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/lit/ - Literature

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23375561 No.23375561 [Reply] [Original]

digitized ed.


>> No.23375587

I am changing my life. the old me is DEAD.

>> No.23375588


>> No.23375603

rest in piss, I'm glad that nigga died.

>> No.23375610

what does it feel like to be loved?

>> No.23375611
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Walked down to the dojo determined to give the young karatekas a free lesson. Needed to caffeinate before the demonstration. My head was starting to ache. I should cut back, no more than four cups a day. Kicked open the coffee shop door. Cartwheeled to the register and grabbed the barista by her septum ring.
‘The usual?’ she said.
I gave her a light slap and a kiss to the affirmative and she got to work double time on my americano. Sat pondering my coming duel while the machine hissed and steamed.
‘Americano!’ she stepped back to pass as I ran a slant route toward the door and caught the cup over my right shoulder at a full sprint.
Shot-gunned the coffee and checked the action on my Berretta. Watched Sifu Zhe roundhouse kicking eight-year-olds across the mats through the glass window. Damn, he’s good. His GT3 sat gleaming near the curb. Did a hood-slide before diving Max Payne through the glass while unloading a magazine in his direction. 15+1 rounds in the A-zone and Zhe slumped gurgling over yellow-belt.
‘Class dismissed.’

>> No.23375623

I'm no longer gay.

>> No.23375624


>> No.23375631
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>> No.23375632

based. God bless.

>> No.23375633

Let me show you, anon <3

>> No.23375681

My mom is such a selfish cunt that she scheduled both my brothers' funeral for mother's day. Made the whole thing about herself.

>> No.23375710

>normal men drink to talk to girls
>I drink to make reply on 4chan

>> No.23375716

do you really just drink and only reply on 4chan?

>> No.23375718

Chads drink and make replies to girls on 4chan

>> No.23375720

everyone does haha that's the joke haha

>> No.23375726

>on 4chan

>> No.23375731 [DELETED] 

People are prejudiced against terrorists. I was watching Trouble in Terrorist Town videos, and people assume the traitors are terrorists and the innocents are counterterrorists when it's the other way around.

>> No.23375733

I actually enjoy discussing politics.
It is literally the only social activity I enjoy doing.

>> No.23375736

>he doesn't know

>> No.23375743

Trans girls are girls too, you bigot.

>> No.23375746

Orc women are very sexy.
They're men who have voluntarily allowed themselves to be gelded.

>> No.23375750

>They're men
That's insulting to our sex.
Men don't allow themselves to be fucked in the ass.

>> No.23375763

heh this is going on /r/accidentalAlly, fuck you chud!

>> No.23375785

Tops are men, bottoms are whatever, but not men.

>> No.23375789

the majority of /lit/ is "girls"
I know this because the slightest criticism directed at them or their analogues (minorities, criminals, cripples, the mentally deranged etc.) immediately kills the discussion
just like in reality

>> No.23375792

Once I go back home for the summer I'll have nothing to do. Sure I can hang out with my friends on occasion, but that's really it. I'll be spending 85% of my time studying O-chem or doing something like reading/playing games.
Any clue on what I could do? I thought about hiking a lot, but it'll be 110+ degrees outside by June or July. Forgive me for blogposting oh Anon

>> No.23375793

Get a job

>> No.23375795

>Men don't allow themselves to be fucked in the ass.
Anal is gross, when it comes to man/man sex it's mutual handjobs for me

>> No.23375800

Imagine everyone had a personal theme song that only played in their most intense moments, and someone had the italian pizza song as their theme track, but it never plays when they are making a pizza, because it really isn't that intense of a moment, even if most fitting. That's my penis relation with sex.

>> No.23375860

I joined a few discord groups about stuff I like (Star Wars, reading, writing) to make some friends as my social life has been pretty much nonexistent for well over a decade. Progress is slow and I constantly feel like I have nothing to say because I'm afraid of fucking up even there. I already had to leave one group because several people laughed at a faux-paus I made.

>> No.23375878

its the ingredients' fault

>> No.23375889

I drink and play vidya. Fighting games especially.

>> No.23375893

>I joined a few discord groups about stuff I like (Star Wars, reading, writing) to make some friends as my social life
Online friends are not real friends. Try IRL book clubs or something along those lines

>> No.23375902
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its only may and im already tired of the wildfire smoke

>> No.23375959
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>meet new girl
>hit off pretty well with first impression
>we meet up again another day
>its just the two of us
>she ends up yapping most of the time
>i try to say something
>she either cuts me off to say her stuff or gets distracted when I'm mid sentence
>go back home
>she sends me a message "I had a good time today talking to you :)"
No shit, YOU did all the talking.

>> No.23376047

Is she attractive?

>> No.23376052

Yeah she's cute. But I can't keep doing this.

>> No.23376066

Forget the standards and fuck her for an ego boost. You have to make the most of the situation, it's either pump and dump or just disappointment.

>> No.23376072

There will come a day when all will be happy and at peace and free. When all pain will fade away. We will not achieve it today, and maybe not in a century. But one day we will.

>> No.23376088

Such an outcome is unnatural and will not result in happiness.
Organisms without trials will stagnate.

>> No.23376098
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Farmers markets suck now. I went today because i wanted to get vegetables and mushrooms and instead it's all $10 bars of soap and $15 jars of jam

>> No.23376150

Thank you anon, you are very sweet and doubly as handsome. Your future spouse would be lucky to have you :)

>> No.23376161

If you are a defective man who just wants a mommy: good in a bad way you don't notice, until mommy leaves, then very bad in a way you do notice

If you are a real man who understands what women are, and that not only are they incapable of true love but also that mommyish love is not appropriate in adulthood anyway: bad and annoying, as you realize what they're really doing when they cling devotedly to your chest or hang off your every word is clinging devotedly to themselves and worshiping themselves, they are the per se object of their own love and you are merely the mediate object (you provide them with proof that they are as loved as they feel they deserve to be)

There is nothing spiritually nourishing in being a woman's teddy bear so she can feel less alone. A woman's romantic nature is like her physical sexual nature, a receptacle or hole waiting to be filled. For woman herself-as-void is the primary reality, and she projects "something-that-fills-me" as the entity she needs. You are a contingent instance of an abstract principle, any teddy bear would do. There is no real love in that, no real encounter with the other. Women fall in love with convicts, rapists, bums, and conquerors who just killed their entire families. Even a dog's love is greater than that.

>> No.23376183

>women are incapable of love meme
work on yourself and/or go gay you huge faggot retard. Sorry your mom did whatever she did to stunt your growth so much but it's time to grow up and get over it

>> No.23376185

Yah, I'm under evacuation notice right now. I think tomorrow will be interesting if the wind swings.

>> No.23376188

Thinhd I have to do:
- figure out whether to apply for jobs in london or at home ( consider visa situation as well)
- perhaps get job instate to sore out money situation for these fee months (and still try for london jobs in meanwhile)
- get adp reviews on my portfolio from 2 folx min
- figure out newer places to send my poetry (received a encouraging rejection letter from editor so surely some place would brn okay with it)
- work on story competition submissions for this year ( deeyodar n cummin's swelt)
- reach out to old friends in hometown and from old job and and uni and school just to sort our my loneliness
- sus, untrue: listen to those new metal albums shared by albie
- sus 2, not true: respond to rich's request for application feedback

>> No.23376209

Oh also:
- do one or two AI related courses and make them into LinkedIn content possibly

>> No.23376230

fully medicated and humid
staring through thick air at a blood orange
fridge cold strawberries too far to reach
inertia seems possible and I have no complaints

>> No.23376251

Alzo also
- check out the ux in games stuff just for my better understanding
- continue language classes just so i have a thing to do everyday
- take new bus route to the mall for the first time
- perhaps consider working at local coffee shops instead of being stuck at home and getting depressed and lonely

>> No.23376299

I don't talk to my discord friends unless I'm drunk

>> No.23376308

Don't do this. Sex can make babies. I can't believe everyone forgets this.

