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/lit/ - Literature

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19832895 No.19832895 [Reply] [Original]

When is a book true literature? Who gets to decide what is literary?

>> No.19833525

Jiggly breasts

>> No.19833567

Why does she call herself a professor?

>> No.19833645

I'd love to facefuck her. I bet she's a total slut in bed

>> No.19833741

What are with the random pauses?

>> No.19833881

>books behind are ordered by color

>> No.19833994

All girls who are the library type are huge sluts

>> No.19834012

Literature is similar to the term "normie" on /r9k/. It doesn't really have a meaning and can be stretched to denigrate or elevate anything you want it to

>> No.19834436

No, they're the highly neurotic type who's feelings about sex are tied up in gender politics. They think that "a conversation should always take place" before sex and have stories about how a guy "raped" them because "consent has layers" and the dude didn't ask permission ten times during the act.

>> No.19834461

What a painful video. She keeps saying that she doesn't want to abolish the literary canon, but keeps referencing authors that make the claim that there's nothing good about the canon anyway so why keep it lol.

>> No.19834901

It's the way highly feminine women are. Don't expect them to actually have the courage to take a stand on something if they might face backlash. That's what men are for. Women are there to smooth over social disagreement and they always want to be on the winning side because it's safer for them.

>> No.19834919

Yeah I stopped listening to women years ago when I had this realization, and my life got much better. Now I just see a stream of pastel colors with glitter coming out of their mouth whenever they talk and don't bother trying to figure out what their "position" is. Everything is a mood and a feeling for them.

>> No.19834963

Whenever you feel sad and think about how much you wish you had been born as a woman, reminding yourself about how stupid women are helps a lot and how worthless they are is so fucking therapeutic
They have nothing to say about anything meaningful

>> No.19834997

what should I comment to get on her nerves? She's clearly reading teh comments

>> No.19835000

do something she can't delete, find an actual reason the video is heteronormative or patriarchal or some faggot shit like that and post it in a genuinely concerned and non inflammatory way but one that also puts her in a position of having to apologize for it

>> No.19835230

>how much you wish you had been born as a woman
do you faggots really??

>> No.19835268

i like to imagine besieging her city and finding her cowering in a library alcove after the rout and raping her while she shakes with fear, then becomes calm and clingy afterwards

>> No.19835623

Didn't this bitch had a video shitting on Philosophytub for being a pseud about Kant or I'm tripping? I can't find it.

>> No.19835635

Why do you give these bitches attention?

>> No.19835638

She says she used to believe one should be kind to everyone no matter what and that everything could be resolved through peace and tolerance, but she changed her mind when Trump came to power and realized you can't "stop a whole fascist regime with the power of friendship", so she learned it's okay to punch a nazi. Based.

>> No.19835683


>> No.19836063
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>> No.19836115

she got back into it a couple years later
our girl is resilient

>> No.19836173
File: 185 KB, 1080x1094, 2022-01-30-15-28-27-160_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did she changed the title, bros?

>> No.19836174

you can see how her boobs hang in this video
very low
but she's pretty attractive
looks like she smells nice and is comfy to cuddle

>> No.19836206

There is nothing wrong with this video. The issue with her approach is that "the educational canon" has been developed so its easy to teach, and a lot of English teachers are incompetent.

>> No.19837176


>> No.19837217
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>> No.19837267

>wtf are wrong with some men
Stupid bitch, it’s “is”. Wtf IS wrong with some men. God fucking damn it, women cannot grasp this after being a le epic bookworm?

>> No.19837280

based. zoomers need to grow a spine and 1cc gradius, it builds character

>> No.19837279

I'm not gonna watch this video but I'm sure the point is the same with every question about literature this day: so legitimize mass produced mindless garbage.
>Do you like this trash? That's ok honey and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.19837313

I think you're joking but if you meet a woman like that in real life she wants to do some rape roleplay. Her whining about consent is her trying to hint to you that she wants to be raped (safely), but it won't count if she just asks for it.

Obviously set up hidden cameras beforehand because part of the fantasy for her is you violating consent during the roleplay, and she'll make that up and claim you raped her and your legal defense will hinge on the video from multiple angles you took when you actually did the roleplay. Her ultimate satisfaction will come when you "got away with it" so she becomes not only a rape survivor, but one the state failed to protect, so she now gets all kinds of leftist social cred.

>> No.19837363

Made me kek

>> No.19838018
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She is hot, therefore I agree with everything she says.

>> No.19839030

shes ugly bro. whats wrong with you?

>> No.19839057

okay dogwalker

>> No.19839100

who cares?

>> No.19839105

So it took Trump but Hitler and Stalin never occurred to her?

>> No.19839115

probably teaches some middle school kids

>> No.19839124

Isn't that an American thing where many uni teachers are also called professors? I mean by that definition I was a prof as well.

Then again it's not like it's impossible that she's a legit professor professor. If she isn't though, calling herself prof is super lame.

>> No.19839129

She's a liberal woman, please understand.

>> No.19839137

>where many uni teachers are also called professors
That's literally what a professor is. Professor = person who teaches at a university. What is a real professor if that isn't the case?

I imagine most liberals like Stalin. Not sure why the Hitler example never occurred to her.

>> No.19839141

Anyone that teaches at a college/university in the U.S. can call themselves a professor. Thus, even if she teaches at a community college teaching remedial English to the disabled in a podunk state in a podunk town, she is still a 'professor'.

>> No.19839146

>That's literally what a professor is. Professor = person who teaches at a university. What is a real professor if that isn't the case?
No. In many countries "professor" is a rank you actually have to officially attain, one above PhD.

>> No.19839149

as far as I'm concerned the idea of "consent" is some enlightenment gibberish that lead to mass democracy. it belongs in the garbage.

>> No.19839180


Liberals are right wing to actual left wing people.


>> No.19839488

Are you saying consensual pain doesn't make sense? Consensual forced bondage?

>> No.19839502

This guy mark fishers.

>> No.19839519

>Whenever you feel sad and think about how much you wish you had been born as a woman

>> No.19839557

PhD isn't a rank though, it's a title you obtain after defending a thesis while professor is a job you can have.

>> No.19839563

Never said otherwise, I just said "she's a liberal woman, what do you expect."

>> No.19839909

better click bait

>> No.19840291

>When is a book true literature?
when i like it
>Who gets to decide what is literary?

>> No.19840344

>Whenever you feel sad and think about how much you wish you had been born as a woman,
stop false flagging, roastie

>> No.19840357

I'm a man, I have a dick and XY chromosomes in every cell of my body
Sorry anon