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File: 132 KB, 700x544, Cima_da_Conegliano,_God_the_Father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18882358 No.18882358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is your opportunity to convert an atheist - do your worse anon

>> No.18882364

If he does not exist, why are you talking about him then?

>> No.18882372

I see a lot of people on here talk about god and I was wondering if they had any reasoning for why they think he exists

>> No.18882379

because he doesn't not exist.

>> No.18882380

So you are influenced by other people on this point but who influenced the other people to talk about god?

>> No.18882389

Are you asking where does the idea of god come from? Humans would be the answer - we can come up with the idea of god in the same way we come up with anything which does not exist.

>> No.18882395
File: 1.65 MB, 720x900, god beautiful creation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof 1 of 2

>> No.18882398
File: 624 KB, 640x480, annea with pige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof 2 of 2

>> No.18882400

yeah, but we did not make him up like other fairy tales (like for example the hydra) which are localized in a certain space and time, the idea of gods is so persistent and old that there is something eerie about it? dont you think?
Like we had a genetic proneness for it or something else had a weird grip on us right from the start...

>> No.18882417

I would probably put that down to the idea of god being so similar to our ideas of ourselves, or ideas which are seen valuable in ourselves - things like the ability to create, be intelligent and powerful have always been the most desirable traits to humans, so we are going to imagine the thing to worship and receive guidance from as having these traits

>> No.18882424

what a cutie

>> No.18882484

yes, this argument makes much sense if you are talking about contemporary christianity or other modern religions which were cleaned up by centuries of theologians and philosophers
But there is some raw stuff that is completly foreign to the conventional human experience in the Old Testament alone, angels which have lovecraftian forms, diseases which can infect houses and give it new weird physical properties
religion is a bit more complicated and weird than the feuerbachian explanation of it permits

>> No.18882496
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>this poor creature will either spend a lifetime locked up and being forcefully inseminated to produce offspring and milk for human consumption, or will be taken to a factory, get stunned, have its throat slit, and get butchered for a tasty meal by people who wont remember or appreciate it moments after the meal ends
>and such is the fate of billions upon billions of other creatures like this one
This may be a sign of God to you, but to me, its more a sign of why suicide might not be such a bad idea

>> No.18882498

I too came to this conclusion over the years. I still haven't experienced anything paranormal yet. Materialism might be true.

I am not fully sure though.

>> No.18882524

Consider this, faggot: He DOES exist.

>> No.18882525

>This may be a sign of God to you, but to me, its more a sign of why suicide might not be such a bad idea
Hey man I agree accept for the suicide bit - knowing that humans can do this awful thing is painful but remember that you dying wont help the animals or stop the humans - try living with the intention of pursuading people or at least reminding them where their food is from

>> No.18882527

To demonstrate the nonexistence of the christian God doesn't make you an atheist

>> No.18882535

>there is some raw stuff that is completly foreign to the conventional human experience in the Old Testament alone, angels which have lovecraftian forms, diseases which can infect houses and give it new weird physical properties
So we trust these accounts or is the point that these are totally new ideas. I do not know to what degree they are totally new ideas - we know the power of the human imagination.

>> No.18882539
File: 356 KB, 1219x1280, ouroboros snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opposition to spirituality
Logic system

Something out of nothing
Cosmic purpose
Free will

Meaning of life
Good and evil


>> No.18882545

Instead of suicide i chose veganism but after months in this diet i think death was the only option i had in the first place. How does one lift while eating vegies?

>> No.18882555

So persistant that there are thousands of different gods around the world, no two the same, and the only way a religion could get wide spread is by it followers going out at forcing other places to believe in their god.

>> No.18882565

Unless you've gone full retard and only eat a raw diet then it should be incredibly easy for you too eat enough calories and protein to build muscle. Do you eat beans and lentils and whatnot?

>> No.18882567

I am not saying that these accounts are in the same way "real" as for example modern scientific data, the point I am getting to is that god and religion is not true in itself but its consideration and study may reveal a deeper understanding of us

>> No.18882572

yeah remember when christians invaded the roman empire and forced them all to become christians

>> No.18882597

Retard level response

>> No.18882604

Prove he does not exist.

>> No.18882611

That's not god's creation, it's been bred over centuries to look like that by humans.

>> No.18882626

Why do Christians think it acceptable to mas murder these

>> No.18882641

>reductive materialism
Oh no no no

>> No.18882645

I agree that studying religion can be valuable as religion has been attached to human societies but I do not think god exists

>> No.18882650

Yeah i was partially joking anon. I eat well, don't worry. Veganism is probably not the exact word to describe my diet, even tho i stopped eating meat for the obvious reasons, i still eat eggs and my occasional greek yoghurt. The state i described was my first days after denying meat, but i figured it all out.

>> No.18882709

Idealism doesn't imply there is a god, no need to be materialist to be an atheist.