>> No.23376447

Also also 2:
- do the mal-tam 10 translation sentences w different contexts, colloquialisms, tenses, and addressees (levels of respect) on subreddoot

>> No.23376467

nta but he's right I'm afraid. the older I get the older I understand. you end up okay with all of that. some women do love truly, but the majority of them just love themselves by proxy. every woman I've connected with or came to know on a deep, personal level was fucked up in some way or another, on the subject of romance. I work in a feminine field. I've had multiple married women tell me straight that they don't really love their husband. "why did you marry that guy, then?" I asked, and they would all answer something along the lines of "he loves me, he dropped everything and moved for me, he really likes me, he takes care of me"...

it gets sickening sometimes for reasons I wont mention there. it's alright though. that's just how these things work. but don't expect to truly grow from the illusion of partnership. they view us as assets, stuff they can show off, stuff they can use to reach the overarching goal of fucking themselves. that's it

>> No.23376468

There is not one redeemable quality about me. Only flaws. I know that self depreciation is a sign of covert narcissism, but I'm not trying to come through like that. I'm conducting a neutral observation of myself in the perception of others. There isn't a single strong characteristic about me (physically, emotionally, social) that one could base their attraction on. Everything about me falls short, I have potential, but no will to actually improve. Basically, I'm one of those people that gets looked at as "wow, they seem ____. but, not enough for me to care". Another reason to this hard-locked perception is my confidence. The way I hold myself, view myself, and conduct myself is soaked in self-consciousness and low self esteem. People naturally mirror this feeling and therefore, view me low. I can change this, but it's hard. I fall short in every way.

>> No.23376502

make her read & recite shakespeare
or make her learn latin

>> No.23376563

the women who are capable of loving are those who have been yearning for it/deprived of it in some capacity (but not completely, because that's how you end up with bpd). the gentlest and most loving woman i've ever known was the most emotionally wounded one. she was so fragile, and yet she caressed things with the utmost reverence. they probably only make 0.1% of the world's population at best. but there are truly kind-hearted women out there, and they're worth the effort.

>> No.23376593

Most people these days, men and women, are helplessly worshipping themselves at all times and are therefore incapable of loving. It goes beyond genders. It's just more difficult to pierce that veil for women than it is for men, and naturally so. They have lesser incentives to do so. They also don't get as internally shattered during their upbringing as we do. It's not fancy.
I found true brotherly love in the countryside of the third world, away from the doomscrollers. It sounds like a terrible cliché, but that is the truth. Never seen such radiant smiles in my entire life, despite their lack of dental hygiene.

>> No.23376674

>debates always happen between two parties - one defending the status quo, and another challenging it
>the one defending the status quo is not only free to say everything he believes to be true, but can also resort to making the other party forcibly back down by steering the course of the debate in such a direction where the challenger cannot say all that he believes in for fear of leaving the overton window, exactly because his position rests outside the preestablished status quo
>therefore, debates are fundamentally pointless, prove or disprove nothing, and are for show

>> No.23376681

Opening premise doesn't stand to any scrutiny

>> No.23376686

Debates are meant to be a form of dialectic. If you engage in stupid sophist shit instead that doesn't detract from the purpose or utility of debate.
You're free to call me a raging faggot instead of responding to the points I raise, for example, but that doesn't mean you win the argument or succeed in changing my viewpoint. Onlookers may also decide that the use of the word faggot is unacceptable and bigoted and call for both of us to be cancelled but that doesn't detract from the discussion at hand either.

>> No.23376691

I must learn how to maintain these lucid states. I feel so alive and capable at the moment. Clarity eludes me far too often.

>> No.23376692

And all this is besides the issue of perception, truth and language always being contextual rather than objective. Whose language is being spoken through our words, whose truth are we trying to prove or disprove, and how are we to navigate the hall of mirrors that is perception?

>> No.23376699
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I'm five weeks sober after a two-year booze cruise because my friends asked me to stop. I just want to drink.

>> No.23376708

Just saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The first time I 'saw' it, it was with my girlfriend of the time. We had sex instead of watching it in full.

Funny mistake. Fucking hell that hurt. I'm so sad and so happy and I feel like I've wasted my life away. Fucking shit movie fuck balls

>> No.23376736

Would you bat an eye if a man said he didn't really love his wife? It's a sad fact that many people marry just because they feel they should, or they don't want to be alone, or something along those lines. And if you're the kind of guy who thinks that women are only using you as an "asset," you're probably not very capable of love either.

>> No.23376746

I'm a mix of Japanese, American, Celtic, Roman, Byzantine, Babylonian, and Hagarene.

>> No.23376753

This but anons also don’t realize there is a different kind of love than the puppy love fiery passion or lust. Every relationship has its honeymoon phase but the serious ones turn into something more subdued and like a partnership. I bet a lot of anons here transpose their ideals onto a girl they like and then are disappointed when she turns out to be…a person just like everyone else. Too many anons have their head in the clouds me thinks. It seems there is a violent juxtaposition going on to: the Madonna whore complex. There is their ideal sweet pure virgin they daydream about but they become fixated on all the so called whore behavior of women. They become confused and bitter. It doesn’t help that many anons are narcissistic or have fragile egos, the chance of rejection or, *gulp*, being with a girl who isn’t a virgin, or, *gulp*, even being cheated on, such a thing would break them

>> No.23376761
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>> No.23376766

there's some younger artists/musicians that are so talented yet simultaneously so psy-op'd by leftism that it truly concerns me about the nature of the problem. it's no small feat to get good at music and truthfully assess all your work so you'd think they transfer that to other aspects of their lives. I just want to know the psychology of a cross-dresser. Do they know its a psy-op and do it nonetheless for the power/clout ? The guy I know in my local scene who is the most concerned with clout is also a cross-dresser.

>> No.23376786

Good points, anon.
The only real value that should make for essential criteria is ''does she love goodness itself?'', or in the other terms, ''how kind is she?''. After that it just becomes a question of how that manifests itself through her, and if those manifestations are compatible with you. I insist on this point because it's the most concrete attribute I can think of. Everything else is malleable to different degrees. You just have to be forgiving, towards yourself and towards all that surrounds you.

>> No.23376815

NTA but I agree.
It's easy to be lulled into being "in love" with a girl during the honeymoon phase. Then that ends and you're stuck with someone you're not even sure you actually like. I began to think I wasn't capable of loving someone over a long period of time. And not because I'd get shocked when I learned they weren't a virgin or whatever, it's more like when the honeymoon phase was over I realized I didn't care or find them interesting.
I began to think I was better off alone and just hook up when convenient. Then I met a girl, it sounds gay and unrealistic, but it was different with her. We had an actual connection, I wanted to talk with her more than I wanted to sleep with her, I wanted to understand her thoughts. But she was a foreigner and had to go home eventually, we were young and there was just no path for us to be together at the time. We separated, I dated again and got in a relationship for 4 years, but the entire time I really just thought of the previous girl, every day. We'd contact every few months but then we went no contact for 2 years.
I stayed in that relationship cause I didn't know what else to do, but I hated it. Eventually the talk of marriage and family came up and it would make me sick, I knew I had to end it and I did. But I never stopped thinking about the previous girl, so I actually emailed her earlier this year, we reconnected and she just happened to be in the US for a vacation so I went to visit her. It was exactly like how it was before, she went back to her home but we're talking again. At this point in my life, having been able to start a career and have stability, I really just want to do anything to be with her because I know what it was like with her after our honeymoon phase ended and I know that she's the only one I've been able to continually want to be with after that phase.

>> No.23376826

Nigga just lived through 2/3 of Linklater's Before Trilogy. I dearly hope you fare with a better, happier ending than Before Midnight had.

>> No.23376828

princeton university press 50% off sale is on if u into that

>> No.23376848

Lmao, well thankfully I don't have a kid to get in the way
Although I don't think Midnight is necessarily a bad ending, I think they end up okay. They become the couple fighting on the train in the first movie that they laugh about, and I think there's some line Celine says about how her parents have huge fights but always end up laughing at the end, which is what happens to them

>> No.23376907
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Being a millennial is a mental disorder. Cis, trans, black, white, Christian, atheist, it don't matter. All this culture war shit came from millennials. I don't trust millennials. They're the ones shitting up the internet, calling everything problematic or degenerate, whining about Gen Z, scapegoating boomers. Hey, millennials! You will never own a home. You will never retire. You will never get married. You will never have kids. And we will be happy when you inevitably bite it by your own hand.

