred Bester short story

>> No.7121482
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>deciding to have a shit life because muh freedumbs

>> No.7121507

doesnt work m8. they've tried this in singapore, japan, germany and france. If the cost of living is too high people just don't have children.

And as a rule, educated women always have less children. My guess is that if you're raised without being told you're purpose is to have babies and be a homemaker, the idea of childbearing becomes undesirable. I wonder if its empathy or selfishness though. On the one hand its empathy to not want to have a child who might evil, morally corrupted, retarded or ugly. On the other side of things, it can be seen as selfishness to cultivate yourself to a high degree (this sounds like a lame argument though tbh)...other peoples' thoughts on this?

>> No.7121508

>done a thousand times over

Dude, pre-ironic post-post-modern era of literature is just beginning! Get with the program.

>> No.7121525

I think you hit on the key when you brought up how, "educated women always have less children." Part of this is that nobody wants to miss out on college, so they delay family till at least after college, and then they either financially have to work or feel like they should, since ostensibly that was the point of going to college. I think if Japan can reduce availability of impractical university degrees, it can reduce the demand by employers for college degrees without technical skills attached, which could lower the number of people attending university and potentially lead to more and younger families. Just my take on this policy's potential.

>> No.7121530

>y guess is that if you're raised without being told you're purpose is to have babies and be a homemaker, the idea of childbearing becomes undesirable.
Correlation is not causation. Simplest explanation is that educated women tend to live in places that have contraception easily available over-the-counter.

>> No.7121532

It's more a cultural thing. Once women get pregnant in Japan they're expected to end their career and become a house wife.
I find the idea that Japan has any kind of technological superiority fucking hilarious. The last thing they did well was what, LED? They lost the market on that within a year. They don't have a culture or society that changes or adapts easily.

>> No.7121536

It's coming but without the cool 80's aesthetic. Worse yet it will be cyberprep like Demolition Man/Apple store. Have fun with the three seashells.

>> No.7121539

Contraception contributes to it, but it is no secret woman who desire careers defer childbearing until much later and then have fewer given their lack of time.

>> No.7121574

That would be finance majors, champ. Econ majors are the ones telling Japan that Abenomics will not work because Japan's problems are structural and not caused by high interest rates.

>> No.7121578

>having Finance as a whole major
State school tard detected. Real universities have finance as a minor concentration to real degrees like, say, Quantitative Economics (quant econ only does this one thing, nothing else. You don't know what you're talking about, Champ.)

>> No.7121588

You know jack shit about Japanese high education system, don't you?

>> No.7121590

Actually I go to UChicago and major in economics, so I think I know what I'm talking about. UChicago doesn't have a finance major or even a concentration, but the economics major has fuck-all to do with algorithmic trading. At best it's about optimizing under scarcity. UChicago has one degree that does what you seem to think mathematical economics does, and that's called Financial Mathematics. You can look up what economists do pretty easily, buddy.

>> No.7121591

Are you Japanese?

>> No.7121594

im the guy you responded to. But what you're implying is that women take the more impractical degrees. Is this always true?

It's funny though. I've read a few articles in the New York Times how women now outnumber men in college. The implication in these articles was that women in the future would have more marketable skills than men. But if you're implication is correct, that women do shit degrees (and it seems to be the case, I've seen many a 4chan thread about women who do gender studies and art history), that means they're going to be equally worse as before in terms of income.

>> No.7121613

In the states women absolutely do outnumber men in all social sciences fields and all humanities fields except History and Philosophy. Check out a Psych or English Lit course at any college and it'll be a total clambake. I don't know about in Japan, but my point didn't rely on just women being out of the university system, though that would probably be simpler.

The great majority of both men and women graduating university don't need any specific skills or knowledge from their degree to do their jobs, and are only marginally more mature workers than they were when they graduated high school. The gender wage gap isn't as much a difference in degree choices (though that doesn't help) as much as women's reluctance to take jobs that require long unpredictable house, long commutes, high pressure or physical discomfort, as well as their tendency to lose rank or leave the workforce altogether when they have children.

If the demand for degrees for the sake of degrees was reduced, more people without degrees could make wages that now require a degree.

>> No.7121628

Good. We wouldn't have to pay tuition fees in the UK if it wasn't for ever second female studying Psychology, gender studies, criminology, English Literature or some other bullshit degree.

