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/lit/ - Literature

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14203884 No.14203884 [Reply] [Original]

What to make of this?


>> No.14203896
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>people unironically read 2010's fiction

>> No.14203922

I've heard of fucking none of this.

>> No.14203939

Which are your favorite 2010s novels written in English, Anon?

>> No.14204330

I almost bought The Sellout on a whim last week in a bookstore because it looked interesting but I talked myself out of it because I already have too many books to read. I think I still might go back and get it at some point.

>> No.14204463

abolish literary journals. burn them to the ground. modern day mainstream intellectualism is so profoundly disconnected from actual literary merit, and autistically focused on diversity credits and "MUH MINORITY STATUS" and the effects are increasingly more apparent. when you rank derivative trash like "the underground railroad" as one of the decade's top novels, you have sealed your fate as a gatekeeper of pseudo-diversity, not a publication intent on furthering discussion and literary discourse.

>> No.14204467

Too many books. Who the fuck is gonna read all that? I hate how people keep producing literature believing they're some new Hemingway or something. Fucking scumbags. Read more and find something actually worthwhile to say, you pathetic attention seeking normies. I'm not gonna dive in your bullshit-tier books just because you sucked some editor's cock. Fuck capitalism, fuck 21st century, fuck anglos, fuck literature. I hate everything.

>> No.14204475

Have sex anon

>> No.14204493

The only book mentioned in that article, it's not even on the list but in the honourable mentions, that I've read is A Brief History of Seven Killings, which I liked quite a bit.

>> No.14206002

That article itself was really horribly written.

>reads through list
Holy fuck you are not kidding. There was nothing in the top 20 I thought would be interesting to read. Maybe the one about trees. Normally I like David Mitchell but have no interest in that one listed.

>> No.14206021

Normal People is actually pretty good. If old Chan culture was still alive I think we would have memed Rooney to death

>> No.14207081

Tao lim

>> No.14207192

What's hilarious about your post is that The Underground Railroad is literally the only novel on that list I'd heard of before and I actually want to read it some time. Everything else on that list ranges from literally who to cringe.

Like, they didn't even include Lincoln in the Bardo, Freedom, A Brief History of Seven Killings, Ducks Newburyport, The Song of Achilles, NW, and plenty of other choices that would at least make sense.

>> No.14207232

There are a few novels on the list I might actually bother to read. The rest look like diversity awards handed out to whatever brown kid showed up.
Thank you for pointing out the elephant in the room. We need to start killing literary agents and lighting publishing houses on fire.
>Ducks Newburyport,
You mean the literal shitpost in print format? Go tie a noose and put your neck in it.

>> No.14207236

Ducks, Newburyport is an ambitious, experimental novel that gets diversity points for being written by a woman. At the very least it's more interesting than 90% of the books in OP's list.

>> No.14207265

It's a literal fucking shitpost. Someone could wipe their ass after a bout of diarhea with manuscript paper, mail it in, and produce something of more literary merit than THAT. Stop shilling it here you retarded whore.

>> No.14207278

shut up you losers

>> No.14207317

dept of speculation is a great book

flamethrowers, in the distance, milkman, the idiot, rest/relaxation are all terrific as well

i liked goon squad but my god did egan drop the ball with manhattan beach. what a mess

>> No.14207328

Better than this list.

>> No.14207335

simmer down schizo. take ur meds

>> No.14207366

I enjoyed the Brothers Sisters, but was it really one of the best books of the decade?

>> No.14207377

Oh thank god I'm not the only one. Bookshelf full, still find the time to wander down to the shop, buy a book or two come back, place it on the shelf and promise myself I'll get to it soon

>> No.14207380

> Opens list
> No Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5-12 or the Rowley spinoff
> No Sense of an Ending
> No Freedom by Franzen
> No Knasgaurd
> No Houllebecq
Garbage list.

>> No.14207385

It's an honourable mention...

>> No.14207391

A friend's girlfriend leant me this book. Then they had a messy break up and now I have it forever. Still haven't read it though.

>> No.14207393

is Tao Lin actually good or he just some kind of limbo /lit meme that occasionally appears here and there.

