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18096800 No.18096800 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read after I finish the Bible? (NKJV)

>> No.18096842
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The Qur’an

>> No.18096850


>> No.18096857

Read KJV. Anything less is for midwits with 6th grade vocabularies.

>But it's not the most accurate version!
Blow it out your ass.

>> No.18096873

NKJV was a gift from my parents. Will KJV be different enough to be worthwhile?

>> No.18096887

Because Tawheed is the truth, and Muhammad (pbuh) was God’s prophet.

>> No.18096901

The language is harder. From what I understand KJV is at a senior high school reading level, NKJV is written at 7th grade level.

>> No.18096915

>The Bible is literally highschooler / 7th grader-tier lit

>> No.18096962

It's rare to find a book written above that, 17-18 year olds can already read at an adult level. You'd have to be a prick trying to impress people going beyond that. Any book you take off your self will be written at a 6-8th grade level or so.

>> No.18097002

The real Holy Bible, KJV

>> No.18097039

Nothing. Burn all of them in accordance with the authoritarian beliefs that the bible is was made to espouse for all it's history until people just started clutching them out of fear, instead of adopting somethibg from a real thinker that worked with secularism, like maybe not blindly accepting people as profits and instead think of any not held up purely by politics and forced dissemenitation as ideas.

Maybe something more sane, that doesn't throw the baby out with the bathwater like
>Doctrine is only what we presently understand. You are free to believe other doctrines. You are free to come and go from other places of esoteric philosophy.l and share these ideas at least in appropriate settings depending on fervor involved.
>"God" is the summation of all which is most tied together. It is debatable if it has consciousness or morality, however.
>The Earth, aet, and community is to be one with
>Acceptance is mandated within places of worship.
>One of the following at least may be true: there is an afterlife, there is only oblivion,
>Any entities described, if there are any, may only be metaphors. Indeed, everthing in some is only a cocnept and concepts are infinitely divisible. If someone appears to have encountered such an enntity, they must take heed it might not be that entity as presented exactly.
>Words are imperfect. The human mind is fallable even should it be guided. Literality is impossible.
>Concepts may exist as ideas in the mind and have heavy influence. Loyalty, sacrifice, and humility is important and highly encoruaged and revered in sacred settings.
>The religion functions as a charity for communion, mindfullness, and perhaps care for the impoverished,.
>Church is separate from the State.
>Religion is merely a kinder a subset of philosophy combined with art, aesthetics, personal growth, and counseling.
Or... Whatever im still working on it...

I still dont know if proselytizing should be a thing though and I'm not sure how or if there should be a hierarchy, but still, its frustrating to me that people either abandon religion, take it as is, or make a haphazard autistic mockery of it.

Anyway, Christianity is shit.

>> No.18097044

I didn't see this before writing >>18097002 (also forgot to remove an all fields from earlier), but that was blessed of our parents and there will not be a significant enough difference. What did you think of your first read through?

>> No.18097058

>Christianity is shit
No u

>> No.18097378

*tips fedora

>> No.18097393

Still reading it. I definitely expected the New Testament to be a lot more linear.

>> No.18097698

Because Muhammad was attempting to solve the problems of the Christian and Jewish practice.
By the time of the Koran, Christians and Jews were already claiming through their practice that they were partners with god, not his servants/slaves/children whatever.
It is the exact same thing with scientism today.
Midwits and nerds think that they are now partners with the universe and its uncertainty.

>> No.18097781

NLT is much better than NKJV

>> No.18097902


>> No.18097963

The OT isn't quite so linear either, gaze closely upon the following:
They are tards, it is not.

>> No.18099305 [DELETED] 

But I'm not of that sort... I just especially dislike Christianity and thats the only religion I really know much about...

>> No.18099629

>Christians and Jews were already claiming through their practice that they were partners with god

I need verses.
How can you claim they are partners when christianity is all about accepting ones inferiority but accepting the gift of salvation

>> No.18099658

only correct answer itt

>> No.18099686

you just start again

>> No.18099691

What a retarded question, who reads the Bible cover-to-cover?
Woah a time traveler from 2010 reddit r/atheism

>> No.18101332
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You should read the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price next. Not the Quran. The Quran is a totally different continuity but the LDS scriptures are a genuine continuation of the Bible, like the New Testament was to the Old Testament.

>> No.18101351

Sometimes I want to dunk on Mormons for believing some guy in Utah was God’s last prophet, but then I realise that suspension of disbelief is common to all religions.

>> No.18101606

Good of you to realize all religions are exactly the same in that regard. Now move past the fedora mode and read Mormon scriptures some time.

