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/lit/ - Literature

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23392099 No.23392099 [Reply] [Original]

How many pages of a book do you read before deciding whether to drop it or not?

>> No.23392107

i review books (if i do it for like 3 more years I could get a really shitty gig review books) so the worse they are the better

>> No.23392117

and how many pages did you usually give a book before you started leeching off others work?

>> No.23392118

I read goodreads reviews and decide from there if I want to read a book or not. If I start one, I finish it.
t. non-fiction chad

>> No.23392120

If it's not good within a third of the book it gets dropped.

>> No.23392122

One page is enough to gauge the writer's skill, and one chapter to decide whether the ideas are original enough or just the usual run of the mill overwrought slop.

>> No.23392129

The whole book.
Get rekt faggot.

>> No.23392142

I finish the books I don't have anything better to do
some of them don't even make for good reviews

>> No.23392161

before even picking it up I check the tags. LGBT shit is an immediate drop
otherwise, first 30% of the book is a good gauge if I drop it or not

>> No.23392167

>read 20 pages of book
>don't like it
>read last 20 pages
>read wiki page of book
>make thread about the book on /lit/
>mark as read
and there is nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.23392239
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>take book out of library shelf
>open on random page and read one sentence
>if it's bad I drop the author then and there

>> No.23392246

I can usually decide in the first 5 to 10 pages

>> No.23392252

For me, it depends on the book.

I try to go in with open eyes and no assumptions or expectations.

So if the book can hold my attention for just 15 pages, then that's when I will put it down.

If it lasts longer, it could go all the way.

>> No.23392310

When I was younger I never quit movies or books, I watched and read them to the very end, even if they're shit. Nowadays I find myself drop them all the time.

>> No.23392349

A few days

>> No.23392430

I already know what I want to read, at least for the most part. but if a work appears in the references over and over again, I add that to my list. I know in advance whether or not a book will be interesting and I never read boring stuff. Of course I don't read fiction unless it is a classic classic (and not some "modern classic" work of fiction, written by some deranged modern cross species dressing modern man)
only exception: Heidegger texts. I never know in advance wheter I am in for a retarding roller coaster holo coaster ride or some at least acceptable or even great text.

>> No.23392491

I just go by how it makes me feel. Sometimes a book will have a slop beginning but seems like it could have potential, other times the first sentence sends it straight back to the shelf.

>> No.23393608

Depends on whether I purchased a copy or borrowed one from the library or a mate. I read purchased books to completion before lending them to friends or donating them, depending on their quality. If a friend lends me a novel they like, I complete it out of courtesy; if it's from the library, I drop it whenever I'd rather read something else.

>> No.23393611

I can't remember the last time I started a book and didn't finish it

>> No.23393941

Has anyone on this goddamn board ever read a book?

>> No.23394007

if it hooks me by 3 pages or so i usually read and enjoy it all the way through. never underestimate the power of a well written intro.

>> No.23394022
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>me, glancing at the cover and giving it a 1/5 review on Goodreads

>> No.23394090

I've read at least 80-100 books and I've only dropped maybe 2

>> No.23394118

If at any point I read about 10 pages and it feels dreadful I drop the book immediately.

>> No.23394137

I don't drop books, I suffer throughout my own volition because i hate myself

>> No.23394138

Why should there be a set number? It's entirely feeling based. If it's just kinda shit I might power through. If it's mega shit then I might abandon it on the first page. Also depends how long the book is overall.

>> No.23394143

All of them

>> No.23394561

I stopped reading infinite jest within 5 pages. Pretty much instantly realized I didn't want to read that same insufferable style for another 1000 pages.

>> No.23396528

no hard fast rule
But life is too short to waste time on pleb writing
(If it's Faulkner or Joyce I never pick the book up)

>> No.23396531

I gave it more than that but quickly realized I don't give a shit about some prick tennis player at an uppity private school

>> No.23396553

If short book sub 450 pages, I’ll give it 40-pages. If it’s a long book, I’ll give it 100 pages before I toss it.

>> No.23397021

This, but 50 pages for short books.

>> No.23397052

Put it back on the shelf, librarians don't have time to pick all those books off the floor.