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/lit/ - Literature

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11027020 No.11027020 [Reply] [Original]

>people that read pop literature/bestseller
>people that read biographies of literally whos
>people that study dramaturgy

>> No.11027090

You just convinced me that Boethius was right.

You are a tryhard poser but from this only bitterness over nonposers follows. Nobody thinks you are smart for following the allowed taste.

>> No.11027093
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>Nietzsche would have been a nazi

>> No.11027094
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>allowed taste

>> No.11027106

>she doesn't want to fart on my lap

>> No.11027118

What you are describing is known to depth-psychologists as shadow projection.
That which we do not want to be we surpress into the unconcious. This inconcious conviction to NOT being something is now an unconcious symbol which can be peojected onto basically everything that fits and make us resent that thing without even knowing that our own fear of supreficial shortcomings is producing theae feelings

>> No.11027127


ayy, why don't you use astrology too next time?

>> No.11027129

>I hate when peopl read pop literature
>you just say that to feel smart
Congrats for being retarded.

>> No.11027138

>I hate when peopl read pop literature
>you just say that to feel smart
>haha yurr a retard lol

Truly I am above all of you inferior beings

>> No.11027140

the biographies thing is unforgivably indulgent, nerdic faggotry

>> No.11027163

Psychoanalysis is legit and Freud was right about almost everything.

>> No.11027173
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>OP probably thinks The Iliad, The Odyssey, or Don Quixote are peak literature
>mfw all three are best sellers and genre fiction

>> No.11027181

ah yes you truly are superior to OP

>> No.11027201

Except he wasnt.

>> No.11027208
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Hmm. May I ask what you dislike most about my theories?

>> No.11027211

>superior to OP
>implying you aren't OP
>meanwhile the entire thread is other anons bashing OP for being such a pleb and a pseud
Hmmm I wonder who you are? Surely you aren't a faggot (read OP)?

>> No.11027212

The only thing he was right about is the existence of the unconscious

>> No.11027214
File: 408 KB, 762x1920, 523A7832-DDDF-4579-A25E-2B5A6D2F69B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The constant tone of sadness and depression of this board ( while recently it’s been /pol/ pretending to be /lit/). I understand that most literature is very melancholy but you guys are so self pitying all the time.

>> No.11027219

>implying I as an individual matter in this debate

Subhuman filth.

>> No.11027261
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Interesting. Can you tell me what you DISAGREE with?
If we want to analyze where your criticism comes from you need to be as specific

>> No.11027303

threads like this that have everything to do with reading as a form of identity and nothing to do with literature. OP, when's the last time you contributed a literary post to this board?

>> No.11027320


>> No.11027384
File: 116 KB, 1200x1200, 34D953ED-8A20-4B2D-A967-73097A62161F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that act like this guy

>> No.11027402

oh my fucking god i hate this picture. funnily enough i used to like cliff early on but i think ever since that one video where he shilled ergonomic reading chairs and brain power pills with affiliate amazon links, he's become insufferable. go back to being more like daym drops cliff, your current style sucks dick.


>self-help books from unsuccessful literally who people

>> No.11027434
File: 2.02 MB, 4000x2691, voyage of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't blame it on literature. i'm a long, long-time lurker of this board. it used to be pretty good here, for a 4chan board anyway, but ever since the whole 2016 election trump bullshit, self-defeatist celibates from /r9k/ and racist irony golems from /pol/ have been leaking onto this board, and neither of those groups read any literature, they just linger here because the posts are sometimes more thought-out than their home boards. i think the problem is getting better though, it's not as bad as it used to be. if nothing else i think the fuckers swamping us over here are actually starting to read, which is both good and bad.

>> No.11027465

I like him only because he’s the only decent Youtuber that has good taste and talks about lit that’s not YA fiction shit or super entry level stuff. He’s insufferable as a person though with his affected, pretentious personality and false humility. He genuinely seems like the kind of guy that would masturbate to his own image.

>> No.11027481

>he doesn’t use astrology
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11027500
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>people that read pop literature/bestseller
>people that read biographies of literally whos
>mfw OP is actually autistic enough to get mad about other people enjoying things

>> No.11027612

>implying you never get mad about other people enjoying things

>> No.11029262

Hedonism is bad anon, fuck off back to England

>> No.11029764
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