>> No.18882993

Oh ok, cool. I just like to make sure my ethical bros are having a balanced diet.

>> No.18882994

Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
The universe began to exist.
Therefore, the universe has a cause.

What caused the universe to begin to exist do you think? In order for a being to create time and space, it would have to be a transcendent being of immense power. Sounds like God is the best explanation of why anything extists at all.

>> No.18883024

>The universe began to exist.
did it? although i'm not convinced by either, thomism is better than the kalam crap since it doesnt rely on the universe "beginning" to exist

>> No.18883167

jesus, my ex had the same toy.

>> No.18883227

I was born into a christian family, raised a christian. Grammy was a pastor. Just because I don't believe in God doesn't mean the christian mythology isn't a deeply ingrained part of my life.

>> No.18883234

You just did a heckin' infinite regress.

>> No.18883238

Are you trolling?

>> No.18883249

Friendly reminder that there is nothing ethical about veganism. You are children denying the reality to which you were born. Shit or get off the pot.

>> No.18883253

He doesn't feel God
>on the sound of wind passing thru the trees
>on the laughter of a child
>on the wrinkles of an old face
>on the smile of the grateful
>on all living things

For 10 years I was fooled by my own ego and the know it all religion of atheism, no more, now I know my true place and I will return to God.

>> No.18883256

If God exists he is totally and completely incomprehensible so I dont see how it makes much difference if I believe in him for not, what does it even really mean to believe in something incomprehensible. I'm really not interested in such formulations as 'god is love, god is one, god created everything, god is being' etc because you can never build anything intelligible out of this stuff and it reduces the supreme being to a category in your meme system you just slapped together basically out of arrogance.

The Christian myth and believing in Jesus Christ as a specific person who said specific things is much more interesting and viable to me, but of course with revealed religion of this sort you get into a new problem since there are a bunch of them. You could just worship whatever god, you could worship a star or a tree.

>> No.18883259

Why is that feeling god. To some people it's just "natural beauty" or "the natural order".
Listen, I'm all for some grand structure to the universe that we don't full comprehend. But why is that God?

>> No.18883281

>the universe needs a cause to exist
this has been proven false btw

>> No.18883296

>You could just worship whatever god, you could worship a star or a tree.
You're so close to a breakthrough. "God" and all forms of worship are a tool that humanity uses to bolster our inter and intrapersonal characters. We can either use this tool consciously or unconsciously. Unconscious use gets you the arrogant meme system. Conscious use gets you Nietzsche, or something analogous because that's what he was advocating.

>> No.18883307

Read Plotinus
>the deboonker has arrived

>> No.18883313

Christcucks are retarded but atheists are just unbearable. Most Christians I've met are pretty reserved and cool for the most part but atheists JUST. WON'T. SHUT. UP. Most of them genuinely believe that scorning religions and telling others that they are retarded for believing in such things can be a replacement for a personality. I hate ALL self-proclaimed atheists. No exceptions. They cannot conjure up a minimum of decency to let religios people alone. If I had to choose between living in a church or living with these gargantuan fucking retards I would choose the church. At least in a church you can still find remains of a genuine community.

>> No.18883317

Give me the arguments Plotinus presents that you think will change my mind.

Also yeah, gonna need >>18883281 to elaborate because that would be proving a negative.

>> No.18883318

>do your worse
Atheists are apparently illiterate.

>> No.18883323

Here is the thing, you don't know if someone is an atheist unless they tell you. Yes those atheists are absolutely fucking disgusting. But what about your average european fart sniffer that just plain didn't grow up with god, and has never believed in him.

>> No.18883337
File: 57 KB, 755x715, 2021-06-22_17-07-07_img-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally cant LOL
Just eat everything u want

>> No.18883338

You momma has be proven false btw
Source: dude trust me

>> No.18883343

>Christcucks are retarded but atheists are just unbearable. Most Christians I've met are pretty reserved and cool for the most part but atheists JUST. WON'T. SHUT. UP. Most of them genuinely believe that scorning religions and telling others that they are retarded for believing in such things can be a replacement for a personality. I hate ALL self-proclaimed atheists. No exceptions. They cannot conjure up a minimum of decency to let religios people alone. If I had to choose between living in a church or living with these gargantuan fucking retards I would choose the church. At least in a church you can still find remains of a genuine community.
The irony is that ~300 years ago it was the reverse, the same type of people would force dogmatic Christianity onto random strangers. If you question an atheist's ethics and metaphysics it is just watered-down Christianity anyway.

>> No.18883365

The Apostle forbade women preachers. Your grandmother was not a Christian but a heretic. She did not have faith, she had delusion which is why you had none to begin. She is burning in hell right now and the Savior indeed foretold of liars like her, "I never knew you, depart from me".

