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13938330 No.13938330 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is Technocapital
The tokenization of things like social media Likes, vidya currency, and unused storage space on your computer will unlock a lot of value for the commoner. This, along with the ethos of decentralization, renders communism as unnecessary.

>> No.13938351 [DELETED] 

The combination of crypto-economics and automation will create economic abundance. Crypto can reach where money currently doesn't, and this liquidity will drive societal change — there will be a synthesis of sub culture and capital. Economic sub cultures will be vanguards of change.

There will be some chaos before it solidifies into something worthy.

>> No.13938357
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The combination of crypto-economics and automation will create economic abundance. Crypto can reach where money currently doesn't, and this liquidity will drive societal change — there will be a synthesis of sub culture and capital. Economic sub cultures will be vanguards of change.

There will be some chaos before it solidifies into something worthy.

>> No.13938366

Life is Darwinian. Capitalism does a good job of reflecting this, and now capitalism will itself be subject to this same Darwinianism — crypto will give rise to an economy of economies; an economic network of varying economic subsystems.

>> No.13938393

Alright so what will this look like:
There will be crypto variations of wikipedia, where contributors get rewarded with money (tokens). The economic incentive around being an archivist will create more, and better archives of information. Everything from conventional education to more information on government leaks, etc.

All that information and within an intellectually weak society. There will be crypto-economic incentives for learning. Imagine being rewarded crypto for learning and completing tests. There is a ridiculous amount of money that would invest in that, both from a donation and profit-minded perspective.

This will create a highly educated, financially comfortable class of people with plenty of time on their hands. Things like politics will cease being a charade and become an art with admirable artists. People will re-design our entire way of living.

>> No.13938407


Redpilled post. Data is the new oil.

Then again, I have my doomsday-predictions concerning the fourth industrial revolution. Guénon and others have written about such quantitative stage being the last stage of existence for Human in a sense: it is the system of antichrist.

You browse /biz/ btw?

>> No.13938448
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One chain to rule them all

>> No.13938534

For a societal revolution towards such a decentralized economy to take place, one where traditional centralized currencies are nearly totally supplanted, the problem of how to make brute monkeys behave in a civilized manner must be solved again. The vast institutional morality indoctrination systems and the safety and stability afforded by a state monopoly on violence are funded by tax revenue. The breakdown of the centralized economy will similarly breakdown the centralized tax collection apparatus. Overcoming the chaos is no trivial matter. It's all too easy to take basic "facts" of how people work living under such a system for granted. The centralized state dominates the world for a reason. Non centralized societies will be exploited and eaten by the larger and more powerful centralized neighbors. It's hard not to imagine that all the "good" parts of crypto, the parts that do away with the yoke of a central bank, will be blocked by the existing power structures from ever being implemented on a scale to rival traditional currency. Even if they are implemented in some places, the effect will be fragmentary to the point where those societies will be rendered unable to resist aggression by societies that remain centralized. This tech will only serve as a means of a further and more complete penetration of the market into daily life. Further integration and centralization of power to collective power structures making humans ever closer to predictable and controlable pawns made irrelevant at the individual level before the emerging hyper organism of humanity. It's hard to imagine this not being dystopic, but then again it will be the AI hive mind overlords pulling the strings so hopefully the machine will sort it out. These are exciting times. Like the first cells, or multicellular life, a higher order of life is organizing itself. The nebulous creature is crystalizing into something much more concrete before our eyes.

>> No.13938690

I don't think I even mentioned data (as in human data), but privacy has yet to have a killer app despite there being a demand for it.

Privacy will increase and people will probably get paid for their data.

>quantitative stage being the last stage of existence for Human in a sense: it is the system of antichrist.
Considering the fact that Christ is anti Darwinian (thereby unnatural and anti life), maybe that's a good thing. Let alone the fact that Jesus is probably a false / anti christ in the first place.

I'm pretty sure Crypto will move with the market before it movies with politics. And, yeah, it'll "penetrate" into daily life, which is a good thing. Imagine having separate incomes coming from your unused hard drive space (cf. Filecoin), videogame playing, viewing ads (BAT), etc.

Humans are the most valuable asset, and cyrpto will allow us to monetize some of that value.

If there were actually a decentralized society, it may be more capable than a centralized one. Consensus is the name of the game with crypto. So if this society were driven by votes, it would come to consensus in a nimble fashion. Whereas democracies don't really get anything done.

I'd opt into a system where peoples' votes are given varying weights based off of their IQ and specific expertise.

>> No.13938728
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>they're onto us
>better start a new one

>> No.13938737
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>40 years late

>> No.13938741
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This kills the accelshit

>> No.13938753
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>Economic sub cultures will be vanguards
So you're not realists?

>> No.13938792
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XerCoin is so based.

