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/lit/ - Literature

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10138248 No.10138248 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10139915


>> No.10139921

Comfy chart anyone? I made the other thread and hope someone can help me build a comfy-core chart

>> No.10140002
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>> No.10140009

Does anyone have an anime chart?

>> No.10140019


>> No.10140043

Yeah, put Samurai Champloo on the left side under "good" and all other anime on the right side under "bad."

>> No.10140063

Patrician taste in anime

>> No.10141471

Good - death note
Bad - animes that aren't death note

>> No.10141479
File: 293 KB, 1072x408, top4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10141481

Joyce had literal autism

>> No.10141489
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>> No.10141497

Random books chart

>> No.10141498

>Samurai Champloo
Are you 17?

Are you 15?

There are no good animes. K-on and Evangelion are the only ones that come close.

>> No.10141500

Its based on the poll data from when we made the top 100 charts. These are the books that didn't make the top 100

>> No.10141508

There are no good books, humanity sucks

>> No.10141564

you: I'm patrician, I've watched dozens of animes and found just a little bit of quality in these two animes. I'll keep watching animes here, maybe there's something good, I doubt though.

Hm, I see. Some good stuff in it

>> No.10141614

Which year is this from?

>> No.10141648

2016 I think.

>> No.10141669
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>> No.10141786

Anyone have the eastern religion books guide? I want to read Hindu books but don't want to go straight into the epics.

>> No.10141803
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Thanks for 750KB of black dots.

>> No.10141808

>what is clicking on a thumbnail image
>what is 2001x3881

>> No.10142520
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x3500, 2017littop100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10142538

>finnegan's wake
Fuckin' kek

>> No.10142552

itt : people who watched 30 anime at most

>> No.10142573
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Just for you

>> No.10142577

These charts get worse as I get more familiar with the canon

>> No.10142588

>scifi schlock at 27
>ernest hemingway completely missing

>> No.10142595

Does somebody have the latest top 100 charts? I remember a great thread that had a chart + a mega cloud with all the titles available.

>> No.10142694
File: 3.05 MB, 1820x4352, lit's Top 100 (2016).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way the 2017 chart was polled was pretty bad. The 2016 top 100 is a better representation of this board.

>> No.10142722

>catch 22
>jerusalem fucking kek
yea no fuck off back to r/books

>> No.10142724

/lit/ is tsundere for murakami, you can't get away from it

>> No.10142747

>all these mediocre japanese works
>don quixote that low
>thomas mann other than magic mountain
>no vote counts
Imagine spending an evening of your life putting together a fake chart to trick people online into liking your taste

>> No.10142754

Could you recommend some better japanese works? I was actually going to read all of those
Did I fall for the meme

>> No.10142761

this one autist who tried to shill his own books onto the list by ballot stuffing is mad his votes got voided and now he spends his entire life monitoring /lit/ for the chart so he can call it fake

>> No.10142779

Well then he can suck my dick

>> No.10142788

Hyperbole only works when your argument could stand without it

They're fine if you want to get into Japanese literature, they're just not top 100 material, other than Kokoro and Dazai. Start with those two to give your Japanese literature journey an interesting spin

>> No.10142798

japanese author power rank:

the top 5 are, in no particular order:


and then the second tier-

then you got a bunch of people whose legacies aren't totally clear yet or are just aren't as important as the above few-
r. murakami

etc. etc.


>> No.10142832

Mishima top 1

>> No.10142849


>> No.10142858

>manlet and closet homo who cosplayed as an ultranationalist is japan's greatest author

>> No.10142872

>Not listing the Bible as being written by God

>> No.10142880

can we have a greek mythology chart plz?

>> No.10142894

All of it

>> No.10142929

various covers the father, the son, and the holy ghost senpai

>> No.10142939
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>> No.10142941

The top 15 in particular are predictably fucking pretentious.

>>10142577 Same boat.

