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9290852 No.9290852 [Reply] [Original]

I'm graduating later this year (Philosophy major) and am really interested in following the academic path and get a Masters/phD. I spent my early 20s wageslaving and got into college too late.
Is 28 too late for this? Most people my age already have phDs

>> No.9290861

No, its not to late. Now leave this shithole and do something about it.

>> No.9290977

You think that is late? I'm 28 and have only gone to high school.

>> No.9291248

at least you didnt drop out in 10th grade. I dont even have a GED.

>> No.9291253

How the fuck did you manage to do that?

>> No.9291280
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to be a serious one, probably. however

>Leaving Stanford in his second year, [Sam Harris] went to India, where he studied meditation with Buddhist and Hindu religious teachers, including Dilgo Khyentse. Eleven years later, in 1997 [at 30 years old], he returned to Stanford, completing a B.A. degree in philosophy in 2000.

it's never too late to be a meme intellectual

>> No.9291298


Not him but me too, just stop going to class they will take you off the rolls eventually.

>> No.9291310

sam harris is not a meme

>> No.9291316

Na, of course not

assuming you actually have what it takes and remain in good health you could land a PhD by 35 and carry on to a 50-year career with it

There's a post-doc in my department who retired from the navy, got his PhD at 60 and works as a researcher and visiting lecturer. Don't sweat it

>> No.9291360

Your age doesn't really matter. Forget about it and stop treating life as a race to the end. Do whatever makes you happy.

It sounds like a cringy feelgood leddit advice, but it's key to being happy and fulfilled.

>> No.9291379


>went to India, where he studied meditation with Buddhist and Hindu religious teachers, including Dilgo Khyentse

Why do white people do this? Is he aware that he's a living meme?

>> No.9291386


You faggots think that's bad? I can't even fucking read, let alone write.

>> No.9291391
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>Most people my age already have PhDs

What country you from?

Avg Age PhD attainment US:

All fields: 32.2
Life sciences: 31.3
Physical sciences: 30.2
Social sciences: 32.4
Engineering: 30.5
Education: 40.5
Humanities: 34.5
Other non-S&E fields: 36.1

It's certainly not too late. I would say that if you were 40, too. Though maybe not 50.

>> No.9291414


I thought he was a neuroscience guy?

>> No.9291422

i kind of want to be an academic but i dont want to be a parasite, or attent faculty meetings/deal with administrative bullshit

i just want someone to support my studies while i indoctrinate children on the side.

>> No.9291425

>got into college too late

how old when you started?

>> No.9291427

>It's certainly not too late. I would say that if you were 40, too. Though maybe not 50.
but doesn't your brain start slowing down dramatically at 25? let alone 40 or 50. how can you possibly compete with young men who still have a shit ton of energy, still capable of learning new things with ease, have their whole lives ahead of them and nothing to lose?

>> No.9291433

That's a terrible excuse to not do anything.

You die, why do anything basically

>> No.9291435

he didnt get his neuroscience degree till 2009 or something, in order to give his book the moral landscape some legitimacy

>> No.9291457


Fluid intelligence (which is what is mostly used in mathematics and engineering) peaks at 25. Crystallized intelligence (which is what is mostly used in humanities) doesn't really peak at any set point, but can increase throughout your lifetime, unless of course you get retarded when you get old, but most people don't.

Also explains the numbers posted earlier.

>> No.9291470


>> No.9291471

>get retarded when you get old
you mean like literally brain damaged?

>> No.9291484

>"white people"

1. he's jewish
2. your inferiority complex is showing
3. meditation is dope you should try it. might help you get at some of that underlying ressentiment

>> No.9291501

Have you found it worthwhile? I'm turning 24 and thinking of going.

>> No.9291509

>White people

Rich people***

>> No.9291559

>he's jewish
didn't know that but I should have guessed

>> No.9291601

What a stupid question.

>> No.9291615

how's it stupid?

>> No.9291647

>sam harris is not a meme
he's THE meme intellectual

>> No.9291782

>not the stereotype of the zeitgeist

Apart from the islam hate, he's not that controversial.

>> No.9291800

>it's never too late to be a meme intellectual
Being a meme intellectual would be the life, tbqh.

>> No.9291876

No, it's extremely common for people who graduate college at 21 or 22 to work for a while before grad school. Many don't realize what they want to study until they encounter it outside of academia.

To be a successful academic, you need to start with a well-connected and influential advisor while in grad school, and pick a topic of study that's of interest beyond a tiny group of autists in libraries. Appealing to a sufficiently large band of library autists is fine so long as they cite you in their own papers.

>> No.9291932

I don't know. I've been in university since I was twenty 22 and I'm almost your age. Actually, I've been here since I was 19-20 (but that was art school). University is a bitch. I study STEM, sometimes I learn valuable information and skills, but more so, I feel like I have to learn everything, which just isn't possible or practical (not for me anyway). I'm miserable except when I free time to read or work on art. Sometimes, I feel I'd be happier as living a simpler life as a wagecuck. It's disappointing it's taken so much time, so much energy, so much money and I have nothing to show for it but their credits.

>> No.9292139

More importantly, even assuming you are on the bright side of the 50% incomplete rate of your doctoral program, you have a ludicrously small chance of actually ever having a FT position from it. By the time you graduate, there will be so few philosophy tenure-track positions that every one you apply to will put you up against several hundred more impressive applicants. You have a better chance of being hit by a blimp and landing on a winning lottery ticket. So, keep that in mind: getting a doctorate in philosophy is not a fucking career plan. I made that mistake myself with literature.

>> No.9292143

its too old to be posting on 4chin, thats for damn sure.

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9292162

honestly tho nigga he seems like he's achieved peace of mind that few people have

>> No.9292217

Happiness is a meme, there are more important things

>> No.9292285

i used to say the same thing
you'll see, in 2035 when you're 28 you will still be here too...

>> No.9292318

There are none. Le virtue ethics is just one massive rationalization for impotent beta cucks.

>> No.9292335

you're right, i'm going to shitpost exclusively on facebook now

>> No.9292894

No. I have a friend who got her Ph.D. in her 40s. She's been involved in postdoc research for 10 or so years now.

>> No.9292901
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Dude...I don't know if you realized this but...


>> No.9292922

Seems too early tbqh

>> No.9293774

There's a 1% chance you have an IQ above 110

>> No.9293909

I dont care about IQ, this isnt /sci/. You dont need to be smart to be creative, just intelligent.

>> No.9293936

What do you do now senpai?

>> No.9293943

Yeah nigga just convert to islam in the jail and be it!

>> No.9293948

Therein lies the secret.

>> No.9293954

You will never be great but you might be able to make a living. Hume had already completed the first of his masterpieces by 26 (and that was late compared to others)

>> No.9294191


>> No.9294404

>You have a better chance of being hit by a blimp and landing on a winning lottery ticket
+1 for accuracy
+5 for comedy phrasing

>> No.9294411

>I have a friend who got her Ph.D. in her 40s. She's been involved in postdoc research for 10 or so years now
Damn. How does she make money? Is she married to someone with a decently-paid job?