>> No.23376912

Sometimes I think criteria is useless. I’ve found that there are just some girls I click with. It’s almost something intangible

>> No.23376930

I'd be sad for her. I'm very capable of love, thank you. I never had to lie my way in a relationship and being in a loveless relationship will (and did, before) drive me mad. I understand your point but given the proportion of women initiating divorces I can stand by mine.

I do realize there are different kinds of love. You haven't realized yet that there are normal people browsing 4chan sometimes.

I don't think people should marry for fun. Tell me what happens the day you realize you don't care about your 'kind wife' and meet your real soulmate?

>> No.23376947

>NTA but,
i know 4chan is literally just reddit these days but this stupid normalnigger phrase will never not annoy me every time i read it here

>> No.23376965

Where do you buy your sushi?

>> No.23376978

You do realize that most people here use NTA as "not that anon" to avoid accidental impersonation and not the reddit use of "not the asshole"

>> No.23377067

hahahaha faggot

>> No.23377081

i want to write a poem for my mom for mother's day but i don't know how to write no good.

>> No.23377145

>I’m actually that anon
Who devilish here?

>> No.23377147

you GOTTA go back

>> No.23377172

Internet, economy, literature, film, video games, and etc. are significantly declining, but anime is undeniably becoming better. Some anime reaches art-house levels, including a few presently airing ones like Yatagarasu: The Raven does not Choose its Master and Tonari no Youkai-san.
Only manbabies like older anime such Oy Oy GayHaksho, ImaBitchsha, and Fag Note due to being insufferable airheaded nostalgiafags. Most older, especially 80s-90s anime, were complete garbage.
Anime just started gradually getting better after Mushishi, but garbage soulless normies, including most of you uninspired faggots here, prefer trash such as Attack on Goytan, FuckerxFucker, One Shit, CretinGelian, and other goyslop.
Oh, and tabletop games are getting better too. Less autistic and more soulful. Greasy sweaty nerds may whine and complain, but I have nothing to say to you but jump off a cliff.

>> No.23377173

People in /sci/ are trying to talk about plato

>> No.23377175

Tell them to stop.

>> No.23377184

Trust me when I say this to you. I'll always be there for you. I'll always be true to you. But you keep playing in my

>> No.23377247

She was blonde and taller than me and divinely cute. We were from similar families, five siblings in heavily church- and track and field-involved families from the Midwest. If I ever married a girl I would have wanted it to be her.
But now it's too late. I'm at that awkward stage where crows' feet and concerns over quarterly reports replace youthful energy and the winsome mysterious magnetism young driven men possess. And she, she's living 1400 miles away, and I haven't spoken to her in too long, and all there is left to do is watch her finally find someone and settle into a picture-perfect marriage with 2.5 children and a Golden Retriever through the tiny window of social media.

>> No.23377287

An extremely pretty extroverted girl at my work is into me and I think I can turn off my autism in time to make it work. Life is getting good lads

>> No.23377291

I made a post, and it didn't get posted. What the hell moot?

>> No.23377304

When I was a little boy, about five, there was a thunderstorm that passed right over my house. I remember the thunderclaps. They were so loud it made me shiver like a dog. The flashes made spirals in my eyes. My vision started bleeding through reality and I gazed into new dimensions. But now there’s no thunder or rain. Only this choking smoke from dry fire.

>> No.23377321

how is it a reddit phrase when reddit isn't even anonymous

>> No.23377342

god is good

>> No.23377381
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An old journal entry.

I woke up at 0530 to the sound of my alarm after a deep sleep with vivid dreams. I’ve had two dreams now of C--. Abstaining from weed for the past two weeks has made my sleep much more restful. I was drooling, and when I went to the bathroom to clean my mouth-guard I noticed that a deep line from my pillow was engraved down the left side of my face, running across my eye like a dueling scar. I filled my mouth-guard container with hot water and dropped in a dissolvable denture cleaning tablet with the mouthguard. I doubt it does a great job of cleaning it, but I don’t really give a fuck. Brushed teeth, put lotion on dry face and arms. My eyes remain chronically bloodshot. I think I ruined them with over-the-counter red-eye-relief drops. They’ve been red for over a year now. The doctor diagnosed me with ocular rosacea; it’s uncurable. The best I can do is heat up a bean-bag for thirty seconds in the microwave and plop it on my eyes for a few minutes to get some juices flowing; it doesn’t help much. It’s hard to make eye-contact when you can see people looking at your eyes.
I didn’t feel like making coffee so I drank pre-workout. at 0630 there is still a line running down my face from my pillow. Why is this taking so long to go away? Maybe I should start eating food with more collagen.
Black boots, black jeans, grey shirt, black hoodie. Work-phone, ID-card, transparent backpack containing: laptop, laptop power-cord, cellphone power-cord, ethernet-cord, wireless mouse, allen wrenches, fab-approved notebook, black pen, wireless earbuds.
I took the stairwell down the four floors to the parking garage. The Mexican janitor was, as usual, breaking down cardboard boxes at the dumpster. We exchanged greetings. These fucking assholes refuse to breakdown the boxes from their endless deliveries. There are signs on every floor, at every trash-shoot, that ask people to flatten out the cardboard and carry it down to the recycling dumpster, but every morning I see him with bins full of unflattened boxes, diligently preforming his menial and thankless work.
I live five minutes from the factory. My car doesn’t even have time to warm up by the time I pull into the parking garage. I crossed the bridge, grabbed a coffee, and went to the pass-down room for the morning meeting. J--, who just returned from an assignment in France, where he was working on some old tool that nobody else on the planet has his expertise on, brought donuts. He brings donuts every ‘Friday,’ I haven’t figured out why exactly yet, psychologically speaking. I didn’t eat any; I had been fasting for the past two days and somehow wasn’t hungry. Maybe abstaining from weed was suppressing my appetite. I had also been trying to see what it felt like to starve. I had been meaning to start writing a story about a factory-worker who starves himself to death, and wanted the raw experience.

>> No.23377384

yes i know what the acronym means you fat spastic

>> No.23377390

The depression is back again.

>> No.23377394

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.23377396

When I drink some of what I swallow is air which causes burps.

>> No.23377398

When you're so sad your tea starts to taste bitter.

>> No.23377401

Tea is always bitter.

>> No.23377402

Fuck off.

>> No.23377412

I don’t know what to do or where to go. I wish I never took these steps back…

>> No.23377414

Life is a balance between putting no thought and putting too much thought into your actions. Both extremes lead to ruin.

>> No.23377416

Go to bed.

>> No.23377422

It is during the act of creation and expression, despite the monumental effort, that the soul is truly at rest within oneself.

>> No.23377428

Do you have a similar style in all the languages that you write in? Or do you feel a sort of discontinuity between how you express yourself in one or the other?

>> No.23377430

I’m high right now and I just realized that every single one of you posters are real humans. Like physically human and just using a rectangular rock to communicate. But, we perceive you as just some innate form of consciousness attached to no body. When I see your posts, I just associate it with some innate life form talking being. But it just hit me now that all of you are people, with little quirks, their own lives, a familarity. It scares me how the internet has reduced interaction like this. Like any post I read on this website is actually a person, a person who is going to breathe eat and sleep tonight.

>> No.23377438

I'm going to church tomorrow morning. I hope I can attract a cute girl.

>> No.23377451

I cannot express nothingness. No ideas.

>> No.23377483

Das crazy dawg

>> No.23377485

I feel like weed is underrated in how dangerous it actually is; makes people slow and stupid

>> No.23377492


>> No.23377529

I love you to death baby, come over here.

>> No.23377540
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I'm hallucinating almost every night. I keep seeing people. The other night it was a girl staring at me next to my bed. Yesterday it was like 3 old dudes walking by the door.

>> No.23377586

This morning I saw 3 old bald men looking at me through my bedroomwindow. I was doing fine till I stopped taking my meds.Gonna change that tomorrow because not sleeping all night and waking up to that shit isnt fun

>> No.23377608

I will not drop these upcoming courses like I have been doing for the past two years. I'm going to be miserable either way but I'd rather be miserable with another 10 credits. I really have to stop quitting things when I become absolutely miserable, since it's looking like that will be just a permanent thing. No point in waiting until I 'feel better' now is there?