>> No.7121631

ty for the response

>> No.7121703

Fuck off and die red

>> No.7121711

This is what happens when the humanities keep circle-jerking it's POMO shit for years without producing anything of worth. Serves them right. Something new and beautiful will take its place.

>> No.7121715

Woke you up to what, that if you had to turn to Marx you were an economic retard all along?

>> No.7121718


And they are one of the most advanced countries in the world because of it.

>> No.7121722

All of which resounds in an echo chamber so inbred, so insular, so astronomically far from reality they take Marx seriously. Marx.

I mean, I'd love for my pet theories to get government funding, but I could understand if other people were opposed.

>> No.7121731

Perhaps education in modern, feminist-inflected humanities programs causes women to have less children? Because in medieval and Renaissance England the most educated women were the nobles, and they had loads of kids. Read Queen Victoria's biography, you can't say she's uneducated, you can't say she thinks her entire purpose is to have kids, she just loves having kids and getting the Prince Albert all the time, while being the most powerful woman in the last two hundred years.

>> No.7121742

>such morality really just arises from human empathy.
It really doesn't, not most places without Christianity. Confucian morality is highly developed without involving empathy most of the time. And if you imagine the Chinese are just worse at empathy read Bai Juyi.

>> No.7121752

Everyone seems to forget that Japan was one of the most autocratic, bat-shit crazy ISIS tier ideologically indoctrinated countries before WWII, but were restored in honor and stereotype because the US sought an ally to fend of communist expansion and prevent Chinese hegemony in Asia. They are still actively suppressing their past, over which people have been murdered trying to expose the atrocities of the government. It's no surprise that they would want to get rid of the humanities, it can tarnish their egoism.

>> No.7121759

You're not getting it. You can read books without being enrolled in any university course at all.

>> No.7121907 [DELETED] 


I was with you until the last line.

There's loads of jobs out there, they just don't offer the standard of living that Americans have grown accustomed to. In my city I could get work in a factory for $14 an hour by next week if I started looking tomorrow, and if you live in any remotely industrial area you could too. Tighten your belt and keep your hands out of my wallet, you lazy bum.

>> No.7121928

That doesn't make sense with the post you replied to.

>> No.7121933


> Well, if they're making money they must be doing something valuable, right?

Yes, that's why professional ping pong players make more money on average than teachers. Capitalism is the best system we have at the moment, but it's still unbelievably flawed.

>> No.7121935


I think I might have misconstrued the intent of your post, if so, sorry.

>> No.7121948

i swear 'stem master race' people are just those annoying 'nerdy' kids from school who thought they were patrician intellectuals just because they chose the slightly harder maths, and frown upon the pursuit of knowledge that doesn't involve absorbing knowledge and repeating it arbitrarily without any discourse on its actual nature, because MUH practicality. I'll probably end up studying chemistry for its applicability and good wages but fuck me, if the jobs and cash were there i would be all over that history/philosophy/literature

>> No.7121954


shit, woops

>> No.7121958


I was with you until the last line.

There's loads of jobs out there, they just don't offer the standard of living that Americans have grown accustomed to. In my city I could get work in a factory for $14 an hour by next week if I started looking tomorrow, and if you live in any remotely industrial area you could too. Tighten your belt and keep your hands out of my wallet, you lazy bum.

>> No.7122001

Well the ultra rich have always had the privilege of nannies or private tutors or elite boarding schools raising their kids for them. It's probably easier to love your kids without the pressure of working and raising them at the same time.

As for the education part, I agree with you for the most part. In some eras, elite women were expected to be silent and stupid. In other eras like the 19th century, they were expected to be cultivated so they could be good conversation partners and good role models for their children. Being a queen on top of that, having many children ensured that your bloodline would be perpetuated. Having kids is essential for any monarchy. Just look at Henry VIII, he literally shook up the whole religious order of the country JUST to remarry and have kids. Not surprising that Victoria felt that way about her kids (not to detract from her genuine feelings though)

>> No.7122007


>Tighten your belt and keep your hands out of my wallet, you lazy bum.

Amen, brotha. That whole "minimum income" movement is bullshit.

They should get a better fucking job, a better education, or off themselves if they don't think they can endure the monotony of a less-than-flashy lifestyle. I'm sorry they can't afford a new car right out-of-pocket, but it's not my fucking responsibility to foot the bill for other's lack of financial awareness.

