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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 409x374, Wu_Song_Water_Margin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23394083 No.23394083 [Reply] [Original]

Which should I read first?
>Water Margin
By the way, I'm (((old)))

>> No.23394103

Do you prefer Dynasty Warriors or Suikoden?

>> No.23394112

I don't watch anime you fucking weeb

>> No.23395825

ROTK. The Water Margin is pretty boring.

>> No.23397125

Really? I read that water margin was not for the young, as they'll read it and then go do crazy shit because it glorifies violence. Also wasn't it banned in China several times?

>> No.23397510
File: 86 KB, 1024x512, 1713351345634467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should remember that China does shit like this before you take information like that at face value.

>> No.23398378

Water Margin, its hilarious at times. Still remember Li Kui

>> No.23398381

>By the way, I'm (((old)))
what does that mean?

>> No.23398707

少不读水浒,老不读三国 “The young should not read The Water Margin, the old should not read Three Kingdoms.”

>> No.23398717

What are the best versions of these stories for a pleb like me who can't read anything older than 1850. Give me an accessible modernized retelling

>> No.23398731

Just watch the tv shows

>> No.23399243

Charming, anon, but I believe the question meant to ask why you were using triple perentheses
This notation is not used for emphasis or sarcasm, but to indicate your belief that the named thing is part of a Jewish conspiracy.
Historically this would mostly be used for names, but occasionally a concept or sentiment *they* would have you believe.
So your usage would be unusual but a likely interpretation would be something like
>I am of an age the Jew-run media would have you think of as old when it is actually young or middle age because of their overarching campaign to demoralize us
I hope either that this was your intention or that I have caught you in time to avert your giving any mistaken impressions to people you may know in real life. You can see how this might lead to embarrassment.

>> No.23399484

Which is most accurate?

>> No.23399508

Neither. Avoid Chinese "literature" at all costs. It will brainwash you and become a bad person.

>> No.23399817

Take a break from pol fren

>> No.23399835

The Chinese ones

>> No.23399873

Just trying to save simple, honest lit lovers from accidental pariah-hood. People who take away that impression won't necessarily confront you about it.
If you're comfortable with the risks or you stand by that image, by all means carry on.

>> No.23399883

Return Of The King is a must read but only if you've read the first two in the trilogy.

>> No.23399964

Stop being obsessed with jews

>> No.23400007

Sorry, (((jews)))

>> No.23400060

Water Margin was banned because it portrayed just bandits-turned-heroes fighting against a corrupt and oppressive state.

You can see how that lends itself to being declared non-kosher by the people in charge

>> No.23400062

There are comics from Taiwan that are pretty thorough

>> No.23400096

That's retarded and probabky nit true since Water Margin's MC is a doormat for the government and his motive is to get himself and his subordinates pardons from the imperial court and the last part of the story is them fighting other rebels and the khitan. Even when some bureaucrats scheme against them and poison them it's portrayed as a personal grudge

>> No.23400100

Seriously this is awkward. Check the wiki I linked to avoid an embarrassing situation, I'm sure you didn't realize this

>> No.23401028


>> No.23401036

>in china