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[ERROR] No.19089279 [Reply] [Original]

Any literature on how to dispose of evil demonic books?
I have the so-called 'Bhagavad Gita' in my house and some writings of Rene Guenon on Hinduism I would like to get rid of, but I don't want to desecrate the land or waters.

>> No.19089414

Burn 'em, duh. That way the individual copies can't survive to corrupt others. If you're concerned about the air just say whatever jesus stuff helps you to live with yourself.

>> No.19089552

I dont want to desecrate fire by doing so though...

>> No.19089609

I've burned a few books because I don't want other people to read them after me. Lenin, Hitler etc. Then just throw the ash away.

Maybe use a solvent.

>> No.19089612

Eat them, you fool.

>> No.19089627

>I dont want to desecrate fire
Lol what. Fire purifies everything.

>> No.19089772

>" And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed." Acts 19:18-20

>" And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven: and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Beth–el." 2 Kings 23:4

>> No.19089780


>> No.19090162

Okay I will do this then. What should I use as fuel? And where do I do this to not accrew any unwanted attention from potential followers of this garbage?

>> No.19090175

I also have his refutation of the modern world and Lord of the world. Is modern world demonic enough to burn?

>> No.19090198

burn them and enjoy the eternal hellfire

>> No.19090209


>> No.19090230

Rene Guenon was a great sage and the Gita is part of a great Aryan epic

>> No.19090303

It's the other way around anon

>> No.19091133


>> No.19091148

Give them to someone who wants to read them.

>> No.19091389

I don't want to spread the false teaching and make people fall into eternal damnation.

>> No.19091449

Oh shut up you huge bitch pussy. Why do you even have these books in the first place? Recent convert to Christianity?

>> No.19091466
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I read Guenon about 2 years ago before converting and now realize that it's spiritually damaging to have heretical literature in my room where I pray. 'Bhagavad Gita' is not even mine, I just hid it to not let other people read it and get damaged.

>> No.19091541

>concerned about evil influence
>browses 4chan

>> No.19091560

>it's spiritually damaging to have heretical literature in my room where I pray.
What, the books give off evil emissions are tarnish your pure thoughts made in that room? Get a fucking grip

>> No.19091878

I don't use other threads with disgusting imagery, only Christian threads and only on this board.

I read this story about a monk who had a Nestorian book in his cell and the Mother of God did not enter it.

Presbyter Kyriakos, who served in the Kalamon Lavra located near Jordan, narrates: “I saw in a dream a woman, reverently dressed in a purple robe, and with her two men. They stood near my cell. In the woman I recognized the Most Holy Theotokos, and in those who accompanied Her - John the Baptist and the Evangelist John. Rejoicing at such a visit, I threw myself at the feet of the Intercessor of the world and began to ask Her to enter my cell and in it pray for me to God.
But She didn’t agree. When I, with tears, did not stop begging Her, She said to me: “In the cell you hold My enemy, how do you want me to go to you?” With these words She departed, and the vision ended. After awakening from sleep, I began to grieve and ponder: who can be the enemy of the Most Holy Theotokos in my cell? I myself did not consider myself guilty of anything against Her, and there was no one else.
Indulging in grief for a long time, I finally decided to entertain myself by reading the books I had, and at the end of one of them I found the lesson of the heretic Nestorius, who was condemned at the Third Ecumenical Council for calling the Blessed Virgin not the Mother of God, but the Mother of God, claiming that from Her was born a simple man, not God in the flesh. It was only then that I realized who was the enemy of the Most Holy Theotokos in my cell. Taking the books, I immediately took them to my brother, to whom they belonged, told him my vision and, filled with jealousy, in his presence I cut out and burned the sheets containing the false teachings of Nestorius. Let no enemy of the Most Holy Theotokos be in my cell from now on!

>> No.19092105

>Mother of God did not enter it.
The mother of G*D let some people suck her tits. Her body, her choice, it's not about the book.


>> No.19092170

Remove this post about the heretic Bernard and about disrespecting St. Mary please.

>> No.19092208

>I read Guenon about 2 years ago before converting
>it's spiritually damaging to have heretical literature in my room where I pray

>> No.19092239

I have Dante's inferno in my room. Should I get rid of it?

>> No.19092293

>desecrate fire
/lit/ younglings are absolute morons hahahahaa, they can't into the very memes they push

meanwhile i've read every /lit/ meme, and on top of understanding them, I havent let them corrupt my mind. zoomers brains are fried.