>> No.14207395

shit like this reminds me the futility of even dreaming of being a published author. who cares what you write you won't get recognition. but then, hasn't that always been the case? writers of old were not deterred by the reams of middlebrow fiction getting the attention of the wannabe aristocracy.

>> No.14207400

He is good but a bit one-note. I doubt you will read any of his novels and feel like your life has been transformed. But I think he is better than most of the people on the list.

>> No.14207414
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which Tao Lin book would you rec? Taipei?

>> No.14207428

why do you people think you’re so good and superior to everyone all the time. have you even read a single book on this list

>> No.14207453

Even if it's an honorable mention they are still saying it's one of the best. I didn't say top X just that it was considered one of the best of the decade.

>> No.14207470

Nah, never even heard of all these terrible books.

>> No.14207679

I don't usually read books written since the 1980s, so I haven't read any of their main picks. The 'honorable mentions' list actually has 3 I've read though:

Jess Walter - Beautiful Ruins
James Salter - All That Is
Alissa Nutting - Tampa

Wouldn't recommend Beautiful Ruins unless you're a middle-aged woman in a book club.

>> No.14207691

No Chirbes, no Krasznahorkai, not even Ishiguro. McElroy, Pynchon, Gass all put out some good efforts this decade. None of the interesting translated literature that has come out. This is a shameful and shallow display of the literary scene right now. The sad truth is literature isn't dead, it's just buried under the monumental pile of shit displayed on lists like these

>> No.14207787

i've only read two:
train dreams which is amazing
a little life, which i was very ambivalent about but is as described.

>> No.14207796

it explains in the opening that there's no translated works because they already did a list of those separately

>> No.14208250

>expecting /lit/ to read literally anything

>> No.14208327

> I haven't read the books on the list but I'm still going to give my retarded opinion

This thread is a good example of how /lit/ is populated by opinionated know-nothings. Most of the books on that list are at least worth reading, I wouldn't necessary agree that they are all the best novels of the decade, but 75% of them are, in my opinion, certainly contenders.

>> No.14208338

... and you are anglo.

>> No.14208345

t. greasy spic

>> No.14208362

You wish. Get some fucking taste btw.

>> No.14208379

If you don't like Anglos don't come to an English language forum retard.

>> No.14208408

>all YA

>> No.14208426

This desu.

>> No.14208494

as someone who thought manhatten beach was just ok is it worth reading goon squad?

>> No.14208499

you need to learn how to read ironically

>> No.14208504

agree desu
also half the posters too incapable to either read the introduction or read the honoary mentions and so on. really is the most pseud board on the site

>> No.14208505

it’s definitely the better book, though they’re rather different

>> No.14208985

>didn't read the article and just acting on assumption

>> No.14209170

Cursory analysis of the 38 books listed in the Top 20 and Dissenting Opinions:

Male: 14 (36.8%)
Female: 24 (63.2%)
White: 19 (50%)
Jewish: 5 (13%)
POC: 14 (37%)

White male: 7 (18%)
White female: 12 (32%)
Jewish male: 1 (2%)
Jewish female: 4 (11%)
POC male: 6 (16%)
POC female: 8 (21%)

>> No.14209348

Sellout is a fucking great and hilarious book and if it hadn't been written by a black dude we'd be all over it. Features a parody attempt to rewrite Mark Twain in ebonics for the kids, belittles 'minority rights' intellectuals, points out that the whole race debate in the US just pointlessly ignores Mexicans because the people involved are so stuck in their black rights battlemode.

Probably too referential to age well, but it's good for now.

>Too many books
Voice of the 21st century cognitive elite here

>> No.14209369

Egan: YA tier
Mitchell: a good book
Johnson: very good book
Cusk: very good book
Powers: respectable failure
Burns: see above

So what I've read of it is very okay. Obviously only allows stuff written in English, so loads is missing.

>> No.14209415

Haha, I tried to pick up one fantasy book that had won awards, and what do I get?
Absolute trash
It's almost like these people got an agenda

>> No.14210141

>Tommy Pinchy didn't even make it into honorable mentions but a copy-cat made the top of the shortlist
How will he ever recover?

>> No.14210191

not him but Taipei was enjoyable

>> No.14210198

Buddha in the Attic is trash desu. Just saying.

>> No.14210221

>no Chevillard
why ?