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23380603 No.23380603 [Reply] [Original]

Presented without comment.

>> No.23380605

It is with regret that I must inform you that jews.

>> No.23380608


>> No.23380657

As a rule I don't mind trigger warnings. I'm not ok with a coupe of things due to earlier trauma. It's nice to be warned, and I'm ok if it serves the plot, not just to be edgy.

But to say a book was of its time and it might be bad from a modern perspective is both lazy and greedy.

If it's so bad, why publish?
If it's so bad, but worth publishing, doesn't that make an interesting topic to discuss, rather than a generic warning?
And parents? What parent is going to be reading this as a bed time story? Do your fucking job publishers: publish, and justify your decisions.

>> No.23380667

2008 was woker than I remember.

>> No.23380683

Can't even teach your kids philosophy any more without these liberal sjws forcing their ideology down your throat. Thanks a LOT penguin!

>> No.23380686

No the idea of this image is that the liberals expect the Marquis de Sade's 120 days of Sododm is to be taught to children.

>> No.23380695 [DELETED] 

This book is about a sadistic months-long pedophilic orgy and what they warn the reader about is views on race?

>> No.23380697

Who TF would ever read De Sade to their kids? Lmao I have a hard time believing this wasn't written as a joke

>> No.23380698

That books talks about race? Isn't it about Europeans abusing other Europeans?

>> No.23380701

Publishers have always played it safe. It's on when right wingers ran out of people to blame they started picking on benign things everybody was already doing. And the rightest of right wingers were as illiterate as any jihadist, so they didn't notice.

>> No.23380713

La mère en prescrira la lecture à sa fille.

>> No.23380788

If I read my step-daughters Marquis de Sade thats nobody's business. I for one am sick and TIRED of these busybodies denying peoples capacity for discernment for raising their own children.

>> No.23380815

Right and low IQ breed more anyways

>> No.23380816

Not a big deal, honestly. If everyone would be as kind, we wouldn't have any serious racial issues. Love conquerors all; men are simply too weak to love properly.

>> No.23381214


>> No.23381217

This book is full of a pyshopaths autobiography and wishes on torture, rape and abuse and depravity and the publisher expects it to be read to children but warn them about some racist comment.

>> No.23381224

Has another author ever tried to finish writing 120 days? I believe if De Sade had actually finished it, the book would have been burned and banned and not survived to this day.

>> No.23381287

They're talking about you, dummy.

>> No.23381296

That's exactly what I was thinking. It's absurd.

>> No.23381303

>pls be gaslit I really need this :(
you do this shit for free or are you paid?

>> No.23381313

Kill yourself if it bugs you so much

>> No.23381316

dishonest creatures full of hatres

>> No.23381322

I get paid, unlike you.

>> No.23381336

>If it's so bad, why publish?
>If it's so bad, but worth publishing

If its so bad why not also give up the coppyright to the public domain.

>> No.23381370

>No the idea of this image is that the liberals expect the Marquis de Sade's 120 days of Sododm is to be taught to children.
I disagree. To me, the punchline is that you're reading a book about coprophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, incest, rape, child sexual abuse, torture and murder, but some of the slaves being black is where you draw the line and need to warn the readers that it's bad.

>> No.23381400

>not reading Justine to your daughter as a bedtime story

>> No.23381424

Didn't get the point of OP's image.

It shows how bizarre modern liberalism became.

>> No.23381440


>> No.23381516

Yep, besides it's from some random public-domain publisher I suspect, who slap this on all their historic works

>> No.23381602

Yeah it’s Sade’s thoughts on race that set him apart from polite society.

>> No.23381633
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It was a different time though, I don't think we should hold him to the same moral scrutiny. I'm sure if we only gave him a chance he would learn not to be so prejudiced based only on skin color.

>> No.23381711

Is that like a new plural for hat?

>> No.23381714

The text is in the public domain. Probably the translation. What they've tried to copyright is the combination of text, cover, font, any ancillary text like intro.

It's typical disingenuous publisher shit. But it does mean you could publish your own copy, just slap a cover on it. Just look at all the same ebooks amazon sells.

>> No.23381882

Thanks for confirming you're a JIDF shill.
Your gaslight attempts in this thread are now null and void.

Get to samefagging or change thread, sorry to ruin your job!

>> No.23381895

Another of life's simple pleasures ruined by meddling bureaucracy, ladies and gentlemen.
Remember the old days when dad would pile the kids in the living room we'd all read 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.23382067

>ITT: retards too stupid to realize it's just lazy boiler plate and lazy editors never checked their boilerplate paragraph
I guarantee you in whatever program they typeset the manuscript they have shortcut like <\triggerwarning>. So nobody ever checked it in print, the editor was just like, "hey codemonkey intern, make sure to use the \triggerwarning command in the frontmatter file. We include it for works the liberal populace might deem outdated."

But this is 4chud. So you guys like to feel outraged all the time.

>> No.23382190

>Didn't get the point of OP's image.
Actually, you're right. I forgot the point of my post. That rightwingers can't read. Certainly not to the inbred kids they accidentally had.

>> No.23382196

>publisher expects it to be read to children but warn them about some racist comment.
It's a generic trigger warning. Publishers of these public domain works don't have to read the books to sell them.

>> No.23382298

>publisher is pre-framing a text notorious for it's depiction of depraved sexuality as something parents should warn their children about...because racism
Lol, people like you, an I use the word "people" very loosely here, are the definition of evil and are the reason we can't have nice things. The world would be far richer if your mom swallowed you.

>> No.23382428

If rightwingers can't read, what does that make of you, since this thread just proved they are better read than you are?

>> No.23382568
File: 243 KB, 446x247, 1696860874143240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 years ago I would have assumed everyone in this thread was trolling by missing the point of your post but the general level of discourse has gotten so poor I'm honestly not sure if the posters here actually missed it

>> No.23382698

It's a standard trigger warning used by the publisher. They probably don't know what the book is about. And neither do you, you've just read about it. You've read some one else's trigger warning.

Calm down.

>> No.23383798

He wasn't notably racist or even xenophobic for the times, he was pretty open-minded and interested in other cultures