>> No.7122015
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It's really surprising that not only the humanities but social sciences are being cut so badly. Humanities are always first on the chopping block since the rewards for the arts and philosophy are intrinsic and long term which does not cut it in our "what does your major make" mindset (ignoring that a humanities major in an Ivy or Little-Ivy grad will make more on average over their lifetime than your state school STEM major).

Social sciences on the other hand tend to fare better comparatively. While cultural anthropology and contemporary sociology are easy targets, law, IR, political science, economics, and psychology are generally respected and even most politicians will accept the academic value of them (probably because most of them were products of a social science education themselves).

If Japan is making such deep cuts, then their upper education system funding must be pretty broken. It's really a shame too since the country had some great social scientists in several fields. I had a chance to meet a couple of my former University advisor's colleges when I took a long vacation in Japan and they were all as talented if not more so than their peers in the West. Then again with social sciences I'm heavily biased since I'm going to grad school at a university that exclusively does research and education in it.

>> No.7122017

The ultra rich don't seem to have tons of kids today, and even the moderately well-off had tons of kids then. I'm pretty sure the education thing is a red herring, that what we define as "educated" involves internalizing a lot of modern beliefs and more educated women are simply more likely to have been exposed to those.

>> No.7122020

You are the problem.

STEM subjects have been given such a disproportionate amount of funding and attention because the neo-liberal governments of the world all want to have highly educated citizens who lack the critical reasoning skills or political understanding to dissent.

We are all going this way, it won't be long before it happens in Europe and the US, they are already closing down so many faculties.

>> No.7122023

>STEM subjects have been given such a disproportionate amount of funding and attention because the neo-liberal governments of the world all want to have highly educated citizens who lack the neo-Marxist indoctrination that leads them to crash economies and destroy social institutions.

>> No.7122024

idk why anybody would give a shit tbh. why is it better for people to be educated than to be uneducated to begin with? all this complaining assumes too many things

holla tho rousseau wher u @

>> No.7122032

>leftism caused the economic crisis
>not the credit bubble set up by taxes to fix the inherent contradiction between wage-labour and capital

>being surprised that academics are leftists

>> No.7122038

An uneducated population cannot actively participate in real Democracy and are prone to manipulation by Tyrants.

>> No.7122048

Why, yes, I am surprised that academics are leftists, as a hundred years ago leftists were everything. Now, maybe Marx was absolutely right on all points and present-day academia is just more enlightened, but that's what Constantine said about Christianity, so I hope you'll forgive me if I retain my doubts.

On the contrary, undereducated populations are the only kind that will participate in real democracy, and everyone is prone to manipulation by tyrants.

>> No.7122053

yo. first anon here. why is it better to take part in democracy than to be ruled over by a tyrant? because you'll have more "power"? now why is it better to have power than to not? because your own will will be served? why is it better for your interests to be served than not? so you can be treated kindly? so you can be happy? so you can merely live? why is a kind and happy life better than death?

answer without assumptions or spooks please, I want to know what this ultimate truth of the universe is that you've figured out for all of us to objectively benefit in the name of

>> No.7122062
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>> No.7122071

idk what this dank memerino img is abt but i'll wait on this guy's answer until my dying breath

>> No.7122074

>Confucian morality is highly developed without involving empathy most of the time
How do you figure that? I'm intrigued. Mencius is definitely big on empathy.

>> No.7122077















>> No.7122086
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Pragmatists are the cancer of the world.

>> No.7122090

I'm not extremely well-read in Mencius, but I don't get the idea from him that Confucian morality grows out of empathy. It feels more like social harmony is a good place for the natural empathy found in humans to flourish. And anyway Mencius, influential as he was, wasn't all of Confucianism. Xunzi thought humans were innately evil, the Taoists had their own mystical thing going on, and there wasn't much empathy going on once Legalism was mixed in.

But I could be wrong. Anyway, even if it springs from empathy more than I thought, the end result is not anything that resembles Christian or modern liberal human rights ethics.

>> No.7122099

this is sadly and actually true. They should warn people who want to study this stuff. It's pointless.

>> No.7122104

I think people would rather have the free will to make their own mistakes than have someone else force them to do the right thing.

>> No.7122105

You mean though that your idea of feminist-inflected education is red-herring too? I guess I have to agree. As the other guy said, women delaying childbirth for their careers is usually the cause for low birth rates in modern countries. It's probably going to get worse as more people need education to get any kind of decent job.