>> No.23377618

Accidentally did too much vyvse and stayed up all night. Never done that before and I'm not a fan. Worried I'll have difficulty going to sleep today also.

>> No.23377643

Made friends with a 39-year-old Japanese guy who likes to fish, I'm only 21, hopefully when I go to Japan in the next few years we're still talking and we can go fishing together, maybe deep sea ocean fishing on a cloudy day, we can down a couple of brewskies and have a good time.

>> No.23377657

>All this culture war shit came from millennials
Boomers started sexual liberalism.
Boomers were WAY more extreme than millennials are.
Boomers were literal pedophiles.

>> No.23377659

I don't want to be a dad but I know I would be a wicked one, I'd be the best dad around.

>> No.23377672

Religion is basically the 100,000 year long existential crisis of humanity.

>> No.23377678

It's the ultimate grift.

>> No.23377711

>Oooh, time to go job hunting.
>Can't do it.
>Can't do it.
>Can't do it.
>Oh, I can do i- It's 2 hours away by train.
>Can't do it.
>Can't do it.
Why is it always like this? Why is it so hard to find a job?

>> No.23377722

Open your own business. Be your own boss.

>> No.23377728

If only it was that easy. I'm a retard with 0 skills, what would I even do?

>> No.23377734

Learn to cook something really well and open up a stall. Do the finances right so that you can charge a fair price.

Or figure out how to do one simple thing and sell your service. For example you can become a window AC installer or a house painter or simply a lawn mower.

>> No.23377740

>Learn to cook something really well and open up a stall.
Cause that's not an oversaturated market that doesn't fail all the time.
>Or figure out how to do one simple thing and sell your service. For example you can become a window AC installer or a house painter or simply a lawn mower.
All of those things would require a car and I don't have a licence.
>Well then get one.
If it were that easy then I would already be driving.

>> No.23377741

I want to learn history. Where do I start? Interested in Bolsheviks revolution, french revolution, Napoleon, obviously ww1 and ww2, I guess books about colonial days.

>> No.23377756

Start with cave paintings.

>> No.23377774

History is hard.
You have to be careful because every narrative is biased and politicized.

>> No.23377776


Dude if you cannot figure out how to get a driving license you're toast.
Sometimes in life there are things you cannot avoid.
You have to grind your teeth and face them straight on.

>> No.23377785

board has been dogshit lately. did summer start early this year?

>> No.23377786

I can get my licence, I've already passed the test, all I have I to do is pay for it. The problem is driving.
>I don't have a car.
>Money to get a car.
>Someone to sit next to me while I get my hours up.
>Money to pay for a driving instructor.
What am I meant to do?

>> No.23377794

I don't think how I will survive in Germany. Especially in Berlin. It's such a degenerate city. Last time I was in Germany I was in the south and even there I couldn't find my people.

I tried hanging out with the Christians, but since I lost my faith, I no longer feel comfortable with them. I feel, religious people in the north of Europe are especially weird, because religion there is more personal and spiritual, and less philosophical and political. And those are the things I mostly hate about religion. The whole supernatural shit.

With the Arabs and Muslims I get along fine, especially when it comes to political issues. They are really based. But I'm neither Arab nor Muslim and I cannot relate to their culture. And every time they sneer at me eating pork, I want to slap their stupid ass faces. Ironically, I also get along well with Israelis, but probably wouldn't if they ever brought up political issues.

The normies are mostly degenerates. Techno music, climbing gyms (they call it bouldering), stoic women who are nonchalant sluts, traveling, smoking weed and listening to rap. That's my impression of them. The men all have these weird ass copy-cat haircuts that look ridiculous.

Then, there's other subcultures that are even more repulsive, like many flavours of nazis and neonazis, the old money, the careerists and such.

IDK, I think I am simultaneously too autistic and unwavering to fit in with any group of people.

>> No.23377797

Small steps. Go flip burgers until you have the money.

>> No.23377799
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>> No.23377800

Imagine holding a grudge against someone, how pathetic.

>> No.23377803

>On the bus
>Signal shitty
>Can't watch a single livestream properly, 144p, 1fps, horrid
>Ads work flawlessly, 60fps, somehow greater than 8k

>> No.23377804
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>> No.23377810

When I was in London I saw so many white british girls dating nogs. What happened?

>> No.23377812

You being too ugly.

>> No.23377818

Look out for Russian, Polish, Irish and American expats.
Best people to hang out with.

>> No.23377820

they would vastly prefer white men but they're too feminized and neurotic. jamal might slap her around sometimes but it's better than dealing with the quivering mess of mental problems that first world white guys are at this point

>> No.23377822

anon, they're doing us a huge favor. the less english women on the market the better, mate.

>> No.23377879

>American expats
>Best people to hang out with

>> No.23377885

American expats are some of the chillest people, unless they are annoying NY/SF neoliberal libshits.

>> No.23377900

Maybe when I decide to go I'll get a lil boat, go out into the ocean like half a mile or so, smoke a good amount of fent until I pass out handedly, and then my body in this state will fall over on its own and I'll drown while in my euphoric dream state. Yes.

>> No.23377921

No joke this is exactly how I've always imagined I would do it if I were too.

>> No.23377934

Fuck off. There are people with actual problems in this world.
Look, I get it that your mind if fucked, but maybe it would help to do something productive instead of lay about and wallow in pity.
Do you think your parents didn't spend countless sleepless nights to tend to your crying baby ass?
Did they do it because they enjoyed themselves?

I have depression and suicidal thoughts too, but I still get up and face the world instead do being a little bitch about it.
And since I adopted this mindset my life has improved tremendously too.

>> No.23377941

What is "degenerate" about climbing gyms and traveling?

>> No.23377945

God I wish I'd got my ex gf pregnant. It would have completely ruined my life but maybe it would have been interesting. I didn't even like her that much.

>> No.23377949

yanks are fucking weird

>> No.23377951

Sports in general is degenerate.
It's a made up struggle, a pointless competition that some people dedicate their whole life too. It's hedonistic. It's consumerist. It's banal.

>> No.23377953

I put salt on my food for the first time in two weeks and I can feel it killing me inside

>> No.23377954

I disagree, but tell me then. Which expats are the chillest according to you?

>> No.23377955

Dumb as fuck desu

>> No.23377956

>no argument

>> No.23377963

in london? everyones alright except the yanks, australians & people from yorkshire

>> No.23377966

London is different.
I think Americans in an English speaking country would behave differently and especially in the UK with your close relationship.

>> No.23377968

Arguing with you is beneath me

>> No.23377972

Just asked ChatGPT and it turns out most well known authors and philosophers of the 20th century share my views, so you can suck it.

>> No.23377978
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>My ex-girlfriend still likes all my mum's photos on Facebook, sent my mum a bunch of houses for rent when we were looking for a new place and even randomly messaged her today wishing her a happy mother's day.
I wish nothing but the best for her, she really is a great person, I'm glad she has a boyfriend whom she is happy with now.

>> No.23377989
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the funny thing is when you keep trying something sometimes it works. although other times you get book deals like City On Fire... Unfortunately the image is an insult.

>> No.23377991

I really enjoy being purposefully autistic with women, pestering them with odd-but-not-too-weird shit, skipping over the usual rigamarole. I used to send unprompted long letters to this one girl, and the thought of her being bombarbed with these child-like observations and lame jokes was the funniest thing. The best part is when you end up sharing a laugh, or best of all, have her indulge in your little game.
This may be my biggest vice. I don't know if it will ever come back around to bite my head off in the long run.

>> No.23377992

How do you do? You like me, and I like you.

>> No.23377995

If you don't like and appreciate chess you might be a pleb.


>> No.23377999

That's weird and fucked up.

>> No.23378003

Based. Hope you end up in a fulfilling relationship too, anon. It's great to be nice.

>> No.23378004

Explain yourself. My girlfriend and I are on good terms.

>> No.23378006

That's cute and wholesome

>> No.23378010

If I were her new bf I would absolutely hate that shit.

>> No.23378011

>Hope you end up in a fulfilling relationship too, anon
I appreciate your kind words but I honestly don't see why I'd get into a relationship. There's just too much shit wrong with me, it wouldn't be good for anyone.

>> No.23378012

I did it!!!!!!

