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19549847 No.19549847 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book on how to grow a strong personality? I have no spine whatsoever and let people walk all over me

>> No.19549852

The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracian

>> No.19549857

It is because you perceive yourself as lower than them in the social hierarchy and are afraid to upset the status quo. There is nothing you can do about this, but there are tricks you can use to artificially inflate your status, like wearing expensive clothes, or spending extra time grooming yourself

>> No.19549858

>published in 1647
Were people even civilised back then lmao

>> No.19549872

Fucking frogposters, man

>> No.19549875
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Hit the pub, chat with strangers

>> No.19549876

No, they weren't. Try reading recent news articles about how you should act as a man. That's the cutting edge of civilisation.

>> No.19549879


>> No.19549887

>There is nothing you can do about this
Why not? I've met a lot of people in my life who isn't higher in social hierarchy but commanded respect wherever they went

>> No.19549892

I'm not OP dickhead
who even reads a book that old to learn about how to operate life in 21st century

>> No.19549907

kill yourself immediately.

>> No.19549915

Are 21st century neo-humans communicating telepathically? the book mentionned isn't what to say, but how to say it. It's a collection of some 300 aphorism with great literary value, praised by Schop and Nietzsche. Many things are timeless, get it through you thick 21st century skull

>> No.19549916

Kerouac, Bukowski, and Knaussgard will help.

>> No.19549922

Bigots, obviously. You should read Ready Player One and learn about the future instead.

>> No.19549930

Henry Miller

>> No.19549931

>thick 21st century skull
Why couldn't the thin skulls of 1647 invent smartphones with which I'm typing?

>> No.19549940

Chronic social defeat-induced social avoidance as a proxy of stress resilience in mice involves conditioned learning

>> No.19549953

>Coping by way of baiting
>is actually seething rn

>> No.19549963

say what you usually say, but YELL it.

>> No.19549964

Interesting subject. Is there a book on this?

>> No.19549979

textbook: https://www.elsevier.com/books/stress-resilience/chen/978-0-12-813983-7

survey: https://www.amazon.com/Resilience-Mental-Health-Challenges-Lifespan/dp/0521898390

pop sci: https://www.amazon.com/Resilient-Grow-Unshakable-Strength-Happiness/dp/0451498844

>> No.19549999

I'll second reading Gracian, it really is an essential text. Also read Lord Chesterfield's letters to his bastard son, which are collected by several publishers. And after those if you still need help, there's book called No More Mister Nice Guy which is okay. But the self-help genre is rather pathetic, and pathetic is what you're trying to get away from, innit?

>> No.19550002

Take hugs man.
Have you studied this subject before to be able to pull up resources this quickly?

>> No.19551009
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