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/lit/ - Literature

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15793274 No.15793274 [Reply] [Original]

I try to do at least 40.

>> No.15793305
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I read 50 in the morning, but spent the rest of the day masturbating, shitposting and watching videos.
I was writing some minutes ago, but my prose is awful and I feel ashamed.

>> No.15793310

It varies, I try at least 50, and when I have free time it’s usually >100 but sometimes I’m busy and barely read a chapter or two before bef

>> No.15793449
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>> No.15793457


>> No.15793463

dunno, roll.

>> No.15793464

~20-40 a week

>> No.15793486

I don't have a constant page number. Some days it's 50, some days it's 12, some days I don't read, some days it's 98, it depends on how I feel in the day and what book I am reading.

>> No.15793629

I just read blood meridian from chapter 10 to the end today. So around 230 pages

>> No.15793686

On a good day, >100. On more common days, 20-40

>> No.15793726
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>How many hours a day do litchads listen?

>> No.15793736

at least one hour before drifting off to sleep

>> No.15793747
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An entire book in one sitting then don't read for a couple of months.
Once the ball starts rolling and I'm finally reading again I don't stop for fear of lacking the willpower to pick up where I left off, so by the time I do decide to read it again I have to start over.

>> No.15793874

>I read 1000 pages of Tom Clancy today!

>> No.15793903

Prose is fixed in editing, get over it. Pick up another hobby other than literature so you can fill the days spent not working at your job in at least a somewhat more fulfilled manner.

>> No.15793913

As long as you're reading consistently (something every day) and it results in a good average page count, this is best.

>> No.15794057

i only take my headphones off to charge them.

>> No.15794074
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Today I read book I of Tacitus' Histories.
I finished The Annals last week at the same rate (1 book per day).

>> No.15794076

I just get my 1st draft done with then start improving the setting and prose.

>> No.15795720
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>> No.15796069

I read 5 pages of Spinoza a day but by the end of it those 5 pages have become a part of me

>> No.15796094

I read fourteen books a day get on my level plebs

>> No.15796133


>reading 600-800 pages per day
>slow day
>thinking lit will grill me for pleb-tier reading
Books, articles, science journals, critiques, guides, transcripts, etc. Wtf.

Not looking down on anyone for 0-50 just that that's so much lower than it seemed from all the shit-talking on /lit/

>> No.15796159
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no wonder you're depressed

>> No.15796187

This board is for people who don't read but pretend to read

>> No.15796432

Some of us have lives and can’t spend all our time reading, I usually can only manage between 1-2 hours for it.
>600-800 pages a day
At twice the average speed of reading this would take you 6-8 hours, there are three possible conclusions: you’re a liar like Harold Bloom; you have absolutely no life; or you skim read everything, defeating the point of reading just because you want pseuds on /lit/ to be impressed. Any of those is bad.

>> No.15796503

>counts articles guides etc.
how many levels of delusional are u on anon

>> No.15796513

Yeah, I read hundreds of pages of 4channel

>> No.15796573

You know usualy i don't want to book to end so i read slowly and savor it for as long as i can. Unlike some people

>> No.15796793
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>you’re a liar like Harold Bloom
>you have absolutely no life
>you skim read everything

>> No.15796806

I’ve known a few chads. None of them read fiction. Fiction is for nerds and social escapists like us. At most they will read historical fiction

>> No.15796813

about 150-200 on a good day
i only read fiction though

>> No.15796849

Reminder that reading slow is a good thing. You can easily spend several hours analyzing a single page of Proust if you're a good reader.

>> No.15796858
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>> No.15796874

about 100

>> No.15796895

atm around 20-30

>> No.15796900

i've read 8175 pages in 2020 so far. so, devided by the number of days so far, i've read on average 43 pages a day. this is only fiction. i also am doing a law degree which i've read a ton for. so probably like 75 pages a day. over the course of a year, not bad.

>> No.15796945

Depends what kind of fiction nigger.

>> No.15796996

If we include 4chan posts probably a thousand a day

>> No.15797958
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You guys read?

>> No.15798021

Get laid nerd

>> No.15798040

I do a chapter a day of a couple of books at one time. Usually 1-2 technical books and 1 fiction.

>> No.15798079

Right now I've been experimenting not so much with page numbers but with percentage of the total book length.

I try to get roughly 3-4% per day. That way I can finish any book in about a month. If I want to move faster, then I read a higher percentage. And that way I can easily determine how many books I'll want to read in a year, regardless of length. Not that reading some arbitrary number of books per year means much, but it helps me keep on track.

>> No.15798086

Minimum is 25 pages for educational things (philosophy, psychology, sciences)
Min 50 for entertainmet novels, biografies, etc

>> No.15798149

i'm unemployed, and i read for fun so anywhere from 600 to zero. if i averaged it out it would probably be around 2-300 pages a day. around 5/600 is my max after that i get worn out and start unintentionally skimming. but i can only do 100ish pages of philosophy or nonfiction a day, it wears me out far quicker.

>> No.15798529

But do you remember its content?