>> No.23378013

lol, so she's keeping you on the back burner just in case, what a devillish woman

>> No.23378014

Insecurity is all I hear. You probably want a virgin because you're scared that if you fuck a girl who has already lost her virginity then you won't be able to please her as well as her last partner did.

>> No.23378016

Holy shit, you're such a cuck.
She has no respect for you and you have no respect for yourself either.

>> No.23378021

It's been over 6 years since we broke up and we've talked once in that time, I'm definitely not being kept on the backburner.

>> No.23378024

If being insecure is what it takes to get a virgin gf, then I want to be insecure.

>> No.23378025

you know what they say, misery loves company

>> No.23378026

Yeah, man, I'm being cucked by the girl who I haven't been with in over 6 years, good one. Glad we've got real intellectuals on this board.

>> No.23378027
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My dog was begging for food but I refused to share my sandwich with him

>> No.23378028

>6 years
It gets worst with every post.

>> No.23378030

>then I want to be insecure.
Good thing you've already got that down pat.

>> No.23378034

Everybody is fucked up, lad. That's the times. You either have the courage to accept yourself and make something good out of it, or you shrivel up and live in fear.

>> No.23378037

I don't know a single person in my social circle who hasn't married a virgin.
You're just not worthy.

>> No.23378040
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I like this painting a lot

>> No.23378042

Your social circle? You're kidding me, that social circle? Man, that's insane, I never thought I'd ever even be mentioned in the same breath as that social circle, I sure am honoured, mister.

>> No.23378051

You should buy it and hang it up in your house.

>> No.23378054

You sound like the kind of bloke that votes for Keir Starmer but thinks Corbyn is anti-semitic.

>> No.23378076

If I started to care about politics I would blow my brain out.

>> No.23378125

I've got a scheduled phone call tomorrow, I hate phone calls, why do they give me such anxiety?

>> No.23378172

Why was my euclid thread immediately deleted, elements is one of the most important books ever written

>> No.23378175

My friend at work, he immigrated from Sierra Leone in the early 2000s, he is fascinated with the biker gangs. He speaks Kono, of the Kono people, made of chiefdoms in the Eastern part of the country.

He asks if I speak any other languages and I say Spanish, as I have Mexican family and family from Mexico. Then he asks me about the Mexican cartel, he is fascinated with hitmen and assassins.

I explain, from earlier, that the reality of these "hitmen" is a very sad thing, that they are often paid very small amounts of money and hooked on junk. He thinks it is like the tv and in the movies, where they glamorize the violence and the gangs.

Men are paid as little as 100 or 20 USD to kill each time, sometimes with drugs. Coca-Cola had similarly hired people at these prices to kill labor leaders at bottling plants in South America. Many working people in poorer parts of the country survive on 300 or 400 bucks a month,

>> No.23378178

She only does it because she feels protective towards your mom, since she knows what a fuck up you are.

>> No.23378188

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

>> No.23378191

This might be the dumbest denial I've ever read.

>> No.23378222


We do road work, I work on buildings in the colder months. Just construction work in the trades. Honest work, hard work, we make about 100 USD from a full day of work, maybe 60 USD at the least. Some people I know in the trades work only three days a week, lot of them live out in the sticks. Used to make less, wages were lower in town, about federal minimum. I have met migrant workers that make 3 bucks an hour or 30 USD per day.

The Sicarios in Latin America are named after Jewish assassins with daggers, that took out Roman officers during the Roman occupation of Judea. They were part of the Jewish armed resistance against the Roman occupation in the ancient time of Christ. Much our time, there was a military occupation of the Holy Land and a resistance against it.

Even in the poorest parts of Mexico, the cartel Sicarios are paid more than the Afghan Taliban fighters who had received the equivalent of 10 USD per day to fight, and only for the fighting soldiers on days they were fighting. Many in Afghanistan live on less than a dollar per day, even government workers less than 100 USD per month.

In Sierra Leone, there is diamond mining and a severe problem with prostitution, and thus disease and human trafficking. Women are kidnapped, trafficked, forced into prostitution, it is modern slavery. Someone will pay 10 or 20 USD for a prostitute, and of course criminal gangs make money on this. It is a great injustice.

There is so much evil and greed in this world, corruption and lies, violence and injustice.

Hunger, disease, everywhere someone making a dollar on the pain and desperation.

What should a man stand for? Not for greed and selfishness, not for evil and money.

The greatest thing a man can stand for is for God, to stand for the Almighty Lord.

>> No.23378227
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>Much like* our time, there was a military occupation of the Holy Land and a resistance against it.

These Jewish assassins emerged during the period of the Second Temple in which Jewish people were incited to revolt against the Roman occupation of Judea

>> No.23378235
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They were also called the "zealots" from the Second Temple Period, a term that comes from Hebrew. They were a group of rebels that had escaped Jerusalem and gathered at a mountain called Masada. The site has mosaics, cisterns, a large mountain settlement naturally defensible on all sides.

The mountain came under attack during the Siege of Masada in the First Jewish-Roman War of the time of Christ. It is now a holy site in Judaism, at this mountain called Masada, where it is believed that around 960 Jewish zealots "fell on their sword" or claimed their own lives on the mountain rather than be captured by the Romans.

>> No.23378239

The fucking psychopathic genius thread stays up longer than my euclid thread

>> No.23378272
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The zionists rely on a conscript army with mandatory service for all citizens, including women.

Front line conscripts make about 10,000 USD per year or 27 USD per day. Rear echelon troops about 4,000 USD or 10 USD per day.

Being soldiers they also get food, lodging, vehicles, clothing/uniform, weapons/gear supplied as part of their duties.

>> No.23378282

You call everyone who disagrees with you dumb, and yet you are the one in this sorry state of a situation.

>> No.23378289

>The Sikrikim or Sikarikim (Hebrew: סיקריקים) are an extremist group of radical Haredi Jews based mainly in the Israeli Haredi neighborhoods Meah Shearim in Jerusalem and in Ramat Beit Shemesh. The anti-Zionist group is thought to have roughly 100 activist members.[1] The Sikrikim gained international attention for acts of violence they committed against Orthodox Jewish institutions and individuals who would not comply with their demands.

>> No.23378293

I rewired my brain into connections of insanity.
Through the deceit of my friends I grew it to vanity.
Although sometimes I wish I was a little more sane in this world,
I think and I think and then I love myself curled.

>> No.23378316

Why should you read the introduction to any book if you are already familiar with the context it was written in? I have found that it almost always ruins what I am reading by giving away the plot and/or distorting my interpretation no matter how hard I try. I do not want another’s thoughts in my mind until afterwards if at all. This mostly applies to fiction.

>> No.23378317


There is also Irgun, Haganah, these pro-zionist paramilitary organizations that carry out attacks.

The greatest victims of this are the little ones, innocent lives being killed over hatred, greed, violence, lies.

Just because you are born in Bethlehem, Haifa, Gaza does not mean you deserve to be shot or struck by a rocket.

Jewish, Muslim, Christian, the little ones are suffering at the hands of genocide and violence, oppression of the poor.

It is hard to think of anything else, the zionists are committing a genocide against our people in Jesus Christ.

They are killing men, women, and children. It is wrong to be trading innocent life for innocent life.

What can you do? It makes you feel so helpless, just trying to survive, seeing the slaughter.

To take refuge in prayer, in honest labor, in deeds of lovingkindness, to call on the Lord.

Am a poor man, will live and die a poor man, just seek to do what is right by the Lord.

Am not a man of wealth, am not a mean of influence, all we can offer is our lives.

>> No.23378332

>POV: you have just returned home from your seventh deployment

>> No.23378346
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>to become the nest dostoevsky by imitating dave eggers
I'm actually willing to hear this argument out, but I'll begin by admitting I regard AHWoSG as the first entry in LiveJournal and an account of Gen X suburbia which inspires nothing but yawning. To me, comparing Dave Eggers and one of the titans of Russian literature is a deliberate provocation or a very unfunny joke.

>> No.23378460
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Madame Bovary sucks donkey dick. i'm bored out of my eyeballs.
fuck you, ChatGPT.

>> No.23378486

Filtered beyond belief.

>> No.23378504

Why are you reading this doomer shit?
It will only fuck you up even more.