>> No.13939896

kek tranny capital

>> No.13939904

retroactively debunked by Gilgamesh

>> No.13940818

I'm a realist. When you have captial combined with a subculture (i.e. a blockchain), then that sub culture will make real world change.

I met Brock a few months ago

Not sure what a fire in a shithole country has to do with anything

>> No.13940871
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This is actually pretty cool, where can I read more about this?

>> No.13940953

My diary.

Neural interfaces (like Neuralink https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA77zsJ31nA ) will allow us to manipulate our consciousness at will, and without drugs. We'll cease being slaves to emotion and become masters of it. Imagine being able to feel a state of bliss while you study.

It'll also allow for easy, biofarming. Implant neural interfaces in "wild" deer, once a given deer is ready to be slaughtered give them an urge to walk to the slaughterhouse. an give the rest of the deer a sense of ease about it. So they're not worried that parts of their pack are constantly disappearing. Reuse the neural interfaces of slaughtered deer, and put them in baby deer.

The raising itself will require almost no overhead, as they'll essentially be free until it's time for them to be turned into meat.

Once the neural interface technology advances, we'll be able to be telepathic. Absolute telepathy between two or more people — where they are each sharing their entire experience with eachother — will create a meta consciousness. They'd cease to be individuals, and they'd likely be more intelligent as a hive / meta consciousness.

Combine that with brain implants for increased memory etc, and we'll probably become a Borg-like race when all is said and done.

>> No.13941008

Is this not just some kind of Techno-Distributionism?

>> No.13941053
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>>where can I read more about this?
>my diary

>> No.13941345

don't laugh at me desu

>> No.13942328

What do you mean?
It's not a redistribution of wealth, it's techno-capital spreading and unlocking value. Reaching where the current economic system can't.

>> No.13943001

Where's the value?

>> No.13943412
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On one level, Crypto allows us to tokenize things we consider valuable. Gold was once considered valuable. The will of people is also valuable, and more probably intrinsic than gold.
Projects are experimenting with tokenizing Likes (as in social media likes).
This allows content creators to bypass the ad model, which is increasingly draconian and censorship prone. A lot of projects are also rewarding the person that Likes. So if you Like something that ends up being Liked by a bunch of other people, both you (the Likers) and the content creator get paid.

If this sounds far fetched to you: first of all, there is a profit incentive. Users would obviously want to make money. As a 4chan user, I'd love for my shitposting here to generate some revenue.
Second, is the investing side (this means liquidity $$ for the tokens you earn). If people believe in this model, they will want to buy for the same reason people invest in companies (e.g. Stocks). They assume a good project will increase in value.
Lastly, and more generally, look at the modern market. Venture capital invests in companies on the basis of Use. If they're getting used, they're valuable, whether or not they're making money. Even public companies like Snapchat and Twiiter, which make zero profit, are worth tens of billions. Their stock rises and falls largely on the bases of Use of the platform. More people use it, the socks goes up and vice versa. Use is the next frontier for people to base a currency off of, and probably the best thing we've done so far (from Tulips to Salt to GDP).

The coolest thing about Crypto is it allows us to create and iterate on currencies / economies at relative lightning speed.

Also there are things like the tokenization of Storage space. I'm not sure, but I'd assume Filecoin is based around bit torrent. Bit torrent was a technology that never managed to find a Killer App (google that term). Skype runs on it, but most people know it for pirating things online, which is not a business model (yet).
Blockchains are basically automated ledgers. That means they can be used like ultra nimble economies.
Filecoin tokenized storage space. So if I have a filecoin, that represents some measurement of storage space. When you run that on top of bittorrent, people can ultimately get paid for extra space on their computer.

>> No.13943423

> Gold was once considered valuable
I mean it was considered so valuable that they decided to base a currency off of it.

tokenization = basing a crypto (currency) off of something

>> No.13943429

I know you're really trying to be the schitzo poster, but I'm just not buying it. Too much punctuation and not enough caps.

>> No.13943633

I'm not schizophrenic. If you actually read what I'm writing, you'd see that it's generally pretty straightforward predictions based on technological trends.

For example, the Borg thing. Elon Musk himself talks about 'consensual telepathy' as a feature of a working NeuraLink. Absolute telepathy would be the sharing of your entire experience. If that were done in real time between a group of two or more people, then they would cease having an individual consciousness. That's not far from common sense.

>> No.13943636

And I'm not that poster / not trying to be.
I have slim patience for bullshit and encountering genuine schizophrenics online just unnerves me.

>> No.13943748

As in Chesterton/Belloc Distributism, it's fairly hard to explain but it seems to fit in with that and a "social credit" system (not like China, like C.H Douglas), but maybe I'm being a brainlet and misreading stuff though.