>> No.18883373

>The universe began to exist.
But God, didn't, and dosn't need to UwU
I know this because he revealed himself to me in a dream

way to kick the can

>> No.18883383

Nietzsche blatantly worships power though, or rather he says he we all do beneath the surface

>> No.18883392

>If you question an atheist's ethics and metaphysics it is just watered-down Christianity anyway.
I agree with this, but why is that weird? Is it supposed to be a gotcha
We literally live in a society

>> No.18883393

Atheism is a growing trend while religions are dying. They have a wish to proselytize just like religious people had back in the day. Yet, fringe religious groups are much common and the most annoying one, especially evangelical christians. Catholics, anglicans and luterans are cool.

>> No.18883395

There isn't an argument or point that can make you change, all change needs to come from within. The neoplatonist 'God' is not like the conventional ones. He just IS and EMANATES. Every conscious soul is a part of 'him' and he should thrive to return to him to our thru self (>know thyself). That emanation can thouch any soul and be part of this co-creation (reality). At the end of the day you can have 2 view points: there is no miracles or everything is a miracle. I think we are a little full of the first type desu.

>> No.18883407

>Heaven and hell
I didn't think the Bible went into details about these...

>> No.18883414

>everything is a miracle
Literally not what the word means

>> No.18883426

Yet here we are, spinning on a giant ball made of rocks thru the void. Godspeed anons!!!

>> No.18883431

I think it's too fucking funny, stuff like women preachers, gays wanting to marry in Church, etc.
You obviously go against scripture, and in these cases it's so super clear, no room for interpretation; your actions are not Bible-approved
still they want to be part of the church/clergy, LMAO
like, just become a pagan or something if you want to worship that badly

>> No.18883447

The type of patriarchy advocated for in the bible is quite literally illegal in all western countries

>> No.18883554

The writing expresses non reductive physicalism. The logic system, which is broadly known as the mind, is a set of particle interactions. The mind is the product of the interactions, not the particles themselves.

>> No.18883569

>"I never knew you, depart from me"
Exactly how I would feel about God if he turns out to be real.

>> No.18883578

He is correct. Your mistake is not understanding what power is, in the Nietzsche context at least.

>> No.18883582
File: 251 KB, 345x588, godisreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread
>ignore debate reflective of humans' inability to originally and logically explain why there is or isn't a God
>post this
>exit thread

>> No.18883584

Lifes way more kino if god exists. So ill believe him

>> No.18883585

Because even atheists are living in a society that was Christian for centuries, they might not know why their moral beliefs are basically just liberal Christian ones, but they are nonetheless.

>> No.18883607

>The neoplatonist 'God' is not like the conventional ones
uwu so quircky exdee, he's not like all those other guys. ignore his unfalsifyability, thats something he has in common with literally every other god but just ignore that uwu.

>> No.18883612

Still haven't said why it's weird.
>people are influenced by the people around them(society)
wow thats so crazy

>> No.18883633

No I understand what it is, it's practically a synonym for inevitability. The spiritual tends to be 'orthogonal' to this force

>> No.18883637

So stop denying it. You know it to be true. This is the way of things.

>> No.18883670

I dont know it. I can see why it's a plausible view of reality.

>> No.18883690

fair enough, i apologize for being hyperbolic.

>> No.18883696

read Plato and Boethius

>> No.18883719


Once you grow up from an infant to an adult you cannot physically revert back into being an infant. Same applies for beliefs. Once you become smart enough to call yourself an atheist or a non believer you cannot be 'converted' back to a spiritualist.


>> No.18883779

If anything we seem to be slowly moving past Christian ethics anyway. The whole mercy and forgiveness stuff seems to be getting replaced by a more 'crush your enemies, never forgive them, keep them crushed' attitude.

>> No.18883795

I would say "yes and no". We see today an increasing radicalism in defense of Victims that seeks to "outdo" Christianity while abandoning the ethic of forgiveness and mercy - there can be no quarter given in the defense of the victim.

>> No.18883812

>The whole mercy and forgiveness stuff seems to be getting replaced by a more 'crush your enemies, never forgive them, keep them crushed' attitude.
That seems like a regression in ethics, not a ‘moving past’.

>> No.18883878

>Once you become smart enough to call yourself an atheist or a non believer you cannot be 'converted' back to a spiritualist.

this is the most retarded sentence i think i've ever read

>> No.18883880

God as “man in the sky who casts judgement on us down below”? I don’t believe such a god exists. God in the pantheistic conception of God? I believe in that.

>> No.18883889

Ahh the Platonic Noble Lie. So very Noble, else how the plebs will know their place in *checks notes* Mormon Jutah.
What, you don't trust John Smith that an angel came down to him and gave him the golden tablets (that he totally had, but can't show to anyone but the most initiated)?

>> No.18883938

It appears you dont read enough, otherwise you would be smart enough to agree

>> No.18884000

Atheists BTFO

>> No.18884020

This but unironically

>> No.18884024


thats funny

>> No.18884051

Totally superfluous though. You already have 'everything' or'the universe', you're just giving it another name