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/lit/ - Literature

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13164502 No.13164502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The greatest writer who ever lived was a woman, how does that make you feel /lit/?

>> No.13164525

X to Doubt

>> No.13164535

Pretty sure Dante Alighieri was a man.

>> No.13164540

A lesbian, perhaps, like his current readership.

>> No.13164547

Why is it impossible for the actual pictured guy named Shakespeare who met (i think) with the king actually wrote the plays attributed to Shakespeare?

>> No.13164555

>the two best writers ever were Italians
That's the real plot twist.

>> No.13164557

Because he was a straight white male and that is unacceptable.

>> No.13164563

He haa some kinky homoerotic poems. Bisexual would be a safer bet.

>> No.13164571

But it’s been a point of discussion forever, is it only because of his signature?

>> No.13164576
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Francis Bacon was a fairy, but not a woman.

>> No.13164579

He's pretty homosexual. The best writer in history is William Burroughs.

>> No.13164581

What i'll never understand is all those people trying to claim that shakespear is a group of writers
His themes, characters, and general writing style are way too consistent for that to be true

>> No.13164584

What’s with any famous woman being annexed as a feminist, like, the shit didn’t even exist. These cunts need to stop.

>> No.13164591

All his stories are stolen or based off something else.

>> No.13164596
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>> No.13164597

Stein and Woolf were feminists apparently

>> No.13164604

>william shakespeare was a dude from stratford-upon-avon who was literate and wrote down all the weird characters and dialogue he presented in his plays

IMPOSSIBLE. it must have been an aristocrat....or a WOMAN blah blah blah blah.

>> No.13164609

All his plays clearly have he signs of being written by an illiterate (although very passionate and skillful) man. Blacks were scarce in Shakespeare's times and the very few that existed were cooks and helpers and such. Blacks can barely even read now, imagine then lmao

>> No.13164610


those first sonnets are highly sus. "passionate friendship" my ass.

>> No.13164615

Imagine an entire existence of pretending your race is relevant

>> No.13164620

Rewriting and adapting a story into something better isn't plagiarism

>> No.13164622


>> No.13164627

>reading book on bus
>gang of niggers boards and surrounds me
>almost immediately break into debate about why do we need books when you can watch the movie
Should I feel bad for rubbing it in their faces?

>> No.13164630

Plagiarism is a judicial term. He clearly stole them, though.

>> No.13164636

Did this happen in America? Why didn't you just shoot them dead? America is a paradise and nigger-killin' is the national sport.

>> No.13164643

I would say "borrowed" or "adapted", since the literary climate of the time found that sort of thing more or less acceptable.

>> No.13164651

Anti-Stratfordians get the wall.

>> No.13164656

Fair enough.

>> No.13164659

sjws hate bisexuals even more because they could be gay but choose not to

>> No.13164669

conspiracy theories? >>>/pol/

>> No.13164672

He took those stories and out right improved them in every way
Besides taking old shit and adapting it was how medieval literature worked
That's why we ended up with guys circle jerking over Arthur and Roland for like five hundred years

>> No.13164707

>an uneducated woman wrote masterful plays and changed the english language
>an uneducated woman was taken seriously enough in that era to have her plays performed
You have got to be extremely delusional and go through a lot of mental gymnastics to even entertain this idea.

>> No.13164713

Woolf definitely wouldn't fit with what would be considered a feminist today

>> No.13164720

lol this. Even the female characters were performed by men.

>> No.13164745

Not this shit again.

>> No.13164777


Underrated post.

>> No.13164875
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Are you dumb? Sure op is trying to bait info that direction but most Shakespeare trutherism revolves around him being a nobleman like the earl of Oxford (pic related) or Sir Francis Bacon. And it’s far older than any social justice movement. Some of the frost people to bring up the idea were Joseph Coleman Hart in 1848 or Tomas Looney 1920 and most of there arguments revolves around classism.
Also “straight”

>> No.13165076

Feminists are colonizing history and literature. (What would call that, historo-colonialism, temporal-colonialism or literary colonialism?) What's worse is, they are colonizing the very life and character of the author himself.

>> No.13165105
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>> No.13165114

>All his plays clearly have he signs of being written by an illiterate (although very passionate and skillful) man.
Uh, no. Some of it is just English being young as a literary language and not yet having gone through the rigors of 18th-century classicism, some of it is Shakespeare's poetic enthusiasm that sometimes outpaced his sense, and a lot of it can be attributed to poor or inaccurate transcription by the actors who put together the first editions. But Shakespeare was obviously highly literate.

>> No.13165153
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Give me some examples of poetic enthusiasm and English being young? Im new here

>> No.13165154

Of his poetic enthusiasm**

>> No.13165160
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>unironically describing anything pre-20th century as feminist

Why do revisionists do this?

>> No.13165167

Edith Stein is definitely a feminist in the sense that she believed in the equality of the sexes and equal opportunity of education. But she also defended that men exist to lead and women to support that leadership, which no feminist would accept today.

>> No.13165169

Exactly. Whites are so pathetic.

>> No.13165171

That's temporal colonialism. Really though, more right-wingers should learn the language of leftist academese and their modes of critiques so they can use it against them.