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13094179 No.13094179 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it hilarious how schools, factories, and hospitals all resemble one another? Isn't it even more hilarious how they all resemble prisons?

>> No.13094187

That's more Foucault than Lacan.

>> No.13094191

That is not even true, they're laid out completely differently, especially factories which have a great variety of designs. Probably schools and hospitals are the most similar

>> No.13094195

Well, the architects for each probably all specialized the same way. Large buildings that can hold lots of people. They don't look too similar on the inside though, at least not at the ones I've been to.

>> No.13094201
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I don't have any Foucault memes saved on my pc, they're all saved on my phone

>> No.13094207

OK but what happens when we get rid of all the school and factories

>> No.13094208
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Monarchies too, yea

Hospitals a bit different

>> No.13094215

Have you ever been outside, OP?

>> No.13094217
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>> No.13094228

>there was a time when people believed psychoanalyst knew something
Thank fuck that’s over

>> No.13094244

France must be fucking nuts, all the wild shit that's happened there. Remember that time a man was supposed to be drawn and quartered, but they fucked it up so badly that by the 19th century everyone was being beheaded by the guillotine, which administered universally a death that had once been reserved for the privileged alone (beheading)? Nutso stuff

>> No.13094249

france are rioting as we speak but they dont even understand what theyre rioting about and the far left and far right contingents of the rioters keep attacking each other

it is an utterly ridiculous country

>> No.13094250

What is that symbol on his leg, and why is it in color?

>> No.13094252

and fucking notre dame just burned down wtf

>> No.13094255

Im positive that was arson no matter what the press and police are saying. There are churches burned in France constantly

>> No.13094258 [DELETED] 


>> No.13094260

Baseless conspiracy theories don't help your cause

>> No.13094262

A stamp on the photo

>> No.13094270

Im sure you really care about my 'cause'

>> No.13094278

It's complicated. Their fundamental ideology is that of the universal citizen, yet they're rebelling against the effects of immigration. Imagine what they're going to do when their welfare state has to be deconstructed, which is biologically unavoidable. I think they will go for unironic racialist fascism.

>> No.13094294

M8 there have been plenty of reactionary Frenchmen. People thought De Gaulle was going to re-institute the monarchy.

>> No.13094326

That was some time ago. France is intellectually very interesting. Obviously strongly statist and largely left-wing but they also have the most influential right-wing thinkers. The whole place is going to blow up, too many immigrants have citizenship and the people have a traditions of mass revolt. I think this will get really ugly, like we haven't seen post-war.

>> No.13094355

I remember being very surprised that someone like de Jouvenel was operating in postwar France. He's not a reactionary but the stuff he says is not at all typical of mainstream historical or sociological academia. I think when he died he had become a leftist again but somethign like Du Pouvoir is clearly not a normal leftist perspective.

>> No.13094386
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French statism is kind of a turn-off to American leftists who buy into anything resembling the American libertarian tradition. This is probably why many American academics dismissed Foucault and other French people critiquing society in the way they were doing it. American philosophy often takes for granted that the state can't be trusted because the founders of the American state wrote this idea into our Constitution and the knowledge-producing agencies that have popped up since the country's founding have replicated this idea in some way, even as more objectively disciplinary apparati empowered this self-mistrustful State to grow in power over time.
Look where this casual dismissal of post-structuralism in its heyday got us. Maybe those crazy Frenchies were right all along. America is rapidly becoming as rigidly ideological as France ever was.

>> No.13094424
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>> No.13094433

Think Alain de Benoist. /pol/ for example is I think best understood as an space of the Nouvelle Droite yet most of the people there probably have never heard of Benoist.

>> No.13094438

I no longer browse /pol/ and have disavowed it but Double4chan /pol/ discussed de Benoist back when I was browsing it.

>> No.13094448

That irony thing that everyone does is that obscene thing which is enabling the elites to maintain their power.