>> No.23378512

I'm extremely utractive

>> No.23378589

I WILL talk to the girl on the bus tomorrow. Please, Lord, let me be on my A-game and let this work out well, thank you, amen.

>> No.23378590

dude, i can appreciate the nuances of emma's ennui and thoughts but i just can't bear all the minute details irrelevant to the plot, like 50 different plant species and how light sparkles off some random orange dot on the wooden ceiling next to the gilded alcove of the chalet's fucking vestibule of some Monsieur Faggotte.
this shit is fucking ridiculous.
i want the really intense emotional shit. i realized most romance books "didn't do it for me" when i was recc'd, and has grown to fucking love, werther.

>> No.23378593

I'm an incel because I read Werther and Effi Briest.

>> No.23378604

I'm tired of people. I want to be a loner again

>> No.23378633

I'll quit this job before the year ends. If I don't have anything lined up by then, I'll go dig a hole and hide there until I starve.

>> No.23378641

I hate how neuroticism about gym minmaxing and hair loss has become mainstream. I think I will become fatter and balder to punish society with my presence.

>> No.23378671

I became so disappointed with my psychology degree that now I'm applying for a master's in applied maths. I'm afraid I grow tired of these people and now my only relief lies in high level of abstraction and formalization.

>> No.23378675

Wanting to be seems to me so pointless. Money isn't backed by gold anymore so the amount of wealth is infinite, no man can be rich if one compares one's wealth with all possible wealth. The other one is comparing ones wealth with any person but even if you are rich why would it matter? It's like me comparing heights with an ant, it's true but it doesn't mean anything nor does make me better and even worse it perpetuates evil because it's easier to keep everyone poor than actually make everyone have a decent living

>> No.23378697

Why doesn't every country observe Mothers' Day on the same day? I don't want to see posts about that holiday when it's already old news in my country.

>> No.23378781

Your mistake is believing Mothers' Day to be something that exists in itself outside the traditions of the cultures celebrating it.

>> No.23378791

>leave /lit/ for a while
>come back
>everyone is still discussing midwit postmodern novels and beta German philosophers
>realize yet again that I'm too smart for this board
>most likely will leave again

>> No.23378806

>tfw to inteligent to brows /lit/

>> No.23378817

Yes, quite literally. There is a wealth of unbelievably powerful and spiritually fulfilling literature to read and you retards perpetually discuss the same 8 or 9 books.

>> No.23378821

Name one.

>> No.23378852

Of what? The 8 books or a good book?

>> No.23378854

Living itself is the sole purpose and meaning of life. And among all human endeavors, there is no greater act of honoring and exploring this purpose than the relationships we can have with others.

By appreciating the presence of those around us, and in turn bringing them joy through our own existence, we imbue life with profound significance - both for ourselves and for those close to us. To reject the love of our fellow human beings is to reject our own humanity. And the absence of this essential human connection leads to nothing, but an emptiness and delusion.

Spread the love, fellow anons

>> No.23378860

based uglymaxxer

>> No.23378881

Even at its absolute best, /lit/ was extremely narrow in its interest in books. I suppose it’s hope that keeps us coming here, like the chance of connecting with an anon or two who shares similar taste. Unfortunately many anons don’t actually read. Most anons interested in philosophy, politics, and nonfiction don’t actually read the books they post. They are more convention starters and topics

>> No.23378885

>everyone is still discussing midwit postmodern novels
i wish

>> No.23378893

you're not too smart for this board just not autistic enough to survive in it

>> No.23378924

i have a loaf of bread and a jug of wine, now where is my thou

>> No.23378941

Jumped into this cesspool after a six months break. Not staying here for long. Just going to say that it is useless to talk to normies about Aryan feelings, because they don't have them, and you shouldn't waste your time doing that here. Ok, bye fellow non-Aryan mortals.

>> No.23379033

Im reaping what I sow. Sadly, I decided to sow in winter.

>> No.23379038

If you sown onions they would still grow in springtime.

>> No.23379055

Yeah, I got game, fuck with me
I will defeat you permanently

>> No.23379067

You are brown.

>> No.23379096

oh duck I told a girl that I write and now she wants to read my writing but it's all schizo and racist and oh fuck I'm fucked gotta move cities gotta create a distraction and wipe her memory I should NOT have let that slip

>> No.23379099

You dont get another spring in your life. Better luck for me next lifetime.

>> No.23379101

Most American WWII films should count as antisemitism, because they always push this false narrative that they did it for the Jews, thereby denying their own inaction, in the face of a genocide they knew was happening.
How is that not antisemitism?

>> No.23379103

>boot up chat gpt
>tell it to write something in a very casual style a basic unfinished story

problem solved

>> No.23379107

Plus ça change.

>> No.23379113
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>> No.23379124

hell naw I ain't no bitch I'm just gonna show her and let the chips fall where the may as they say. I think it's cool and I can only contain my schizo racism for so long....
it's art.

>> No.23379185

'discussion on talks of talks about buzz'
this is the gist of my comment, hearsay


e.g. Familiar service had said 'we refer to book.' Which I can hear now. 'The talk about buzz,' is that speech referring to copies of evidence, inspectable under scrutiny, in observatory, as a statistical phenomena. Can be inherited as a group member, for all intents and purposes, fungible via direct and decomposable pository phenom, as a folio negligible under fair use through and of itself.

This is our map directory:

Server: Binding Oath -> Group -> Insular
'That we is must do, become, follow.'

such that, e.g.

Greyhound bus ticket, is vouchured now, bought and fungible as it, ticket, were, now refunded to obtain 'fungible vouchure,' not instead 'bus ticket,' the other phenomena we do not have access to, because it's not on our property nor do we own it.


So we refer the discussion to now take place, where is dark world, underworld? That we are humans indirects to divisions by zero as box-gift-fruit phenomena, unto others with our tautological inherited classroom useless knowledge and falsehoods, which is a type of directory at the hands grabbing, ready for exploit. Things about us, that others can say through facts of interest, 'fungi,' a legal buzz analytical. Hence, weyour're are property in this manner. And yet, that OP's monetary value has incompetence under the schoolboard districts legal implication, 'I want what she has,' an again, 'what are they teaching kids these days:' via sociological artifacts. Or hence, and I must qualify debate, that there is someone in the discussion pool of volatile adjurement's I witnesses they have legal knowledge.

Physically, a sign classified pool with, let's say, positive direction cannot be analytically negative, nor can all of such physical phenomena. With reference and relation it becomes unitized. The unit monetary, propriety, and physical is incapable of dimension without temporal phenomena under total of analysis, that things are assigned time attached values for keepsakes. That these keepsakes are default, equilibrious, composite, enacted onto lawful motions.

>> No.23379188
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>oh man if only I had some me time, I could do so much!
>get some me time
>doesn't get anything done
>in fact explicitly spend all the me time in dumb shit
>oh jeez, oh man, oh jeez I feel so bad now. I could've done [specific activities requiring basic effort]!
>next time, I won't let myself go like this!
>next time
>exactly let myself go like this

>> No.23379189


And yet, here we are, to review means of insignia, along signature routes, under a guise of reality, because the thing is antimonious, corporeally ambivalent, antipathy in, malignant capitally on all potentiated firms, states, and without blur, as in unblurred quantified effects and elements in order to incur discussion on subatomic particle which is joule qualified, not as a multilet, as also in the spoons momenta as a begged questionhood of directories directions derivable to forkable submotions with a plot to imaginary vectors infiltrated down robust of further qualifying formulaic contents through formulas derived from a physical copy, as if there were an end to the sigmoid. And yet also, the joule shines, approximately in clarity. Because we refer to objectionable, not through ordinary means, but through extraordinary means, as a material apparatus to acquire data facilitated by imperical norms and residues through instrumented ingestion, wishing upon ages ironically hoping against erasure in washful thinking is capable of being expressed, because we have independents of which we can only compensate the plug for variability assignment over dependency. Such is the unwellness with others. Which we can fortify by our our review, or reported revenues.

>> No.23379218

Pythagoras was the first math rocker

>> No.23379228

Democritus was the first earth rocker

>> No.23379235
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>once I'm done with x I will finally be able to focus on doing y as I have wanted to do for ages
>mfw a new x pops up immediately after finishing the latest x

>> No.23379283

All I did this weekend was get high and eat. I didn’t think living alone would be so lonely. I don’t really like this.