>> No.18101687

the Quran.
The Quran is clearly an inspired work, but in some ways the spirit can seem to clash with that of Christ (and God knows best, and I am worthless but this is my takeaway, namely that there is legalism in the Quran in a sense that Jesus could be taken as criticising). I believe the reason for this difference is tha the two look upon the same thing from opposite directions. the Quran is about founding Gods kingdom. The Gospels are about keeping an already esablished kingdom pure. One is a before, the other is an after. They complement one another, they fulfil eachother (christianity has always been confused on points of Law, and arguaby Islam has too but for diametrically opposed reasons).

This is my theory for the day. I will have forgotten it by tomorrow inshallah, but I do believe both works are inspired, and so they must be reconcilable.

>> No.18101766

The Book of Enoch 1 and other apocrypha

>> No.18101783

wow i hope this is a copy pasta and that you didn't write this out thinking you actually had done something clever..

>> No.18101795

the Gospel of Thomas is probably a good move

>> No.18101853

The only think the Quran clearly is is fan fiction by a piece of shit that saw a way to use the Christian Bible to gain his own glory.

>> No.18101907

It's literally inspired yes, inspired by the spirit of antichrist though.

>> No.18102359


>> No.18102385

Crime and punishment

>> No.18102394
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The Westminster Confession of Faith

>> No.18103216
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Institutes of the Christian Religion

>> No.18103610

The Shepherd of Hermas, Didache, and Epistle of Barnabas are the most notable extracanonical writings with traditional approval.


The Book of Sirach is another important wisdom text that isn't part of the primary canon.

>> No.18104328

what makes you say that? I mean in what way is it the opposite of christ?

>> No.18105089

The spirit of antichrist is defined in 1 John. Also, there's things in 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 13, not to mention the Quran and Hadith themselves, which point in the direction of identifying the spirit claiming to be Allah with the literal antichrist.

>> No.18105164

>1 John
it seems vey much in the spirit of the quran desu

>> No.18105182

KJV is based on the (((masoretic))) text, prots are retards lol, read Brenton's septuagint (the new testament is hardly subjected to doctored translation so you could read any NT translation for the most part, though I would recommend the ABP for the new testament).

>> No.18105190

Read it again.

>> No.18105207

This, over and over for life.

>> No.18105301

>they must be reconcilable
>Quran clearly says Bible has been corrupted
This is why I hate syncretismfags. They're literally subhumans incapable of logical thought.

>> No.18105791

anon dont waste your time with kjv. nkjv is the same thing but it uses slightly easier language. all the pseuds here pass the litmus test when they seethe at you for reading a book meant for the common man in common language instead of le epic old english. the bible is not about sounding cool and epic and these people are faggot larpers

>> No.18105863

>same thing but it uses slightly easier language
For the most part, but certainly not entirely. There are quite a many moments of significant translation differences. Read them in parallel at Bible Hub and see for yourself.

>> No.18106708

1) The Apostolic Fathers
2) The Desert Fathers
3) Augustine's Confessions
And then continue on reading the Church Fathers, not all of augustine is worth reading except his City of God & Confessions.

>> No.18107603 [DELETED] 

The Law of God: For Study at Home and School
What already pure kingdom existed in the gospels?

>> No.18107665
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The Law of God: For Study at Home and School

>> No.18107903

corrupted can mean different things. if you compare the canonical gospels with the gospel of Thomas for instance you can see clear differences. but there's a difference between omission (I have to imagine the church still kept all the deeper teachings for themselves higher up in the hierarchies) and addition/change. I think the old Testament has been added to, that there are things in it clearly not of prophetic origin. There are clear additions which are corrupting in the canonical gospels, but I don't believe that anyone dared change Jesus' words. In Matthew for instance where it is said that Jesus was the only son of God, this is not Jesus speaking. I guess that's basically it: I don't believe they dared change Jesus' words, though I could believe that they omitted things that they thought would be too difficult for the masses to handle, which is bad enough but would in some ways still mean that when Jesus speaks in the new testament it is Jesus speaking. There are significant differences with how stories are told between the new testament and the Gospel of Thomas, maybe it should be viewed as wholly corrupt and I am wrong.

>> No.18107912

it remains the case that the Quran says a muslim will find greatest likeness in all the world with a christian. they can't be completely off the path.

>> No.18109277


>> No.18110101

The Bhagavad Gita
Maybe also the Tao te Ching.

They're both pretty short.

>> No.18110178

St Jerome Biblical Commentary