>> No.10142945

someone please post the Politics chart

>> No.10142949
File: 1.06 MB, 1975x2229, 1506904780464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this one

>> No.10142961

Yup, I made the mega. Only book not included is Zettel's Traum, for obvious reasons.


>> No.10142965

thanks anon, I was actually referring to this one.

>> No.10142990

are you implying that any of the top 15 are bad books, and not worth reading?

>> No.10142994

I'll say it explicitly for most of them

>> No.10142997

It's never worth responding to someone who doesn't know how to use the word pretentious.

>> No.10143022

low quality bait

>> No.10143287


Just started Permutation City, how did ya like it?

>> No.10143565

anyone have the grey pill

>> No.10143586

Where should I start with Mishima?

>> No.10143642

Anyone got a black pill list?

>> No.10143664

The sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.10143700

either Temple of the Golden Pavilion or like >>10143664 said start with the sailor who fell from grace with the sea.

Just pick whichever one you find more interesting

>> No.10143703

the bible

>> No.10143759
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>> No.10143763
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>> No.10143769

Most of those won't help you much.
Read Alan Ryan's "On Politics" instead.
Then read whatever you like that's referenced and talked about within that one.

>> No.10143773
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>> No.10143780
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>> No.10143785
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>> No.10143788
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>> No.10143794
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>> No.10143799
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>> No.10143802
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>> No.10143803

The Death of Ivan Ilych isn't depressing, anon.

>> No.10143809
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>> No.10143815

Idk man, just reposting from last thread

>> No.10143823

surprised not to see milk and honey on either of these. i thought /lit/ was obsessed.

>> No.10143825
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>> No.10143829

And that's all, keep on postin', folks, i love these threads.

>> No.10143830

which one contains incest and forms of torture?

>> No.10143911

>no Moscow to the End of the Line
Shit list

>> No.10144023

how can I know the titles of these books, some are incomprehensible

>> No.10144045

You ain't kidding, what a shitty fucking image.

>> No.10144072

Can someone explain to me the specific tenets of Surreal literature? I've only read a bit off this list, but I don't really see what Ubu Roi and Kafka have to do with each other.

>> No.10144722

The person you're replying to is actually the ballot stuffer who made that chart. You'll notice them always posting this when people point out it's fake.

>> No.10145108


>> No.10145184

die faggot

>> No.10145234

thanks! Are there any other books with frame stories in this chart beside Invisible Cities and, arguably, House of Leaves?

>> No.10145502

anons, may I request a concise chart on books about language grammar, logic, reasoning etcetera? had it, but lost it, thank you in advance!

>> No.10145534

Better than the final product desu

>> No.10145546


>Queneau a surrealist
are you even trying

>> No.10145781

Pale Fire and Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.10145791
File: 31 KB, 505x431, tumblr_inline_nt0yyzSyqK1sjh0qi_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Church of England
>not Protestant

>> No.10145792


>> No.10145821
File: 2.92 MB, 1820x4348, Top100 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew the top 100 lists became a meme when Jerusalem got that high up. It's a big book, and at the time it had only been out for like a month. You're telling me 17 people on /lit/ bought and read the whole book in less than a month?

It's a terrible list.

>> No.10145841

>No Murasaki Shikibu
>No Lady Sei Shonagon

Please KYS.

>> No.10145953

i know this chart is fake but goddamn, the top 100 is pretty much perfect in my subjective opinion, would only maybe switch GR for don quijote

>> No.10145966

top 10*** fuck

>> No.10146146

Anyone have a chart for Romance or Poetry?

>> No.10146192

requesting any/all right wing AND left wing literature charts thanx

>> No.10146256
File: 1.68 MB, 2426x2676, ancapguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10146294

If you make one, or if you're looking for comfy: anything Steinbeck, Watership Down, Montaigne, Herodotus, Melville.

>> No.10146412

>Monster (2004)
>Evangelion (1995)
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes (1988)

That's about it. Fullmetal Alchemist if you're under 15 y/o.

>> No.10146416

no taste

>> No.10146421

b-but Cowboy Bebop and Texhnolyze are good.