>> No.23379292

As a budh, ya know. I am following up with the gamma shack. Lash to the stick, if you catch my drift. In order to drop meet, I can either do my usual gamma meditations, 'mindfulness,' plastic 'mahayennifying,' to increase my spiritual quotient. But there's the sciences at root emoting my tree root spiritual realities or feelings. It's sensitively irrational and preponderously priceless science to speculate through. My root realities being uplifted in science spirits..! Problem is, I'm having spiritual science moments. Alot. Herewith, I should continue back to studying the craft therefore of math and programming. I was just having a based and rooted series of digestion errors for cued exception handling, or, edit, at the bar for digesting I consumed some scientific potent thermonucleic, I guess. I even am having a problem right now this very moment, 'mine, Mine!.. mine! MINNGHNHNnnn... hhhrrhgh. The usual human thing, religious stuff, human clocks, death.'

>> No.23379354
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>> No.23379392

What the fuck is Hegel? Why does everyone bring up hegel and his dialectic?

>> No.23379402

I might have molested someone.

>> No.23379415

Vile. You deserve to be put down like a dog.

>> No.23379425

Why don't you molest someone your own size, pal. Why don't you molest me huh tough guy?

>> No.23379426

kek exactly

>> No.23379427

Hegel be like pure being and pure nothing are the same like wtf is he about, get laid you old fart

>> No.23379451

Everyone but you knows Poseidon is the earth shaker

>> No.23379461

If you want to.

>> No.23379682

keep on rockin in the free world

>> No.23379770

saw this and thought he died

>> No.23379790
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I want to write an absolutely insufferable story about a struggling fool who demonstrates, time and time again, to both the audience and other characters in the story, that anything the character does is merely "below average" at best. Just a series of intricate failures that culminate into the protagonist in question realizing that the only potential for outstanding anything he may produce, be it personal or an influence on the world, is when he's miserable and furious. Everything he thinks or thinks he thinks, feels or thinks he feels, every iota of an idea resembling perception or "figuring it out" fails to light that same spark as when he's just absolutely angry and destructive. A being of mediocrity trapped in a world quite comfortable with his pitiful station and the only way he benefits it any more than he already does (which is to say very little) is when he begins to melt down. He's doomed to either despondence or fury and nothing else can ever save him. I'll probably forget this idea in five minutes though.

>> No.23379852

I miss her, and she doesn't miss me. That's why I will write her in a book, inside of an inconspicuous character, or perhaps even in every female character I will ever write. She will never know of it, nor anyone else. Only I will remember. Something is funny with that approach, but I don't know what.

I don't think this is original at all, but I think people will like it. I think they will find it funny to read about that girl who once cried and wiped her bungee doodoo snot on my sleeve and pretended nothing happened. That same idiot who stole my pizza slice and pretended it was the dog even though I got that on film. The crazy, inconsiderate girl who would take me away in the middle of a marriage reception to play bowling. The girl who would paint my face the morning before a job interview.

Is this a part of every writer's journey? To write stuff they know they will have to forget one day? To break oneself into tiny fragments of memories and inserting them into characters?

>> No.23379860

Why am I even so scared to get on neetbux? What's the worst that can happen, they pay for a course for me to study and they pay me to study it? They pay me to look for jobs and I get one?

>> No.23379948


>> No.23379956

Are you really sorry?

>> No.23379965

it's alright i wasn't that upset

>> No.23379968

why yes, i didn't mean to startle him
well now i'm upset

>> No.23379983

Living like Asmongold seems like the best way to live.

>> No.23379999

My life revolves around experiencing various "vibes". I accomplish this by coordinating things like music, literature, weather, time of day, food, drink, season, activity etc. so that they form a cohesive, aesthetically pleasing whole experience that I can enjoy.

>> No.23380000

You're giving me the ick.

>> No.23380008

i'm not as think as you drunk i am

>> No.23380012

yowza, you best bet im checkin these puppies

>> No.23380015

Based aesthete quads acquisition

>> No.23380025

a good friend of mine is currently suffering greatly. his life is in shambles, and i dont know how to help him. i don't know what to do, why is life so unfair? my family is good to me; his family tries to ruin him. he just started off his adult life on a terrible foot and can't get back on his feet. he just got out of prison and the way he recounted the experience made me feel like i can't live with myself knowing that he is suffering and i am not.
i pray for him but it doesn't seem to do anything.

>> No.23380042

just finished watching a documentary titled "The Cannibal Generals of Liberia" mostly because i thought seemed silly and sensationalist. nope, it was understating it. wow. put a lot of my own life in perspective compared to what's going on in other parts of the world. it's a great documentary free on youtube too

Christ what a world

>> No.23380054
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First Mother’s Day without my grandmother, 23rd without my mother. Maybe I should have used my money to put in gas to visit their graves in the town where my grandmother lived and my mother grew up in, a small but charming town, but I did not. I went and got myself fried chicken. After that, I walked to the coffee shop where I continued Anna Karenina. I’m still pretty early in the story, about 300 pages in, but the passage describing Anna’s love for her son, really affected me. With the low tempo passionately sad music resonating in the Starbuck’s, now suddenly busy, I couldn’t help but nearly let some tears go beyond the point of their watering and fogging of my vision. I think there was also some passage describing how a person’s vision or mind gets hazy under these points of stress and everything just felt so lined up. It made me pause and think of, well of course my mom, but also of Tolstoy, of God, of the prospect that while free will may exist in some way, and there is of course inherent, indeterminateness in the universe, there’s still a writer behind it’s story. I know people say that it’s simply us finding a pattern in inherent randomness, but I choose to have faith there is something beyond the metaphysical to consciousness and that there is a God. I thought of Tolstoy and how he channeled God, then I thought of Dostoevsky and how he channeled God and perhaps how his life might have been ended because The Brother’s Karamazov was enough and there didn’t need be a second one. A slightly morbid thought, but I do think artists can receive their songs and arts and ideas by some consciousness of a higher realm be it God or the Muses or however one characterizes the mysterious force that propels these incredible ideas from the unconscious into the conscious.
I do feel slightly guilty that I did not use the little money I had to go see their grave and place the flowers, which I got from my work, on their graves, but I don’t think I forgot to think about them. I prayed today, held the card my Mother wrote to me before she suddenly died, and the beautiful blue card from The Passionists I got at my grandmother’s funeral. I held the same cave print indented broken necklace I had gotten at grirf camp all those years ago. When I say I can picture it in my mind I believe the memories are genuine but I know the feel of the cold silver metal is. I might even still put my money on both, who knows. I don’t exactly believe in heaven but I do believe in reincarnation and I do believe I will see them again.
It’s a little funny while my Grandmother’s death does make me sad I do finally feel like I accept she’s gone. I always knew she was gone but the pain has softened now and turned more bittersweet to the taste.
I do hope I meet the girl who will be the mother of my future children soon, if I am so to have them. I hope so. I’m 29. I do really like this girl at work. I get a feeling she likes me too.

>> No.23380076
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It is an invariable fact that stream of consciousness results in 50% nonsense and 50% disjointed bullshit - 100% gay, yet I cannot be arsed to parse through a semi-coherent train of indelible thoughts, so I'll simply forgo the backspace and see this train through to the end.
As an aside, I'm suffering from a tremendous thesauric block and 90% of this board is so shit that I fell back to this thread in hope it still has people who actually read in it - what's a word to describe being so tired of being worn down by society that you simply choose to keep along and give up on any sort of expectation for improvement, both personally, and for that of society? "It is what it is" so-to-speak

"Fatalistic" implies one believes it was all inevitable, and "complacent" implies an enjoyment or satisfaction
The closest thing I could think of was 'complicit', but I almost feel that it barely fits and requires explanation
pic related

>> No.23380091

is there a limit on how intensely one can suffer? when the cartel pumps someone full of amphetamine and skins them or chops their hands and arms off, or other such cruelties, does the victim really suffer as much as you'd imagine? i don't think that level of pain is imaginable. how can we come to terms with this? i think this is the closest real-life analogue to lovecraft's insanity-inducing knowledge. we cannot "know" suffering; we forget it and ignore it; but if the pain is too much, if we cannot forget, we go insane -- ptsd, suicide.
i don't understand God's world. i hope He has a plan.

