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/lit/ - Literature

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13380124 No.13380124 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder to those who have children to read to them as early as possible and as frequently as possible during their development.

Early reading children are smarter and will contribute to society more than the non-readers.

Also remember that reading is one of the few last bastions of intellectual stimulation. Even reading popular fiction is better than watching garbage like America's Got Talent.

>> No.13380142

Americas got talent?, more like America’s got soi, fuck that fucking gay shit, the first book I read as a child, (12) was 1984 by George Orwell, I’m 19 now, and all I do is swoop mass amounts of beautiful women, heavy smoking, whilst wearing my custom suits, I despise millennials, I’m currently back to reading 1984, after, I’ll start on Homage to Catalonia and then Ficciones by Borges. Fuck Big Pharma, Fuck politics and Netflix.

>> No.13380161

Sick, bruv.

I recently started One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. It's sick it's piss it's revolting it's insulting.

>> No.13380177
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I have that on my floor right now, will pick up after ficciones.

>> No.13380220

Any good recs, anon?

I enjoy depressing, nihilistic stuff. Horror. Stuff like that.

Cormac McCarthy is a favorite author of mine to give an idea.

Also reading House of Leaves at the moment.

But I'm very open to anything as long as it's a good read.

>> No.13380236
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Got you my fellow /literature/ brethren :), here you go, enjoy Monsieur.

>> No.13380286


with a book, you can do anything

>> No.13380352


>> No.13380395

Genes play too big of a role. Smart parents read to their kids, kids who are going to be smart anyway.

>> No.13380417
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You didn’t read till you were 12?

>> No.13380603

I said I read 1984 at 12, I started with Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew at age 8.

>> No.13380606

I said the first "book", I consider 1984 the first head turner, life changer, Monsieur

>> No.13380822

Neat. Thanks!

>> No.13380827

By whom?

>> No.13380831

Genes certainly play a role, but the science is pretty clear that speaking/reading to your children as young as possible and as frequently as possible has great developmental/intellectual benefits.

But yeah, obviously a mother should also be making sure that she's already doing things such as reading and engaging in intellectual activities. And when pregnant also be making sure she is taking in enough of the proper micronutrients to help a developing baby.

>> No.13380898

Cannot recommend this book more. It's a quicker read (about 2-3 days for me) and I keep coming back to it. 10/10, best work of Camus in my opinion.

>> No.13380927

Bad books absolutely do more harm than television.

>> No.13380966

For sure. Glad you included the genes part.

>> No.13380967

This, but I think that books have a higher potential to lead a person to a greater level of intellectual thinking compared to TV. While something like television does have some intellectually stimulating content, there will always be more in books, so giving a young child the skills to reach those higher echelons of intellect through reading--even if you use 'bad' books to lay said foundation--would be worth it for me as a parent. To each their own though!

>> No.13381040

Interesting take anon. I see nothing wrong with a healthy dose of meth so my child can reach the pinnacles of the mind.

>> No.13381260

If I had a zoomer, I would absolutely prohibit all books. I can't think of anything that would make them more attractive.

>> No.13382322

Don't read modern books until you've read the classics. Classics are remembered because they were the books of their time that were well written and interesting enough to last the test of time. Fad books are usually terrible. Ignore them all.

>> No.13383199

I think that's a surefire way to miss out on some great modern books that will likely be considered classics in the future.

>> No.13383239

Such as?

>> No.13383251


>> No.13383262

Pretty much anything by McCarthy.