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15023806 No.15023806 [Reply] [Original]

My search for the truth has lead me to the realization there is no truth. We are just potentials and shadows of thoughts, a dream within dream within a dream.

>> No.15023812

>there is no truth
Is this statement true ?

>> No.15023823
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I don't know

>> No.15023830

There is no truth, not even that statement


>> No.15023836

"There is no certain truth" is the better term and can't be contradicted.

>> No.15023839

You're correct

>> No.15023845

If you only know that you know nothing, you are of no position to speak.

>> No.15023847

>can't be contradicted
Are you sure about that?

>> No.15023850

that's not certain, kek

>> No.15023852

Are you certain there is no certain truth ?
Nah referring truth is the most plebian position out there if you are on it there is no reason to even open a discussion, because you cant know nuffin

>> No.15023955

I didn't say I know nothing though ? I just said it isn't certain.
>Are you certain there is no certain truth ?
I'm not sure.

>> No.15023960

>getting tricked by the demiurge

>> No.15023963

>Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent

>> No.15023972
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>> No.15023978

There is a universal truth, and that is the universe. The universe is. It does not change depending on what a person knows or perceives. It simply is. It encompasses all. It does not show favoritism, it does not know evil. The universe "created" all. What man does not understand, the universe "knows".

That is why the Universe is the only iteration of "God" that is valid.

>> No.15023989

Ahh and an archon arrives...

>> No.15023995

Existence is like a metaphysical minecraft, we can build great things but in the end we wake up from the dream

>> No.15024069


Some guys here really belive the bullshits about archons, demiurge and all that stuff ?

What's the name of the guy that rant for hours about lizards and archons ?

>> No.15024082
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Truth is an abstract concept, but a necessary one. Like love, like justice. However, every time we think we are right, that we know the absolute truth - we give it a dangerous concreteness, a scandalous concreteness. We arrive at fundamentalism, the death of real belief. In short, we are causing pain. To ourselves, and to others.

Replace that concrete truth, with mystery. We can never know the truth, as we cannot glimpse God. The beautiful thing about questions, is that we don't have the answers. We can only search, and this search is where faith lies. This is where Logos lies, life eternal. Do not confuse passion and madness with love. It is a perversion.

>> No.15024083

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.15024169

I'm not into passivity. One must seek the most certain action and with an open mindset that he could be wrong and he is just doing what he think is right.

>> No.15024284

Read Hegel dude

>> No.15024690

Begin with Vico

>> No.15024751

Nah, its more like Dwarf Fortress. Minecraft doesn't come with a pre-simulated history.

>> No.15024790

Congrats, you figured out what shakespeare and mozart knew hundreds of years ago

>> No.15024789

>I didn't find it, therefore it doesn't exist.
Masterfully argued.

>> No.15024863

it shows the impotency of language

>> No.15024886

>tfw rolled goblin peasant cheesemaker

>> No.15025446
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No, that's just your sex life. Everything else is real.

>> No.15025491
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The universe is an arena and whoever stands last wins... nothing
And then the game resets forever

>> No.15025506
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Arena, you say?

>> No.15025621

I know you like plaigarizing icycalm, but the world is and always will be made of infinite players. There is no "last player".

>> No.15025633

Heat death proves you wrong.

>> No.15025665

Are you certain about that?

>> No.15025688

>what about intergalactic eraser megaweapon
>self replicant deadly robots

or Big Crunch

>> No.15025699

Heat death is self-refuting. Nietzsche already figured this out over a hundred years ago.

>> No.15025733

All that Nietzsche was trying to figure out was how to stop being a weak beta cuck, and he failed miserably

>> No.15025805

>I'm not sure
Are you certain of that?

>> No.15026432


>> No.15026474
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Midwit cope

>> No.15026482

What's it Empiricus said?
"Nothing is absolute, including this statement"
>Because of these and other barriers to acquiring true beliefs, Sextus Empiricus advises[11] that we should suspend judgment about virtually all beliefs; that is to say, we should neither affirm any belief as true nor deny any belief as false. This view is known as Pyrrhonian skepticism, as distinguished from Academic skepticism, as practiced by Carneades, which, according to Sextus, denies knowledge altogether. Sextus did not deny the possibility of knowledge. He criticizes the Academic skeptic's claim that nothing is knowable as being an affirmative belief. Instead, Sextus advocates simply giving up belief; in other words, suspending judgment (epoche) about whether or not anything is knowable.


>> No.15026488

>realization there is no truth
The ability to get anything done in the world proves this otherwise. If there wasn't a constant and organized structure to reality all problems would be unsolvable.

>> No.15026534
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>had massive migraines, diarrhea, couldn't work for days,
>had to give up a professorship, and abandon his life because of how chronically ill he was
>goes on to write books that would profoundly change thinking all across the world, and are still talked about to this very day

>failed miserably

>> No.15026637

wrong, attain spiritual insight lowly hylic
Truth is anything but abstract

>> No.15026665

le pyrrhic loop de loop