>> No.13094449

>/pol/ for example is I think best understood as an space of the Nouvelle Droite
pol is far too large, anarchic, and varied to be put under any label like that. there are really a lot of different kind of people posting there, the common theme is just what the name of the board implies, you can't say that stuff elsewhere.

This is not me saying it's a good board btw, it's a retarded board, but I think people who haven't browsed it have a tendency to project an image of a certain kind of user who is really only one type of poster there.

>> No.13094457

Based heideggunthrie meme

>> No.13094464
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x1457, C97B343A-552B-4E07-9A44-7439B066FD6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it’s actually things like fraternity hazing

>> No.13094468

Obviously there's variety but I think you have to recognize the hard right-wing character of the board. It's just not something that you see anywhere else on a big public platform. Even here on lit the influence is felt.

>> No.13094474

Yes but even within that there are gradients of knowledge, cunning, and initiation. There are the people who hang out in Discord servers with people who were important in organizing the Trump or Le Pen campaigns, and then there are the cackling Zoomers who are just there for the memes and the edge. There are also people who got banned from Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook, or SomethingAwful for being too racist.
There's also /leftypol/, whose existence sort of proves your point, but there's more to /pol/ than is immediately apparent.

>> No.13094498

I agree with that.

>> No.13094506

you are correct that it's obviously right wing, im not disagreeing with that.

the only other big site with anything remotely like pol is youtube for whatever reason. Maybe it's just so big that they can't scrub every comment talking about jews

>> No.13094515

Take the Kotkin pill: right-wing YouTube channels were able to thrive because modern authoritarian power structures have to be incompetent in order to succeed.

>> No.13094532

Im not following what you're saying exactly m8. That authoritarian power structures succeed in spite of their goals? As in if they were properly authoritarian they would fail?

>> No.13094539

Their goals are to make money. They succeed by not violating human rights and international norms to the point that they are removed from power. It's about money, successful authoritarians don't set out to repress their population, that's just something that happens as they do what they're trying to do (enrich the regime and its allies).

>> No.13094551
File: 66 KB, 440x568, 9ECF76DB-F80C-4016-BD41-5C67E074AB91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discovering Foucault? There’s really nothing like it. He was a strange bastard to say the least, but dammit it really did take a French homosexual outcast from a wealthy family of surgeons to say it like it is. I think sticking to Heidegger kept him from falling into the poets trap, he was a scholar for sure, but that his archeology of “the history of thought” led him into a life of bugchasing only goes to show that “being right” means nothing without a firm moral foundation- imho

>> No.13094561
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>> No.13094574

Isn’t it hilarious how the fordist institution is self similar? Isn’t it hilarious how surplus value is extracted through ex and intensity?

>> No.13094580

Meme meme Tekel upharsin.

>> No.13094623

I'm seeing one weekly. I don't like their certainty about how "trauma" happens or their normative definition of psychological health. But, I'm desperate... the depression is now on year 10.

>> No.13094642

It's impossible to have mass game-changing revolts in modern western countries. Police and the army will kill it

>> No.13094710

American academics criticize the French while neatly fitting into their own Foucauldian roles.

>> No.13094740
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>> No.13094744

Not if it's an ethnic conflict which transcends left-right politics. And there's no chance that France stays intact if the military shoots thousands of taxpayers in streets. If repressed you would see an IRA style revolt with hundreds of thousands of participants, they would massacre the entire establishment.

>> No.13094749

>Not if it's an ethnic conflict which transcends left-right politics
Name one

>> No.13094801

That's not how it works. We don't exactly have precedence for mass migration. But we can predict that for biological reasons that the welfare state of France will collpase. Now you can believe that the French are such a calm people when it concerns these things that nothing will happen, or you can look at how they sperg out over comparably small cuts, look at history and use your imagination. I think the left-wing party will become the Africa party. Obviously natives will still be engaged there but at some point every native is a taxpayer who pays for x amount of non-natives who grow in political power and will want to see increased payments. With the birth rate differential this situation will escalate quickly. There will be no future for the natives, the newcomers will create an exploitative system. Now ok, this can mean that all French people migrate to Germany. But I don't think so. I think they're going to bring a radical into power.