>> No.19092327

in two years you will have your own cult

>> No.19092380
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I submit to Christ now, before I didn't submit to anything and my intellect was the sole arbiter of truth.

>> No.19092480

recommended Guenon books to convert me to Christianity?

>> No.19092560

Guenon was only useful for me to deeply see the falsehood of modernity and syncretism. That a religion, if it is to be true should be ancient and have traditional succession. So all I can recommend is crisis of the modern world, and maybe reign of quantity if you read it while keeping in mind the falsehood of advaita and guenonian spirituality.

His teachings on Christianity are mistaken (essentially standard liberal assumptions that it's all some kind of allegory and Jesus was just an enlightened teacher) since he didn't even know much about the true branch of it (Orthodoxy) in which the deeper mysticism can't be blended with monism, like it can be in all the other religions he studied. So it is really unique amongst the ancient religions, this led me to study it and realize Christ's truth.

>> No.19092605

Ok so a typical internet ortholarper. Have a nice day.

>> No.19092631

I hope you join us in worshipping Christ anon. There really is no other real joy than this.

>> No.19092702

>since he didn't even know much about the true branch of it (Orthodoxy) in which the deeper mysticism can't be blended with monism
We know for sure that he read Meister Eckhart and I assume also Dionysius the Areopagite so I don't see how eastern orthodoxy would have changed his opinion. I don't remember exactly where but he wrote in a derogatory way about what he called "slavonic mysticism". He considered mysticism in general to be passive and not initiatic. I don't care that you don't like Guenon but don't assume that he would convert to orthodox christianity or something if he knew more about it because is simply not true and I saw this opinion many times around here.

>> No.19092716

I just saw that you wrote "can't" and not "can", remove Eckhart from what I said.

>> No.19092784
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>heretic Bernard
Literally a ch*rch father, seethe
>disrespecting St. Mary
Never happened
She has ultra based tits, which are even mentioned in "Hail Mary", cope

>> No.19092825

If the name of god is in it, you must give it away to the local genizah, if it especially important then it WILL be placed near a grave of a righteous man - call 1-800-G-D

>> No.19092854

Kiryakos in Persian means "penis or vagina"

>> No.19092892

>Is modern world demonic enough
Has been for at least. at the very very very very least for 10 years.

>> No.19093624

Why do you say this?

>> No.19093657

Just from what I've seen personally. There was more to the whole 2012 thing than I think anyone realizes.

>> No.19094612


>> No.19094820

Hope this is a conscious and deliberate larp, OP, as your choice of "evil" book suggests. If not, I wish you the best of luck working through the delusion that you, or any other meta-contrarian here, could ever become a sincere moralfag book-burner.

>> No.19094829

I don't follow human morals for burning the book, but rather religion and God's word. In Leviticus, touching something unclean can make you unclean till the evening. I want to have peace in my home and not heretical books which break this peace.

>> No.19095678
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>> No.19095937

Orthodoxy can and absolutely does infuse its mysticism not only with the spectre of monism, but with pervasive sentimentality that corrupts and overrides the true teaching of the underlying doctrine, being the metaphysical doctrine.
Orthodoxy is too individualistic such that it is only applicable to the particular, where true doctrine will contain the form of universality.
It is also too systematized, which essentially exemplifies the other points made

>> No.19096650

>corrupts and overrides the true teaching of the underlying doctrine
heretics opinions not welcome.

>> No.19096727

Bro you're desecrating the internet posting this shit.

>> No.19096749

t. prideful modernist who think he is above prayer and knows the truth

>> No.19096796

>Maybe use a solvent.
I have some hydrogen peroxide at home. Maybe soak the books in it so the pages are unreadable and dump them?
I would still have to burn out the 'Bhagavad Gita' demonic front cover.

>> No.19096803

Anon, you’re being an idiot.

>> No.19096810

Bump. Also Bulgakov's book with satan in it.

>> No.19096914
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>I have the so-called 'Bhagavad Gita' in my house and some writings of Rene Guenon on Hinduism

>> No.19097496
File: 170 KB, 680x694, b95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont want to desecrate fire by doing so though...

>> No.19098266

t. ortholarper who got filtered by my post

>> No.19098306

>I don't want to desecrate fire
Zoroaster, is that you?