As for the ultra wealthy having less kids, it's probably due to the availability of birth control. Also I figure kids from these families also get education through college and beyond, again delaying childbirth. The same is even more true for the middle classes. The middle classes in the 19th century had more children in the past cause the cost of living was lower and more importantly there was more optimism from the future and there were abundant resources. Like America's population in the 18th century exploded because the prospect for growth was endless at the time. The same was more or less true for during the 19th century. Come to think of it, I remember now that people started having less kids because child mortality rates plummeted after the peak of the industrial revolution. That's another big reason for having less kids, as they're more likely to live to adulthood. Then with the elimination of child labor, children started becoming dependents for a longer time before they could be employed, which made child rearing a longer and more arduous process over time. This also led to fewer kids.

>> No.7122107

>free will
>force them
>the right thing

swing and a miss. assumption rating: SPOOKED

>> No.7122108

It's a fucking democracy, your individual vote(and thus will) means shit

>> No.7122109

>without assumptions

>> No.7122115

You're missing the point. Birth control is available, but what I'm talking about is what kind of spook is making women want to use birth control.

>> No.7122118

determinism is a spook tbh.

also none of those other things are inherently spooks. rofl

retard rating: using words he does not understand.

>> No.7122119

>undereducated populations are the only kind that will participate in real democracy

I live in Australia, the most undereducated place in "the West", and no-one gives a shit about democracy. They have the worst corrupt government yet they don't give a shit. It's baffling.

>> No.7122120

oops, well i'm tired as hell

Well what I was trying to say is that if you want a college education, you have to delay having children. Children are a burden, so therefore birth control...and sex for pleasure

>> No.7122121

>"determinism is a spook"
I'm using determinism to beat this guy's dumb argument because it satisfies me
>"inherently spooks"

understanding rating: SPARKNOTES

>> No.7122123

Does the Australian demos provide heavy consequences for individuals whose opinion differs from the majority?

>Children are a burden
That is not a universal opinion.

>> No.7122129

The only difference opinion that's called out on a political stage is the one that goes against Rupert Murdoch's interests. He owns most of the newspapers and private TV stations. There's no real "discussion" in the media or elsewhere.

>> No.7122131

I don't even know where to start with how retarded that all is. You have all the parts and fucked up every single one.

>> No.7122133

Here's Mencius- it's pretty unambiguous:


But you're right of course that that's only part of Confucianism (and sometimes a very minor one historically, though big right now). Seems like there are interesting debates out there- the Analects' key virtue 恕 is sometimes translated as 'empathy', but the preferred definition is 'reciprocity' and it doesn't necessarily imply a transfer of feelings although it is certainly about putting yourself in the place of others. Confucius summarizes it as 'do not do to others what you would not have them do to you'.

>> No.7122134

I mean they are a burden if you're continuing your education or forwarding your career. They might not be, but it is certainly harder to enjoy raising children when you have to study or work all day.

>> No.7122136

good job getting started then, I appreciate your initiated (and completed) effort. you really did achieve to the limits of your ability with this one

>> No.7122145

You can fuck right off cunt. I don't know where you heard that rubbish but it's just straight up not true. In fact by any measure we're one of the most educated places in the world.

>> No.7122147

Christian morality doesn't resemble the modern social equality justice whatever morality either.

>> No.7122151

> we're one of the most educated places in the world


>Almost half of Australia is functionally illiterate


>> No.7122199

Half of most countries are functionality illiterate.

>> No.7122202

I said we're educated not smart. 85% of us have completed high school and 45% an undergraduate degree. Which put's us above the average for nations in the west.

>> No.7122213

If you want an explanation for the high functional illiteracy rate you only have to look up it's meaning and realise that 25% of aus are first generation immigrants and a further 25% are second generation immigrants. So take those two together as well as the 15% of people who didn't finish school and there's your 50% of people who can't read english in every day lfie.

>> No.7122302

good. I'm a biochemist who tried taking some humanities electives and they are complete farces. All they do is promote cultural relativism and pander to a low intelligence under the guise of being freed from ones socialization.

>I had a class where they laughed at sciences approach to learning

>> No.7122347

What's wrong with cultural relativism? Do you think all cultures are the same or something?

>> No.7123050

>They should get a better fucking job, a better education, or off themselves if they don't think they can endure the monotony of a less-than-flashy lifestyle
I'm not sure that advice is as easily followed as you make it out to be anon. It's not particularly sympathetic either

>> No.7124709

Methinks you don't understand the meanings of those words.