>> No.13096605


>> No.13096648

imagine being some retarded reddit transplant like this going on about the influence of the board I don't like on the board I was told is my safespace on a website with users who have been here in some cases for 15 years

>> No.13097344
File: 32 KB, 545x362, time feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan has been around for 15 years
fuck me

>> No.13097726

Tout ce qui bouge n'est pas rouge. That being said the anti-capitalist wing of the gillets jaunes isn't opposed to immigration but rather to institutions that promote a shittily done immigration meant to both exploit the native and the immigrant whereas fascism will eventually have to realise that exploitative immigration is necesary to protect the interests of private entities.

>> No.13097759

This was always a meme format for NPCs.

>> No.13097771

stfu you god damned NPC

>> No.13097781

>15 years
time flies when you're doing everything you can to avoid the feels

>> No.13097856

Wait a second is this loss?

>> No.13099323


>> No.13099326


>> No.13099349

How can it be a loss when we already emerge alienated from the means of production and reproduction? Rather it is the transformation of one void into another, the womb unto a tomb.

>> No.13099374


The fact that things resemble each other is not a philosophical nor hermeneutic point of any value for any discipline in the humanities.
Stop being french.

>> No.13099414

the guillotine was a great egalitarian gesture when you think about it like that

>> No.13099429

>The fact that things resemble each other is not a philosophical nor hermeneutic point of any value for any discipline in the humanities.
Why not?
>Stop being french
I'm American

>> No.13099438

Correlation / causation. It’s facile to the point of being infantile.

>> No.13099454

>Correlation / causation
boring as fuck, 3/10

>> No.13099469

What is the difference between life and mortality, between mortality and death? What does control over mortality give you that control over life or death does not?

>> No.13099475

Interesting is only worthy in the creative fields. For everyone else there’s evidence.

>> No.13099786
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>> No.13099801

>isn't it hilarious how buildings designed around the function of accommodating many identical rooms end up resembling one another?
gee, what a mystery

>> No.13099811

That was part of the reason why it was designed, so it's less the guillotine being a gesture and more the gesture (equality in death) being the guillotine.

>> No.13099943

the patriarchy is a conspiracy theory
the wage gap is a conspiracy theory

>> No.13099975

philosophy is a creative field

>> No.13100000

Oh you.

>> No.13100005

He's right, you cunt

>> No.13100014

Wasted digits

>> No.13100034

>factories, and hospitals all resemble one another?
Lmao what

>> No.13100039

start with the greeks

>> No.13100181

>If repressed you would see an IRA style revolt with hundreds of thousands of participants, they would massacre the entire establishment.
Just thinking about that makes my weenie stiff, I want these people to hang high from the fucking street lamps

>> No.13100184

The greeks say OP is a faggot, sorry senpai.

>> No.13100754


>> No.13100762

What's the argument here?

>> No.13101049

Statements aren’t evidence.

>> No.13101125
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Indeed I have, the solution is to insert increasingly large objects up my ass.

>> No.13101147

Yeah. It's fucking uncanny.
Makes you wanna drag them to room 101 and never let them out untill they cry and say they love the Demiurge.
Aint that true man.
Aint that fuvking True.

>> No.13101149

Yup and They're baseless
Like "class struggle" another conspiracy theory.

>> No.13101589

No class struggle is superstructuralless.

>> No.13101595
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>> No.13101600

My dick in your mouth is superstructuralless

>> No.13101614

Labelling elements in a comic is the sign of a retard

>> No.13101627

based clinical psychologist

>> No.13102440


>> No.13103836


>> No.13105329

I watched that video/lecture. The guy was unstable to say the least

>> No.13105331

Is that Proudhon?

>> No.13105381
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Is that a transgender reference?

>> No.13105554

It's almost as if all these buildings look alike because that's the cheapest way to build them.

>> No.13105729
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>> No.13105777

Life is the process of being alive
Mortality is the capacity to die
Death is the process of being dead