>> No.23380100

As a nietzschean I have decided to become a cartel capo

>> No.23380117
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Well I graduated today. Got my Master of Arts in English Literature. I don't really feel like getting my PhD so I suppose I need to get a job, at least until I get more well-known for my writing.

My thesis advisor is going to get in touch with me later in the summer concerning turning some of my master's thesis into a scholarly article that he wants to help me get published. That should be interesting.

>> No.23380129

Good job, anon. I'm proud of you

>> No.23380137

Hell yeah, anon, fuck yeah.

>> No.23380215

if we gave actual peculiar individual men an outlet to express how they really feel, every single normalfag would develop a third eye and start detonating power grids until all the brown people fled back to their country of origin and the dollar became worthless.

>> No.23380219

Good job anon! Good luck for the job search

>> No.23380237

Congratulations. Were you the anon who wrote his thesis on Ulysses? If so I’m curious what you wrote about in a sentence or two

>> No.23380251

I've always wanted to run away. I don't know why. Maybe it's all a cope, 'your life is shit there, but it's okay anon that's temporary! You should check out this new place where everything is different but also the same!' rinse and repeat. I think I like the comfort it brings me. There's always a new stage, some hurdle that needs to be overcome before I get to feel like I deserve complete happiness. But I'm never having it. The path I've been treading seems like a dead end. It's all so tiring, really. Do that first, then that, then this. Then you'll be exceptional. Then you'll be able to do whatever you want. Then you'll be truly free.

But I'm not doing any of this for me, am I? Everything I've been doing from the day of my birth has been a complex, elaborate mating dance. Isn't that what this is all about? Passing down genes, making sure my kids survive long enough to pass down their own genes? I don't give a shit about money or anything really, the only reason I'm chasing all of that is because I want to have kids. What if I don't? Wouldn't it be easier? I'd have a simple, boring office job, in some crazy place like Thailand or something. I'd have nothing to care about there.

>> No.23380255

Only worldly success matters to society, but hedonism is a real danger, the plateau afterwards is where the trouble starts

>> No.23380261

Too old to be frequenting this place by now anyhow

>> No.23380265

The world has gone to shit, I mean, it's difficult to find a job now, imagine telling someone 50 years ago that we would struggle to find jobs in the future, this is insane, I'm back on neetbux and I feel like killing myself.

>> No.23380275

I want to die but it terrifies me so much. I guess I'll just wait.

>> No.23380278

Why does it terrify you?

>> No.23380279

love u daddy

>> No.23380294

I'm not sure I like the description of love in the Phaedrus. I've never once felt like someone I loved was beautiful in that way, where I would look at her and see the forms. Instead, I just want to touch her and have her.
Perhaps this desire, when pursued, would deny her agency. Certainly, it might. I can be a very jealous person. Nonetheless the desire feels like it's towards a teleological end. Maybe Plato can work his way in there. It's actually very similar to Aristophanes' speech in the Symposium.
Moby-Dick is a good book, but when I read it I can't help but think that I'm a person who reads Moby-Dick and enjoys it. This realization makes me feel self-conscious and prideful, ruining the experience. It's worst during the cetology chapters, because that's what people pride themselves most for liking.

>> No.23380310

I don't know how she does it but my mum will always find something to complain about. You could get the greatest chef in the world to make her a lobster dish and she'd go "Eh, I don't really like the taste of the sauce" or you could buy her her dream house and she'd go "I don't like the colour of the walls". It's seriously a skill that I've never seen anyone else possess.

>> No.23380318

My love-life is like the Palestinians: I never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Shit sucks.

>> No.23380326
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Thanks, guys.


Thank you.

>Were you the anon who wrote his thesis on Ulysses?

Yep, that's me.

>If so I’m curious what you wrote about in a sentence or two

My contention is that the episode in Ulysses known as "Eumaeus" is in fact the most pivotal chapter in the plot of the book, despite the neglect it has received from a lot of critics. Because I believe "Eumaeus" is the chapter in which Leopold Bloom achieves a commanding victory. He achives this victory in two ways:

1. He recovers his status as a fully functional man, in the tripartite sense that one can be a man: man as husband, man as father, and man as lover.

2. He achieves a meta-textual victory over the malevolent forces of Ulysses itself that have tried to subsume him and bury him throughout the course of the novel's length. In the process, Bloom thrusts the book's malevolent forces down from their control of Ulysses, and he himself assumes control of the book in its last chapters. "Eumaeus" is written by Bloom himself. "Ithaca" is, too.

The second point is the one that seems to have gotten people particularly excited, my secondary reader went into my thesis not completely convinced by the second point but I won him over and he was on board by the end of reading my thesis.

>> No.23380343

Interesting. This is probably an unpopular opinion but I feel books like Ulysses and writers like Shakespeare have developed cottage industries of criticism related to them that is more interesting than the actual body of work. I love reading about Ulysses and Shakespeare more than I like reading Ulysses or Shakespeare

>> No.23380370

Look, I get that what Robert Hanssen did was bad, but did he really deserve to be locked up in ADX Florence?

>> No.23380378

Well Joyce would have been happy, he loved it when people talked about his work.

>> No.23380386

I want to read your thesis. Mind posting it?
Also, have you read Finnegans Wake?

>> No.23380403

Being vocally Christian on the internet should be punishable by death. Proselytize in real life or not at all you pussies

>> No.23380497

I'm hurting bad bros. I want help but I cannot be helped. If I were not irreparably fucked, I might try. Instead, I must die.

I always wanted to feel innocent or normal. Even as a teenage boy I remember my ass getting raped and wishing my first sexual experience would be consensual sex with hand-holding in the missionary position. I wish i were never born at all.

>> No.23380502
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Going to concert on Tuesday. Profanatica.

>> No.23380512

Time has run out for me. I am a filthy old man with no future and no right to complain. I haven't written a line of poetry in months because it's comical- disgusting really- for such a vile person to think himself worthy of issuing forth beuaty (though truth be told I could never write a lone of beauty in all my life). It's a jarring thing to see a vile, disgusting being weeping, hoping his words would convey his soul. I deserved to die, or maybe I deserved to live and suffer. Why? I don't know. I've never really hurt anyone. I'm just not human. Can't explain. Goosnight.

>> No.23380519

Looks like the kind of gig that might have a pig's head. Have fun

>> No.23380523

Do you think the fact Koreans are incredibly racist is related being genetically incapable of producing body odor? I get the xenophobia probably comes from being stuck between China and Japan but imagine the superiority you'd automatically feel if everyone outside your country stank.

>> No.23380526

If I could hold someone's hand just once, and feel like they wanted mine as badly as I theirs, and that I'd never know or speak to them again for as long as I lived, then I might be satisfied for the rest of my life. The memory of warmth would warm me for the rest of my life.

>> No.23380536
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I haven't read the Wake yet, I've read everything else Joyce wrote. Actually, that's not right, I haven't read Chamber Music. But I've read Portrait, Dubliners, and Ulysses.

Do you want me to put the thesis in a pastebin? It's been published to ProPublica but I can't just link it to people at random.

>> No.23380537

why aren't you doing BOTBAD (Book of the Bible a Day)?

>> No.23380541

I will

>> No.23380559

NEW >>23380558

>> No.23380692

this is how pseudoscience happens. next thing you know you'll be measuring cranium sizes or something,

>> No.23381485

Hegel's metaphysics is just the rehashing of Aquinas for Enlightenment dweebs.

What do I mean by this? For goodness sake, his Logic is organized under the headers of being and essence, with the section of the concept working out how our minds become one with the subject of thought, destroying the Kantian distinction of noumena phenomena, as well as showing that by the fact we can conceive of God at all, means that He necessarily must be. For contents of thought must have some existence, otherwise they cannot be thought of.

Hegel's notes on becoming and relation is literally just the Thomistic notion of the relative Trinity.

Hegel is brilliant, obviously, the man took the Aristotelian philosophy and independently arrived at the Thomistic metaphysics. But my goodness he writes terribly. All that German mysticism and such.

>> No.23381866

They don't produce BO. It's true.