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/lit/ - Literature

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11694861 No.11694861 [Reply] [Original]

How many pages before you tapped out?
282 for me.

>> No.11694880

Yeah, just read Borges instead.

>> No.11694889

i skipped the last two long footnotes

>> No.11694918


0, because I knocked it out and always knew to avoid the meme.

Tell me, though, just how bad was it? I bet it was great.

>> No.11694937

Its alright

>> No.11694939

About Pemulis? Why would you do that? Those were some of the better footnotes

>> No.11694941
File: 34 KB, 249x294, bunny horrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told it would become good after the first 300 pages, so I read 301.

It didn't become good.

>> No.11695027

981, + footnotes

>> No.11695044

the patrician answer

>> No.11695078

chapter to chapter, it was good
but bigger picture, I was lost

>> No.11695104
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1079, why even start if you have no intention of finishing

>> No.11695118

i read the whole book and yea that pretty much did it for me. i now enjoy trashing it at every opportunity with the grit and reasuredness of personal experience

>> No.11695181

All footnotes are essential

>> No.11695191

Did you guys read the 300-something footnote (about the train jumping game, whose (the train jumping game's) name eludes me at the moment) when it was referred to in an earlier footnote, or did you wait until the actual reference to it?

>> No.11695193

Sorry I thought this board had spoilers.

>> No.11695834
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>mfw they're endnotes

>> No.11697352

1096 bitch

>> No.11697411

I read it when it both times

>> No.11697598

It does. That's one of my favorite end-notes lol

>> No.11697639

It was one of the first books I read when I "got back into reading". I haven't been able to get past 100 since then.

>> No.11698474

its not even that difficult, OP. its a fun book. maybe you're just a fucking normie and dont have enough autism for it

>> No.11698486

Even the one about the Coatlicue Complex?

>> No.11698527

Can we stop with this fucking meme? It's getting boring.

>> No.11698544

Even worse

>> No.11698569

>implying that's not the best one

>> No.11698572

1 sentence

>> No.11698577

If you can't handle Wallace nor Borges you might as well declare yourself the king of the plebs and then kys.

>> No.11699211

>by David Foster Wallace
this is where I decided this book was trash.

>> No.11699239

for those not in on the meme, it's not actually a difficult book

>> No.11699259

for those not in on the meme, it's not actually a good book

>> No.11699572

Almost there, page 850. Where did the meme of this book being trash come from? It’s not the greatest but I don’t think it deserves so much hate

>> No.11699598

speaking of endnotes, when is his wife gonna release it

>> No.11699663

/lit/ contrarians

>> No.11699672

I got memed hard.

>> No.11699691

once retards took over /lit/ and drove out the first peoples they had to set about destroying the native culture

>> No.11699717

It's not that it's bad or he's a bad writer, but he's performing a gimmick, and a good gimmick, a unique one, but also one that I think seems a lot cooler to younger people but that one realizes is ultimately pretty vapid and uber gen x irony bleh the older they get. But I'm sure plenty of people here hate it for no reason as well.

>> No.11699747

It's the /lit/ badge of honor

>> No.11699762

What exactly is this "gimmick"

>> No.11699793

Too cool for everything 90s gen x irony bro for whom drugs offer a noble escape from the oppressive capitalist culture that just sees us as like consumer units man so let's just retreat into micro-observations and half-baked philosophizing about how there's no point to anything.

>> No.11700157

How can you write this and not immediately kill yourself afterwards? Please tell me you have some plans friend

>> No.11700163

Can someone explain why the first page is written like it's by an edgy 15 year old white male? Is it just some POV thing or what

(dropped after one page)

>> No.11700173

>Who's there?
Infinite Jest
>I am

>> No.11701282

>drugs offer a noble escape
Clearly did not read it

>> No.11702632

i tapped out around there once, like 2013, got back to it in 2014, tapped out again, and then got back, tapped out again around 700 (following gately's smashing of the dude's skull against the windshield etc.), then got back to it this year and am on 800something rn.

this bitch can't finish me

>> No.11702744


Not the guy, but if you have read Borges in Spanish, particularly in the context of Latin American literature, his prose is almost insufferable, unrealistic and incessantly verbose.

Infinite Jest is just as annoying as the aimlessness and incoherency present in the whole lot of post-modernist literature.

>> No.11702878

but I like almost all the stories in Oblivion

>> No.11703354

Fuck off RETARD

>> No.11703376

I really don't get the Borges thing. Prose is flat, stories are weird or boring. I'm getting the feeling that it's one of the few things literary-minded South Americans who crippled their intellectual output by poisoning their gene pool with Indio DNA can feel proud of.

>> No.11703394

Imaginate por un instante ser tan idiota como el tipo que escribió el post citado. Qué deprimente.

>> No.11703407

Hablo Español, punta. Viví en los paises de caca donde adquiriste tu cacapiel DNA.

>> No.11703424

Jajajaj, sí, se nota que tenés una maestría admirable de la lengua de Cervantes. Me pregunto si tal maestría habrá tenido que ver con tu dudoso juicio sobre la prosa de Borges. Qué boludeces que hay que leer en este tablón, Dios mío.

>> No.11703433

against better judgement I read the whole thing twice

>> No.11703445

Meh, not worth my time. But I'm only responding now to mention that it tickled my jimmies to realize how much better "shitskin" sounds when translated into Spanish.

>> No.11703875


>> No.11703955


>> No.11703979
File: 41 KB, 681x445, 14608107_1180665285312703_1558693314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't read a book because some sperglorg on the internet say it is bad
>Avoid the meme