>> No.7124736

>not letting the invisible hand do it for you

>> No.7124753

It's quite easy to follow, if you have the will to do so. And there is a difference between sympathy and coddling and it is coddling that is happening now.

>> No.7124754

We can all agree that this is a very very bad thing right?

>> No.7124787

This is literally post-irony at its finest

>> No.7124806

Honestly, I don't know how they expect to run a civil society without teaching subjects such as law or economics. We may laugh at the humanities, but it is true that a lot of them turn out to be necessary.

Imagine if John Nash were born in Japan in this era. The world would lose one of its greatest minds, for the sake of a university budget.

Of course one might question the need for study of law in a country with a 99% conviction rate. One might question the necessity of lawyers. Just assume guilt in every case!

>> No.7124818

>stem lack critical reasoning

O I am laffin

Lol go write another waffly essay about opinionated nonsense like cultural appropriation

>> No.7124831

>Do you know what Quantitative Econ majors do? They make trading algorithms

No one with merely an undergraduate degree writes trading algorithms for a bank without 5+ years experience working for that bank.

>> No.7124846


>> No.7124863

they aren't actually making "cuts"
they are saying that there will be less funding for these types of courses, and really what they mean to do is get the lower-tier national unis to stop with their bullshit "cultural" courses
they are being really stupid about the way this is being reported/sold but the reasons behind it are sound

>> No.7124879

So we just ignore people and then they'll all get that motivation that you managed to gift yourself because you were sensible enough?

>> No.7124880

>John Nash
he was stem masterrace...

>> No.7124899

Truth, Japan is the perfect culture for capitalism to thrive: an absolute devotion to work and the hierarchy. Who's surprised that this slavish devotion to production is resulting in such blatant anti-intellectualism?

>> No.7124916

>Imagine if John Nash were born in Japan in this era. The world would lose one of its greatest minds
Nash was a mathematician. His equilibrium point (now known as Nash equilibrium) for games was a purely mathematical paper based mostly on topological concepts (Brouwer fixed point theorem).
The latter applications for economy and other fields of game theory (therefore of the Nash equilibrium since it's the only kind of equilibrium with existence in every possible game) were things that Nash was unaware and didn't even care.

>> No.7124924

The only people who believe in this shit are capitalism's impoverished devotees. The actually wealthy don't give a shit about "muh Austrian models", they care about staffing their company with programmers and engineers and curbing all other non-productive public subsidies.

Go read another self-help book.

>> No.7124932

You know that they teach them all how to market themselves towards the bullshittiest positions in monolithic corporations, right?

The problem is not that they have no skills, it's that they're silver tongued devils who take care of their own.

>> No.7124938

>Art couldn't exist without technology

Art existed since cavemen drew on cave walls nigger. No need for extensive technology.

Technê is death, Poiesis is where its at

>> No.7124947

what did he draw with if not technology?

>> No.7124957

Define technology.

>> No.7124960

Who said anything about ignoring people?

>> No.7124965

Universities are trashy hedonist playgrounds and humanities are infected the worst. I don't really see a non government solution to refining them

>> No.7124999

>thinking you need a degree to make art
You're the problem here.

>> No.7125068

Very good, man. Unfortunately the capitalism create these types of people because the monetary system needs of humans who don't think and only know how to build projects. This way, the companies can freely utilize the society without a critical view.

>> No.7125084

Non-aesthetic elements of culture.

Now industrial technology is a different beast. A dangerous subset.

>> No.7125104

Technology starts with tool use tbh.

>> No.7125137

I'm pretty sure most drug dealer make more than 2$ a year unless they're killed after making their first 2 dollars.

You realize academic sjwism is mainly an American thing right ? There's no reason humanities courses in Japan should be a carbon copy of what you saw at Berkeley or whatever.

Can't speak for others Euro countries, but in France you pick your field (law, maths, econ, psycho, physics, etc.) at your first year of uni. You can take optional courses, and even change field at some point, but the idea is you're supposed to study mostly one field (though a big one, like law which has many subfields). Some people change field every year, for instance, but that means they get stuck at L1 (first year of license) level forever.

>Aren't many of these bureaucrat/civil service jobs?

Lots of them, yes, but given the weight of the state in France there are many civil services jobs that are actually useful, and that's particularly the case with the ones that require a uni degree. Being a member of the State Council is no small-service job, and the peopl who get it typically went through selective liberal arts courses.

