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File: 132 KB, 700x544, Cima_da_Conegliano,_God_the_Father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18716223 No.18716223 [Reply] [Original]

Why does God allow us to suffer?

>> No.18716263

can someone explain how he would look like that even if he was real

>> No.18716265

1) Should simulations be possible, the chance of being in a non-simulation is infinitesimal
2) Language is a representative structure
3) The basis of simulation is representation
4) Language exists
5) Representations are possible
6) Language is a simulation
7) Simulations exist
8) There is an infinitesimal chance we are not in a simulation


God allows us to suffer because at one point in the chain of infinite simulation, we got a shit cunt demiurge. (We can do a similar demonstration that if evil exists, then necessarily there is one evil simulator, and as the chain of simulation is infinite, therefore all simulations are evil).

The answer is simple: god is evil, because we speak language.

Its time to become buddhist and accept that consciousness can only be coped with.

>> No.18716270

In order to make us gods by adoption through grace. So that we can win at something.

>> No.18716271
File: 48 KB, 1024x1024, SmugWojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you should ask that because I discuss it in this thread about natural theology >>18715207 you anons should go to it instead of this one.

>> No.18716273

>can someone explain how he would look like that even if he was real
He's getting his dick sucked by the holy spirit under the table, but he doesn't want to put his hands on her head because that's controlling.

>> No.18716276

>using probabilities without any benchmark or description of the density function

please don't do this, it's one of my pet peeves

>> No.18716281

Or are you talking about how the left arm is broken/the artist is shit?

>> No.18716292

Infinite chain my main man, an infinite chain that necessarily taints all links below it. You don't need a benchmark.

Enjoy learning to be a buddha in hell.

>> No.18716331
File: 95 KB, 680x949, 1626244364848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we could learn to be greater than what we suffer

>> No.18716337

Shit I really need to finish Heaven's Feel

>> No.18716351

Now the right arm is broken. What is it with christian artists and arm injury?

Oh wait. That's right.

>> No.18716356

This is a genderswapped Fate character lmao

>> No.18716359

We suffer so we can improve as a people.

>> No.18716376

Why shouldn't He?

>> No.18716381

>When I was a kid, I had a nightmare that a bear was eating me. When I woke up I asked my father why he didn't save me from the fucking bear.
>He shrugged. I wasn't in your dream, anon.
>That's all on you.
When you want to stop suffering, wake up.
and this guy doesn't know what Buddhism is

>> No.18716417

>and this guy doesn't know what Buddhism is
You can't know what Buddhism is, we have enough stone buddhas already.

>> No.18716422

because you're not entitled to not suffer you little bitch

>> No.18716424

>the simulation cuck theory again
the simulation theory makes no sense because the amount of resources it would require to create a highly detailed simulation would make no sense as it would in reality be innefective at portraying our reality

>> No.18716428

Not if the simulation is only simulating what the subjects experience instead of the whole universe.

>> No.18716439

Only if you assume the basis of fidelity up chain is equal to our own. Watch how this conversation degrades compared to the actual nomenal world we purport to phenomenally experience. Now pretend that the noumenal is simulated by a system as complex in relation to the noumena as the noumenal is in relation to your comprehension of my words.

We are a video tape of a video tape of a video tape playing a bad painful meme.

And only buddhism allows respite from attachment to that. And respite from artists who continuously break gods arms due to their crucifixion fetish.

>> No.18716443

The only Christian belief that works is Christian Universalism. Everything else is absolutely childish

>> No.18716451

>And only buddhism allows respite from attachment to that.
How? Provide how one would get started

>> No.18716466

>suffer a great injury
>now immobile
>wow, you sure have improved

>> No.18716473

For the lulz

>> No.18716484

>How? Provide how one would get started
Don't sit while sitting.
Don't work while working.
Don't read while reading.
Don't chant while chanting.
Don't think while thinking.
Don't be while being.

May as well let you into the 35th chamber to start with:


>> No.18716488

Read the story of Hyakujo's Fox. That's the one that finally broke me.

>> No.18716501

isnt that how evolution is supposed to work? a species keeps getting rekt and all of a sudden it develops methods to prevent the rekting?

>> No.18716507

the point of cognizant material is to understand the one idea separate from all material
and through the vehicle of freewill to understand a character

>> No.18716527

The koan that broke me is the question of what the 36th chamber of Shaolin is.

Here we have 35 chambers and you can supervise 34 of them, but not the 35th, the highest chamber.

>I wish to take shaolin to the people.

You are expelled from this monastery and may never return.

Think about why there are boddhisatvas if there are buddhas and consciousness in suffering.

>> No.18716551

Also the wild fox is only really useful on people who think there are heavens and hells, on people who think individual instantiation is significant. There's a point and a time and a place, but it isn't as significant a koan as made out to be.

Have you eaten your porridge
Then go and wash your bowl

is far more important.

Or the old monk who doesn't fuck the slut. (a version of carrying a maiden across a river)

>> No.18716574
File: 117 KB, 455x727, 9C2F268A-49C0-47DE-A308-C934CA037629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God isn’t white first off he’s a black man also if your white you or any other nation besides a Hebrew israelite you have nothing to do with the Bible go worship aryanism or some shit but here’s your answer faggot.
Isaiah 48:10 Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

>> No.18716580

I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say because you're TOO FUCKING STUPID

>> No.18716581

>Why does God allow us to suffer?
A hurricane or earthquake doesn't want us to suffer, it just does what it does. Same with God.