>> No.15798537

yeah basically Galba got a raw deal and it ends with Otho marching out of Rome to meet Vitellius' forces

>> No.15798543

i just move the bookmark every day, its usually about a hundred pages spread across two books or so

>> No.15798551

In the past few days I'm at around 60-70. Feels good man. Lots of day-to-day variation but I strive for a monthly average of 1200, so about 40 a day like you OP.

>> No.15798576

I think most people itt and irl read quite a lot of blogs/newspaper/magazines and the like (not even mentioning instruction and other low-technical writing) every day. But the "real" literary or philosophical reading is generally only a fraction of that. Even then, 600 pages a day is insane, that's ten hours at one page per minute. I only do that kind of stuff on vacations when I'm on a good roll.

>> No.15798595

Fun thing I watched a film version of Corneille's Othon a few weeks ago (a true-to-text version, every single line is spoken as written by Corneille), those names are giving me flashbacks. It was the Straub & Huillet version if you're curious.

>> No.15798613

Six hundred pages a day does not sound realistic unless you're that speed reader guy who does two pages at once in single glances with perfect retention

>> No.15798639


>> No.15798696
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>> No.15798763

my reading speed is around 500wpm and i've been a shut in autist that loved reading since i was a child. if a book engages me i'm capable of reading it in one sitting. i don't skim, my retention is good. i grew up with a librarian for a mom and she brought home a stack of books every week or two. i've read constantly, starting in 3rd grade when i put all my homework in the self reporting bin blank except for the first page and read shitty fantasy for an entire semester undisturbed. caught hell for that one though kek

i also lose my internal voice while reading so i process information quite fast when i get in the rythm. takes a lot of experience and autism to read this fast though. it might be one of those things like languages where you can't have true proficiency if you didn't learn enough as a child.

>> No.15799042

>>15798763 was meant to respond to >>15798613. i guess 600 pages a day doesn't prevent me from being a complete retard after all

>> No.15799068

i used to but then i broke up with my gf lol.

>> No.15799083


>> No.15799783

Either ~200 or 0. I need to carve out a big chunk of time to really get into the right headspace, I feel like I miss too much when I read a book over the course of a week or longer.

>> No.15799788

Why waste my time reading when I could be thingken

>> No.15799801

Every page is wildly different though

>> No.15799901


>> No.15799912
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i don't read lol

>> No.15800062

doesn't your scalp/hair get tired of it at some point? I know mine does eventually no matter what headphones I use.

>> No.15800075

Around 40 to 70 a day

>> No.15800086

What's your top 5?

>> No.15800102

I try to read at least 50 per day.

>> No.15800129

It really depends on what I am reading. When I was reading One Hundred Years of Solitude I would do more than 100 pages sometimes. Right now I am reading "Grande Sertão: Veredas" and fuck, I'm getting an average of only 15 pages a day

>> No.15800194

Every morning I make myself a smoothie with frozen spinach/raspberries/mango/banana/walnuts and orange juice will listening to either cage the elephant, old school rap or music like daughters of eve/mamas and papas. Then sit down and read 10 pages maybe 20 max, then go brush my teeth and wash my face, apply beard oil and brush it. Then either get dressed and go mind my nieces and nephew or sit on my pc browsing here and having a few wanks.

>> No.15800258

Yeah, I think this is most here, it just depends on how long I masturbated for that day. How many nuts did I bust? There seems to be a sweet spot between maintaining that relaxed state to read, and then busting so many nuts that I get sleepy and essentially stoned feeling. At that point I lose all concentration and just start posting here.

How about everyone else? How many times do you masturbate while reading a day?

>> No.15800621

books? i only read for fun so i haven't really delved deep into any philosophy yet. have some of the greeks coming in the mail though and i'm very excited

here are some of my favourites in no order(except walden is #1, i'm a homo for nature)
Grapes of Wrath
They Shall Inherit The Earth
Oryx and Crake
Heart of Darkness

Calvin and Hobbes Complete Collection(Hardcover Edition)

>> No.15800650
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I'm taking a break from hard literature and reading fun light novels. I read when I want and sometimes reread.

>> No.15800667

i get the first 3 but why is the last guy worshiping a mirror??

>> No.15800803

Because he thinks he's a God

>> No.15800839

Some of us are wage slaves anon...

>> No.15800899
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Favorite chapter?

>> No.15801461

50 is my minimum, but if I do two books at once or the book I'm reading is really stellar, then I can rip 100+.

>> No.15801488

Based on goodreads so it won't be entirely accurate but it's a good estimate. Average per day

2018 - 66
2019 - 69
2020 - 68

>> No.15801563

>only read for fun
man, do you realize how much smarter you would be if you had dedicated even 20% of your literary diet to nonfiction?

>> No.15801571

fiction and nonfiction combined, around 50 pages a day.

>> No.15801614
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>I read 50 in the morning, but spent the rest of the day masturbating

>> No.15801648

Have you read The Secret History? Sounds perfect for your break, very comfy

>> No.15801843
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fuck I'm so jealous of detaching yourself from the internal monologue. That sounds sarcastic but I'm serious, any tips?

>> No.15802046

i know anon, feels bad. but i'm pretty young and i'm working on reading more nonfiction

>> No.15802689

nonfiction: 30

>> No.15803306

Rollin for how many pages I'll read today.