>> No.10146430
File: 705 KB, 245x200, 1507556049662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally all mainstream anime

Why is /lit/ so pleb once they go out of their comfort zone?

>> No.10146459

no person who is even remotely normal cares enough about anime to scratch beyond the surface. you might think your obscure anime makes you patrician but really it makes you autistic.

>> No.10146538

no person who is even remotely normal cares enough about literature to scratch beyond the surface. you might think your obscure books makes you patrician but really it makes you autistic.

>> No.10146561

Oh look, garbage.
No they aren't.
>muh normalcy
Back to plebbit.
The best series ever is more popular than everything listed so far besides NGE and Cowshit Bebop. Or, at least it was. Calling it obscure is like calling your gut obscure.

>> No.10146638

texhnolyze is like a 7 or 8/10 book which makes it the best anime ever by a comfortable margin

>> No.10146769

>muh books muhfugga
Spotted the teenager.
It's a garbage series for edgy children who think LE FUCKED UP XDDD makes for quality.
The best series ever is E7 which absolutely crushes the grimdark-quality causation meme that idiots like you promote.

Of course, you would never understand it, because it requires knowledge of modern fields rather than LE NIHILISM XDDD (which is getting damn old now), and some ability to discern subtlety instead of in-your-FUCKING-face FUCK YOU NIHILISM NOTHING MATTERS XDD HES FUCKED EVERYBODYS FUCKED UR FUCKED
Fucking hell Anon, you need to go back.

>> No.10146832


Embarrassing. You must be very young.

>> No.10146864

2/10 you gave it away too easily.

>> No.10146875

>i dont understand it so its le dumb xDDDD WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB NOTHING MATTERS

>> No.10146901

I'm sick of this meme

>> No.10146908

1/10 very weak

>> No.10146945

Oh wow, progress IS possible after all: the 2017 version is better! Shocking!

>> No.10146954

>Read Alan Ryan's "On Politics" instead.
Please be bait.

>> No.10146955
File: 74 KB, 300x250, eyev23g4kicx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a chart of recommended books for each principal ideology? Mainly democracy, communism, totalitarianism, fascism (more toward the Italian school), and any other obscure ideology.

>> No.10147044

what's your issue with Monster?

>> No.10147172

There is nothing wrong with Vonnegut, 1984, Catch 22, or Murakami, go back to reading whatever arcane shit you read and let people enjoy genre fiction you pretentious faggot

>> No.10147181
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You should donate Ayn Rand works to charity, where they deserve to sit unread on op-shop shelves

>> No.10147316

you need to go back

>> No.10147440

>private roads
no thank you

>anime snob
anime could be good, but it isn't

>> No.10147569

Butthurt brainlet

>> No.10147695
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>> No.10147699

Here is the list to all the lists: https://imgur.com/gallery/U4OHY

>> No.10148172

is there a better version? or can someone make a list of the books? I can't really read them

>> No.10148198

Was about to post this myself. Truly a crime to not even list them as honorable mentions.

>> No.10148221

Give me some Buddhism and Realismo Mágico (or latin-american lit) charts

>> No.10148231

Seconding this, I want to see more politics charts

>> No.10148326

>Romeo's Blue Skies (1995)
>Kihachiro Kawamoto Shorts
>Talking Head (1992)

>> No.10148505

doesn't translate

>> No.10148568
File: 1.86 MB, 1346x1268, lithumor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there are tons of other charts in this guy's imgur >>10147699

>> No.10148573
File: 65 KB, 500x410, 1443184631751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drugs in literature chart
>doesn't include Stoner

>> No.10148619


Is nobody updating the wiki anymore?

>> No.10148640

More like Natsume's Soshitty.

>> No.10148658
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>> No.10148693
File: 755 KB, 813x644, manga guides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he watches childish frame collections instead of the real man's medium

>> No.10148700

Try staying awake on ambien and then jarringly switch between toshino mifune films and pornhubs bear section.

>> No.10148805


>> No.10148826