Also uni professors and teachers and researchers are typically civil servants in France, and there are various institutions that are state-mandated and hire engineer (well, the Army, but also the Corps des Mines and such).

I've talked with people from Macedonia, Italy and Spain, and the general trend seems to be rather similar.
>independant art school
>in Europe

there's your problem. The good schools in Europe are still state-shilled.

My country has just as many psych major as the UK, but tuition fees are drastically lower. Your money goes to feeding the private universitarian Ponzi scheme, not to supporting other people's studies.

It's fun that of all the "inbred, far from reality" theorist you could have dismissed, you chose Marx, a guy so influent he once was a tutelar figure of a superpowerful country. But at that level of influence you're relevant and "part of reality", wether you're right or not. And his analysis of capitalism was groundbreaking. Have you even read the guy or are you so stuck up in internet debates that you use "Marx" as a shorthand for "those faggots at /leftypol" ? For some reason I have a feeling it's not the former.

>> No.7125139

Jewfag here. We actually like you goyims, you're funny and make good slaves. Think of a particularly smart monkey, that's how you look to us. So there's no reason we'd want to genocide you. If we wanted that we'd have Israel trigger a nuclear world war.

>> No.7125221

On the other hand Elizabeth never had kids. And feminist courses in uni are, what, 30 or 40 years old ? The demographic change in the West is older than that. And it also affects Japan, which is still one of the less feminist countries in the world.

Also you seem to be assuming nearly all educated go to humanities, whereas a significant portion of them goes to biology, medecine and health sciences, law or psychology (when you do behaviorial psychology you're not really doing gender studies).

That sure is important, but as another anon said: "over-the-counter contraception". We tend to overestimate past generations' willingness of having kids. A lot of them had kids because they couldn't escape it.

Worth noting the bulk of his mathematical work (what got him recognition from the mathematical community and what took most of his career) has little to do with what got him the Nobel (and conversely the works that got him the Nobel are overshadowed by his latter works in the mathematical community's eyes).

>> No.7125324

why would an actual jew write this?

>> No.7125341

Who does the illuminati arrogantly hide in plain sight? Because they can.

>> No.7125442

Is that Mishima?

>> No.7125463


Woke you up to the fact that you weren't cut out for economics, I'm sure.

Don't worry. You don't have to understand the free market to benefit from it.

>> No.7125465

I wonder what are the bourgeoisie children are going to do now that they can't go to college for an easy degree while learning how to hate white men.

>> No.7125473

>You realize academic sjwism is mainly an American thing right ?

It's pretty bad in Canada, Brazil, England, France, Sweden, and other countries. Liberal ideology propagates in academia because liberal intellectual inevitably end up in academic positions. They're not trained or skilled enough to do any real work.

>> No.7125474

OP thinks the humanities and social sciences are intellectual.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You're funny, OP.

>> No.7125487
File: 146 KB, 554x467, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw studying to be an engineer
>tfw value the beauty and literature more than I do money and technology

I comfort myself with the idea of money none the less

>> No.7125496

Technology is evil.

>> No.7125515

>limiting yourself to cave walls
Fucking retarded faggot

>> No.7125528

You can be an engineer and still live an interesting life. Or you can live a really, really boring life.

>> No.7125624

>You don't have to understand the free market to benefit from it.
this is why i'm a communist, holy shit.

>> No.7125720


That's nice dear.

>> No.7125753

It's the type of intellectual that is always targeted in oppressive regimes. The STEMs are just hired, and maybe even given greater funding than they normally would receive.

>> No.7125828
File: 1.61 MB, 1491x2048, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7126367

/s4s/ was really meta for a while after it was made, everyone was in character and just shitposting for hours. You couldn't actually get a serious response from anyone.

>> No.7126590

You were placing the onus very squarely on their shoulders from what I could tell anon. If drastic self betterment is within all of our reach then shouldn't people simply be able to get on with it themselves?

>> No.7127536


>Implying the Jews in America would survive it.
>Implying the Jews would let their American dollars become worthless.

This smugness inevitably leads to downfall. God has BTFO out of Judaism several times, He may do so again.

The Jews are "chosen" to be part of the compact, but that doesn't mean God has other compacts.

>> No.7127588

>that fucking envy

Nignog, those people rise to the top of almost all organizations because those people tend to be smarter than others. Stay sour.